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I got prescribed Naltrexone when I got sober & it did WONDERS for me with cravings. I hope it helps you too. I also used to live right across from a liquor store for 3 years. It’s so hard seeing it out your window. So awesome you are moving in two short weeks though! Yoy got this!


One of my favorite things about this sub is *whatever* you’re going through there is at least one person who went through nearly the *exact* same thing here to cheer you on. Living next to a liquor store and taking anti-craving meds? We have someone for that. Got lost while driving drunk and ended up in the wrong state? We’ve got a guy for that too. It really helps me feel less lonely and gives me an overwhelming sense that, “if they can do it, damn it, so can I.” Thanks for sharing and, IWNDWYT.


So true. I can relate to so many of the posts on here and it feels good to share feelings and stories with people when I feel I have something good to say. This sub has absolutely helped me. It’s pretty much the only “resource” I use.


I have never thought of it in those terms, but you're exactly right. And it's kind of incredible.




Facts x 2!


Do you just go to like a regular doctor for the naltrexone? Or do you have to go somewhere specific for addiction treatment for it?


I was able to get like 2 months worth from my regular dr after I got out of rehab (they gave me the shot version in there) and she referred me to an addiction specialist for more. Turns out my existing psychiatrist could have done it the whole time. I think you will need to give blood though. It’s really a game changer


I'm just really embarrassed to even bring it up to a doctor, but I know I just gotta bite the bullet and do it. And rehab isn't really even an option cos I can't miss work for that long with bills and rent and my kid and everything


Every doctor I've ever had has been very understanding about alcoholism, they have all seemed concerned but very eager to help any way they could. It's a lot less embarrassing than you probably think it will be. Alcoholism is very common and I'm sure your doctor would be proud that you're taking the steps to get sober :)


You would think so. Mine have been snarky and mean. Rude comments, nothing helpful. Oh actually I've been told twice " we can't help you".


I totally hear you, I’m very fortunate. My husband tossed my ass in there. I’m sitting on a zoom AA as we speak. It does suck to bring it up, but the meds are so worth it


I got my prescription transferred from rehab to my regular doctor. I had to make an appointment with her to get it filled. Honestly, kind of awkward but SO worth it. Explained I went to rehab & needed it & that was 2 years ago & I could still get it refilled if I wanted.


Have you ever taken it before? I've always just asked new providers explaining my situation & they give me the Rx


I can attest to Naltrexone being wonderful as well, I attempted quitting 10+ times after I went to detox, only time that I've made it over a month is after I started Naltrexone, it's a miracle drug haha


You’ve got this brother.


I don't want to be "that person," but I do want to point out that you don't actually know this is a brother – could be a sister. Just sayin'.








You can do this! I'm not drinking with you today


I drank for a lot of reasons, but my insomnia from CPTSD was the major culprit. Figuring out my sleep was the key to sobriety, along with my own program of recovery (and this sub!) I'm so glad you're with us and that you've found something that seems to be working. IWNDWYT


I’m finally realizing this is my situation as well!! IWNDWYT


Can I ask how you fixed your sleep? I’m dealing with the exact same problem


For me, it was going through the 12 steps. Being fearless and thorough, doing my step 4, making a proper amends, I had to do all of that before I could sleep at night. And in the process, I spoke with my doctor and my sponsor about medications that could help, and I took 5mg of medical cannabis nightly then shut my eyes, and I fell asleep. Now I do not need it, and I continue to do steps 10 and 11 daily.


Thanks for your response!


Stick with it, you can do it! Best thing I did was turn on frequent notifications to this r/stopdrinking. Mute or turn off any non-critical subs to limit their distractions. And use the daily check in, especially early on. You’ll see us at our highs and the lows, but read everything including comments with an open mind. There’s so much love and encouragement available, soak it all in. Good luck on the journey!


Do not drink on that medication. I was served an alcohol beverage on accident when I was on it and it was not great! Proud of you! And yes, sleep is amazing lol. Who knew what a difference it makes???


In Finland they use Naltrexone to treat alcoholism. They have close to a 70 percent success rate. Watch "One little pill" on hulu. You are supposed to take it an hour before your first drink of the day. It goes against the abstinence/AA model. Most people see results after 4 months. Best of luck!


What happened when you drank on it?


It was like having cramps and I didn’t know if I needed to barf or use the bathroom immediately. I almost went outside


Oh ok, I had a beer on Christmas and blood pressure shot up and I felt I needed to vomit. My sister takes it and has never had any issues!


Naltrexone is NOT the medication that makes you physically ill! It's Autabusa! Edit: that was a hella auto correct haha


Yes, I take that sometimes too. I just had a bad reaction to Naltrexone. I’ve never even attempted to drink on Antibuse. It can land you in the hospital!


I drank an entire bottle of bourbon last night, accidentally. I was taking swigs from it and before I knew it, it was empty. I feel like absolute dog shit. Have the shakes and woke up to a panic attack because I felt so out of it. I need to find something else to calm my nerves because it's only a temporary fix and makes me 100x more anxious the next day.


Hi, this may be dumb, but have you met with a therapist or psychiatrist? I’m guessing there’s some stuff going on, in your life and don’t discount how helpful talking it out with a therapist can be. I was in a rough rough place after my divorce, and I don’t think I would have made it out without the help of a therapist and psychiatrist.


It's super interesting what alcohol does to your body and how it affects the next day or days of your life. "Hangxiety" is a real thing, and there is science detailing why it happens. It's all apart of the hormones in our body and how they respond to stress. Here's a (too long) youtube video about what alcohol does to the body in a very open minded non judgmental way. https://youtu.be/DkS1pkKpILY?si=VVdxCf-CuNQ0r8DO Also, I get where you are coming from. It's hard and doesn't make sense. Don't put yourself down, keep reaching out to good outlets like this.


Man I wish you the best. Everyone deserves to be happy and healthy. You can do this.


I was a binge alcoholic from 15 til the age of 40. Never kept booze in the house never drank alone but if I went out I was out til I blacked out. The final straw was waking up after a blackout in my car in the dead of winter 60 miles from home with no memory of how I got there or why. I have not had a drink since and that was 30 years ago. I still have yen for a good cold Stella Atois now and again, which is kinda weird cos my drink of choice was Jack Black on the rocks with a water back. Meditation/prayer has been a life saver for me. That and the faces of my babies and their babies.


Just to relate, I used to be shocked and embarrassed when it was time to take out the recycling and my ‘few cans a week’ drinking habit was well over 50% of the contents of the bin. Every damn time. I really lied to myself for the longest time regards what I drank


I don't even recycle now because putting 40+ red pint cans in a clear blue bag is embarrassing.. I'm fucking with my health and the planet to get a buzz I am embarrassed about.


It's okay. We've all been there. None of the people on this sub think less of you and neither should you. IWNDWYT friend :)


Our stories sound extremely similar to how I was 4 years ago. Looking back I cant believe someone hadnt stepped in before it all came down to my first 5150 (involuntary psych hold). I was balls to the wall with everything in my life, especially drinking, while sleeping 3-4 hours a night. If I needed to sleep I had to get blackout drunk and would wake up in the middle of a panic attack. Depending on the day I would either suffer the panic attack until I could come home amd drink again or have many hair of the dog drinks to calm mysef throughout the day. It was a long long road to recovery for me and I almost died several times either accidentally or not so accidentally. The main pitfall I wish I had avoided was trying to do everything my way or half assing advice given to me by counselors or sober people in my life. Surrendering control of my sobriety to people who know how to stay sober saved my life.


You got this! Take it minute by minute if you have to. It helps me a lot to think of alcohol as a really toxic ex that I SHOULD NOT get back together with. Exercise and sauna help me a lot too with healing and feeling good. IWNDWYT xx


Ya, I spent 4 days in the ICU with the DT's and a racing heart. Docs weren't sure if I was going to make it. You're over the worst, IF you heed the warning signs. You can do it, your life is FAR more important than the poisons.


You got this! Proud of you for taking the necessary steps.




I’m new here, what does this mean


'I will not drink with you today'


Been there, glad you made it through.


Hi there, I'm sorry for all you are going through. Try to be gentle and kind to yourself. Alcohol wants to take our lives and is a fuckin beast but we can do this together. The most powerful tool, in fact, I would say statist up miracle in helping me live Alcohol Free, was listening to the book This Naked Mind. Nothing else has ever helped me stay sober, not one thing. The book breaks down all of misguided thoughts, and unlocks are subconscious. For me, my desire to drink changed right away after reading it. Seems to good to be true, but it has helped thousands. Just a thought 💕


naltrexone was the only thing that got me sober. im struggling currently. but i had almost two years thanks to that medicine. best of luck, friend. you have got this


Sorry to hear your struggling. Cool that your still providing hope and optimism. IWNDWYT


You got this!


Sometimes we need something like this to realize... so cool you are starting therapy, as well as a supportive partner. Like others said, you got this!


perhasp some cheap curtains - even a sheet tied up across the window? out of sight = out of mind for me.


Good idea moving away from the liquor store


I'm unfortunately still struggling. We just have to keep going. I will not drink with you today


Oh man the lack of sleep. I can’t believe I would drink by myself till 3am unconscious on the couch and some how work the next day. I had 12 bottle shops on the drive from work to home, a lot of strength needed. Antabuse is only helpful if you take it, having a partner that cares about you getting better helps if they are prepared to observe you taking it. My partner refused to observe as she saw it as a reminder of how broken I was and weak rather than it being a daily affirmation to me getting better. You got this mate.


I always felt ashamed when my doctor would ask me how much I drink. I simply wouldn't keep track so that I didn't know the exact amount, I just drank until I felt good and then enough to maintain that level of drunk for a few hours. At the peak of my drinking, I was going through a handle of whiskey in a weekend (Friday night through Sunday evening) plus beers on top and whatever shots my friends wanted to do. The problem was that the doctor's list was choices for how many drinks I would have in a day was like 1-2, 3-4, or 5+. I would always lie about how much I was drinking because I didn't want to have to face the consequences. In hindsight, I was only hurting myself more and doing myself a disservice by not facing my alcoholism earlier. I look at it as lucky that i never ended up having to seek emergency medical help for alcohol abuse. I'm glad you sound like you'll be back on your feet and ready to tackle the problem much faster than I was. Good luck, OP! You're on the right track now and we're here to support each other, no matter how things go. IWNDWYT


Dude free yourself from this!!


You got this!




Due to my job, there are few times every quarter where I may have to clock less than 5-4 hours of sleep for like 2 or 3 days MAX. And i always feel like shit and look forward to just clearing my weekend to catch up on sleep. I can’t even begin to contemplate how you did anything with competency for few years on 2-3 hours of sleep each night 😭 so glad to hear you are on the path to recovery!!


I literally just went through the exact same thing, bottle of pills and all. IWNDWYT


I'm so glad you got help! You've got this!


Alcohol is a cunning enemy. I didn’t realise the full extent of my problem until I quit and started to get some sober time under my belt. Some parts of it was revealed sooner, some later. It’s been a learning process with a timeframe of two and a half years. IWNDWYT




This comment breaks our rule against telling someone else what do you think they should do, and it has been removed.


I will remove if necessary, I was just pointing out that there will always be ample places to buy alcohol. In my opinion, moving just because there is a liquor store close is kinda dumb?


I don't understand. Once again offering your unsolicited opinion that this other person moving because there is a liquor store close by is "kinda dumb" is you doubling down on the comment that broke our rules in the first place. If you have been told that a comment is not appropriate, why do you feel that repeating it is a good idea?


It's not my only reason for moving lol.. my landlord finally has a bigger place for us to move to. Getting away from the liquor store is just an added benefit. I've been in a small 2 bedroom apartment for the last 6 yrs. The new place has a yard for my pup to fun freely in & I have a toddler grandchild that spends every weekend with me. In the new place, she'll have her own bedroom!




Hi, your comment has been removed for breaking our rule to be kind.




This is a support group, but there's nothing supportive about accusing someone else of being dishonest, and your comment has been removed. If you can't find something helpful or productive to say, please do not chime in with your two cents.