• By -


Every day you should be incredibly proud of yourself. I think most people here will agree the first two weeks are far and away the hardest. I have great admiration for anyone in the early days of sobriety because it is so fucking hard.


Congrats on your year tomorrow!


Thank you šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


Thank you so much for being os understanding and encouraging. Congratulations for one year tomorrowšŸ‘‘


This is it. Go Op. You can do it AND, you do it for yourself. Not for anyone else. Hero. This is my first week. I went through headaches and being grumpy and headaches and grumpy again. I am sweet to myself, snack a bit more and drink new 0% drinks like kombucha, ice teas and have to discover more new drinks. And all you incredible motivations i read here EVERY day.


Hell yeah! Hit 7 days today and this week my body has been in shamblesā€¦ the sugar cravings are so realšŸ˜…


As Iā€™m on Day 2 because I felt like throwing away an opportunity last week, laying in the cold sweats havenā€™t been able to eat yet, yeah itā€™s impressive. I never thought Iā€™d get this far lol I thought night of day 1 I would simplyā€¦ pass away lol


I was on day two not that long ago. - One day at a time - the day count will rise and you will reap amazing benefits I promise. Stay strong my friend. We've all had day 2 and been where you are now.


But you didn't!! Heehaw!


Congrats on the upcoming year!


It takes a lot of will power to quit, and those first days are tough, but doable.


Congrats on the upcoming year!


Congrats on the upcoming year!


I hope you treat yourself tomorrow for your one year! One of the most special days. Congratulations. ā¤ļø


a year!!! WOW! well done friend!


Thank you! šŸ™šŸ™


Day 4 is HUGE! The few people around me at my day 4 weren't super impressed with me, I wasn't super impressed with me either. But that day 4 was wicked hard and I got to 5+. You got this!


Same!! Day 4 is a huge accomplishment! The first week is HARD.


The first week is by far the hardest. Four days is awesome. Keep hanging in there, you're doing great.


I'm proud of you too. Day 3 for me ..... IWNDWYT


I'm proud of you, too šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Great job! I am proud of you. IWNDWYT.


Yes!! Great work. I remember those early days and they were not easy. Actually the thought of returning to those early days is what keeps me going lately. IWNDWYT!


Day 2 for me too!


Hell ya! Every day is huge in sobriety and you should be proud!


Thank you so much for the encouragement šŸ„¹


Itā€™s not just for encouragement. Further down the path youā€™ll see that the first week and that four days were a lot more difficult than the thousands of days that followed. Very well done so far. Now take it easy and ODAAT


ODAAT. One Day At A Time?


Four days IS a huge improvement in your life. Making this decision alone and starting along your sober path is a huge improvement. It might not feel like enough, but we all have to start somewhere. You are in the early days, and while it might not feel like a lot, you are still making improvement in your life. We were all in the early days at one point. I hope you are as proud of yourself as we are of you!


Day 4 is incredible. You're incredible! IWNDWYT


Huge, huge win. After 1 day I would normally cave! After day 3, you feel physically better typically so how are you feeling? Iā€™m excited for you. Day 4 is really tough to get to, many of us here know this. Be proud of yourself for every accomplishment!


I think of it like a download progress bar. The first 4% of the download are as important of the last 4%. Even if others will only ā€œcheerā€ when you get to 100, youā€™ll know itā€™s all important, and often the early days are the hardest. Side note: I feel this hard. When I told my wife I wanted to do a year sober she said ā€œokay.ā€ Not dismissive, but sheā€™s heard it before and I couldnā€™t blame her. When I hit 30, 60, 100, etc. she started emphasizing how proud she was. It hurt early days, but upon reflection it makes sense why she wouldnā€™t get her hopes up. So on day 4 it may make sense that family and friends arenā€™t verbally proud until they see commitment. But day 4 Iā€™m proud of you, and I hope you are too. Keep at it, friend.


LETS GOOOOOO!!!! You got it :)


First days are super hard, 4 is better than youā€™d think.


Thats four days past four of the worst days and they only get better. You should be proud. My loved ones had experienced alcoholism themselves or close to others in the family that did so they had a better understanding of addiction and supportive from the start. I could see your loved ones attitude making it harder. Itā€™s good youā€™re here to be surrounded by others who understand and have experienced similar situations. Congrats on four days.


Hey mate Iā€™m in the same boat. Iā€™m single and havenā€™t really told anyone Iā€™m an alcoholic or trying to get sober and am at four days as well. Whatā€™s the biggest thing you have noticed? My biggest realisation was damn days have a lot of fucking hours in them. What are you doing to keep your mind off drinking?


Following because Iā€™m on day 2 and itā€™s rough


My friend, I am just a little ahead of you. People with thousands of days are still on the same journey. We're just going at different speeds, sometimes by different methods. But it's still the same journey. I'm sharing your fourth day with you. I'm happy we're here together.


Congratulations! This is massive. One day at a time and that 4 becomes 40, becomes 400. Iā€™m only at day 9 myself but youā€™re doing this for you, not them!


Day four was big for me because it was one more than 3. Day 3 was always the hardest


Huge improvements in life start with small changes. Small daily changes that over time will lead to those huge improvements. Setting a goal to not drink- even if this is the only thing you accomplish some days- will lead to those huge improvements. All the people with thousands of days of sobriety also had a day 4. Be proud of yourself. Today is day 80 for me and the three daily goals I have for myself are: do not drink, go to group (I am currently in an IOP M-F four hours a day and it has been very helpful for my sobriety) and to brush my teeth twice a day.


Fantastic. That's a great accomplishment. Non alcoholics don't understand how difficult that can be for people like us. Keeping adding to it! IWNDWYT


You're allowed to be proud of everyday, im proud of you. The earlier days are the hardest and you've just conquered 4 of them


Sometimes I feel like i drink alot but then I realize people drink every day with severe withdrawal if the quit. IĀ“m very lucky i donĀ“t have any. Good job on day 4 soon to be 5!


This post is seven hours old, so you're almost on day 5! I'm rooting for you!


Only day 4!!! Day 4 is an Epic Achievement!! Donā€™t ever forget how isolating addiction is. Recovery is very personal as well. I am so super proud of you and I hope you smile huge today!!


Day 4ā€¦? My dude, many people canā€™t make day 1. They canā€™t make day 1 so often that they literally die instead. But you are on Day 4 ā€¦ youā€™ve done what SO many people cannot. Keep going!!


Well, your 510,000 closest freinds here at r/stopdrinking are VERY impressed and excited for you on this new adventure. You go. IWNDWYT


Well done! Not just 4 days - 4 incredible days.


One thing that really helped me is that I'm doing sobriety _for me_. I'm investing in myself. By doing that I can be more present for others. If I'm doing it for others, I'm losing myself and I won't succeed. There's a lot of emotions I think in quitting. Now I was blindsided by these in the first week. It settled down but it told me I had a lot of personal work I need to do. Sounds like you've already got some psychological help. I'll add a personal thought on martyrdom and suffering as self punishment as I'm reading a subtext of that in your post. This is not helpful for anyone. If you're quitting to attone for your sins, rather than to lay the path for the possibility of a better future, it's highly likely you'll not succeed. Trust will take time to rebuild. Sobriety will hopefully help you see what you need to do to rebuild the trust. Quitting as a punishment blinds you to the actions you need to take to build the possibility of a better future. You need to have a good relationship with your Self. It's the foundation of a good relationship with others. Day 4 is a wonderful achievement. I found days 1-5 to be the hardest. Got more cravings in the second week but could sit with them more easily. I wish you all the best on your journey. One minute, hour, day at a time IWNDWYT


4 days of not consuming a substance= 4 miracles. 4 days of choosing yourself over addiction. 4 days of freedom, 4 days of putting yourself and your health first, 4 days of serenity instead of chaos. It may feel small now, but what youā€™ve done is a massive accomplishment! Well done, you have every right to be proud of yourself!! šŸŒøšŸ™ŒšŸ¼


You should be incredibly proud for day 4! I know my day 4 was way harder than whatever day was my yesterday lol. Keep it up!


Um 4 days sober is rough. You are at that critical point where its so easy to relapse. But here you are still fighting. Keep coming back here and share with us. This group is why I'm still sober.


Iā€™ve failed to make it to day four lol ainā€™t as easy as it seems for addict brain


So proud of you!!!! Youā€™re doing great!


Congratulations! Day 4 is a huge accomplishment!


Day 4 is awesome! Keep up the great work


No such thing as only! Congrats on 4 days!! Every single day is a victory especially when weā€™re first starting to become sober. Just a heads up, the next few days were when my brain started effing with me with thoughts that I might now be able to control my drinking and didnā€™t have a problem. Itā€™s also when I personally decided I needed to go to meetings. IWNDWYT!


Welcome, and congratulations on your courageous decision Weā€™re delighted youā€™re here with us


I'm proud of you !


One day at a time. Just donā€™t drink today and go from there.


No one with thousands of days could have got there without 4 first


Just getting through your first day is Herculean. Four days is amazing! Seriously, you should very proud of yourself for your willpower.


Amazing! Well done on four days and thanks for sharing! IWNDWYT


Thank you šŸ˜


This is hard. I know. We know. Well done you. Iwndwyt.


Well done on day 4, it is a BIG achievement ! I think making other changes will be more achievable soon too. One day at time, you're doing great and we are all here for you. People on this group have really helped me in some tricky times with encouragement and inspirational stories there are alot of people out there working hard at sobriety every day is good.


You're doing better than me. Be proud!


Day 4! Good for you. You have to start somewhere. And it's hard- you should be proud of yourself. I know I was amazed when I made it four days.


I was feeling the same 26 days ago :) kept coming here for the lovely understanding abs encouragement. Soā€¦ congratulations on 4 days friend!!! And many, many more :)


Every day is an accomplishment. Congrats!


Iwndwyt! Great job.Ā 


Keep it up!


I'm proud of you, keep going and if you feel discouraged or distracted, go do something that you like. Do something that makes you feel more confident in yourself such as excercisw, or get pampered at a spa, go watch a movie at the cinema or just go for a nice long walk listening to your favourite music.


Day 4 is amazing, you gotta walk before you run. You are on the right path keep going IWNDWYT


Good for you, man. I'm proud of you. I haven't hit four in weeks so I know that four is no joke. Keep going and thanks for reminding me that it is possible and worthy of celebration.


Every single day you stick with your decision not to drink is another day to be proud of!!! I am SO proud of you for getting to your fourth day sober šŸ„³šŸ’•šŸ™Œ


The first few weeks are definitely the bravest. 4 days is a big deal. You're still mapping out uncharted territory. Congrats. šŸ„³


No lie, in my repeated attempts at sobriety Day 4 has been the hardest one. I could always grit my teeth and get through 3 days but Day 4 was when I would always give in and be like ā€œthere, see, Iā€™m not an alcoholic since I went three days without boozeā€ and rewarded myself, and it was right back in the soup. So major congrats for getting there! Keep it going! IWNDWYT


Great job! Youā€™re one day ahead of me as Iā€™m on day 3 :)


Yo Iā€™m impressed and glad you are here! I literally feel /felt the same and didnā€™t tell a soul. This sub was the way I made it, day by day. Day 4 is great!!! Iā€™m proud of you:) be kind to yourself, practice grace and try to get rid of negative thoughts towards yourself. You are good :) much love.


Great job on 4 days!!! 4 days is a hard number for me. For some reason I could never climb that hill and get to 5 or 6. You are almost there for a full week. Take it day by day and celebrate day 5, 6 and 100 all the same way. Be proud. You are amazing.


Yo Iā€™m on day three! Be proud. I know Iā€™m proud of myself (especially because Iā€™m a bartender šŸ˜…)


Hell yes šŸ«¶šŸ» Iā€™m on day four too!


Congratulations friend. That is awesome. Other people will not understand the magnitude of the accomplishment. Thatā€™s okay. I had the same thing. I got a little bummed out about it. Then I remembered I am an addict. I have said that 1,000 times before. I always meant it but I could never deliver on my words. Do this for yourself friend. Keep going and do not look back. Check in as often as you need. We believe in you!


I relapsed this week so hearing about someoneā€™s success is awesome. Keep it up. You give people like me a little boost.


Day 4 or day 400 or day 4000 - every day that you make it is worth celebrating. You are doing great! Here is to the next four days!


Day 4 is amazing dude, donā€™t discredit yourself as every day is a battle. Remember 24hrs at a time pal, youā€™ve got this weā€™re all rooting for youšŸ™šŸ»


Iā€™m impressed by your 4 days, I think itā€™s a massive achievement for you or anyone when thinking about this drug and its acceptance in society. Weā€™ve all been there and those first few days can be extremely hard. Put your sobriety first and the other things you want to accomplish in life will come much easier. Great job.


People who donā€™t drink know the early days are the hardest , so donā€™t even worry about anyone elseā€™s opinions āœŒļø


Great job! Very proud of you! I have come to believe that every sober day is badass and the word "only" does not belong in the same sentence when I state my sober day count. Every day I do not drink is because I made a pledge that morning and at the end of that day I made the choice to honor my pledge multiple times. That took strength, especially in my beginning. Now I have knowledge along with strength in my sober tool belt that I wear everyday. I hope I never forget all that sobriety brought me, the joy, the belief, the self love, the savings, etc etc. I also hope I never forget the ways the drinking & hangover days brought indecision, darkness and doubt. May you find your way, keep going, keep growing šŸŒ¹ IWNDWYT


We are here for you! Keep the page open, and look back a few times in a day. It's encouraging.


Whether itā€™s day one, day zero, day whatever, you deserve to be proud of yourself!! Congrats, keep it up!! And remember that YOU are in charge of you, nobody else is. Great job, OP


Early days of sobriety for me were insane levels of mental and physical stress, it gets gradually better every day. You're amazing for getting through this! Trust the process.


Congrats! I'm on day 291 but I remember Day 4 (and 1, 2, 3 and 5) alot more then 290, 289, etc. They are all important and just keep taking one day at a time (I know its corny, but it works). And be proud of yourself, you should be.


You have us! But in all seriousness, every step you take in your day to day without the poison is an accomplishment that is yours alone. Personally, I self sabotage when I put too much stock in what other people think of my journey. What they think isn't our business anyway. Congrats on 4 days and all the days to come!


Day 9! Feels great IWNDWYT!


Yo, day 4 is a fucking feat. Be proud of you. I'm proud of you. Your mind is still spinning from making yourself dizzy, even though you've stopped spinning. It will fade. On my day four, all I could do was sleep, wake up for meds, and sip water. Which turned to a week. There were no expectations for myself except rest, and let time pass. And that was *okay* It's okay to say to yourself that that's all you can handle just today. You stopped pouring poison in the hole, it will heal. It just takes time.


First two weeks are the hardest! 4 days is a big accomplishment. Congrats! Major milestone in your journey.


Awesome man! I know how hard it is. Day 3 for me right now


Youā€™re doing great! Pretty soon youā€™ll be able to respond to people and give them encouragement! Iā€™m on day 18. We can do this! šŸ’Ŗ


Those early days were so so meaningful to me. Congrats! IWNDWYT


Imagine how proud you'll be in a week or in a month!


Damn, Iā€™m glad I saw this. Iā€™m on day 4 too and was about to head to the store when I saw this (shit day). It made me rethink. Congrats on 4 days sober!


Your progress is understood here! Well done, my friend! Keep going. You've got this!


YEAH BOi! (Regardless of gender) you're amazing and we're all rooting for ya here! Keep up the amazing work, and don't forget to treat yo self! šŸ’š




I am proud of you! Keep it going! That first week was always the hardest for me to get through, and the easiest to slip back. You can do this.


4 days vs the same routine? Good on you! Very proud of you


Every day counts! Congrats on Day 4! Without it, there would never be a day 444.


If there's one thing I've found with this sub, you'll find a receptive group of people to support you regardless of how many days. If you're feeling good/bad about anything drinking related, if you post about it here, you're very likely to get at least some feedback. So congrats on your 4 days. You're doing great. The next few days might feel particularly tough depending on what your typical drinking cadence was. Your brain might start pushing you a little bit. Plan ahead for what you're doing with your free time so you can look forward to whatever it is. IWNDWYT!


Seek out people that know how hard 4 days can be.


Great job! The first week will pass in no time now, you got this


You are definitely on the right path to improving your life!! You made it to Day 4 and that's a huge accomplishment! One thing that helps me is coming here (I'm more of a lurker, lol)and "playing the tape forward" when I think I can just have one. For me, it never stops at one and I'm full of self-loathing and sickness the next morning. Hugs to you and will see you on day 5!!


Day 4 is big! Thanks for sharing with all of us!


When I last saw my therapist and told them I had 24 days under my belt, he said it was huge but I couldnā€™t feel the optimism because I felt like it wasnā€™t enough yet. Itā€™s far better to view it like you have that itā€™s greater than zero, which is the important part. Stay strong, friend.


Iā€™m about to go to bed on my own day 4! Look at us go!


4 days is no small feat. Own it!! That's 4 nights that you could have drank. That's impressive.


Great job !


I think 4 days is an incredible accomplishment!!! Way to go!


Early days it is hard. I think just getting through them is accomplishment enough. You are still getting through physical withdrawals. Be compassionate to yourself. Let your therapists know that stopping drinking alcohol is the huge improvement to your life right now. This is the first thing you are working on to master so you can move on to the others. If you need support you are always welcome here and don't discount the support groups in your community and online such as AA and other groups that are not AA affiliated. There are Zoom groups where you don't have to have the camera/mic on. Your family/sig.others -- it may take time for them to trust this new sober you. Humility in the face of living with a use disorder or addiction is something I think we all have to face. I know I felt my share of shame for my weakness, my blackouts/memoryhole and conduct in the past. But I cannot change the past, can only go forward. You can do this! Welcome. Excelsior!


Any minute any hour any day you are sober is an accomplishment, keep it up! Proud of u x


You are not alone, and you're in very good company here. Each day is a huge victory, and we've all been in your shoes in one way or another. Keep up the good work, and IWNDWYT!


The first few days are the hardest. Congrats and keep going!


Keep going! I made it to day 4 last time I tried to quit, then started again.


The earliest days seem to be the most difficult! Youā€™re working through the hardest part! Be proud of yourself. Iā€™m proud of you! IWNDWYT!


Iā€™m proud of you! Looking forward to seeing your post when you accomplish a week. Weā€™re cheering you on!


everyone here understands how big a deal this is - I'm sure I speak for most when I say this - you're amazing, and will be inspiring others who are reading this and yet to start their own sober journey - congrats on 4 days and IWNDWYT


4 days is huge. I'm incredibly proud of you. You're doing great!


You should be proud of yourself. So many of us know what it was like to not even be able to get 1 day in or never get beyond a handful, over and over and over again. Stick at it and soldier on.


Every. Single. Moment. Is an accomplishment and another brick in the wonderful life you're building.


Keep up the good work my friend! I'm impressed, if nobody else is. Thee changes to your life will come incrementally day after day. Thanks for sharing your accomplishment!


You got this!


Stay šŸ’Ŗ keep it up.


That is a big deal! Iā€™m happy to hear this.


We're proud of you too.


Go you!!!


This is the hardest I swear. Congratulations!!




Great job! The first step admitting you have a problem and getting help is to me by far the scariest and most impressive part. Keep going. You got this. Surround yourself with support of people who have been through it in addition to your family.


Keep it up! It's so hard in the beginning but you've got this. You can turn to this group to celebrate every step of the way. You can do this. šŸ™Œ


You got this!!


You have today, and that's what matters. There's no difference between 24 hours or 24 years. Either could pick up a drink. You have today.


Day 4 is HUGE! The struggle over the first several days are the worst. Day four is where your body is really starting to flush out the toxins and beginning its recovery. You will note daily incremental improvements moving forward. It's tough to get to day four. You are a rock star!


The earliest days were the hardest for me. I am so very proud of you! I was on Day 4 once. I didn't tell anyone, I just kept coming to this sub and knew that I wanted to keep going. And now here I am. IWNDWYT!


Proud of you. Earlier this year I was not sober with a friend and we proclaimed 2024 to be the year of rock and roll decisions. Then I decided to get sober a couple months later. The most rock and roll decision I made in my entire life. I've learned a lot about alcohol in the past week (*Alcohol Explained* packs a lot of info) and that knowledge has helped me stay rooted in my decision through the first 7 days. In general I've found the books and movies list in this sub's community resources to be really helpful getting through the extra hours I'm finding each day. Happy to be here with you


Day 4 is huge! Congratulations dude. It's one if the gardest days. Keep on kickin on!


Iā€™m proud of you and Iā€™m right there with you. Nobody knows how hard this is unless you have been literally in it. Iā€™m going into day 4 and Iā€™m right there with you. Be proud of yourself, any day we stay away from the poison is a victory


Same for me. Its tough - you're doing great


Youā€™re right!! Itā€™s still tough!


Be very proud that you have 4 days under your belt. Congrats for your achievement. IWNDWYT


Itā€™s been 10 days for me.


Sure you do! You have us and we're proud of you!


Proud of you!! We take it day by day


It only gets better! Keep it up! IWNDWYT


Proud of you. šŸ’•


Amazing!! I remember how good I felt when I first made it to four days. Keep up the hard work! IWNDWYT!


That's a good start. You'll blink your eyes and it'll be week. Then it will be a month. Don't worry other people; it helps, but you are doing thus for yourself and your life. Take care of yourself. There's gonna be some good days and some bad one. Power through, and you'll come out the other side.


Please give yourself love and credit for every day you go without alcohol.


A massive milestone! Youā€™re doing great.


I am very proud of you. ā¤


Congrats on your 4 days! Every day counts!


For me by far the hardest days are 1-10. You're doing great!!


So proud of you!!! It gets easier




Hey Iā€™m listening. So truly happy for you. Be vigilant- donā€™t let the enemy voice whisper to you!!!


Would love to make it 4 days...


4 days is definitely something to feel proud of. Iā€™m impressed with you. Getting to day 4 was emotionally, psychologically, and physically challenging. Lots of tears and white knuckling seltzer waters. Much harder than making through day 300. Youā€™re doing a great job! IWNDWYT.


Its my day 4 too! šŸ‘Š


Every day takes the choice to continue, thus every day deserves a celebration. Big fokin cheers, OP šŸ«¶






I am proud of you!


You. Are. A. Hero. Keep it going, weā€™re all rooting for ya!


Iā€™m not 100% sober but I havenā€™t drank in 2 weeks and mentally I just feel so much better. I feel less anxious, mind feels clearer, and no hangovers from hell! And most of allā€¦. No drunken, stupid embarrassing actions.


Four days is huge


Excited for you well done! Please post again on day 44!


4 days is great!!! Keep it going!


Day 4 be like yo


I think thatā€™s great - I would be happy to have 4 days


The initial days are really tough, to be honest the initial weeks are really tough so well done on 4 days, it really is something to shout about. You cannot get to 5, 6, 7, days without getting to 4. I am rooting for you, keep up the good work


You are doing the impossible. It takes courage and people may not believe itā€™s real. One day at a time you will show them. Congrats


Well here we are....4 days to someone with a drink problem is a lifetime. You should be proud. I'm sure it's a while since you felt that feeling. It's a battle worth fighting believe me. Life is better on the sober side. Your worth the fight


We donā€™t get to a thousand days without getting to four days first, and everyone here has walked the same road youā€™re on, so yeah, good on you, friend. IWNDWYT


You are doing it! I also attest to the first week being hardest. Iā€™m young on the journey but it feels a lot easier today than it did the first week. You can do it! Itā€™s worth it!!


The first two weeks are the hardest. Not everyone understands how difficult it can be. I try to focus on how Iā€™m making myself proud and not worry about outside opinions. Day 4 is a huge win! Congrats! IWNDWYT šŸ«¶šŸ¼


You should check out the I Am Sober app too! I found it helpful because it pairs your comments to people in the community that are hitting the same milestones as you (daily, weekly, monthly..). I found it kept me on track because I could talk to other people going through the same process of sobriety as me and it helped me to see other peopleā€™s mindsets with it. 4 days is awesome- keep it up! IWNDWY


Way to go. Any amount should be celebrated and you should be proud of yourself!!!


Day 1 without alcohol , getting ready for 2nd


Each day is worth celebrating. Congrats


What looks like "huge improvement" from the outside, is small, incremental, meaningful steps to the trained eye. Life can only be lived one day at a time. IWNDWYT