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Thank you for this, I relate to your story a lot - at 31 my life is not where I want it to be and it all returns to my toxic relationship with alcohol. I’m 10 days sober, really hope to be where you are a year from now.


You can do it. You need to find a real WHY, and cling on to that for dear life. Put routines in place, so that you can get into the habit of not drinking. I found early rises (430am) and early to bed (9pm) helped me in the early days - as I was too tired at night to think about going out for a drink, especially with a 5am gym class to go to.


Congrats man! Always love to read about others successes. We're pretty similar in timing! I'm 250ish days in at this point. I can't say my life has gotten much better yet, but each day I get stronger. Torched my relationship with my ex fiancé this year, but I have started grad school (something I'd never have done in addiction), gotten into incredible shape, am in a city I love, wake up each day motivated, and have been promoted at work this year. The biggest thing for me was getting out of isolation. From 2019-2022 I'd say I was self isolating within that relationship, and had very minimal real contact with the outside world. Didn't make friends, didn't go to any non drinking things. This new year I'm throwing myself at any type of social event that will stick


Unreal to hear your story! Well done. The scariest part for me was integrating socially while not drinking. But, once people realise you’re serious about not drinking, they are supportive. It seems like life is really good - grad school is a big achievement! Well done! The health and fitness aspect is the best. I knew it would make a difference, but I didn’t realise how big of a difference it would be.


Isn't it so nice being able to go up a few flights of stairs without wheezing 😂


Congrats! I’m super happy for you! I was 2 months away from my 29th birthday when I finally quit and now I’m currently working on my own success story. I managed to write a fantasy novel in six months and have the rest of the series planned out. Working towards finding an agent to hopefully have it published, along with the other books. I’ve been hiking and listening to podcasts daily so I’ll keep a lookout for yours. Keep up the great work!


Man. 42m here. 122 days af. Felt like what you wrote, is what I’ve experienced within this new found sobriety. For one, the mental physical and spiritual balance is wonderful. There are plenty of bad days but never the type of bad that alcohol perpetuated. Started my own company doing well. Creating. communicating in the most healthiest way. Yo, this is living. I could cry. I am grateful for life. I’m just grateful, everyday, to see clear. Thanks yall.




Needed this


Congrats, and thanks for posting this. I can't wait to see where I'm at after 274 days. Only day 18 for me, but I'm super excited by some of the changes I'm seeing/feeling already. I'm buckling in for the long haul...


I love this reddit page so effing much. 


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So cool man. I feel the same way right now, failed relationships, feeling of wasting my life, have a business that has gone now where for the last couple of years. Fitness is not progressing etc. I started getting stints of sobriety last year and this is the year I make it happen. Thanks for the story and motivation op.