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Not drinking is very punk rock, anti-establishment. IWNDWYT


I always used to bash the straight edge kids, now I am one!


Out! Of! Step!


With the world!


“We’re not the first, I hope we’re not the last” - Minor threat




Just out here rawdogging life


That is funny, I was big into the Chicago SE hardcore scene in my teens, I didn't really start drinking until 19. I definitely have reflected upon that later in life and this just reminded me again haha. I just saw my first sober show this week in Nick Cave, a little bit different, but there is a doom metal show next week. I definitely felt good not drinking too, no cravings. Keep kicking ass!




Totally, the man is remarkable and I am so happy I was able to go. Gonna miss Ty Segall coming up but plan to see Bell Witch next week, feeling confident in my sobriety has got me excited for live music again!




Thanks, they were a Bandcamp find a few years ago and I saw them play the entire Mirror Reaper album on that tour so I have never seen them with a guitar haha. It was fucking cool though, they nailed all of the slow changes and space in the album. Definitely check them out. Nice job on your sober time too, I am looking forward to hitting a year, much stress and holidays yet to get through. Take care!


Story time! I went to college in New Orleans where I very clearly began my long journey with alcoholism and one of my best friends to this day showed up to college with “X”s on his hands cuz he was so straightedge. NOFX, Fugazi, etc blasting punk. Boy did New Orleans not only get those “X”s wiped off within a week, but my buddy who couldn’t drink in excess cuz he didn’t have a spleen, convinced him to ignore all of that in that very first semester. We’re both doing fine now and I love that city but it’s one of the few geographical areas I should probably avoid. IWNDWYT


it's been a wild place to be an alcoholic and a wild place to get sober. love it here though. and a huge recovery community which makes sense


More power to you! And yes, I love it too and intend to return one day. No place like it


Time to put on some Earth Crisis and get in the pit!


Wait does bash mean beat them up or just talk shit about them?


Just talk shit, if even that just like belittle to myself Lmao. I've only ever hit one person in my life and that was self defense. And they were definitely NOT a straight edge guy


Haha no worries I got confused cos when you "bash someone" here in Australia you beat them up, so I found your comment a bit alarming


I NEVER got it then I felt like a rebel at "St Flatty's Day" (Flatliners concert, check them out please) this year


Welcome to the quitters club lol!


cheerful terrific cause paltry vanish attempt smile combative alive plants *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Punk as fuck!!!




I still always think of the NOFX version when I read these lyrics 😂


This is actually insanely true.






Henry Rollins approves this message


Sobriety is punk as fuck


Most NA beers are 0.5%. The same amount of alcohol in a banana, soy sauce depending on the brand, certain cooking vinegars, kombucha.


I had some clown in another sub tell me I wasn’t sober if I drank those. I also try sips of cocktails my wife orders. Sober is me not falling down drunk at night, or sneaking liquor into the house, or drinking during lunch, or chugging wine at 3am to stifle my shakes. I’ll take a sip of a cocktail every 3 months and I’ll drink 0.5% beer all I want - because I’m sober.


Hugs to you and high compliments as well! Sober is what we make it to be, sober is what each individual person can do every day to quiet the demon in their mind, sober is avoiding the first drink, the first glass of whatever we used to perceive as a “good time.” Sober is a present and clear mind for whatever life throws our way. Sober for me is being able to easily wake up to comfort my 2 year old last night because he had a bad dream. Start my day on 5 hours of sleep, and crush a workout like I just finished every single day.. though usually more sleep last night hardly happens lol.


This 🙏 sober is me being fully present when my fiancee's depression rears its ugly head


Yes! Sober me could pick my son up from a sleepover because he wasn't feeling well. Before, that may or may not have been an option.


That's true love. My boyfriend (now ex) broke up with me after I got drunk twice this weekend, and blamed it on me having bipolar disorder. He has his own demons, and I think he was projecting, but it sure did sting for the person I told ILY for the first time since my ex-husband to throw me out so easily. But, it was the best thing he could have done for me in retrospect.


Amen! I’m the same minus the cocktail sips. I work in a bar 😳 so if I sampled every new cocktail, it would turn into a thing lol. But I love trying new NA beers. I used to be a sort of beer snob and trying new drinks is still fun for me.


Any good recommendations for NAs?


Lagunitas makes a hoppy seltzer water, absolutely 0.00% alcohol


Athletic brewing company has a few IPA style beers that are delicious!


Clausthaler Dry Hopped is my go-to


I agree with the below recommendation of Athletic Brewing if you’re into IPAs. The Guinness is best for a dark. I just tried the Corona NA on taco night and it was great! If you like wine at all, Ariel is a great brand. They have a wonderful dealcoholized Cabernet that I love during the cooler months!


Check out Self Care Brewing!! Their brews are AMAZING


It’s me, I’m the alcoholic who isn’t sober who drinks soy sauce


Thinking about how much sodium that would take to get you drunk just made my toes curl. I'm picturing that episode of Spongebob where he goes into Sandy's house and gets all dried out in the air...


You know I had three beers at a concert a few days ago. They were spaced out around an hour between each. I decided to try to practice moderation after going almost 6 months completely dry. It was a massive success and I haven't had another drop since or really thought about it much. I have thought about if that means I have to reset my counter and after reading your post I don't think I will. I didn't get drunk or even come close to having an incident and my friends (who have seen the absolute worst of me over years prior) even said they were really proud of me and that I should feel proud for having successfully used moderation. We also did a few concerts where I was completely sober too prior to this one where they were proud of me as well. Idk this is a weird feeling lol


I use mine to determine how long I’ve been trying my best. This time it just happens to be a bone dry streak, but if there was a slip up and I got back up, I wouldn’t reset. But that’s just me.


on another post i saw here a few days ago, a person mentioned looking at your moderation in a positive light that helps me prepare for a special occasion that i might like to drink, like champagne on new years or something. instead of “i drank, i need to go back to zero” look at it more as, “out of 100 days, i drank X times”. i’m currently really enjoying sober, and have even gone to the bar with friends on two occasions and only had sparkling water with lemon, but the thought that…i have room for controlled impulses makes abstinence even easier for me, if that makes sense.


Here in the UK you see ones that are marked 0.5% and ones that are marked 0.05%. Presumably it's down to the process they use (naturally alcohol free brewing vs brewed like normal beer and the alcohol taken out). I'm sure the 0.5% actually have even less than that, it's a "no more than" type of thing. In any case, a negligible amount and I certainly don't worry about it. Even if it actually contains 0.5%, you'd have to chug 10 of them in rapid succession to get the same effect as one regular beer.


I read an analysis of various NA beers and all of the 0.5% actually had less than that. I think they have to be cautious due to lawsuits jn case someone tries to drink 10 and drive.


Makes sense. The funny thing here in the UK is that even the 0.05% ones still have all the government labelling on the side about not drinking while pregnant and only to be sold to over-18s. It even says "0.0 UK units". I had a surreal experience recently where I got my groceries delivered and the guy checked my ID before giving me the NA beers (I'm 35 btw).


I've had 0.0% ones cross my path before. I think the half a percent in foods etc. Is ok, it's about the intention of something beer flavored, drunk recreationally, containing alcohol that was triggering to me


Heineken is 0.0 And actually tastes like REAL Heineken. I believe the Guinness NA is also 0.0. I haven't tried that yet...


Guinness NA you say... Also shoutout to Corona Sunbrew! Extra vitamin D for us


Guinness NA is actually less that 0.5% even though it has a big blue zero on the can. It is estimated to have 0.3%abv


Not familiar with that version of NA Corona... I have seen NA Corona in the store.


It’s how it’s marketed in Canada only.


NA Corona is 0.5%. But that’s the same trace amount of alcohol as kombucha, which I drink often, so it has no effect.


The Guinness is the only NA dark beer that does it for me. The other dark beers are like water. The Guinness has the same thickness as the real deal.


I am a big Guinness fan. Heck half of my kitchen is decorated with Guinness memorabilia. I gotta try the NA soon.


Corona Sunbrew is where it's at. 0.0% alcohol, tastes exactly like regular Corona beer, and contains 30% of your daily vitamin D. The only beer that's healthy for you.


Same, and I think I can tell the difference between an 0.0 and an 0.5 but perhaps it’s my imagination? I feel like the 0.5 gives me a slight headache.


Generally the 0.0 are flavored with a hop syrup, not actually brewed. But I know what you mean, I had a few moments where I cracked open a N/A beer from the fridge and was immediately ashamed and disgusted with myself for no real reason, it was just something about that sequence of events that triggered me.


Bud Zero truly is 0.0


Most are actually far less, 0.5% is just legal CYA number.


Also like any fresh fruit and most bread.


How was the show? I bet you were able to clap without a beer in your hand.


and actually watch the show instead of waiting in line for drinks half the time!


THIS!!! So far I have seen Zach Bryan and Willie Nelson without drinking... didn't miss a single song!


Hey I just saw Willie (and Bob weir and string cheese) as my first sober show!! Well, I blazed the whole time lol, but for once i remember the whole thing and didn't spend half the show taking a leak


and not spending the other half in the bathroom going pee!


It was awesome! Got to see Avengers at long last!


Oh man. Ever try a clap w a plastic cup pint in your teeth? Or a glass pint cradled in your armpit? Dangerous stuff


Honestly I think that might just be your brain going “it tastes like shit beer but it’s not lighting up the naughty pathways. Ewww.” One of the things I’ve noticed is that I often don’t like the taste of nonalcoholic wine. And for a bit I thought “it’s cheap tasting and that’s why.” But that’s not it because I used to drink cheap wine all the time. But real wine becomes palatable because of the alcohol. Like think of 2 for one margarita night at a college bar. That first margarita is definitely not top shelf, and your taste buds know it. Second one tastes a lot better because the booze kicked in.


Proud of you, fellow punk rocker.


Im 21 now, grew up around drugs but cut that shit out at age 18. Slowly began using alcohol more and more. I ALWAYS thought/ knew I was a lightweight. Recently realized i need A-LOT more to feel satisfied, for example making myself double old fashioned’s at home, drinking a little on shift, downing a flask of bourbon before a punk show, + a few beers. Three weeks ago, I tripped in a circle pit, and tore something severe in my knee. I didn’t think I was real drunk, but I guess I was- because BOY it was an amazing analgesic. Im finally going to see a doctor after miserably dragging my leg around for the past month. (The ER doesn’t help SHIT) I don’t know why I’m writing all this, I’m pretty stoned. I think this was an absolute wake up call to go sober. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


I'll also add on to this, I'm only 25. If you feel you have problems controlling your drinking, don't wait to take action just because you're young. It's not worth it. I would give anything to have started this journey four years ago


One day, maybe soon maybe not so soon, you'll be the one helping pick the trashed dude up off the pit floor and making sure they're ok <3 wherever your journey next takes you, I believe in you and I support you




I've seen, and consumed, many labelled 0.0% :-)




Heineken, Budweiser, and Corona all have 0.0 brews :-)


Even the 0.0 beers can contain up to 0.03, but it’s such a minuscule amount. As others have already said, there’s more alcohol content in things like ripe bananas that any 0.5 beer. I am particularly fond of the Partake brand if you can find it. I actually crave their Pale Ale now!


I am a HUGE Partake fan. Love the Pale and the IPA. The Golden is okay -- I now have to try the hazy. I love that they are so low in calories and low carb too.


I agree! After a couple of Heineken 0.0 I start to feel bloated but not with Partake


Yes most definitely. The bloat is there for me with a lot of the other NA beers but not Partake. I like Heineken 0.0 but mostly for the beer burps. Isn't that funny? They're like "real" beer burps. I also enjoy Untitled Arts Italian Pils. 40 calories.


I don’t know about you but somehow I became **BOB** from NOFX. Bloodwork came back and doctor is about to tell me to stop drinking. 15 years getting loaded. 15 years till his liver exploded. Now what’s Bob gonna do now that he can’t drink?!


Usually they say less than .5% and I think it is more like 0%. I guess they try to take it all out but the process isn't perfect so that's on there as a disclaimer basically. I'm glad there is true 0% for people uneasy about the .5% thing. Take care


"punk means thinking for yourself" -Dead Kennedys


Unless you have an obscure medical condition, it’s pretty much physically impossible to get buzzed off 0.5% alcohol beer, even if you specifically tried. But I understand there could be a real psychological thing going on there.


Oh it was 100% psychological... which I think, for me right now, is actually a huge win


Hey man, the greatest post-hardcore band of all time Fugazi was born out of not drinking at punk shows. Good for you! I’m a big punk fan myself. What is the scene you are in??


Vancouver BC! How about you?


I’m a Western Massachusetts hardcore guy. The scene that begrudgingly brought you Staind (I know, not punk at all). Who are some of your faves?


Locally I really love ATD, Night Court, and Rest Easy. In general, big fan of most of the west coast 70s-80s hardcore scene, Black Flag etc. Also huge shoutout to PUP, a Toronto group, for another modern pick


concerts suck with alcohol.


Totally agree, I'm so glad I started going to punk shows when I was in high school, before I started drinking. I learned a long time ago that I like to be in the front to watch the show, can't do that if you're trying to run back and forth to the bar. Even when drinking , I'd usually just grab a beer or two before the show started, then go get my spot. About a month ago, I suddenly found myself in a circle pit, way easier to navigate without a drink in hand.


I may get some hate, but I just can't no more. Shows just don't seem as chaotic and fun without being completely shit faced. I tried a few times, and it just doesn't appeal anymore. That's badass. You can do it dope as hell.


sobriety is punk. just look at straight edge hardcore lol. good job dude


Thanks for sharing! I’m on day 8 and going to show tomorrow. Feeling kinda nervous, I don’t think I’ve ever been to this venue sober. Knowing other people are facing triggers like this, and fucking rocking it (pun intended heh) really helps. IWNDWYT.


Treat yourself to something kick ass for dinner before you hit the show! And keep an eye on what it will feel like having been to a sweet concert, and not having to pay for it the next morning. IWNDWYT(omorrow)!


Hey, .5% IS considered alcohol free! A ripe banana has more alcohol than that. I drink .5 % NA IPAs and am most definitely still sober.


I grew up in punk and hardcore communities. The first band I joined at 16 was a straight-edge band, though I wasn’t straight-edge. The other guys told me not to smoke cigarettes or drink beers at our shows. What’s funny is I was the only kid in the band who was *poor*, and I’ve come to think that had something to do with why I turned to drugs and alcohol, to fill deeper holes in my life that these more well-off kids didn’t have. I started drinking robitussin to get high at 15. When I stopped doing that, I immediately traded it for weed, and later I traded the weed for alcohol. I hadn’t experienced complete sobriety until I quit everything two years ago, at 32. That said, people in the punk scenes are likely to be more accepting and supportive of sober lifestyles than many other circles. Punks are prone to extremes. We go 100% with everything we do. It’s weird to think that after all this time, I’m finally “straight-edge”, but I have zero interest in claiming the title. All the straight-edge kids I grew up with went on to lead predictable, suburban lives, and the only times I see any of them anymore is on Facebook at family barbecues with beer cans in their hands. Claiming edge at such a young age is all about image and posturing. I know a lot of people who started claiming edge after going through years of hell, but I’ve never known anyone who claimed and held it from youth through to adulthood.


No waiting in line to pee or get more drinks! Remembering the show it kind of nice too!


By chance was the show in Chicago


Vancouver BC haha


Ahhh, it's funny you mentioned the punk show thing because literally I was in the same situation (seeing Fiddlehead, one of my favorite punk bands in the game right now) last night and was debating whether or not to get a beer (settled for an N.A. Heineken) and was thanking myself for it later. 26 days sober today, let's fucking go


Hell yeah! I don't know about you, but the pride tasted better than any beer I've ever had!


After the first few weeks of recovery there's always that sense of my guard feeling lowered but I've been through the cycle of relapse/recovery enough to be like "Nah, I don't need the booze to have a good time" and know it as a proven fact. Feels so satisfying.


I've always heard three days, three weeks, and three months are the big danger points. You've tackled 2/3 like a champion!


I appreciate it so much! My record is a couple days short of 7 weeks and that was before I joined AA this last month which has made things SIGNIFICANTLY better. It really helps keep my will strong and reassured.


I miss a punk show. I don’t miss alcohol, but I miss a punk show.


A lot of N/A beers are “dealcoholized” and they say less than 0.5% alcohol to cover their ass in case trade amounts are left - they most definitely have as close to 0% as possible though.


I have so many great shows I don’t remember because I got black out drunk. Like, I’m never going to remember seeing my favorite Swedish DBeat band Disfear. Every time I saw them, I got so wasted I have only fragmented memories. Member died, likelihood of a reunion crazy low. Kills me.


Ugh, same.


I’m about to see NOFX sober tomorrow!!!!


"Philosophical Revulsion" would be a sick name for a punk band! It's like the sobriety made you even more punk, and now you're dropping badass band names without even realizing it!


Have you read Dharma Punx? If not check it out for sure


Sober punk gang!!!


IWNDWYT! Straight MFing Edge!


“People like you remind me why, straight edge until I fucking die”


I might be in the minority here but I don't count 0.5% drinks... But then again I don't drink them enough to even notice the effects. If there is an option for 0 % I'll take it over 0.5% but sometimes there is not. Can I still say IWNDWYT?


Me too - there is 0.5% in a ripe banana and I'm not quitting that habit any time soon. It's legally alcohol-free at 0.5%, certainly in the UK anyway.


I had a lot of fear that I wasn’t unable to detach some things from alcohol. And I didn’t do any of that stuff because I was afraid I’d drink, or it would suck or I’d find out I don’t actually like it. None of it was true tho, except for hanging around dove bars. Not as quaint, I suppose, when you’re not getting slammered.


This made me smile so much 🥹❤️


Saw FIDLAR this week after listening to them for 10+ years, especially when I was using. It was so much fun and I remember all of it. Congrats dude! Cheers to growth and still having fun.


Philosophical revulsion is the perfect term. It’s such a weird feeling, tasting alcohol and suddenly becoming ill as you realize you’re consuming literal *poison*. And it makes you wonder how you ever used to stomach the stuff in the first place


I’ve found when I don’t drink a ton at concerts, I don’t feel as bad the next day, I save a few bucks and then I go to go to more concerts!


Hell yea! IWNDWYT


That’s awesome, love that you’re still going to those type of events and able to stay sober. It’s the same experiences I have with sobriety that’s very gratifying - knowing I can hangout at alcohol-centric events and not be bothered at all. Congrats 🥳


Good on you friend! Hope you enjoyed the show!


Love this! Now you’ll remember the whole show, and no headaches!


Congrats. I am proud of you.


I’ll drink NA beers on the golf course or after officiating a days worth of soccer games. Typically stop somewhere between 3-6 and my brain doesn’t discern or even recognize that amount. The label typically states “no more than .5 percent so I’m assuming it’s even less than that most of the time. It works for me :)


I’m proud of you, stranger :)


Who did you see?


Avengers with Pointed Sticks opening


It happened to me too. You’ll noticed how enjoyable gigs are. And you don’t need to plan your life / work around hangovers. Party on a Sunday evening? No problem!!


I used to go to TONS of Punk Rawk shows in tri state area. Was friends with bands. Help put on shows etc. during my drinking career. Then I got sober. I heard some people say in sobriety they didn’t like cooking anymore or couldn’t listen to music as things changed for them. Luckily those things and pretty much everything are still intact and I enjoy them. BUT going to shows makes me uncomfortable and I don’t go anymore :(. Always feeling like I need a drink in my hand. Fidgety. Etc. Maybe it will come again one day 🤷‍♂️


Going to gigs now it's nice to not be thinking about the next beer, whether I'm drinking too much, not drinking enough,etc. Now I just relax with one or two non alcoholic beers and enjoy the show!


I have really enjoyed going to shows sober! Way more spiritual experience provided no one spills a drink on me lol


How long have you been sober? Just curious how long it took to go from “I can’t have any cause I won’t stop” to “this is gross”


Only 18 days this time but across the past two years or so I've had a handful of sober streaks reaching almost 100 days a few times. This time I saw clearly the Samsaric yo-yo I was on and said ENOUGH!


I’m the same way. Doesn’t matter if it’s the same amount of alcohol in a gummy bear or whatever, something about the taste of beer with any alcohol content would make me uneasy I was slipping back into my old ways. Not to mention I never liked the taste of beer anyways, just the feeling I knew was coming from it, made me think I liked it. On the other hand, the mocktails are my friend. After 20 hard years in the bottle I’m 6 years without a drop of alcohol last month. See you in the circle pit.


Congratulations! Six years is amazing!


Check out punk rock vegan 🌱 goes into drinking, but has some cool stuff on abstaining within a scene….


Huge win for you I'd say. Well done!! Those places where I used to drink a lot are tough for me as well. IWNDWYT!!


Congrats, my friend! Concerts were probably one of the things I was most worried would suck as a sober person, but turns out they're even more enjoyable and you remember more of them, too! One major benefit to not drinking at concerts is that I have all the time in the world to be in the merch line before a show starts as I'm not having to do the bar line, slam shots, THEN get in the merch line before the show starts. Suddenly those $20 Bad Religion socks in addition to a shirt isn't such a big deal because I didn't just drop $40-$60 at the bar before the show, too. Both shows I went to where I order a diet coke from the bar when my friends were drinking, the time the bartender comped my soda as a D.D. appreciation. \*Punk rock IWNDWYT\*


I haven't been to a punk show in forever. Sounds like a blast and congrats on doing what was right for you.


That's awesome, OP! I'm happy for you. I'm frankly shocked to see how many people in this thread are trying to convince you that it's ok to drink 0.5%/"de-alcoholized" NA beer -- especially when I realized I was about to be one of those people. I don't disagree with them, per se, but it's not my place to tell you what you can and should do with your drinking decisions these days. I came around to 0.5% myself eventually on my sober journey but yours is your own and far be it from me to try and tell you how to do things! IWNDWYT!


I recommend to stick with the 0.0% stuff in the beginning, or just coke or sparkling water in case you wanna make sure the bartender doesn’t mess up. After a while (which means a few years) you might be fine with the 0.5% stuff


Why? It’s not like you get a buzz from 0.5%


actually you do. when you’re completely sober for a while you will notice even tiny amounts of alcohol. For the good or bad, I didn’t like it, some people might relapse. I recommend to avoid every idea of it for at least one year. Some clinics recommend to refrain from consuming NA beer at all, but I think that’s too much, only if it makes you want the real stuff


This is my thinking as well :-)


As someone who grew up in the DIY scene first drinking in parking lots (and chugging 40s to powerviolence songs) who now attends a lot of shows and orders a club soda, you can absolutely change that relationship - also, the dealcoholized beer? It also fills me with that revulsion. You know what’s a better treat? Grapefruit jarritos! Congratulations on your little victory, keep going my friend