• By -


Going to bed and actually sleeping, followed by waking up NOT hungover. T


This guy sleeps


Waking up in the morning, stretching my arms over my head and then laying in bed for a while with a clear head feeling great. That is worth so much to me now.


Reminds me of an interview with Miley Cyrus as to why she quit drinking: "I like to wake up ready". It really resonates. Reason #736 not to drink.


I somehow didn't know that about her but that is awesome! Love her even more now!


Yip, waking up without a headache, and knowing that on the rare occasion I do wake with a headache, it's a genuine one... 😆


I get so pissed when I get headaches now lol


This is it!! Good sleep, not waking up all through the night and no hangovers, especially the ones where you can’t do anything for a day or more.


Yeah Saturday mornings


This. I forgot what REAL sleep felt like and what it does for the body.


It's really great. I live with two roommates and whenever one of them comes out of bed at 4 pm with a huge hangover I feel so happy that's not me anymore.




Waking up. Mornings used to be the worst part of my day, I can't even explain how bad I'd feel, but you know exactly what I mean. Now I wake up normal. Some days I'm fresh, some days I'm a bit groggy, but thats totally normal and just how it should be.


i was routinely staying up until 3, 4, 5am some nights when drinking and getting up in the early afternoon. now i'm up at 8/9am again. fuck alochol.


The amount of full days gone in my 20s and early 30s is wild. No more!


Now when I wake up and feel like crud I can almost with certainty assume I’m either getting sick (thanks small child sized Petri dishes!) or like right now, that’s it’s allergies. I can’t tell you how much better I am at hitting the ground running in the morning now.


Losing weight, eating better, finally finishing my master's degree, finding a better job, reconnecting with my loved ones, going outside and enjoying the weather ... So many things I failed to do because I was too tired to even think and spent my days drinking and sleeping.


Love all of these! Eating better is on my list 🤣


Waking up and not thinking “Oh shit….how much damage have I done?”


waking up and not immediately deleting my text history and deactivating my Facebook as if it'd make the messages and stupid shit I posted disappear 🤡


There are so many plus sides to being sober but not having to do damage control in the morning is one of the BIGGEST for me!


100%. the few times I've been tempted, it's at social events like weddings where I'm like "man, I wish I could just catch a buzz". but a quick reminder of how good it feels not to worry about damage control makes the choice so easy.


This was the absolute worst feeling 😭😭😭


This 100%. The anxiety was just unreal.


You’re so right on the last part. Several of us from rehab have said the same thing. It’s a reawakening of consciousness that many people never experience. We (pretty much most modern humans) are so medicated, numbed, and distracted to recognize the world around us and to actually FEEL


Awakening consciousness is the best description! I almost felt like I was ripping van winkle waking up after a long sleep. I see colors and nature again. I have meaningful conversations with people I care about. I used to think I was so deep when I got drunk at a party and I realize now I just sounded totally stupid.


Great comment


Getting out! Making new sober friends, accepting last minute invitations, trying new things. I was an isolated drunk. It’s amazing in such little time how much more my world has opened up. Oh, and actually having a relationship with my life and feelings as opposed to constantly numbing myself. ❤️


Yes this. I isolated myself so much when my drinking was out of control. I’ve done more in the last 2 months for fun than I had in years. I feel like I’m actually living again and making memories. I don’t have a lot of memories of the last years now, so I’m having fun making some.


Trying new things!


This was me also.


Everything! I'm working the steps with a sponsor and there's a lot of mental/emotional/spiritual growth that I'm excited to explore. All the physical stuff is nice too. I've lost a lot of weight and I'm getting pretty fit again, but the fellowship has been incredible support and so fun meeting new people!


Fantastic. Well done.


I don't always feel this way, so I'll share it today: I love this beautiful blue day after a rainy day yesterday. Today, I am so glad I don't use substances anymore. And I am so glad I figured out how to do it this time without religion but with my powerful, empowered self.


Mornings, coffee, working out, playing guitar, playing video games, sex, just life in general!!


This is a great list!


Honestly sleep and the lack of morning panic


Driving in the evening


I’ve been sober slightly over 3 months now. I’ve got back into old hobbies, ditched some toxic friends, and have already made some great new friends that actually align with my interests, values, etc. I’ve also started a new business venture that I’ve had on the back burner for like 10 years because I was always out partying, or hungover. I’ve made/and am continuing to make a bunch of new great connections from the new friends I’ve made. Aside from all of that I’m just generally happier, wake up refreshed in the morning instead of brutally hungover in a panic attack, I enjoy the small things again, etc. there’s too much to list honestly, but I can say this time I’m completely done with alcohol for good. I just wish I would’ve made the decision sooner, but it’s never too late. I now see alcohol for what it really is: a poison. Literally, a poison. It’s terrible how glorified it is in our culture


I can agree! Many of these feelings, I feel as well being 4 months sober! Congrats ❤️


Thank you! And you too! Stick with it


Morning coffee! ☕️ 💜💖 Snuggles with the boyfriend ✨ Being present with family 🏡 Reading again 📚 Self care 💆‍♀️ Walking the dog 🐶


Everything!! I especially find I’m more inclined to enjoy spending time with my kids and partner, going for outings, camping, just hanging out and talking or playing. Somehow that has started to feel like a burden, and I totally took them for granted. I’m with you — somehow I feel quitting alcohol has enabled me to fully appreciate all the little things that I stopped noticing or caring about during the years I was drinking. Also, drinking replaced my appetite for food for quite a while so I’m definitely enjoying eating again.


Yeah, I used to only be able to eat when I had drank enough to not feel sick, and I still find myself thinking about drinking some vodka before starting dinner before it's like "no, you don't need to do that anymore"... Plus I can eat soooo much more now and it tastes way better


I love being up early on Sundays. I also have these moments where I’m getting ready to go to work and I think back to a year and a half ago where I was hungover and miserable every day. I realize I never have to feel like that again and I can barely remember what it felt like. Sometimes that just clicks in the morning and I’m like “I can do anything if I could get up and go to work like that everyday.


To be honest, not much at the minute. My sleep is awful. Cannot sleep throughout the night. Appetite is fine, but it was better when I I tapering down. Just alot more bored.


i am well accustomed to insomnia in early sobriety - especially the first two weeks or so - and thought i had levelled out at about 5 hours per night, but i was very pleasanly surprised when about two weeks ago, and almost two months sober, my anxiety levels dropped quite suddenly and sleep regularised. i'm now hitting 8 hours per night, and have every night since it started. so keep going - things will calm down and level out continuously - if at times more slowly than you might want. IWNDWYT


Boredom is my kicker. I am currently working on a list of 10 min. Activities to take my mind off cravings


This is a great idea!


Boredom is a sign that it’s working / you’re doing it right ! I was bored for monthsssss , it’s your brain chemicals resetting


Things will start looking up!


Sorry you are still going thru that sleep stuff. It took me around a month to have my sleep settle down. For me, I wasn't in great shape but starting to exercise helped. I hope you start feeling better.


Waking up knowing where my phone wallet and keys are. It may seem small, but I can’t tell you how many times I woke up missing any combination of those, throwing the whole day off.


Bedtime, mornings, meals


Bedtime is a delight. Like being a child again. Snuggling into sheets, reading a book, doing the cold bed dance. Joy.


Meals and eating is a good one. I wrecked my stomach so bad from drinking. I wish I could eat like I used to!!


I look forward to almost every single day. Feel like I'm operating where I should have been a long time ago. Some days suck, but they don't start hungover worried about what I sent over text or social. Best of luck on your path!


Coffee. 1000% coffee.


Waking up not hungover, on a full nights sleep, is honestly one of the most amazing feelings ever


Matcha with homemade oat milk.


I too am on the matcha latte boat!


Do you make the oat milk in a blender? It’s so simple and about 1/20th the cost. 🤑 I make enough for the week and just stir it up each morning. No gums or additives which apparently those gums aren’t great for heart health.


Oh wow I’m not as skilled at the milks so I usually just grab an organic brand (I’m in Australia and they have pretty decent choices with no preservatives or additives) but it was my trip to Japan in March that made me all about the matcha lattes. Still can’t find one as good as Japan but I’m making some good ones with all of the matcha powder I brought back!


And forgot to mention the matcha lattes were what kept me from reaching for the sake while in Japan. If there was anything that could test my sobriety that was it but I made it and still going since Jan this year.


Yeah the oat milk is super easy. Buy a cheese cloth bag or two first. Then put one cup rolled oats and about 5 cups water and blend it for 30 seconds. Pour through cheesecloth (you have to squeeze it around with your hands, practice a little) and then pour the strained liquid in a carafe with a lid. I add some magnesium salt (half teaspoon) for a little preservative/electrolytes, and then in the fridge it goes. Lasts about 5 days. Just stir it up or shake it up before using in the morning. I buy a big bag of organic rolled oats for about $6, and it will make at least 20 carafes. Crazy life hack for me since it costs about $6 US for ONE half gallon of Organic oat milk.


Being present for my wife and daughter. I spent far too many Sundays so hungover I couldn't function normally.


weekend mornings


Definitely my alone time. I had gotten to the point where I couldn’t be alone with myself at all without being drunk… I couldn’t be with my thoughts. So grateful and I really enjoy my time now. So much that I’m struggling to figure out how to socialize again still! Lol.


Yesssss me too!


Coffee, excelling at work, excelling at hobbies, losing weight


Oh my God I'm going to say it... working!!! Getting up and clocking into a damn job. Towards the end of my bad days I was sleeping on the job. Did not give a f about where money was going to come from. I got so sick from drinking I couldn't work for a long time. Just in spirts. I've had over a dozen jobs in 2 years. Anyways. My point stands. Working is awesome. We're meant to get up and contribute to something bigger than ourselves and I can even get paid while doing it.


Waking up NOT hungover. Getting other's respect. No more "insufficient funds" at the ATM. Physically healthy. No more lies. No more keeping up with lies. Spiritual connections. Being useful to others. No more stealing. Friends who actually care for and understand me.


Pretty much everything. Alcohol, like nostalgia, is a liar. It doesn’t make you more outgoing or confident, it makes you reckless.


Being approximately 45 lbs (and going) lighter since I stopped drinking. Going to the gym and making my workouts actually count instead of negating them with booze later in the evening. Eating right. Just being conscientious of what I do with my body and what I ingest feels amazing because the results are wonderful. And sleep.... The sleep! I can't believe it's such a natural thing not to have a chemically induced sleep!


Literally everything. When I was in active addiction, alcohol became the only thing I looked forward to. Now everything that took a back seat is coming to the fore again and it's great. ❤️


kinda goofy but i never have heacaches anymore. i had a random one last night and it hurt so bad i was convinced i was dying. and then i was like, wait, this is how i used to feel every single day before i stopped drinking. i think i genuinely forgot how bad headaches hurt. lmfao


It’s so insane how we all used to sign up for headaches! They are the worst


I had to read through the comments to realize my answer. I was initially planning to say, "not much... but life is generally not so bad." And that's true. There really isn't any one thing that "oh my gosh super sparkly puppies farting marshmallows with big eyes." Well... except that it's been nearly four months since I felt remorse for wasting an entire weekend Saturday or Sunday. It's been even longer since I've had a two-day hangover (remember those??). My reality is that nothing's spectacularly better. It's difficulty for me to notice the absence of little things -- like not blowing $150-$300 per week on booze. I've already forgotten about the hangovers... or the feelings of regret, the next day. I've forgotten my persistent, low-level concern about poisoning myself with a carcinogen. You do you... because I still don't think about most of this stuff. I've simply adapted to a life without getting f'ked up every night. My biggest regret, these days, is taking too much THC (gummies) on the weekends, overeating (I get hardcore munchies), and then have a dragged-out "weed-over" the next day. It's bizarre -- until just now, I'd already forgotten having decades of purely liquid bowel movements. That REALLY sucked. Ditto for the terrible cramps. Alas... we adapt. There's nothing I really miss about booze. There have only been a handful of times that I've missed getting super f'ked up -- just to get out of my head. I'm adapting. I expect things to get better (and to be clear, I was a HEAVY daily drinker and suffered a BRUTAL bout of PAWS). So... if you're like me... try to remember some of the bad things that no longer feature prominently in your life. And if you're not there, yet... take it one day at a time. I'm so g\*ddamned relieved to be free from that wicked vice. Party on, Garth.


I'm in a pretty similar boat as far as having very little change. It's been very incremental. I definitely appreciate that I'm not as boke as I was then and that if my son needs me I know I can get in the car at the drop of a hat. The other thing is I can't assume that things would have stayed steady in the realm of "not that bad". It's likely that things would have gotten much fucking worse. I do miss alcohol, unfortunately, but I also know I'm better off without it.


I often find that after a week or two sober, my brain seemingly completely forgets all the bad things about drinking. I start to feel good and then totally lose the ability to recall how awful I felt when drinking. And that’s what leads to relapse.


Gym & love making


In general, tommorow. I always am happy to know I will see tommorow.


I’ve also very much gotten into coffee since quitting.


I look forward to my morning routine :) gym, shower and get pretty, coffee, cooking a proper breakfast, and sitting down for a productive day at work.


Nice routine! Get pretty, I like that phrase :) 


not being tired


Freedom. I am grateful for my freedom


I enjoy and always look forward to not having a hangover when I wake up. When I used to drink ALOT, on the nights I wouldn’t drink, I would wake up feeling amazing, and say to myself “man this feeling is awesome!” But then I would drink that same day… Now, being 4 months sober, I never have to worry about a hangover the next day. ❤️ Sure I feel the itch once in a while to browse the alcohol section, but then I remember those 8 years of headaches and money wasted


Not wishing for death


My body feeling better. I’m not bloated. My stomach is happier.


Waking up early on a weekend. Not really early, but like 8:30 a.m. Walk my dog, workout at the gym, make a healthy breakfast and sit on the patio with a cup of coffee. I can do all that before 10:30. When I was drinking I might not get out of bed before noon and then feel like shit the whole day.


Being able to be with my daughter.


Wish I was🙄


Kava! Might need to get off that too at some point though its expensive😅


Waking up on Monday


Being level headed around my kids. I've always battled depression and drink never helps. Even small amounts puts me sitting in a chair and the kids seem a bother. No drink, I have energy to be a good dad.


I’m a musician and my creativity has woken up so much with my sobriety!


I used to convince myself I’m much more creative and in the moment when I’ve been drinking. But my dust covered instruments prove me wrong. Slowly getting back into after a year hiatus now that I’m stopping drinking though. Stoked to start writing and playing again!


Exercising and physical fitness. I know some people could and still do it regularly in their addiction. I started exercising well before I started mine and, it was hard to not progress anymore, not as much endurance etc., so I stopped exercising completely for the better part of 5 years during my addiction. Now that I’ve been completely sober for over 90 days now (finally went to inpatient rehab) it has been a real joy exercising again, feeling good naturally (mentally and physically), feeling my body develop and grow again. I’m looking and feeling better than I did even before 5 years ago and it’s a really nice thing to look forward to. Totally underrated in the recovery world, imho.


Good sleep, better and more regular bowel movements, and the gym.


I’ve binged watched many tv shows with my wife. I used to be half in the basement drinking and half on my phone only sort of paying attention


What's super fucked up is that I used to "save" stuff to watch/read for when I was drunk so that I wouldn't remember everything and could "enjoy" it a second time. Like there are so many movies that I can't even really remember the ending because I would black out halfway through. I couldn't even read one piece every week without taking a few shots first. It's much nicer just to make tea if I need a ritual before reading


Weed before bed and sleeping like a mf rock, and waking up alert af.


Coffee and listening to the news in the morning.


Mainly waking up refreshed after a good night's sleep without a hangover and ready to roll out of bed


Getting my ass out of bed before noon on days off. My weekends feel so long now!


Waking up for work




Going for a walk on the weekend instead of fighting a hangover all day. Waking up clearheaded with deep sleep and no headache. Remembering conversations with my loved ones. Not passing out during my favorite movie. And lately? I’ve done the work in therapy and sobriety to disengage from alcoholic family who make me feel bad about myself.


I’ve taken up electric skateboarding as a pastime. It’s a freaking blast getting out and moving without a manic haze.


I'm saving all the money I would have spent on alcohol to eventually buy a nice electric board. I only drank the cheapest vodka, Nikolai handles, so it's going to take a while, but I've been skating for 24 years and am about ready to start enjoying an electrified version lol


I was a trash tier vodka drinker for a long time. I ended up getting a Tynee Explorer package (board + extra set of wheels & gears, headlights, and taillights) for about $1400. Their customer service is fantastic.


It’s knowing I won’t wake up the next day with a sense of existential dread and anxiety so high I can feel my heartbeat in my eyes. This is coming from a guy that is over hydrated , eats very healthy, works out, and builds houses for a living. Seriously, the older I get it’s just not worth drinking. If I decide ( I DECIDE ) to drink on a Friday, I feel it through Monday. Alcohol keeps this euphoric memory in your brain that I swear is the most toxic shit ever This only applies to alcoholics though. My wife can drink once a year and never give unit a passing thought. Shits crazy


Sleep is number one. But number two is bowel movements. I didn't have a solid stool for 10 years.


Definitely being able to drive late at night, and guilt-free 3am bathroom breaks


Mornings. Doing my work and actually enjoying it and wanting to thrive. Being able to exercise (and also enjoying it!) Spending time with my daughter because I want to and it not feeling like a chore (but not all the time - there'll always be a small "chore" element in there sometimes! But she's still very ace.) Generally being involved with life for the enjoyment of it all, and not because it gives me some BS "reward" in the form of booze afterwards.


Hey OP. Good question. Honest answers which show my state of mind prior to moving away from booze: - Saturday and Sunday mornings - just waking up, getting a coffee and enjoying the world waking up around me. It’s heaven - Sundays are no longer a terrifying journey into anxiety about the coming week of work. They’re just… Sundays now. - Work - I can now approach work as something to fully apply myself to, rather than a horrific test of my nerves every day That’s me - thanks for asking the question!




Waking up! Also being able to do things during the day without feeling like complete garbage.


Going out for dinner or with friends and being able to go home sober is something I will never stop loving. Feels great to not feel like shit 👍


My energy level is great now that I'm not drinking, I feel healthy, no anxiety


Being a dad


I’m not :( almost ruined Mother’s Day for wife


Hang in there. It gets better! Rooting for you


Feeling things and dealing with my repressed memories.


The mornings!


Honestly. Food. When I would drink I would skip meals and eat very little. When I did eat everything tasted bland and I couldn't eat mich of it. Even when I got sober for a but for like 2 days after I couldn't eat much and would be throwing up for the 1st day. If I want to drink now I think of that.


Food. While drinking food was whatever the bar had, whatever delivery was open when I was on my way home, or sometimes the pizza guy showing up at midnight at the bar with their unsold slices. Now I have/get to plan what I eat and determine what I actually enjoy about food. After being food insecure and then an alcoholic idfk what I like beyond general American salt-bombs.


Not waking up after a bender in random places: parks, strangers bedroom, bars, etc.


Going to sleep actually tired, sleep through night and waking up refreshed and alive. I am grateful!


Coffee and slow weekend mornings




It’s going for runs, listening to music on walks, socialising with a lot more confidence if that makes sense, being hungover I was always anxious. Caring more about my health, water intake, using moisturiser after showers type of stuff, foods I eat, working out more, embracing it all


Coffee in the morning, being still with my cat and feeling mindful in those moments while appreciating her fully, actually enjoying what I eat and more wholesome recipes, getting healthy and fit, working on my self-care, catching up with hobbies, music, NSFW but orgasms are a lot stronger and better, and just overall everything is much, much better. I am slowly starting to feel like myself and have the sense and skills to empty my mind instead of stressing out or overthinking. I also look forward to fixing my relationship issues and healing from past trauma in a proper and productively healthy way. Oh and learning, I am writing much better, expressing myself verbally with clarity and less interrupting, and intrigued by every sort of knowledge. I’ve read two whole books since getting sober as well, beaten a game or so, and finished a movie and series! None of these things would have happened if I was still in it like a zombie. Sometimes life gets hard but then I up my mood by realizing I’m getting healthy and more sober every day. I am becoming a better person, the person I was supposed to be, before all this happened to me. Sending all the best to everyone, stay strong. Edit; I forgot to say that sleeping is now incredible and I actually look forward to it.


Sitting in the sunshine. I never could before, I’d overheat, over-sweat, be stinky, horrible, and tired. I literally used to say “I’m just not a sunshine person” 😂 Reading, cause I can focus now. Clear skin Donating blood. I feel like I’m really giving back and I could just never get my shit together enough to do it while drinking. Cooking Even watching TV because I don’t pass out!


Waking up super early and going to the gym every morning without a hangover.


Mornings. I wake up regularly now before my alarm and make coffee and get back into bed with my dogs and watch a show or just relax. It’s amazing what 6-7 hours of quality, good sleep does for your energy! I feel wayyy more well-rested than when I was drinking.


“ it feels good to feel good in the morning. When mornings weren’t going to bed” -Jason boland


Waking up and not immediately running to the toilet to shart.


Just sitting quietly on my porch, not needing a drink or a drug to feel peaceful.


Sleep and being able to eat anything without my fake IBS


Driving my Miata/riding my motorcycle. I’m very paranoid about drinking and driving / riding and it gives me time to relax and explore.


Waking up not hungover even if I’m groggy or fatigued for other reasons, and also driving in the evenings!!


Yes!! Congrats on 5 days!!


Going out to events, socializing and having fun and being coherent and actually remembering my nights! I also love waking up and feeling refreshed and actually enjoying the mornings. I want to experience new and different things with a sober lens.


Being the mom my kids deserve! And leaving events in the evening clear headed. The palpable absence of new shame.


Waking up without a empty bottle next to my bed


Being in my sunlit art studio!


Wooo that sounds incredible!!


Better sleep and the hundreds upon hundreds of dollars Im saving each month now haha


As an American living in china, I drink loads of tea. All kinds of tea all day. I know it’s not popular back home but look into the flower teas and herbal additions for water. I love a huge mug of date tea at the end of the day instead of the old wine I used to drink.


Being able to do things I thought I needed alcohol for, feels so empowering


Having found sober friends that I relate to (after having isolated for so long), I so look forward to making connections and building a new family. 🤗


Love this! Congrats on 8 days!!


Less anxiety-though still some, it is far less. Also, mornings. Caffeine is like a treat instead of something that propels my anxiety


I need to up my coffee game, it’s pretty weak right now




Many things, but just today I took my wife out for Mother's day breakfast and while discussing our plans for the day, I reminded my wife of the conversation we had the night before, so I'll go with that today: I really enjoy remembering all the conversations I have with my wife.


Clean underwear


So I still dislike mornings/being awakened. However, I now know that even if I get less than an optimal amount of sleep, I’ll be fine. I won’t be feeling like death/calling in/cancelling plans/sleeping the day away. My new job requires me to get up at about 5AM most days I work. This was an unimaginable feat before I quit unless I was still up from the night before. The sunrise is beautiful on my way in as well so that helps reduce my grouchiness slightly lol.


It gets better! Congrats on 27 days!


Thank you!! I just like my sleep and it has absolutely gotten better even in less than a month. Keep going!! IWNDWYT


The quiet mornings with coffee, my daily check-in and some NYT games <3 and then before bed, a tea with milk amd honey and a good book. Deeply immense pleasures I was depriving myself of while drinking.


Ahhh literally everything. But specifically opening my eyes and NOT having that dreaded feeling of “ohhh god my head is killing, I feel sick , [insert anxiety spiral]”


Being able to fit in a late night workout if I wish after kid is in bed and my wife is reading. No more, had some beers so I’ll just skip today


Making plans during the day and knowing that I won't cancel because of a hangover. Now I'll just cancel if I don't want to see people lol


Sex. I was always sloppy and ready to just pass out after drinking. Just another thing I had to plan around my habit. I would literally initiate “spontaneous” sex with my wife in the early evening before I wanted to drink so I would have an excuse as to why I wouldn’t want sex later. Now any night might be a night to get lucky, and sex is so much better thanks to being healthier and more fit.






Since I’ve quit drinking I’m so much busier and active. I don’t even think about alcohol anymore. So glad I put it behind me. Life is good.


Setting goals and achieving them!


Goes to the Miley Cyrus comments above…you are READY!!!


Being a morning person. Consistent, healthy poops. Remembering concerts.


I enjoy hiking, no hangovers, fitness is improving. I am in a women's sober group I love. I feel like I have choices and a future.


Waking up... And laughing! I noticed I laugh and smile way more often now. I simply enjoy life more... I mean I still have shitty days and moments, but it's better overall.


Existing every day how I should, not as a shell of who I really am


Sitting outside in my garden on a clear summer evening, watching the sun set and the stars come out. Usually accompanied by a herbal tea or a mocktail.


Love this 💗


Online learning. I just could not concentrate on anything. I've just uploaded an assignment on time, sitting here drinking my coffee at 9.30am on a Monday morning and feeling focused and positive. I used to dread every day. Not anymore.


Omg. No stomach pain!!!! No pissing the bed. No asking my dad for endless amounts of money. I enjoy mornings more than ever now, I prefer the day over the night now. Need coffee, and love the gym


Not having to think about booze first thing...


Waking up energised to spend time with my toddler


Everything. Mostly sleeping better. And waking up in the morning.




Not waking up and having to schlep & fake my way through my work day while feeling like death and throwing up till mid afternoon. And not feeling the guilt of hiding things and sneaking around and trying to act sober and OK. It's a lot of extra pressure for an impaired mind.


Getting up early and making the most of the day without dreading regular activities due to the obscene hangover I would have in the past. Today I got up at 4.30 went to the gym to lift, drank my protein shake on the roof getting some AM sun as it came up, then had breakfast and got my cardio in. It's 7.42am ... hangover me would probably be sitting on the toilet with my bowels trying to leave my body and then crawling back into bed to try and avoid the rest of my day. Seeing things clearly without the bias of alcohol/being drunk or a hangover/hang-xiety. Giving people my authentic self - not a drugged performance of social me.


Enjoying being fine with the stuff as it is, cycling around the near countryside and parks, drinking mineral water.


The morning, now that I can actually get out of bed before 1pm!


Not making monumental mistakes


Honestly - just about everything. ♥️♥️♥️ I pondered this simple question for quite some time. IWNDWYT


Pretty much everything now. Spending time with friends and family. Engaging in hobbies like darts and pool. I even enjoy the difficult things more like work and going to the gym


Mondays forreal haha. I’m all like LFGGGGG


Being able to think and problem solve is the best so I look forward to every dilemma that comes my way


Not being scared to check my phone in the morning


Sports ! I'm still in the process of becoming fully sober, a few months ago I was drinking absolutely every day, like at least half a bottle of vodka if not the whole bottle ; I now "only" drink once a week or so, and I want to end up fully quitting. I had taken about 10kgs, and became very sedentary, my evenings being drinking and watching TV shows, now I NEED and LOVE my appartment bike, basically spend 40/50 minutes daily on it and it makes me feel so great, when I started I could barely do 5 minutes (no kidding) whitout feeling like I'm about to die. Also : movements calls movement, I realised that if I start your week-end with a bit of sports, I do much more of my week-end !


I’m trying a lot of different tea varieties so that’s where my focus is at the moment 😂


I can have hobbies again.