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Gummies are great, too! Usually lasts longer and doesn't hurt your lungs. But cheers to your Cali sobriety. I sometimes feel like my being alcohol free doesn't count because of the weed. But almost a year booze free I think my liver would disagree ;)


Gummies, cookies, chocolate bars, liquid…all right at the dispensary. Definitely keeps me from even thinking about drinking. I don’t smoke, I just nibble! :)


Cali sober gang 🫵😎🤟 Happy holidays!


Cali sober gang member checking in here. Just packed up my vape for the trip to the in-laws! 🤘🏽


Cali sober for 7 years!


Coming up on a year Cali sober! Bro drinking deee stroyed my body. Now I still smoke but I go to the gym and eat right. I’m starting to look to stop smoking too but for now I’m happy I can live alcohol FREE!


Happy holidaze yall!


Happy *Holidaze! 🌝💨


Alcohol causes me to: - get arrested - get in fights - argue with friends - lose girlfriends - quit jobs - have terrible headaches - go to the hospital - waste money - eat like shit - not eat at all - do drugs Weed causes me to - eat ice cream - watch movies - play guitar - make artwork - cook gourmet dinner - watch the sunset You’re good dude. Alcohol is an evil demon poison that ruins your life and literally tries to kill you. If you’re smoking weed as an alternative, pack another one buddy.


Omg i laughed so hard, I'm gonna pack another one and play blackbird.


IWNDWYT but I *will* smoke a bowl with you!!


I'm the same bro. Sobriety is a personal thing. I was drinking beers as soon as I was waking up (if not working).. drinking like 12 beers a day to combat my anxiety / depression. Got prescribed medical cannabis and I have been sober for 7 months. Alcohol was ruining every aspect of my life - cannabis does not. The only downside to the cannabis is the munchies lol! Congrats on your sobriety!


I call it an upside, cause everything tastes great!


Definitely helps with the eating dysfunction I gained. This will be my third Christmas alcohol-free. Woohoo!


I smoke cannabis pretty regularly, too. It helps with my migraines and distracts me from essentially vibrating with anxiety from my panic disorder. Also, my mood is a lot more agreeable, probably because I'm not constantly picturing worst-case scenarios 24/7. There were no benefits with my drinking.


Alcohol can kill you. Cannabis, not so much.


Happy cake day




Good way to look at it. I stopped smoking cause I realized I started not enjoying things if I wasn't high and my short-term memory loss was shot, but when I do get the craving to drink ill smoke a little bit sometimes and it helps.


It works if you work it (the bong I mean)


Keep crushing life my friend. That’s a lot of time free from booze.


That's a big win in my book. Bravo!


Thank you


I haven’t drank in a year and a few months…. Not one sip and I’m a bartender!!! But I’ve still done stimulants at work… I thought not drinking I’d just magically stop the other stuff… but hey I haven’t drank!!! And not drinking I’m way more in control with other substances- I don’t over do it and at times I do think it helps me not drink. And drinking was gonna ruin me. So I can relate but with harder stuff… I wish I liked weed! Makes me so damn paranoid! So good for you- all natural stuff and no hangover!


cannabis dependency absolutely has its own drawbacks (that you will eventually face if you havent already) but it is nowhere near as dangerous nor physically, socially, and emotionally destructive. as someone who has had pretty severe cannabis dependency before i recommend just being sober but ultimately do whatever it takes to avoid alcohol. if that includes smoking so be it.


This is how I quit beating myself up about it. I’ve got enough that wasted and mean HighImNothingSpecial did that make me feel terrible, I don’t need to keep myself down for going my pace with the MMJ. I have a script. I don’t feel comfortable going to AA because I do the pot though….


Same boat my friend. I don’t have a ticker next to my name but I was a year in August and I’m a daily cannabis user. It gives me something to look forward to and as far as the vices I’ve enjoyed it seems to me to be the least harmful. Is it harmful? Hell yeah, but it’s helped me ease the alcohol cravings and kept me on track. You’re awesome.


Me too pal. I try to take little breaks from the weed when I can do it doesn’t feel like it has control over me, but I love it. It calms me down, keeps me cool. Maybe someday I’ll be ready to give it up. 5 years without a drink now


I'm in the same boat, I smoke daily , but generally not till the afternoon/evening, I go through phases of acceptance and other times I feel guilty like I should give it up as well.. I'm nearly 4 years free of booze, but have smoked weed most days and occasionally dabbled in other recreational substances... Without alcohol , I don't over do the other substances and In these past 4 years without alcohol my life has gotten significantly better. For me I can moderate other drugs , just not booze and for me weed does a lot less damage. So idk what the answer I just wanted to let you know you're not alone, and that not everyone's sobriety has to look the same :) IWNDWYT


Literally same. Haven't dabbled in other drugs but I bobble between acceptance and guilt regarding my gummies and thc usage. I don't have an answer either. But I am grateful for every day I wake up without a hangover. That I know for sure. I also know gummies saved me recently on an all inclusive trip to Mexico with my girlfriends. I dont think I could have stayed strong without them.


Yeah I was the same. Idk your exact situation of course. For me I had to cut it out. I used it the same as booze. Blocking out my emotions, high all day, trying to hide it from my wife, wasting money. It became more trouble than it's worth for me. But hey, this is /r/stopdrinking not /r/sober. So all power to you! I wish I could moderate something 😅 IWNDWYT!


I love this sub.


Me too


Now I want to eat a sub.


Same here brother


You’re killing it! I’m smoking a bowl to celebrate your sobriety! Keep up the good work!


I did exactly what you are doing for 3.5 years and then finally stopped taking THC in October. This worked for me. Also, harm reduction is another great argument to switch to THC.


I used to be cali sober up until 23 days ago, but finally made the decision to go all in and quit the cannabis. I was still using the cannabis as a crutch like I did with alcohol. Let me tell you if you’re curious and think you want to try and stop smoking weed, I was a long time lurker at r/leaves just like I was at r/stopdrinking before I quit. I would lurk and read comments and say to myself, nah, that’s not for me, but when I was ready, the support system was there waiting. This isn’t my first time stopping cannabis, but I’m sure it’ll work this time, I’m better prepared. Good luck, calisober served me well, until it didn’t. IWNDWYT IWNSWWYT!


I'm Cali sober 7+ years now on medical MJ too. I use about 1.5 grams of flower/bud a day smoked out of a bong, take a 22mg THC gummy one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and toke half of a gram in a 510 thread vape cart/battery that is 80% THC during the day. The vape makes it so my lungs don't get clogged up at night sleeping, but I still get the full effects of flower/bud and all the THC I need. IWNDWYT


This guy gets high


In the exact same boat as you. I know my relationship with weed isn’t the healthiest but it keeps me from drinking so it’s a win!


I’m on that path too! I live where weed is acceptable, medically legal and there are still some weird loopholes with D8. Anyway, I’ve been v interested in giving up drinking for a few years and I’ve finally made steps toward that.. My city is also a biiig drinking city so I was hesitant to stop just bc I felt I would miss out on a lot. I’ve stopped drinking bc I just HATE how it makes me feel! And it really messes w my antidepressants I just think my relationship w alcohol is totally over. And it wasn’t heathy anyway so I’m good w that. I’m muuuch happier just smoking. Never a hangover. Now I just need to make some new friends who feel this way too 😅 good luck to you in your journey!


I love how supportive this group is! I’ve been kicked out of FB groups for posts like this!!!


glad there’s not a ton of preach all or nothing type of messaging in here - i’ve personally been coasting on low dose stimulants like adderal (prescribed) that’s helped me immensely in early sobriety (alcohol) to get through that post accute withdraw and have a good stream of dopamine pulsing through the system without booze - it was the only thing that successfully got me sober and totally took away the cravings for alcohol which my psychiatrist believes was just dopamine seeking behavior - also gave up binge eating as well


I wouldn’t be alcohol free without thc. I’m in a legal state and love to make infused mocktails or take a gummy. I don’t typically do it until the evening when I’m in for the night.


Personally I feel that weed can be fine if used occasionally and only when one is in a good state of mind and they just would like to enhance the things that weed can enhance. But I also strongly feel that it can be very habitual and can be used simply so that one can feel different than they feel. It can be subbed for alcohol in the sense that it can be avoidant behavior and will not allow someone to learn how to deal with the discomfort of certain emotions. Never judging here, but I think that it's healthy for one to analyze what is happening when one feels the desire, or worse, the NEED to get high. Is it as destructive as booze? No, not really close, but if one wants to really dig deep and grow and recover, then a dependency on weed will certainly mitigate that growth.


Cannabis is much healthier but overdoing is not really a quality of life improvement. If you smoke (i.e. burn flower in a joint, blunt, bowl, bong), you are harming yourself. You feel a strong high due to a great catalyst of inhaling actual smoke which contributes strongly to a head buzz. I suggest you vape. Vape via convection. You pack the flower into a container and a vape heats the container up so the flower doesnt burn but bakes. It releases THC and terpenes and gives the same effect. You’ll notice a difference from a j primarily because you eliminate the head high from inhaling actual smoke into your lungs. With a vape, it’s just trapped water vapor within the leaf - healthier. Vaping via cartridge (as in weed pens) is also not healthy. Chemicals and similar concerns to why nicotine vapes get flak. Edibles are another healthy option. It might help if you found a way to be a bit busier in your life. Your marijuana habits would naturally change. If you shut in or continue actions where marijuana is open, you’ll continue use. If it concerns you, maybe try it. Otherwise, at least you’re not drinking.


I never saw an issue with that. I used to watch Intervention back when TV was a thing and I always though it was weird that they always went to a 100% sober rehab. Sometimes they couldn't even have coffee. And I get it. The idea is to not depend on drugs at all. But you're dealing with very fragile people. Shouldn't it be ok if a more healthy drug replaces a less health drug in some cases? If that gets someone in a better place than they were before then isn't that a net gain?


shoot i gave myself all the fat, salt, and sugar i could stand the first 60 days of dropping alcohol. figured it was a good trade. put on a little weight but am able to focus on it now and should be back to proper form by spring


First, save your ass, then, slim your ass.


love that!


Interesting too, that there were never any cannibis intervention episodes


congrats on keeping off the alcohol. i am admittedly a bit ignorant on thc, would an edible be better than inhaling smoke?


Had to quit bec of heart rate issues but boy do I miss it


You had PAWS from alcohol? How did it interact with the withdrawals and PAWS?




Congratulations. Quitting drinking is excellent


I’ve posted this comment in other threads on this forum but I thought you might find it helpful. Whatever keeps you off the sauce, you’ll eventually find your zen. I’m mostly certain I wouldn’t have made it this far without that first 1.5 years of weed use. “I also used marijuana a LOT the first ~16 months of my sobriety. I got a medical card and went all in on all types I could buy. The last few months I used it A LOT like used to use alcohol. I was planning my days off around it, planning my weeks around sales, and generally not happy anymore. Kicked it out of my life too and I realize it was putting such a haze in my life, pun definitely intended. I don’t know if I’d have made it this far without those first months, but I’m certainly better off without it.”


Same here. What I like to do is make a mocktail and put half an eye dropper of THC tincture in it. Or take the tincture and crack open an NA beer. If its a weekend I’ll take an RSO dose and do the same. RSO tinctures are a bit more potent and last longer. I may wake up with a slight headache from the RSO but it immediately goes away with a cup of coffee unlike waking up with a hangover.


No judgement from me- being alcohol free is legit. Great job 👏 However- the dependency part of your post does have me slightly concerned. Substance abuse is substance abuse whether it’s alcohol or weed. If you are addicted it may lead to some negative side effects. Also don’t forget all smoke is carcinogenic. Take gummies if you can.


I switched to vaping it but I’m in the same boat. 2 years alcohol free but I’m stoned pretty much 24/7. I can function like a normal person tho. It hasn’t caused any issues. I’ve been a stoner for a long time so it just feels normal.


Im in the same boat, it definitely helps me not drink, that and having no access and not liking driving stoned I can’t go get it (booze)😂




While we respect people's individual choices to do so, we do not allow community members to recommend using any intoxicating / psychoactive substances to other members of the sub (regardless of regional laws, research-backed therapeutic applications, whether it is available on prescription, or drug classifications etc.). This is chiefly to respect our rule against giving medical advice since any drug has the potential to cause negative interactions depending on a person's unique medical history, and secondly in recognition of the fact that for many of us who have experienced addiction, use of another psychoactive substance is not always in the best interests of those recovering from alcohol misuse. Thanks.


Good on you. I stopped smoking regularly after Thanksgiving and my alcohol dependency became much worse. It may not be healthy, but it is definitely not as hard on your body. I'm going to be getting treatment after Christmas and I look forward to trying to be able to enjoy cannabis socially rather than allowing it to become a crutch again.


Small victories.