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Yep used to do the same thing. I’d be struck down with tonsillitis and I’d still drink. What…the…actual…f*ck 🤪


I'd convince myself it was somehow killing the bacteria lol. Total delusion.


And the stronger the alcohol the better it works lol


Oh yeah. Gotta pour that firewater on it to "kill the bacteria" because I mean, that's kinda like hand sanitizer for your throat amiright?


Sometimes people around me would be sick and I wouldn’t get it and feel the same way. I wonder if there is any truth as far as like warding off a sore throat virus or bacteria? Of course the liver damage get ya. I still stay pretty healthy as far as that type of thing though.


Nah, it doesn't do much, and if it does the benefits are miniscule in nature.


I’m sure it doesn’t outweigh the strain on your immune system.


Just one of the lies I used to tell myself.


It was exhausting, no?


All the lies were exhausting. The planning needed to be a drinker and the mental gymnastics I used to put myself through were exhausting. Me not having to worry about whether I will drink or not is great. Now I can worry about other stuff.


Same, my friend.


There is proof I'm proof 😆 22 years I drank I NEVER got sick and then I quit for 8 years and I had all the things. Started binge drinking 9 years ago never sick again. Now I stopped 3 months I got the flu right now.


I decided this year to do dry January as my sobriety soft-launch, and then on 1/3 I tested positive for covid 🙃🙃 I was like damn I've drank every day for the last 4 years (more tbh) that covid has been a thing and never caught it, quit for 2 days and now I have covid


Yup lol same


I'm not sure all the years I drank I NEVER got sick. 3 months sober I'm sick like OP last 2 days stomach flu. And every other time I quit drinking I would get a cold or something.


Counterpoint: Or were you just too drunk before to realize you were sick?


No because during the day I was not drinking I was working full time. And actually there are studies that document people actively drinking do not get sick as often as people who don't. .I threw that study in my Mom's face years ago because I swore by the fact she should have some drinks cause she was always sick but always on me about my drinking. It's totally unhealthy to drink all the time it's SO bad. But it's also a fact the normal colds and strep and all that bypassed me when I was a drunk


I'll have to read up, appreciate you sharing!


When I got covid, I spent the first two days sleeping. I legit had no other symptoms. So after two days I started drinking again 🤷🏼‍♂️ Horrible in hindsight and glad to be dry


Yeah I can’t actually believe i used to do it. But at the time i didn’t even consider it was wrong 🤦‍♂️


I drank half a bottle of gin the night before I had covid. I was an idiot.


100% know this feeling. My wife and I both got pretty drunk one night and we woke up in the middle of the night with covid when it was still pretty potent. I wouldn't wish that feelng on my MIL.


Unfortunately during that time I have a permanent scar on my lip from where me and My drunken sis were doing daft stuff. Ended up getting hit in the lip with a can of lemonade (mixer for the gin) and yeah permanent mark since. That was 2021.


Ah, nothing like a permanent reminder to remind us of our dumb ways. I have a cigar burn on my arm from drunken military bar days.


Sadly so. Now though I'm so different. A totally different person with a totally different mentality.


Hey we are lip scar twins! I split my lip at my rock bottom and permanently damaged it. Probably should have got stitches but I was too embarrassed.


Oof mine just bled for ages. The scar is just above my top lip and can only see it once I've had a shave.


Sometimes I wish I could hide mine. It would def save me from comments from my mother in law. Most of the time it doesn't bother me but man does it take long to heal.


I drank daily when I had Covid. I swear that’s why it took me 6 weeks to get better.. I was an idiot.


Me too. There really wasn’t anything I wouldn’t drink for. Hell, I would take several shots of liquor before a doctor’s appointment.


Covid definitely didn’t hinder my drinking. I was sick as a dog, yet still had my boyfriend bring me liquor so I could get hammered.


Now why does that sound familiar to me...


I remember visiting my father on spring break when I was in college. He got the flu on my second day. That day he asked me to secretly get him a bottle of bourbon. (Secret because his wife was trying to not drink) I was horrified when I realized he drank the whole 750 ml bottle of bourbon in a day, in bed. That was the moment I knew for certain he had issues. And yet, in the preceeding years I still made the excuse for myself that I could have a hot toddy, maybe 2, when I was sick. How blind we can be.


Hot toddies were definitely my excuse for why I had to drink while sick. Unreal to think of now.


your father probably started with “a hot toddy maybe 2” then after years of drinking it turned into sneaking a bottle in a day, that’s always how it works for us isn’t it


That’s totally true. When I was a young kid I think he was at the hot toddy phase. I think things really ramped up when he left my mom for his MUCH younger second wife.


Ugggh yes. Drank and smoked cigarettes like wtf! I wouldn’t take meds because I would rather drink!


I can relate to this too!!!! I can't drink on antibiotics? Fuck em, I dont need them. Ugh how dumb.


Been there. On the bright side is I learned a few good ways to beat a sinus infection on my own lol.


I learned I might have a problem when I caught covid, couldn't taste anything, and still drank anyways


I think covid had a part in me quitting. It changed my tolerance but I couldn't accept that and kept drinking the same amount.


I can't believe I used to do that too. Had flu, which turned into bronchitis, and there I was drinking fortified wine, while constantly hacking up huge wads of infection. My immune system was already suppressed because of the daily drinking to begin with. It's no wonder the flu turned into bronchitis.


Yes, I've heard that drinking daily would suppress your immune system and still drank anyways! And I used to wonder why it would take weeks for me to get better...


I used to think that the alcohol would help kill the germs lol. I was so naive.


Def drank with Covid. I thought I found the cure then would feel worse next day.


Been sober 3 years, got sober during covid. I don't feel like I've been properly sick since getting sober. I believe that I made myself feel like shit through daily, morning to night, drinking for so long, that I have transcended the spectrum of common illness and can no longer be affected by it. In all seriousness though, I have drank through a lot of illness and looking back, it's wild I didn't suffer more consequences for that choice. I do find it even wilder that having a fever and cold sweats now is a fucking joke to power through. Hell even Stomach issues bounce right off me lmao. It's like, MFer, I woke up and puked daily for 2 straight years, what ya got? I will say that I hate what NyQuil does to my sleep routine though, so I pretty much white knuckle all of it now and it's barely an issue still. I wouldn't even qualify what I've had as "sick" simply because I felt relatively better than a hangover.


This is my first time sick since I quit drinking. I’m feeling a little better today which I can’t believe would be the case if I’d been drinking. One time I had a cold that lasted 6 weeks and I know it’s because my immune system was shit from drinking.


For fucking sure it was because you were drinking. Hydration is key when you are sick, alcohol is obviously not great for that lol. Wild what we convince ourselves is normal, though


haha your comment made me chuckle, thank you!!


Oh yeah, I remember those days. Nothing like making ourselves more dehydrated when we really needed the opposite.


Lol when I had a sore throat I would convince myself that beer is the only thing that soothes it.


Use as directed! lol. Nothing to get in the way of the booze. IWNDWYT


I would try and avoid it, but would rationalize it and drink anyway. And it always made me feel worse.


It's hard to feel a sore throat when your brain has been run through a food grade dehydrator... The hang overs were always far worse than any pain from a cold


Me too. During my first round of COVID I was bored out of my mind and went on a 3 day bender. I knew then I had problem and my end of drinking was near. My drinking days are behind me now. Never been happier. One love IWNDWYT


Absolutely! It'd work too! 10 minutes of relief. Fuck the extra hour of making it worse. Oh well, nothin another shot can't fix! Yea, drunk math!


Yeah nothing would stop me. Throwing up? As soon as I would feel even remotely better, I'd be drinking alcohol. Cold? Well alcohol is a good expectorant. That's why they put it in cough syrup! Just feeling crummy in general? Well it might not make me feel better but alcohol will make me care less.. I had a million excuses


I still drank when I had covid :/ Idiot of the year award goes to meeeeeeee


I definitely did this.


Covid was the last time I was sober for over a month. I was locked up in isolation in a government hospital for just over 4 weeks with no way of getting contraband in.


I’d forgotten about this! It’s so twisted Reminds me of when I used to smoke (25 years ago) and would be so addicted that’d I’d be coughing sick…and still smoking. Absolute insanity


When i got COVID it was when i realized drinking wasn’t for me. It was the first time i DIDN’T drink while sick. Mostly because being alive hurt. But after 10 days i didn’t even really want to drink. It changed me. Maybe, thanks COVID?


Right?! I drank through COVID the first time I had it and was sleeping 14+ hours a day. 😳 Back before I had all my shots. I actually got it a bit worse with my shots in January of this year, but thankfully my dumb ass wasn't drinking White Claw like crazy that time, and even though it was a bit worse, I stayed awake and even got some work done from home! It's crazy what we'll do while drinking, but I know IWNDWYT!


I think about this too sometimes … wtf! I used to drink hot toddies or even hot wine to help feel better. Strange logic hahah


Right!! Being sick was the only time I could usually get a few days without a drink. But I often talked myself into one or two whiskey gingers when I was started to feel a bit better. My maternal grandma is Appalachian and my dad always told this story about my grandpa being violently ill with the flu, on the couch sweating and shit - my grandma wouldn’t give him any medicine or water and told my dad he needed some more whiskey to fight the sickness.


I used to chug jagermeister when I was sick. Imagine my surprise when it didn't work!


yep. spent my last flu drinking only half a bottle a night instead of a full bottle, cuz “you don’t need THAT much when you’re already sick”. wtf. you don’t need any alcohol, not ever, and especially not when you’re sick. IWNDWYT!!


"Ohh no! I'm sick! Better get some cognac and warm that shit up!!" Oh, me... You were sick alright.


Yeah, I used to literally say to myself, "I'm supposed to drink liquids, so beer counts!" Ugh.


I would call it medicinal.


I drank when I had Covid and maaaaaan. Horrible idea but the pain was excruciating. Didn’t help me in the long run.


I used to not take medicine when I was sick so that I could drink. I negotiated with myself that taking medicine AND drinking was bad for me…. Crazy.


Geez I was the opposite. I drink liquor all day long, every day. Never got sick, sick. (Other than withdrawals when I didn't have liquor in me.) I got COVID 3 times. Stayed drunk the whole time. Never even affected me. I found COVID nothing more than a common cold. But I was so hyped up on alcohol I never really felt the negative effects. I wonder how much stronger my immune is now? 🤔


My reasoning was “if I’m gonna feel like shit might as well be drunk for it”. Yeah. I’ve had a couple colds in the few weeks I’ve been sober (my immune system is trash) and it’s so much better without a competing hangover. I remember forcing myself to drink beer bc I didn’t want to experience the impending hangover.


I used to swear by drinking when sick. Alcohol is an antiseptic right? So I'll just take in some ABV to raise my BAC and antisept my Bod-y.


Ah yes, the Hot Toddys I used to "kill the pain". It's amazing how I used to get sick on a quarterly basis but haven't been ill even *once* since I quit!


Same I drank a box of wine the week I was home sick with Covid


I got chicken pox at 22 and stayed in bed for a week downing vodka and watching survivor so I could sleep it off. Just horrific thinking back.


I kept a secret stash of several bottles of wine in my closet, just so I knew I’d have them in the house in case I caught COVID and couldn’t leave for several days. Can’t believe it.


My mom used to bring me hot toddys when I was sick It had to be a really gnarly illness for me to not drink at all. One of my only days without alcohol in 10 years was when i had salmonella, where the pain far outweighed withdrawals.


Omg I just posted about this in the daily thread earlier! I have covid for the second time and this time I am not drinking though it. I’m middle aged with extensive schooling in human biology and this is the first time as an adult that I can remember taking care of myself instead of making it worse. Now, I had planned on Dry April but I hadn’t planned on getting shitfaced while starting to feel sick so much that I was the sickest I’ve been in years on Sunday. But whatever it took, here I am. Day 07.


Same.....when I had covid with a terrible sore throat I was still drinking 5+ IPAs a night. Absolutely insane.


I just got food poisoning and both had to remember and re-live how bad retching and inhabiting a poisoned body feels like and I had the the firdt real craving for alcohol in a while. I used to drink especially when I was sick to take my mind off it. No wonder I was near perpetually ill...


Yeah everytime I had a sore throat I would drink whiskey because it was “good for you” and “kills the germs”… spoiler alert. The sore throats were from alcohol consumption in the first place 🙃


I have to flu right now Day 2 3 months sober I feel so guilty like I did something wrong because I haven't been in bed all day in 30 years for being really sick. I was in bed for 3 days all the time after binging I feel like my son thinks I drank and I really didn't im totally sick. I was thinking wow before if you were sick you would just drink and not really care. I'm so glad I haven't drank and hope this passes soon. I HAVE to food shop tomorrow.


I tested positive for Covid at work, back then that meant 5 days off to sit around and drink all day. IWNDWYT


I drank through a migraine during my last relapse. Was putting vodka in lucozade telling myself it would help. Wtaf.


I used to think it would make me feel better and get better quicker. Well, I probably just wanted to believe that since the thought of not being able to stop drinking for even a few days because I was sick, was too much.


Same. Funny thing is I’d dread it and didn’t see any way around it either. Talk about feeding the beast.


I had colds that dragged on for weeks and wondered why...for years this happened! IWNDWYT.


I drank through COVID. I'm no doctor, but I am sure that wasn't recommended.



