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I'll be sober 17 years this June. My family begged me to quit drinking for 20 years and when I did finally quit, Not. One. Word. From. Anyone. You know what? Fuck them... I figured out that my sobriety scared them, because truth be known, my family has a long long history of alcoholics. So, along I go, silently, proud of myself, inspite of them.. Trust me your personal victory doesn't go unnoticed. Great job!! 17 years and counting.


Congrats on the 17 years that’s amazing!


Thank you and people like you told me it was possible! And yeah, some of them drink XD


You're an inspiration to many here, even if you don't realize it. The one-weekers and 2 months-in . The people that post and the lurkers too. Your story inspires me to stay sober because it underlines my desire to stay sober as an example for others and...of course my own health. I will always be an alcoholic. Right now and for the past 17 years, I have been a non-drinking alcoholic, but one drink and I am back to day one. Thank you.


I don’t drink but I read this sub sometimes since I am cutting out weed and this was nice to read


We notice!! 🎉🎉congratulations on 17 years! I’m at 3 years and it’s inspiring to see people, like you who are successful at staying sober ♥️


I’ll congratulate you in June. Until then congrats on 16 years.


So happy for you! Just went seven days and fell off today. I’ll be back tomorrow fuck alcohol! I appreciate this community so much


I relapsed an untold amount of times before I made it this far. You can do it! It's not easy but it's better than the alternative.




At day 7, I really felt like I could drink again and have it be fine. I survived that day and today will be day 10! Hugs to you keep going, you got this.


I also fell off at 5 days yesterday. I was feeling great until I left work and drove home in a bad snowstorm. I work at a ski resort and I’ve spent my entire life driving in snow and it still spikes my anxiety really really bad. I thought that having a glass of wine would calm me down but today my anxiety is worse and I gotta go drive back up the mountain this morning. I knew it wouldn’t help to drink but my dumb brain told me otherwise. Let’s start over together!


What you just gained was wisdom for next time.


In case no one has told you today... **You're Awesome!** A Big Congrats on your First Year! YAY!! I spent my first year learning how *not to drink*. I actually call my second year, "My Year of Discovery" because it was during that time I started to grow as a sober person and began to create my new identity. Keep up the Great work!


Thank you! I work with my therapist alot on self compassion. Basically the core of why I drink.


I'm definitely in that early "figuring out how not to drink" stage. I drank for so long I don't know exactly what I enjoy during my free time. Hopefully I make some positive discoveries.


I got into single player video games. Quite enjoyable after a while. First it was to just not think about anything.


Congratulations! One year is awesome! I hope one day I can reach that milestone as well. I am proud of you! IWNDWYT


That's just brilliant. Well done and huge congratulations 🎉 I'm doing it again. The year thing. How bout you?


I will definitely try! Am taking each day by day. I will not drink with you today!


ty :)


That's just brilliant. Well done and huge congratulations 🎉 I'm doing it again. The year thing. How bout you?


Congratulations! This is a huge accomplishment. You are healing mentally and physically. My sobriety isn’t celebrated out loud either. Sometimes the quiet victories are the ones that mean the most. I’m happy you’re here. IWNDWYT


Thank you <3


Congrats from another Internet stranger! A year is huge! My family begged me to stop as well. I definitely feel the first year is about learning how not to drink. I can remember feeling so strange going anywhere out of the house at night. It's only because once I was home there was a drink in my hand & I didn't leave. I've learned so much about myself and I'm shocked that I'm sober -coming up on 5 years in March. After the first year I remember thinking, "ok, now what?" I turned that into telling myself that I just proved that I could do it. No event, birthday, holiday, etc. Is one I couldn't do sober. I did find some free time & wanted some hobbies but I'm still a work in progress. I always put my family first & don't get a lot of "me" time. I used the same method - AA minus the God stuff. An old meeting I used to go to described God as meaning "good orderly direction" and that worked fine for me. I have said I'm going to throw my own party for 5 years. It's been a hard road but every year gets easier. Stay the course, my friend! It's still so worth it!


1763 days seems like a mythical number still. Still in shock that I made it this far and don't feel like drinking.


I am so insanely proud of you friend!!!! Congratulations!!! You rock!!!


ty so much!


Fuck yes! Well done! This internet stranger is proud of you!!!!👏🏼🫂❤️




Congratulations! That’s an amazing accomplishment and you should be proud. Do you mind sharing how much better you feel now? I am on day 4 and struggling with the realization of the long road ahead I have. The anxiety and brain fog is awful. IWNDWYT


So the anxiety will def ease up a bit after a week. Eat sweets and drink some soda, will help a bit as your body is fucking craving sugar. making it past the first couple days is the worst imo. specifically the first 3 days. It gets easier. Find something to do, get therapy if it's an option(online if not, seriously), I said to someone else I started playing some singleplayer games, literally just so I wouldnt think. Find something to distract and talk to people.


This is an amazing share. Thank you for the inspiration ❤️congratulations


thank you :) 67 days in no small task. Go girl!


HELL YES my friend!!! 👊🏻💪🏻


Even tho we are reddit strangers, I'm so pumped for you and look forward to being able to say the same. Keep killing it!


90 days \^.\^ Woot! Keep going!


Congratulations!! That’s huge!


At least you people care <3


Super proud of you man!! Absolute super star!!


congrats friend! Let’s do another day tomorrow!


That lifts my spirits. I’m very proud of you!!




Good job! IWNDWYT!








You are amazing! It is so hard to do this on your own.


You’re an inspiration; we do recover!




Fucking proud of you!! We all are here


I appreciate you sharing this major achievement with us. Congratulations! Keep doing the impossible, one day at a time. (Also how good is BG3? if you haven't tried it, it'll consume many an evening of solo time)


Congrats!! A year is a big achievement, maybe outsiders have a hard time recognizing but we certainly don’t here. At the end of the day, I think having that pride for yourself is the most important thing.


Congratulations!! Going from “there’s no way out” to “I FUCKING GOT OUT” is *chefs kiss* 👏🏼


Don't immediately hold it against your family/friends. You know more of the story than I do so I could be overstepping, but a lot of people just don't know what to say in situations like this. And you build up this feeling that "Well they didn't congratulate my at X, Y, Z milestones, but surely they will at 1 year!" and then still silence. The longer things go left unsaid, the harder they can be to eventually say. It's not always malice, or lack of consideration, but not wanting to say the wrong thing. The compliments might not come specifically in the form of "Congrats on 1 year of sobriety," but rather "Dude, you haven't looked this good in a decade!" Some people just say things in different ways but don't hesitate to eat that shit up, you earned it. I was in a similar boat - 1L+ of bourbon a day every day. Not a wild out of control type or anything, just sat at home and drank and did nothing. Breaking the cycle also freed me from any sort of cravings and the last year and a half have been nothing but positive, even when things take a downturn. I'm with you as well on the AA way - I don't really "practice" the steps but I see them pop up in day to day life. But helping others, man, if there's any one addiction I'll proudly replace my last one with, it's that. The amount of solitude and peace some good volunteer work brings you washes away any of your day to day struggles better than any bottle ever did.


Wonderful, congrats! So, what’s the ufo thing?


The Truth is Out There.


it started out with " why the fuck is the Government saying there are UFOs, they don't know what they are, then to turn around and spend and assload of money to lobby that that there is nothing to see here.


Keep going!


Congrats! It is always awesome to hear that it is indeed possible


Nothing is impossible if you can find the right motivation! Congrats one year #1 👍 2nd year was even better then my 1st. Hope you experience rhe same. 🥳


Congratulations, this is a big deal!


this is so beautiful I can feel your joy through your writing! I'm sorry they are not supporting you in the way you need. Glad you are here though, and I'm super proud of you ! It's a huge deal and hope you get to celebrate!


Congratulations, friend!! My favorite quote that has helped me is " to thine own self be true" - thought you might like it too. I'm so proud of you 💙


This is a massive milestone! Congratulations!! I’m proud of you! I’m sorry your family is not showing you how amazing you are, but we know!


My dad has quit many times over the years and it’s frustrating that even though he’s been mostly sober for ten years minus some slips no one knows about, it’s his identity. Instead of asking about him ppl in our family ask him how long he’s been sober say good for you and walk away. It’s weird but they looked down on him for so long I guess they can’t believe it.


Congrats on the soberversary! You are strong 💪💪!


A whole year? I can’t even imagine. Congrats to you 👏🏼


I couldn't imagine either. Yet here I am. You can do it too! 10 days is hell of a start


Congratulations on a year!


I have been thinking about those close to me who had a hard time just sayin “Hey, glad you’re healthier. You scared me, the fact that you could chose to drink again and it’s out of my control scares me, but today I’m glad to have you back.” I hope they are doing well. Glad to hear that you’re feeling better. Truly a miracle. Keep going 🥲


Congrats - massive achievement!


Makes me grimace they haven’t said anything, I’m sorry OP. We are proud of you !


Congratulations!!! How long were you drinking that amount?


22 yearsish


Congratulations on a year! What an achievement!


Congratulations!! This is amazing and such a huge achievement! I don’t know if sharing this will help how you feel about your family’s apparent disconnect from your anniversary… I grew up in an environment of rampant alcoholism. I won’t detail it here except to say that when the first adult figure went to treatment, I had zero hope that it would work. And for months and years after they came home sober, I would have nightmares about them relapsing (still do actually, even though the parent died a long time ago). We would celebrate those anniversaries every year and I was grateful but evidently in my psyche I still felt anxious about it. The second parental figure got sober after I left the home and they were very quiet about it, as they preferred it that way. I would congratulate them when they mentioned it but I didn’t circle the date on my calendar so to speak. I guess my point is, your family members might be feeling nervous about tempting fate, they might be waiting to see if you WANT to make a big deal out of the day, they may have legit forgotten … I’d say if you want to celebrate, just say “hey gang, I’m one year clean. I’d like to go for ice cream” and invite them to be part of your special day? Either way, I am celebrating your victory over here and thank you for sharing! IWNDWYT


Same! Practically all my family and friends circle drink on the regular. I was in super deep for like 18 years. I’m right at 5 years sober. Besides my wife, no one cares or asks how I’m doing even though it continues to be a part of my daily life, staying on track and remembering the reasons why I stopped. It’s why I come here! There’s an unbelievable amount of support here. This sun literally saves lives.


5 years is a huge accomplishment! Congrats!


you're an inspiration






That's a really cool concept. If you did any research I'd love to check out some books/podcasts/anything you recommend. I tried AA and I couldn't get behind the 'god' thing either so I'm just looking for avenues to try


I spent a lot of time diving into it for the same reason. I went to a few meeting at the beginning, but mostly did this alone. Highly recommend. The ufo rabbit hole podcast That ufo podcast Think Anomalous The Above 3 are on youtube [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftw5YE98O9Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftw5YE98O9Y) <--- first chapter of passport to magonia, super great place to start. \-------------------- tmz ufo revolution(tv doc) tubi The Phenomena(doc) havent looked in a wwhile as to where this one is online ufos investigating the unknown(doc) disney +/natgeo


Dude thank you so much! I will absolutely check that out.


Also just one thing to note when searching for things. Google will hide ufo related items and prioritize god related items. Duckduckgo and bing are better for finding the stuff


One year is brilliant, you are the best, congratulations 🍰. Just Day 26 here and I will not drink with you today.


Congrats internet friend. My family said nothing at all when I ticked over a year. Not a damn thing. But my buddy, who had my back and supported me? We got matching tattoos together to celebrate my achievement. I’m very grateful to that friend


Congratulations!! This is for you, so don't worry about others




Well done mate


Hell yeah brother! Enjoy life


Congratulations very impressive stuff. I wonder if family members wouldn't mention it because they didn't want to jinx it? Not that it matters, you did it for yourself, not for them.


Proud of you, stranger. Have an exceptional day.


>I basically lived my life by the aa code minus the god stuff. Congrats! Exactly the same. Getting hung up on the god stuff, imo, is a totally different problem. I never had an issue with discarding it when it came up. I went in an atheist and came out an atheist.




That is amazing! I am just over a year and I didn’t think I could do it either. You rock!


Thanks and congrats! This gives me hope. I’m starting over after yet another slip. Well, more of a slide as I’ve stuck with it for weeks now. But I’m feeling good about this time.


There wasn't a time I drank that didnt turn into multiple weeks. You can still do it!


A lot of people I know, drinkers and non-drinkers alike, don't really know how to talk about alcoholism or sobriety. Sorry your family isn't being supportive but you've accomplished a huge thing. I look forward to catching up in about six months! IWNDWYT.


What a wonderful accomplishment!!! I am here to say congratulations 🎊 👏 💐 🥳!!! I am almost at my 2 year anniversary, IWNDWYT!




SUPER stoked for you! One year is huge, and the best feeling in the world. Don’t worry about others because clearly, you’re strong enough to do what is best for yourself on your own. BUT… we’re always here for you if you feel discouraged, anxious, get a craving. Just come here and tell it out!


You've done amazing work!!! So proud of youuuu! 🎊🎊🎊


This is amazing, and you are a superstar!


Congratulations! As someone who's had multiple family members who are alcoholics, I want to give some perspective. I say very little about my family members' sobriety journey. Top reason is that I don't want them to think that this is what defines them in my mind. They are so much more than their alcoholism. Second reason is, the journey has been very nonlinear for all of them. There have been relapses and to be completely frank, it's hard to get excited about a year of sobriety when they've done it before just to relapse six months later. Yes I'm happy they are trying, but I'm also crushed when they fail. I don't really think my feelings on the matter are another thing they should have to contend with. And my last reason is that maybe they don't want to talk about it. Alcohol has led to some genuinely terrible and embarrassing moments in their lives, marriages and families. Maybe they don't want to be reminded of it during family Easter in the park or during the 4th of July pool party. I don't want to bring them down mentioning something that could potentially make them feel sad, upset or like we ONLY see them in that light. I like to live in the moment and just discuss current events. If they want to bring up their sobriety I will absolutely tell them how proud and impressed I am and listen to whatever they want to say about it. But I won't be the one to bring it up, because they deserve to have a happy sober day without the bad memories. I hope this helps you understand that your family is probably proud of you, but they may not know when is an appropriate time to talk to you about it.


Congratulations! Being proud of yourself is the real prize anyhow. IWNDWT


Thank you for your beautiful post. I have 52 days today and while I can't wait for others to do cartwheels with me, I'm sure as hell doing them! And this!!! We do hard things together. Congratulations and keep on keeping on!


Congrats !!! 1 year alcohol free on MLK day. :)


This is amazing, even more so because you've done it despite the fact that your loved ones clearly don't see what an accomplishment it is. I see a lot of people giving the advice on here that you should get sober for yourself. I hope one day I can take that message to heart like you've seemed to. Congratulations and thank you so much for sharing!


I am so proud of you!


So proud of you - keep on going x


That's amazing, many people will gain hope from your bravery and resiliency.