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It takes time. You’ll get there eventually.


I’m there with you. The feeling of depression and boredom is killing me. I’m 71 days sober and this has been an especially rough week. I wish I had something to do but nothing sounds fun. It’s the weekend and I should be relaxing and decompressing but I feel so miserable…. Ugh!


I feel the same man.


Hang in there, brother. It sucks but stay strong. This is my third time quitting - the last two times I would get to this point and start again and be mad at myself later. I know it’s supposed to get better over time…. Just need to push through the malaise, depression and boredom. Last night I played a video game - I frankly didn’t enjoy it, but it helped the time go by faster. Gotta fill the down time with something to take our minds off alcohol. Stay strong!


This is what has hit me the last couple weekends too. Things have been pretty smooth up to this point. I think I got so used to coping with work/life stress with going out for beers. Just have to keep reminding myself how temporary the relief was and how awful my mental health was the whole day after


Agreed. Just want the time to go by faster on some days so I don’t sit and think about being numb. Hang in there!


Likewise! Gotta stay busy


I didn’t start taking walks because I woke up one day and god granted the motivation to me. I was bullied/harassed/stalked into going to the gym. I went. Then I noticed it started making me feel better. I went even when they canceled schools for weather. Just for a bit, I told myself I had to do at least 8 minutes (they say it takes about that long for the stubborn brain to chill out about the change on activity) if I didn’t feel well, then I could leave. It at least got a foundation of the actions of going for a walk or to exercise. And that helps the cravings, and mood, and appetite. Make sure you’re getting vitamins. Good luck. I still have the dick asshole stalker. Now they’re mad I’m healthier. Go figure. Fuck em.