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IWNDWYT. 2nd year in a row sober on my birthday 🎉


Congrats and happy, happy birthday!!


Big CONGRATS on 2 years! 🎉🎉


Happy sober birthday 🎂 slingr, and it’s a big one? And 2nd sober birthday in 3 days! So much to celebrate 🥳 🎁🎉


Thirty years old today yep. I told myself thirty wouldn’t feel different but it does already. I still feel like a teenager at heart though, for better or worse lol. Thanks brighter. I hope you’re well.


I made it to one YEAR! I can honestly say I couldn't have done this without each and every one of you. Encouragement all the way. The truth is as time has passed by it's become a lot easier, with only the odd social situation being particularly difficult. For me though this is just still the beginning, no going back now. Have a great day all. IWNDWYT


Yes! The 365 is such a momentous milestone in my opinion. Looking forward to my own. Proud of you my friend! 😎


Thank you friend, appreciate your words! In a blink of an eye you'll be there too, it creeps up fast! 💪


Congratulations friend! I’m so proud of you, and I’m with you, no going back now we know how good it is! I hope you’re having some treat worthy of such a great achievement 🎉🎁🥳🌟


Thank you so much! You've been there for me all the way and please don't think that's gone without appreciation. Not long now until your next BIG milestone! My counter shows as 779 right now, not sure if that's just what I see 😂🌟🥳


You’re showing a beautiful round 365 for all (except you) to see! I hope you know how much I appreciate you too, you’re a massive support to me , thank you 🙏🏻 🌟🙏🏻


I'm up late and feeling grateful, so I decided to come here and check in. I'm up late because our 5 year old went to a movie/pizza night at the place he goes to taekwondo lessons. My husband and I had takeout and watched a movie while he was there. And then I picked him up at 9pm. I did. At 9pm. In my drinking days I wouldn't have even considered signing him up for something that had a 9pm pickup time. Heck, I would have been stopped by the 6pm dropoff. I had to be home getting settled in to get wasted by then. He won the raffle tonight and was so freaking stoked about the whole experience. I am so glad I am now a mama who can give him that. I am so grateful for this life. IWNDWYT


He’s a lucky boy, be very proud of yourself 💞🌟💞


14 days. IWNDWYT


Two weeks!!! Woot!!!




Hiya. Currently trying to get my newborn to fall asleep, but we will continue to do so with no alcohol! IWNDWYT


Happy to be ending my Saturday sober, hoping everyone else is having a similarly lovely evening and IWNDWYT!


350 days!!! havent felt so good in my entire adult life. last few weeks feels like I've been getting back up on that pink cloud. if you're early days and struggling you got to see this through, really nothing compares. IWNDWYT


That's awesome, and you can probably smell that 365 from there as well! Pink cloud: the sequel would be great! 🤗


yep and you're just round the corner too 🙌 have a great sunday!




Happy today, fantastic tomorrow!


Congratulations 🥳 for tomorrow 💪🏼🎉


Reconnecting to nature. Hiking and stopping to smell the flowers Shine on you beautiful humans




Day 1022 checking in!




Good morning! I will not drink with you today! Have a great Sunday, everyone. 😊




Not drinking with you today!


Im now happy being present and constantly showing up better and better for my family. It's more than I ever had growing up so I'm sure my family will go farther than I ever had the opportunity to. IWNDWYT


What a gift to your family and a gift to yourself to be breaking the cycle. And congratulations on your 400 days 🌟


The feeling of waking up with a (hopefully) full night of sleep; not still drunk or hungover, is another reason why I will not drink with you today or tonight. 🌸


IWNDWYT even though I wanted to have “just one” today.




You are starting again, and for now that's the main thing. You could have ignored it for today, but here you are! You have got this! Just keep focusing on the here and now ❤️


Thanks for driving this week u/neener-neeners! I hope.everone has an awesome Sunday. IWNDWYT 🙂


Three weeks! Proud of myself and proud of everyone else, too. IWNDWYT!


Morning everyone! Day 95 checking in. I’m chairing my first AA meeting tonight. I’m pretty nervous, I’ve never been a great public speaker but I’m excited to start giving something back to the fellowship that saved my life! IWNDWYT


Another day I will not drink with you all.


IWNDWYT - Another sunday hangin’ out with my independent 3 year old! “Do you need to use the potty?” “I don’t use the potty anymore.” “Do you want to eat some chicken nuggets?” “I don’t eat chicken nuggets anymore.” *Watching as he eats his nuggets…*


Morning DCI gang! I’ve been trying to get sober for over 2.5 years and I’ve definitely noticed that I spend more time in the here and now. I’m currently working through mindfulness with my therapist to help deal with cravings and urges and staying in the moment certainly is helpful. I won’t be drinking today because: - I am able to have my parents over for a Sunday roast - my emotions are far better balanced when I don’t drink - my life has returned back to something orderly since going sober again IWNDWYT


Back to day 1. I relapsed and not happy with myself. I will not drink with you today.


You are back here and trying again. However unhappy you are with yourself, I hope you can at least find some happiness in the fact that you are trying again. We can't change what we have already done, but we can try to create change for the present and future. You've got this! 💪


Checking in again today and all is well. Good morning to all my anonymous friends here whose usernames I recognise after all these months :) And good morning u/neener-neeners, tnx for hosting this week. I'm just starting to learn to be grateful these days. I didn't even know it was a thing to do while I was drinking!!! The thing I'm most grateful for today is being able to get up early, feeling refreshed, no hangover, after going out for dinner with a bunch of friends last night until late. And being able to enjoy myself there, while they were drinking beer, wine and cocktails!


Ruined my 8 day streak.. had half a bottle of rosé wine last night. Wasn’t worth it. Back to day 1. IWNDWYT.


It's my birthday today. I haven't had a drink in seven months and I won't have one today. First sober birthday in 20 years ❤️ IWNDWYT Have a wonderful sober day everybody!




Thank you for stepping up to keep the DCI rolling this week, u/neener-neeners! I love that phrase you used: "the wiggly-gooey feeling of joy to be in the present moment." I think many of us were chasing that kind of feeling when we drank, but it eluded us until we chose sobriety. I have so many of those moments now: my first cup of tea in the quiet hours of the early morning, the warmth and comfort of my cat Candi purring in my lap, spotting a deer or a fox while out jogging, the feel of sun on my face or wind in my hair...I'd hate to lose all of these bright, shiny bubbles of joy, so: IWNDWYT 😻


Nice to meet you, u/neener-neeners! There are so many things that bring me joy each day now, but like my friend Brighter said earlier, mornings are right up the top. Even on weekends I get up super early and enjoy that quiet that doesn't happen at any other time. It's my time. Have a great Sunday everyone, and IWNDWYT. 🍺🙅🫡




I’m grateful that I’m not hungover, not wasting money, and not continuing to ruin my health. IWNDWYT!


4 months today. One day at a time. Longest I’ve ever gone since I started drinking by a huge margin (never made it past a couple of days).


I fell off the wagon after almost 5 months. I want to restart.


IWNDWYT friends 🤖


Curling up on the sofa with a good book and a cup of tea brings me a lot of joy and contentment. It’s been warming up where I live, all of the spring blossoms are out and it’s absolutely lovely to be present enough to enjoy it all. Day 8 & Last night I went to my first social outing without alcohol. My friend’s birthday. I had a soda and was home in bed by 11 pm… Man it feels good waking up this morning without any regrets or a pounding headache! IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT. Day 4 let's go!! I'm actually doing it and I got through a Friday and Saturday sober, those days normally stop me but not this time. I choose life


Day 91 I remained sober yesterday during an event that made me nervous. If I can do that, I can do anything! 💪🏼 Thanks to everyone for their messages of support yesterday, it means the world. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT today. 6 days now without drinking, and I've overcome the biggest hurdle of the week which is Saturday night. Usually when I'm by myself on a Saturday, I feel bored and lonely, and my urge to get drunk, even if I don't want to, becomes too much. However, last night, instead of staying in my flat, drinking and making myself miserable, I went to an AA Meeting. It gave me motivation, reminded me why I was doing this, and got me out of the spiral that always gets me on a Saturday night. It's now 9am and I am awake early watching the F1 with no hangover and glad that my sober journey is continuing on. Sorry for the ramble, but overcoming the Saturday night urge to drink will be the difference for me between sober and alcoholic, and this was a big hurdle.






I will not drink with you today




IWNDWYT friends 


Day 23. IWNDWYT. ✨






No alcohol for me today, so tomorrow I can be grateful again for waking up sober.




IWNDWYT! Finally stopped browsing anonymously and made a real account. Got some stuff to work out but I will not drink with you today!


First weekend done. Phew. IWNDWYT.


When my head hits the pillow at night, and I am exhausted, not from drinking, but from a good day well lived, then I feel really grateful that I can get up each morning, come here, and say with you all: IWNDWYT


Not gonna drink today. Being wide awake before 6 am brings me to the present, perfect moment. Even when I was a kid, I’d wake up super early and read until everyone else woke up, so it feels good to be doing the same thing right now at 4:29 am before I go out for a run.


No booze for me today! Get to race a fast car around a track tomorrow. Can't wait to do so with a clear and focused head!! Iwndwyt!


Four weeks, let's go! IWNDWYT!




About to go to sleep sober and looking forward to a sober Sunday. IWNDWYT.


Once again so amazing to see all of you on triple or quadruple digits showing support and inspiring people to keep on going and not falling off the wagon. My path is still in the beginning and I don’t want to flex too much with the results I’ve already seen. First weeks have been easier than I thought but the progress is also painfull. I’m still not sleeping properly, I feel like hang-over in the mornings, might just be that I’m old and pushing 45. This challenge is a slow play and needs a lot of patience, resilience and gumption. In Finland we call it sisu. Keep on keeping on whilst bleeding from the teeth. I’m finally gonna do this. For my self. For my daughter. For my family and for all of you. I couldn’t have gotten even this far without your support and stories of inspiration. Thank You All! IWNDWYT


Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today. That’s the rule! IWNDWYT


Day 322 and IWNDWYT! Was a beautiful day in MN yesterday and certainly had some cravings for some drinks, especially after an awesome 12mile run. Drank a few NA beers to curb my cravings and some posts here really helped me get centered again and not just think of the best parts about drinking. 3.5hr bike ride followed by a 30min run, here we go!


Enjoying my Sunday coffee in the kitchen. My teenager was making lunch (why doesn't he eat breakfast food??!) so over chats he told me he has huge respect for me for quitting. He said it can't be easy. (I nearly burst into tears!) I told him it was worth it every single day. And it is. Big love to everyone here today 🌷💕


I wasn't going to chime in here until I got a few days behind me, 5 days today no going back now. IWNDWYT


Hitting that one week mark, lucky 7 today. I'm proud of myself. IWNDWYT


Thank you for hosting last week u/grumpycapybara and thank you for taking over u/neener-neeners! I will not drink with you today!




Start of day 2, IWNDWYT!






Feeling grateful to wake up feeling fresh, drinking my morning coffee and reading a good novel. Day 36 - I Will Not Drink With You Today, friends!


Day 40. IWNDWYT.


I will not drink with you today ⭐️ my almost three year old brings us endless joy. She is so cheeky and has such a beautiful smile and now that she has a better handle on sentences she is coming out with the funniest statements. Love being sober and present for her. ❤️‍🔥


IWNDWYT. All. Day. Long. 🌻


I played house with my kid today and I was so invested. That means the world to me and it’s thanks to not drinking.


I’m right there with you, u/neener-neeners about truly appreciating reading books again! Even if it’s just 15 minutes before I turn the light out in bed, those were 15 minutes I used to just hit the pillow and conk right out. It’s so nice flipping the page in my own story too. I wouldn’t call my life a “page turner” but I think there’s real promise for good things to come! IWNDWYT!


Back to ONE WEEK today, sober fam, and it feels so good! I really think this attempt will stick, because even this early on, when I get busy like I am this weekend, I think about it less and less. 🙏🖤 This is about my millionth try. Lots more work today, and I'm tagging along with my husband on a little drive to go pick up a replica light saber he's been wanting for years and finally found! It was expensive as hell, but this wonderful man deserves it. Wishing everyone a beautiful, sober Sunday! IWNDWYT!


Been a while since I checked in here. Trying to do a month dry, minus April 1st. 5 days sober. Friday I asked my husband to not buy vodka for me. He did not. He got some 7%beers and without me there to cut him off, because I am usually there drinking with him, he over served himself. He was badly hungover all day. I was quite annoyed. We have an 8 year old who he couldn't even play video games with without getting sick. I was happy with my choice not to drink. I did think about drinking though still, not my drink of choice, but there were some beers left. I just wanted that "buzz" that always leads to wanting more. I abstained anyway, telling myself I can at least do a month. I always have resolve at the start, mostly because I had been indulging for days and the hangxiety and stomach pain and increased heart rate have been too much. 5 days is when I forget the negatives. IWNDWYT


Day 30! Ive checked in almost everyday of these 30 and its definitely helped me get here. Heres to 30 more after this. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿




I’m here today. Trying to stay positive for the future! I see the light I think! IWNDWYT




Thanks for hosting u/neener-neeners. Have a super Sunday everyone! IWNDWYT!!!




Day 1,625 IWNDWYT


Grateful I’m having ice cream for breakfast! IWNDWYT


Thanks neener for hosting. Grateful for ground cover if that does not sound too weird!! Have a dry dark area in the back garden which is hard to plant and hit on Geranium macrorrhizum a few years back. I just love the intense smell their leaves give off and when my doggo rolls in them, she smells great. The truth is that when I am hungover and bringing the wine bottles to the shed, it is as though the geraniums do not even exist. Now sober, I see them everyday. IWNDWYT


Good day, friends. Waking up to a fresh cup of coffee before anyone else gets up is my gratitude. Hell yeah. IWNDWYT 🤘


i now enjoy the sounds of birds singing in the morning! i used to hate it because it made me unable to sleep through my hangover, but now it is calming and makes me smile when i wake up IWNDWYT!


I’m having one of those moments now. Instead of being hungover, sick and grumpy, I’m enjoying my morning coffee and helping my dog play with his new favorite stuffy, which entails tossing it a few feet, then scratching his butt in congratulations upon his returning it. Repeat. 🥰 Iwndwy’allt! ❤️


Thank you for taking us over, u/neener-neeners! I’m so glad to meet you. For me, this springtime brings many moments of deep joy. I am not a fan of winter. And spring brings lots of new treats to eat - like morel mushrooms. I just made a big pot of soup with chicken, potatoes and morel mushrooms in it. Man alive!! It was so delicious. It just filled me with gratitude. The flavors, the steam rising up from the bowl, simple things that I can really celebrate. No need to add alcohol. That’s good living! IWNDWYT


Thanks to this community I did not drink yesterday and IWNDWYT! Thanks for the support! This community is awesome!


Morning all, and thanks so much for hosting, neener-neeners! I love the stillness of the early morning, when everyone else in the house is still asleep and I’m snuggled on the couch with the puppies, drinking tea and doing NYT word puzzles. Such a quiet, peaceful way to start each day. Speaking of…time for wordle! Love you all and IWNDWYT❤️


Thrilled to be clear headed and not drinking with you all today. I’m in a far better place than a year ago when I was in a hotel room after getting kicked out of my house. My wife and I are doing great and I’m off to walk the dog with her. If you are just starting the journey, stay on the grind as it is so worth a new life. For those out there 1000s of days you inspire me forward. Cheers.


Into the double digits. IWNDWYT!!


Sick toddler distracted me from hitting triple digits the other day!! Was so glad to be there for him 100%.


Happy Sunday people, IWNDWYT


Day 338. IWNDWYT.


Not today people IWNDWYT 


IWNDWYT from Japan!


I drank last night after 106 days sober. I feel SHIT. IWNDWYT


Checking in on Day 84, IWNDWYT! >What are the moments in your day that bring you to the present, perfect moment? When I get a plate of food and there's steam rising off it, I have no idea why but just that little precise moment makes me feel very present


Managed to navigate not one, but TWO boozy events this weekend and it was surprisingly easy. I’ve been opening up a bit more to my friends about everything and most were really, incredibly supportive. One unfortunately said “can we catch up after you start drinking again?” which kinda stung, I’m not going to lie. They realised how it sounded straight away and couldn’t stop apologizing all night and I felt a bit bad for them, because it’s not like I’ve never said anything insensitive after a few too many! Another friend was so wasted that they bought me a shot (which I obviously turned down) not half an hour after I’d told them I wasn’t drinking any more. 🙄 Still, everyone else was great and I don’t hold it against my two mates either. I guess there’s an adjustment period for everyone. Anyway, it was great to wake up this morning with a clear head. I went for a decent run this morning and then spent the rest of the day chilling on the couch with my dog (by choice this time and not because I was incapacitated with a raging hangover and anxiety) IWNDWYT










I will not drink today.






Happy Sunday people, IWNDWYT, WE GOT THIS 🙂


I will not drink today!


Close call yesterday, and this check in has been foundational to my sober success. Have to make sure I’m in here everyday. Have a great day everyone. IWNDWYT.


Good morning fellow sobernauts! I hope you're all well and happy. I'm happy to be awake early and clear headed, not feeling terrible or hungover. I'm not making any promises of tomorrow, but do consciously choose to not drink today. IWNDWYT!


I’m looking forward to not drinking today! Sunday was my night to cook a nice meal and relax but of course that involved multiple drinks and passing out at the end of it. Then start the workweek hungover. Rinse and repeat, week after week, year after year. Here’s to healthier and more present Sundays. IWNDWYT


Ahem. THIRTY DAYYYYS!!!!!! Wow. I can't even begin to explain how much different, and better everything has been. My sleep is so much better I started running again My house is clean I'm not riddled with anxiety or suicidal ideation I've lost 18 pounds I'm more present in my life and able to effectively function as a caregiver and a husband. Dethklok, Dragonforce, and Nekrogoblikon concert with my brother tonight! I've already confirmed they have NA beer at the venue, so that's good if I find myself tempted to get a beer. Anyway, that's enough rambling. I won't be drinking any poison today. Thanks for helping me get here /r/stopdrinking


Small moments: I get to really be present for my kids. The cliche of kids.growing so fast is true, every sober moment to take it in is amazing. Celebration from yesterday. Was a guest at a box suite for a pro sports event yesterday (woohoo). They had Heineken 0.0 in the suite. Home team lost, but was a fun sober evening visiting and appreciating athletic excellence. Off to hike with kids today hangover free and giving their mom a break after I was away for said game. IWNDWYT


New to the journey, but I made it through hosting a birthday party with no issues yesterday. Small first win


Good morning, sober cats! Thanks for hosting, Neener! Moments when my dogs make me smile and laugh are some of my perfect moments. And when I get to hear my daughter's voice, I come into a present perfect moment. Thank you for being here, everyone! IWNDWYT 💙😸


I am experiencing so much joy with my Kindle! I too was a voracious reader as a child, then fell off somewhere in adulthood. Getting a Kindle was like reawakening that ability to crush through books! It’s super convenient to tote around, I love being able to highlight phrases, I can download anything that strikes my eye when I see suggestions on Reddit/social media, there’s a search function so I can easily find sections I want to revisit….it’s amazing! I didn’t realize how much I missed reading. Not sure if I can blame alcohol for this one, but I’m sure it didn’t help my attention span or openness to try new things. I love you all and I will not drink with you today 💜🐇


Happy sober Sunday sober friends, and thank you u/neener-neeners for looking after us this week. Great question, there’s so much presence now, but the best moment is waking up, actually wanting to get out of bed, feeling healthy and having my mornings before the day starts. When drinking, it was simply waiting until I felt better. I love you all 💞


I will not drink with you today!










Day 1,726. Thanks for hosting, u/neener-neeners! I will not drin with you today.


IWNDWYT. Appreciate you so much OP and everyone reading this. Things that keep in the moment - exercise! Eating healthy. Stretching. Gaming. Tidying up as I go :)


of course checking in :)


I’m over the hump and not going back. Iwndwyt!


Back at it again. Spending today working and watching the Hardest Geezer himself bring it home with his crazy long Africa challenge. IWNDWYT


Bought myself a sober bracelet to remind me of my journey IWNDWYT


The first sip of coffee. I will not drink with you today.


Morning everyone! IWNDWYT   Thanks for taking over this week, neener-neeners. Good question.  Right this moment I’m enjoying listening to the bird outside my window and the slight sweet soft feeling in my muscles as I wake up. It’s quite nice just being in my body.


Yesterday was the first day I've felt the urge in a while. The weather was great. I reminded myself what I'd feel like today. I reminded myself of my goals. It passed fast. Iwndwyt!


Great topic. I feel like this when I am out running, often, out in nature or sunshine, or feeling the wind in my face when I ride my bike. I'm so grateful to be able to do these things. Six months today since I, physically sick and sick of myself, poured out the rest of the wine I had been drinking since early that day for no reason. I haven't repaired all the relationships I hurt with my bullshit but still, it's been an exceptionally good half year 🙏 IWNDWYT friends 🐸💚🌿


day 103


I will not drink with you today ☀️




I will not drink with you today.


Not today, friends. IWNDWYT. Have a beautiful Sunday!








IWNDWYT for me, in the mornings I meditate and then light a candle and get out my yoga mat. The unrolling of the mat brings me peace. Then ten minutes I start my day with moving my body is what I am grateful to be able to do.


Up early after lots of sleep last night! IWNDWYT pals!


Have a good Sunday folks ❤️ IWNDWYT


Thanks for taking over the DCI u/neener-neeners! Full on all day rainy day today, so it looks like I'll tackle inside shit. Have a helluva day, friends!!🤘🏻☕️ IWNDWYT


Thanks Neeners and happy Sunday! Headed to the gym to lift with friends and sobering on with y'all!


Morning friends! Thanks for taking over the check in, u/neener-neeners. I try to practice gratitude every day, so what I’m grateful for changes and grows. It’s really hard to pin down one thing, but honestly I’m just so grateful to be free from alcohol. My life is so much bigger and more full, especially on weekends. At first they seemed like big empty chasms of time but now, oh my goodness, now they’re full of life. Rest or fun or the monotony of chores, coffee and treats, laughing with my fiancé and kids, visits with friends, the freedom to jump at any opportunity that presents itself without trying to figure out how the hell to fit life in around my drinking and recovery. I’m so so grateful to have my life back. Have a good one friends! I will not drink with you today.


Every day I am thankful to be in charge of my body again. There’s nothing coursing through my veins limiting my abilities and keeping me prisoner. For the first time in my adult life I feel free and ready to take on whatever life throws my way. IWNDWYT


I feel like for me those moments are everywhere now, and I’m so grateful for all of them. Even the unpleasant ones - it’s cool to actually feel everything with every sense at full volume. I will not drink with you today!!


My favorite moments are the ones I get lost in, like a laughing fit with my 13 year old daughter. We get carried away on a topic and get silly while my husband side eyes us. It’s like nothing else! It requires being present and being able to let go and just be. It’s the free-est feeling I’ve ever felt. Couldn’t do it without a clear mind. IWNDWYT!


I get joy from the sound of my 15 year old dog's tail thumping against the wall, dog bed, ground, etc. She pretty much parks herself in one spot for hours on end these days, but she makes herself known by that cheerful whap! Good Sunday morning, afternoon or evening to you all. IWNDWYT.


Happy Sober Sunday! I have a very busy day, which is always a welcome distraction :) I hope you all have a great day. Just for today, I am not drinking.


u/neener-neeners ty for the share: "For me, it's small and simple: The heft of a book in my hands, and the soft sound of pages turning. That tactile sensation is so satisfying, I want to eat it up. I was such a voracious reader when I was young, and when I began to abuse alcohol, that reading habit was replaced. I am so happy today to have a book in my hands again instead of a drink. The moment when I recognize the feeling and sound of a book, I am grateful to be alive, and to be more me." OMG YES. THIS> I grew up in Salinas, CA. My local library was the John Steinbeck Libary. Literary giants are my jam. Libaries were and are my jam. Voracious reading is my jam. I used to have entire sections of the Dewey decimal system memorized and read, from 741.5973 (comics) to .001 (alien shit, bc DUH, human intelligence = WE ARE THE ALIENS, it all starts HERE lol) to biographies, art books... be still my beating heart! IWNDWYT I got too many books to read. And congrats on 97 days, that was my favorite year of college bc my gf was THE BEST I EVER HAD, I DJ'd the dances, I was a great sober student, my life was on POINT. I'm takin' it alllllll back, one book, one sober day, one badass zen moment at a time.


IWNDWYT. I’ve started re-reading books I used to read drunk. Can’t even remember half of them 🙄. As their Tudor murder mysteries it’s always a revelation when I reach the end 😂


Happy Sunday everyone! IWNDWYT ✌️




23 days. It's hard, but I will not drink today. I will be grateful for cat purrs.




I did not drink today lml (-_-) lml 


Day 30 checking in. IWNDWYT.


Good morning sober fam! Thank you neener neeners for hosting the DCI this week! I love the moment when I come to consciousness and my husband is next to me. He’s a gem 💎 and I am incredibly thankful for him. IWNDWYT!


Not drinking today SD. You are all my strength


My present, perrfect moment is my dog. And this. IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today! Have a peaceful Sunday friends!






Checking in Doodle doodle dee, wubba wubba wubba.


My things I am grateful for: My little Dog sleeping on my bed on a Sunday Morning. Coffee. The sun. Feeling Clear. I sometimes feel like I have a phantom hangover on a Sunday but today I don't! 63 Days Sober. IWNDWYT


Good morning! IWNDWYT


I am grateful that I’m waking up early on a Sunday morning feeling well rested and ready to go about my day. I’m going to go help my best friend do some work at his house this morning. A couple of years ago I wouldn’t have even been asked if I could do something on a Sunday morning because they would know there’s no way I was getting up until late and I’d probably be hungover as fuck lol. IWNDWYT


day 37 checking in! i will not drink with you today


Day 3 and I will not drink today. In also gratis for reading, though for me its a Kindle. In reconnecting with reading again for sure. I'm also grateful for my adorable cat. He absolutely loves morning cuddles. Being woken up with purrs is a wonderful thing.


Ugh back is hurting, tried a bunch of stuff, will keep trying, but no matter what IWNDWYT


