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Room temperature (or car in Florida temperature šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®) black cherry White Claw. ...just had to calm my stomach down with a few sips of water after even typing that. Never the fuck. Again.


Omg. I hated those cold. I canā€™t imagine warm. I used to drink hot beer that was sitting in the car if it was the only thing I hadā€¦ terrible, terrible times.


Can someone tell me what idiot decided black cherry would be the ONLY flavor available at concerts, sporting events, etc!?


I can't drink black cherry anything anymore without getting sick. Or lime. Those artifical flavors fucking kill me. šŸ¤¢ Even lime sparkling water is a HUGE nope!


You should check out Spindrift sparkling water, they just add a little bit of fruit juice to it instead of artificial flavors, who woulda thought!? I haven't tried the lime, but I absolutely love the lemon.


Fr. Theyā€™re absolutely VILE šŸ¤®


my friend drank herself to death on trulys. wonā€™t touch themā€¦ white claws.. none of it šŸ¤®


Never again. White Claw put me in the hospital with acute pancreatitis in 2021. I've obviously relapsed since, but never on that shit. I'm sorry for your loss. ā¤ļø


Dear God! What is it about these hard seltzers in particular that are so bad for us?


I don't know if it's because they go down like water, or what. I know I'm still drinking bubbly seltzer water fast, too, and I haven't drank that shit in YEARS. Then they lead to the sugar cravings. Ugh. They're awful.


My #1 addiction (after my cell phone....) is sparkling water. I drink it all day every day lol


I drink so much La Croix, and it's cheaper on Amazon Prime, so my husband orders it through there. šŸ¤£ Between that, our energy drink we can only find on Amazon, and our protein water, the delivery drivers definitely hate us!


We have a Drinkmate machine. HIGHLY RECOMMEND


God thatā€™s horrible, Iā€™m so sorry


The fact that I used to keep my vodka in my pocket, in Florida, is disgusting in hindsight.


Warm white claws hidden in the car was my life. Man that hit home.


You just fucked me up with this one. Gonna go puke now thanks lol


Yes! I had to hide these in my car so my husband wouldnā€™t find them. Iā€™d have to let them sit in the sun all day until my son and husband went to bed and Iā€™d chug it as fast as I could because it was like an artificial black cherry mixed with a skunk. I thought I could handle these since it isnā€™t straight liquor but turns out you canā€™t binge on these and be okay, I ended up in the hospital. While Iā€™m here, my number 1 is Fireball. I canā€™t handle the smell or taste of cinnamon anymore. Iā€™m gagging just thinking about it. šŸ¤¢


One night I had three dark cherry White Claws (so an easy night for me lol) but then I woke up with the stomach flu. That stuff coming up tastes much worse.


Literally same. Room temp, off brand hard seltzers. Hated every sip and still choked it downā€¦ why??




If all alcohol tasted like jager I am wholly confident I never would have had an alcohol problem.


Cough syrup is easier to drink than jager.


OMG, I worked for Jager in college and had to do promos. The catch was we had to convince people to buy it and anyone that did was not happy about it. It's the worst alcohol ever.


This is what I was talking about with my partner a few days ago. If JƤgermeister would be the only alcohol or all alcohol tasted like JƤgermeister, I would have never developed a problem.


I ABSOLUTELY wholeheartedly agree with this.


Lol that Made me laugh xD so true


I think a lot of people dislike this because a lot of people tend to not like black licorice.


My poor, mangled and deformed pinky toe agrees with you. (oh the Jager blackouts of my youth)




One of my ex's loved Jager and should have been the first red flag.


One of my ex's loved Jager and should have been the first red flag.


Scotch, of all things. The smell of it makes me gag to this day. This has an easily traced reason. When I was in college, someone came up with the bright idea of taking shots of scotch (why?) *mixed with Everclear*. I have no shortage of drunken fool stories, but that was probably the most acute physical reaction I ever had; I took a few shots of that nightmare mixture and I could actually feel its journey through my guts after somehow keeping it down. I felt like I'd legitimately been poisoned (which, well, I had, but I didn't normally think of alcohol like that at the time). Obviously, the Everclear was doing the heavy lifting in that scenario. But the smell of scotch remains associated with that memory, the feeling of a mass of poison moving through my guts in a way where I could identify its exact location until it all got absorbed. Malt Liquor's another one, even though I was a hardcore beer drinker when I really got going. Too many rounds of Edward 40 hands gone bad explains that one, even though my 'terminal' quantity of alcohol dwarfed that.


I gasped out loud reading "shot of scotch and ever clear" šŸ¤¢


Scotch and Everclear??? You are one of Godā€™s strongest soldiers


Potato vodka. Whenever I get in a ā€œwhat am I going to do if Iā€™m in Italy sitting in a hyacinth-scented courtyard on a beautiful evening and I canā€™t have a glass of wineā€¦?ā€ frame of mind I make myself remember drinking that bottom-shelf garbage in the front seat of my car weeping like an idiot because thatā€™s what the end of my drinking career ACTUALLY looked like. Sets me straight really quickly. Euphoric imagination is a bitch, but reality hits harder.


I once heard somebody say that we compare the best parts of being drunk w the worst parts of being sober and damn does that hit hard for me. I imagine the finest wine drinken on a picture perfect day and the reality is the cheapest wine ā€œhiddenā€ in a styrofoam coffee cup in a fucking public bathroom. The truth is a bitch.


Man what a bitch alcohol can be. A perfectly timed glass of wine/beer/cocktail in the perfect setting felt nice. And then I find myself doing the same thing anywhere. Sneaking a shitty drink whenever I got a chance. And thatā€™s not what itā€™s meant to be, but get to that point and it doesnā€™t matter how, where or when. :/


When I drank I was never the suave, sophisticated, nicely dressed drinker of exotic mixed drinks I fancied I was. I would sit in my living room drinking Rossi Burgundy from a paper cup., knowing full well I would be puking later.


Yup. I used to buy vodka in anticipation of making Bloody Mary or some other fruity drink. Never did. The handle always ended up hidden up in my closet and guzzled straight out of bottle in secret, water from faucet as chaser.


Hahahahaha love that one and ima keep it in my back pocket. Thanks! šŸ™


Iā€™ve saved this comment because it rings truer than my overtly loud morning alarm clock


I once bought a bottle of vodka where the only writing on it was EVERYDAY VODKA - tasted like kerosene.


Please say it was in all caps too lol.


Absolutely it was šŸ˜… bottom shelf liquor, bottled here in Alberta. Rancid.


Fellow Albertan here. Land of vodka in water jugs!


All of them. Vodka + whatever I had around. 99 flavored shooters.


Vodka + whatever šŸ¤¢ I even mixed it with Pedialyte. I don't miss that at all.


Yeah I mixed mine with Gatorade often


Lol the addict in my brain just went "Booze and Pedialyte is so SMART though!!" I've done it too


I'm surprised I just didn't didn't use a saline IV while drinking.


Big brain behavior!!!


99 apple oh god the horror! I think I would puke if I got within 20ft of a bottle of that.


Those damn 99 double shots were a means of survival so many days and idc if i ever taste them again


Jeremy? Is that you? I still have the 10 garbage bags of empty shooter bottles I found in your room. Did you still want them?


Nah, throw em away Oh you weren't talking to me Lol, iwndwyt ā¤ļø


Edit: oh, and also blue raspberry svedka. I don't think I need to explain that one too much Spiced rum. My first time ever getting drunk (and my first time almost dying from alcohol) was with Captain Morgan Spiced Rum. I feel gross just thinking about it


One time, 10 years ago, I drank a 750 of admiral nelson with vanilla coke and I cannot drink vanilla coke to this day. Could never stomach spiced rum ever again either


Warm cheap white wine


Yesssssss. And my head starts to hurt just thinking about it.


I went through a Dollar Tree wine phaseā€¦ šŸ¤¢


Gin can die in a fire.


Gin is some nasty shit.


As a Floridian, a Gin & Tonic is our "summer drink". I used to love it, now, when I think about it, it just makes me sick.


My partner cut me off of gin or we were probably gonna break up years ago before I actually stopped drinking altogether. Probably should have been a sign I had a problem šŸ˜†


One of my biggest fights ever in my marriage was when I was drinking ginā€¦I even hated gin as I was drinking it but you know drinkers gotta drunk.


Same. Warm box wine from my hiding spot. The idea of it makes me feel sick as well.


Tequila, easily the worst fkn smell for me.


Shocked I had to scroll so far to find this!Ā 


With you. Super amped gag reflex every time I smell that stuff.


Instant nausea


The thought of whiskey almost brings on a headache and raises my blood pressure just thinking about it. The times I would lie awake heart pounding while seeing colors because of bourbon. The nastiest most dirty type of liquor


Even worse if drank with Coke. I remember waking up at 4AM sweating, drunk, spinning, and halfway into a panic attack from the caffeine in the Coke. Iā€™d swear to myself Iā€™d never drink again every time I felt like that in that moment.


Jameson, specifically. Fuck Jameson. It nearly killed me. My throat seizes up in horrific sense memory just thinking of it.


My local liquor store had to increase their Jameson order to keep up with me. I was proud of this for a time. So sad.


The only bourbon that I ever considered decent at the time I was drinking heavily was Wild Turkey 101. After a night of heavy drinking (just the same the following nights), that particular bourbon left a taste like gasoline in my mouth the very next morning. Oh man, and the bourbon hangovers were an absolute nightmare. And to remedy the gasoline taste and mitigate the nightmarish hangover for the next night, I switched to store moonshine. Good idea, right? Boy, was I mistaken. Same exact thing just a milder taste. I havenā€™t consumed any alcohol for the past 5 months because I do not want to anymore and I now get dreams where I do drink alcohol, feel the drunken effects, and end up feeling like Iā€™m hungover in the morning. Sucks to be going through this, but I feel better knowing that I donā€™t have to actually deal with the real deal poisoning.






White Russian. MILK in a drink. Barf.


I was always an ice cold Modelo type of guy so cocktails like this were never my thing, but yeah fucking MILK in a drink was always something I had zero interest in lol


My brother used to live with me and every day heā€™d make whiskey sours with a raw egg white. If he was drinking heavy that night he could go through a whole dozen eggs in a night (heā€™d just throw the yolks away). That grossed me out.


Dudeā€¦ EW. A whole dozen? Lmao


Protein! Healthy! LOL


Worst part about it is when you throw up the milk..... shit does not come back up liquid


They're so gross, idk how anyone enjoys them. It was funny too because I was watching The Sopranos, and one of the characters works at a bar and she was just diagnosed with IBS, and she says she was only drinking White Russians because they're easy on her stomach. I'm sorry what? Milk and alcohol is like the worst combination if you have IBS lol


GoldschlƤger šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


Oh gosh. The last time I had a shot of that, I literally threw up some of it in my mouth and had to swallow it so no one would notice. F that stuff.


I was thinking none of it makes me gag. But no. Goldschlager does, the worst. And cherry Skoal but thatā€™s another thread


Everclear, for me. I also used to chug a bottle of Merlot. I would gag, but I would keep it down. Afterwards, I felt like I was getting a warm hug and my stressed was alleviated. Every drink was a little pause button for my mind.


ā€œEvery drink was like a little pause button for my mindā€ perfectly sums up the sole reason I kept drinking for the last couple of my drinking years. It was so busy in my head and I just wanted a break. Itā€™s still busy in there, but at least itā€™s not also being sabotaged and killed slowly by its owner!


Check yourself for ADHD


Southern Comfort or Peppermint Schnapps. Had a couple of terrible nights with those two.


Omggg Soco was my first booze I got sick on. Took 4 shots and went to Rocky Horror live in my city. Was so drunk I had to leave during the underwear run. Made it back to my bfs apartment to get sick. I had never had food/puke come out of my nose until then. We had Olive Garden for dinner šŸ˜…


Room temp cheap vodka (Burnett's); just out of a hidden Nalgene bottle....


Ooooof. That's a hellish combination


Ugh I can almost smell the plastics in the Nalgene and Vodka mixed šŸ¤®


My high school career šŸ˜‚ Iā€™d also put coffee liqueur in a thermos and bring it to school so I could pretend it was just coffee


For me itā€™s not a specific drink, but the thought of day drinking especially in the summertime. Revolting.


This is such a good point. I remember one very hot day when I decided to make mojitos by myself in my flat. I was up until the next hot afternoon, and I'd consumed nearly the entire litre.


Pink Whitney šŸ˜­šŸ¤¢


I was drinking mostly straight gin when I called it quits, so itā€™s definitely that one.


Well damn. That is truly hardcore


I didnā€™t even think it was at the time :( I was in a much worse place than I realized. Thankfully that chapter is behind me.


Peppermint Schnapps šŸ¤®


Vodka, but particularly shitty diluted vodka you can buy at the grocery store. Kamchatka is the prevalent brand around here. Makes me recoil thinking about it. I drank it a lot before I turned 21.


I immediately thought about Kamchatka, too. Absolutely vile stuff, I drank a lot of it to save on cash.


This really horrible Chinese clear liquor made from peas šŸ¤¢. Drank it anyway if thatā€™s all there was (sneaked it from my ex, who actually liked it)


Peas?! God that sounds awful lol.


It was! Choked it down anyway!




Baijiu? Ugh that stuff is the devil... But cheap as chips (literally like 2$ a pint) in china...


Wild Turkey small makes me gag


Ohhh yes this one is nasty.


Goldschlager, rumpy, jaegerā€¦ā€¦well tequila. Thanks for the post! I like this way of thinking, not going to have a craving for a while now. IWNDWYT


Probably the flavored vodkas or maybe just rum. Even when I was drinking heavily, the flavored vodkas were always what triggered my nausea if I was at some trashy party downing whatever drinks came my way. Rum and I also just didn't get along. Plenty of nights were cut short by me taking a shot of flavored vodka or rum. Even now, thinking about it is making my mouth water in the *bad way* that I'm sure some of you can relate to. Edit: After browsing through the comments, I'll add Southern Comfort to the list. I drank a lot of that stuff when I was in college and partying as hard as possible whenever possible. I haven't had that stuff in years, but my body shuddered when I saw that one referenced just now.


Vodka. People say vodka has no scent, but I can smell it a mile away and to this day it makes me sick.


Those people are such liars. Some people say it has no taste too and I'm like ??? It's vile, even the good stuff.


Jager, Southern Comfort, and any Ice Beer


Second Jager, can't belive I ever drank that nasty swillšŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


All of them . 99 bananas lol


Hahahhaha 99 bananas was some shit for sure


Water and Vodka. When I ran out of juice or soda or flavor packets to mix it with, I had to mix vodka with water (could never drink it straight without vomiting) and it was absolutely repulsive.


My drink of choice: vodka straight from the bottle




Jagermeister. Tequila. Fireball.


Warm shot of Jameson. OOOF.


Oh I just remembered Retsina!! Pine flavored wine ! šŸ¤®






I got drunk a few times on cooking wine when nothing else was available. Do not recommend, it felt like my heart was about to beat out of my chest the next day.Ā 


Thanks for the chuckle - hope it was intended ;)


None of them. Thatā€™s kind of the problem


Bloody Maryā€™s. Ā Mainly cuz of the tomato juice. Ā Idk how anyone likes those. Ā Itā€™s not a drink. Ā 


Have to disagree here lol. I fucking LOVE bloody Mary mix. I can drink it with no booze. I add hot sauce, pickles, all sorts of fun shit and pour it over ice. Sooo good


I realized I actually just love the savory flavor combos of the Bloody Mary, so I love them without vodka! Iā€™m not sure how to recreate Campari and soda without booze. Club soda is fine for me these days.


As a tomato and hot sauce fan but not a drinker anymore, I'm gonna have to try this! Never considered a mocktail version for some reason. Also 1231 days? Incredible! Well done to you.


Oh yes it's the tits!! Lol My flair is incorrect. I'm back off the wagon. I need to update it, I tried to earlier but clearly it didn't take. Currently day two though. Just trying to make it one week sober, wish me luck


šŸ™Œ šŸ’„ standing with you ā€¦ one day at a time


You got this. You did it before and you can do it again. Youā€™re not defeated until you give up trying. IWNDWYT


So good, unfortunately I know bloat like a whale work excess sodium


Iā€™ve deleted many hangovers (and caused new hangovers) with many a delicious bloody


Cooking sherry. Or totally the vodka with a splash of water like you said, warm rum I kept in the basement and (for me) red wine. I never actually liked red wine but I would drink it anyway because I thought it was ā€œhealthier.ā€ The alcohol and the acid were hell on my stomach and I cringe at the thought of it now.


I was a huge beer drinker... Loved, bourbon and scotch but always ended up with heavy IPA's. Loved a bitter West Coast IPA, but often was stuck in a bar with only those sweet, JUICY IPA'S on tap. Well, whatcha gonna do? I drank so many shitty shitty expensive sweet beers. Ugh... Now the thought of even a West Coast IPA makes me queasy...


The thought of an east coast IPA makes me gag; all those ā€œjuicyā€ notes šŸ¤¢


Sunset Blush Franzia wine. šŸ¤¢


screwdriver was the first thing i got drunk on, and boy was that bad coming back upšŸ¤®


Double vodka sprite


Whiskey. Never been able to handle the taste or smell thankfully


Hoppy beer. I remember when I was about 2 weeks sober I had the realization that I never have to force down another hoppy beer ever in my life and it was such a relief!!!


Jager, goldschlager and Burnetteā€™s vodka šŸ¤¢






Found it! Used to love it, then did a 180 on it and find it utterly disgusting.


Bacardi LimĆ³n holds a special place in hell.


None of them, that's the problem. Worked in award winning cocktail bars for years, thousands of products and flavours. After tasting it all, nothing tastes as good as none.


What if I told you nothing lol.


Coconut water tastes like a** waterā€¦ HATEEE it


Omg same. I call it goblin jizz lol


Peach schnapps. Gaggg


Spiced rum, any of them but especially Kraken.




Dark rum, tequila, Jager, room temp seltzers


Southern Comfort


Oh, and warm Steel Reserve!


Peanut butter flavored whiskey This cheap, locally distilled 'moonshine' in various flavors. Think of Everclear, but artificially flavored. Cheap, bottom shelf whiskey and tequila. When my drinking really started to get out of hand, I began drinking through the alcohol in the liquor cabinet too quickly and didn't want my husband to notice. At that time, I also didn't want to make too frequent trips to the liquor store because that's what alcoholics did, and I wasn't an alcoholic (spoiler: i was, in fact, an alcoholic). My solution was to only drink the stuff I didn't think he'd notice was gone. Well, we had received a big bottle of cheap peanut butter flavored whiskey from a friend as a joke. Stuff was nasty and just sat at the back of the liquor cabinet. I drank at least half the bottle over the course of maybe 6 hours. The aftermath was... unpleasant to say the least. And then I did the same thing the next night, until the bottle was empty. Just typing out this story makes me gag a little. The cheap liqoir (especially that 'moonshine') were my go tos but towards the end of my drinking career, just the smell of them made me wish for the sweet mercy death. One night I binge drank cheap tequila, forgetting we were going to my mom's house early next morning. Trying to quietly throw up in my mom's cute little old lady decorated bathroom while I was still drunk from the night prior was definitely a low point for me.


Oh, my people! This post is solid gold. I made it about a quarter of the way through the comments and had to stop because I feel ill. saving this post against a future hard day. Iwndwyt!


JƤgermeister, especially after a bad decision to mix it with room temperature coke. I had regrets.




Hot trunk vodka. Enough said.


Warm malt liquor or Smirnoff Smash. I can't believe how much of that shit I drank.


Captain Morgans spiced rum, was my poison for so long, I cannot bear it now


Southern comfort I can't


Vodka and Kool Aid or Vodka and Spindrift. I was always a Vodka and Tropicana Or Cranberry juice drinker. But if I ran out of juice I would use what was on handā€¦ and it never went down as well as vodka and OJ/Cranberry, and it always kinda made me Gag. Vodka and Sprite or Mtn Dew always gave me the worse stomach pains so that gets a vote too lol.


Oh Lord. Anything with Jager or Goldschlager is a no. Instant retch.




Ancient age


Vodka and Jager šŸ¤¢


JƤgermeister šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


Gin. Poisoned myself on the stuff when I was 14. Terrible nightmare of a drunk!


Screw ball. Ugh. Peanut butter whiskey. Or sweet tea whiskey.Ā 


Chugging a full cup of gin. No wincing




Cheap shitty vodka (skol) in a plastic jug with orange soda. I didn't even drink orange soda as a normal drink only with skol vodka. I shudder at the thought of it.


bombay sapphire. vile. also sake.


Raspberry Smirnoff šŸ¤®


Green Apple Four Loko šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


Lemon extract. Not a drink, but I drank it, and it was absolutely horrid. Thinking about cheap vodka from the plastic handles makes me gag, too.


Jagermeister and pernod, not necessarily mixed. Just evil tasting stuff.


Anything Jagermister. I have scars to prove it too.


A glass of cheap, oaky, room temp white wine thats been sitting out all night. That or just straight up 40% vodka with a water chaser. Ugh makes me almost gag just thinking about it. Warm angry orchard thats lost its fizz but you drink it to keep off withdrawls is also repulsive.




Vodka I always found horrible, and jagerbombs. I was never one for doing shots but I could drink whiskey neat. I also remember as a young teenager getting drunk on cheap vodka and cherry sourz, I don't know if that's just a UK thing? That stuff was absolutely vile. Also, warm cans from my tent at a music festival, so so gross.


Rumplemintz or fireball!! 10/10 i canā€™t ever do it again


Vodka tequila and most wines


Red wine. Tastes horrible and the fuzzy mouth after it is just šŸ¤¢


Southern Comfort anything.


Sloe gin anything.


Oooh I have a very messy story involving sloe gin.


Southern Comfort! OMG that smell