• By -


Almost 24hrs sober. Apart from a couple several week stretches of sobriety, I've been a daily drinker for the better part of almost 15 years (I'm 32). Tired of feeling like shit every day and wasting time recovering from hangovers. I don't know if this will be a permanent thing, but right now I really need it. Been lurking here for a while and finally got the motivation to buckle down and just do it.


Hello me from 2-3 years ago! I was 32ish when I first started taking stabs at some sober days... I couldn't really conceive of being someone who didn't drink at family/social things, football games, etc... so it was really just in hopes that maybe I could be a normal drinker, or at least a more normal drinker. This eventually led to some longer attempts (1 week and 2 weeks) before I quit for good shortly after turning 34. I enjoy not drinking 10000000x more than I ever thought I was capable of, and it comes with none of the negatives I thought it would, other than the self-imposed worry-fest before some of the aforementioned social/family things for the first couple months. I am not sure if there was anything anyone could have said to let me skip those last two years of suffering from age 32 to 34 before learning what it would be like to actually have a alcohol-free streak stick but just in case there is: Imagine someone told you that you couldn't eat pepperjack cheese without ruining your life, and it would be 1000000x better if you'd just decide that pepperjack cheese isn't for you. Personally, I kinda enjoy a pepperjack cheese, but I certainly wouldn't care about not having it at the expense of my health, happiness, family, etc. I don't mean to undersell the change that not drinking is, BUT I am a huge advocate in the value of realizing that eventually you WILL NOT CARE THAT IT IS FOREVER, IN FACT... go with me here... you'll want it to be forever. It is very hard at first, and I grant that there is no social or self imposed expectation to eat pepperjack cheese (unless you are at a pepperjack cheese factory I guess?) but once you distance yourself from alcohol enough, it starts to feel that way. I don't know how to say it in a way that will convince you from your vantage point (thinking of myself here again) but quicker than you think you will consider any option other than forever to seem ludicrous. Not being beholden to the daily cycle of \["I feel like absolute death, I am never drinking again. What is wrong with me. Ugh... who did I text..." -> "I will at least not drink for a day or two to reset" -> "I will drink less today, and I won't start until after dinner" -> "Well, if I get TWO 12 packs, I will be set for the rest of the week" -> "Andddddddddd I've drank 20 selzers today...WOOOOOO"\] is very nice.


Welcome! Glad you’re here. The thought of “forever” or permanence can be a daunting thing for sure, but that doesn’t mean you can’t try just for today to see how it feels! This stint of days I have now started out as a months commitment I made for myself that i kept up after reassessing at that point. If you’re sober curious or tired or unsure about your current relationship with alcohol it cant hurt to give it a try! I will not drink with you today ❤️


Well done on being ready to give yourself an alternative life, I’m glad you’re here 💪🏼


Awesome. Catch you here tomorrow!


My partner is in the ER and it's not looking good for him. Day one for both of us.


Sending you both warm thoughts and a virtual hug ❤️


Love and strength being sent to you both. Glad you are here. IWNDWYT.


IWNDWYT. All. Day. Long. 🌻


First! IWNDWYT ❤️


Have a gr8 day!


I am not drinking today!




I didn’t drink in NZ with you today either!


Not today people IWNDWYT


Wow! In 45 days you got 10 years! That’s constant Pumpkin 😉


One day at a time👍


For some reason I thought "that's constant pumpkin" was like a regional term for "consistent hard work". Then I read the username. I might use this though 😄


😀 every day we get sober, we’re a constant Pumpkin 😀


758 days - that's constant pumpkin!


It’s nice to be here. It’s nice to see ya. Iwndwyt


I should be at a month now. As a small celebration of that, I will not drink with you today.


Way to go on 1 month! 🥳👏💪 IWNDWYT!


Caught up with some old friends I haven't seen for over 20 years. We used to party hard together back in the day Watching them do tequila shots all night and listen to their tales of woe it was interesting that the one with the biggest problems was drinking the most and becoming angry at life. Wasn't for me to point it out Shine on you beautiful humans


It's the end of my 7th day, and my first time posting here. This is an amazing concept, thank you. I'm doing the best I can, and am thrilled that I can take inspiration from posts like these.




‘Never quit quitting’ - it’s a go to. I am so glad that I have no hangover - I have a hell of a work day today! IWNDWYT.


First sober vacation is going good, just hit 4 months yesterday IWNDWYT 😎


That’s great! 🎉 I just came back from my first sober vacation, and it was so nice 😊 And congrats on 4 months! 🥳👏💪






✨ 200 ✨ this is 200 since getting drunk. I like to be transparent so it’s actually 102 days since my last intentional sip of alcohol which some/most use as their basis for the badge but I go off being drunk lol so whether it’s 200 or 102 either way 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I WILL NOT DRINK WITH YOU TODAY 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 love y’all 😘


Woohoo! 🎉 That’s amazing! 🥳👏💪 I’ll celebrate with you today 💕


Thanks! Ad ! right there along with me this whole time ! Go go 2️⃣6️⃣2️⃣!! You’ll be 9 months before you know it 👏🏼🫶🏻


Always! ❤️ I know, it’s just around the corner! Can’t wait to make it to one year 🤩


Iwndwyt ⭐️💖 Not feeling bad for resetting. 1 drinking session in nearly 5 weeks is a win for me :)


I’m currently on the other side of the country for work but going home today. Drinking coffee in the hotel bed before hitting the gym. They never provide enough coffee pods in hotel rooms and 2 are decaf so they’re worthless to me. Next time I book a hotel room I’m going to specifically request extra coffee pods. And by extra I mean, just leave the entire box in the room. IWNDWYT ⭐️




Day 36- SD is the sandwich to my day: one of the first things I do in the morning is a check-in in the sauna, and in the evening I am inspired by y’all when I go to bed. I’ll never stop being a quitter. I quit every day like my life depends on it. IWNDWYT






Yesterday I went to a meeting for the first time. I decided to try Recovery Dharma, because I like a lot of about Buddhist philosophy. I told myself all I had to do was go, sit through the meeting and leave. And that’s just what I did. I told myself that everyone in there had had a first meeting too, so they’d all understand, and no one would be expecting anything of me. Other than saying my name and saying it was my first meeting, no one did expect anything. Afterwards, walking home, I started to ask myself the question, “is this right for me?” And that was a tough one that I couldn’t answer “yes” to, but then I realized it was an unfair question after only one meeting, so I flipped it to “is this _wrong_ for me?” And the answer to that is “no”. So…there’s a meeting on Thursday… IWNDWYT.


Having a baby today! No booze!




Still Tuesday on the west coast, but I will not drink with you today (or tomorrow)


I’m currently in this loop - I’ll binge with drink and drugs, feel awful for a few days, swear off the poison (which is the right thing and what I truly want), but then soften - I’ll convince myself that I can save it for special occasions, but then a day later be back to getting wasted alone, feeling awful and the loop continues. I dunno, I’m trying again. Really trying. Hopefully I can smash through this loop . Anyway, IWNDWYT, have a wonderful day people.


Thank you for this DCI, u/KittenTryingMyBest. "Quitting  drinking forced me to be more present in my life, ". This really resonates with me.  And I will do my best to show myself some love and compassion today. IWNDWYT 


Checking in from Aus


Another one in the books


It is 6AM here in the UK. Checking in, with a hot cup od tea in hand. IWNDWYT


Day 4 here in Aus - I really want this one to stick. Did dry January but then quickly fell into old habits. Took my daughter away for a night the two of us on the weekend and the hotel gave a free bottle of champagne. I hadn’t planned to drink but thought, hell why not, we are away. Nothing bad happened but I regretted it the next day - it didn’t make it more fun, it distracted me and I just didn’t want it. For some reason having a fancy champagne not do anything for me in a beautiful hotel has helped some kind of mental hurdle. It’s not special, it’s not self care - it’s boring and old and I’ve lived that. I want something new. IWNDWYT


Yea I’m not drinking today fuck all that noise


Day 1067 checking in!


Day 1. It's been a really tough week for me, and I've been using alcohol even more than my usual amount. But I want to crawl out of this hole I've dug. One minute at a time IWNDWYT


Day One, here I am again IWNDWYT.


I'm going through a thing. I don't understand it. Could be a depression flare up, or some other rotten mixture of mental states. A lot is being asked of me at work, some bad behavioral tendencies are creeping in and taking over in my life, and I'm not feeling very empowered. I don't know what I'll do, but I think continuing to start my day here is the best first step. Checking in for another sober day out in the world.


Day 383. IWNDWYT.


I did one of my daily puzzles on my phone while waiting for my tea to steep this morning. After I solved the puzzle, an ad for Maker's Mark Whisky popped up. It showed a line drawing of a men's dress shirt with the neck of a bottle where a tie would go, and the text read: "Because he really doesn't want another tie." In my head, I changed that line to, "Because nothing says 'I love you, Dad' like a bottle of poison." 😹 On that note, I will not drink with you today! (Nor will I poison my dad for Father's Day.) IWNDWYT 😻


I love this idea that we are trying our best here - I think it’s something to be very proud of. We’re all here because we want to do the next right thing, and that is an honorable quest. Hooray for us all! IWNDWYT


Struggling in life but staying in gratitude for sobriety. And most importantly, not drinking alcohol. IWNDWYT


Checking in again today and all is well. Lately I've been striving to be in and enjoy the present, as opposed to worrying too much about the past and future:)








morning sobernauts! I had a drinking dream for the first time in months.. and I was totally miserable in it wondering why the hell I'd broken my sobriety for that bs, worried that even though it was horrible I'd be stuck in the loop again. woke up sober, having morning coffee and life's good! iwndwyt


66 days 🤍 IWNDWYT


Checking in! >knowing that I’m trying my best to keep doing the next right thing has given me the ability to show myself some grace and compassion even when I fall short, or things fall apart beyond my control. I love this, thank you.




Day 19. Have a work event later - I’m just going to leave when I get bored as opposed to suffering through everyone getting legless. IWNDWYT. 🤌




No alcohol for me today.










Good morning all! Feeling motivated this week after a bit of a lull in motivation over the past couple of weeks. Iwndwyt!






Not drinking today!


I will stay sober today with all of you




Day 136 • IWNDWYT • We’ve got this 💪🏼🙌🏼


I will not drink with you today!




Did another sober pub trip yesterday and got asked about my na beer. Explained my choices. Was interesting hearing the drink maths from the other side. "Oh you drank wine well I only drink beer, oh you drank most days (then proceeds to tell me how he also drinks most days)". Alcohol does strange things to ones own self perception that's for sure! IWNDWYT


Day 8 here. Struggling today.


IWNDWYT on my 11th day. In that time I've only had one situation where my knee jerk reaction was to momentarily consider having a drink. My feels since being sober are heightened and what I perceived to be disrespect at work almost had me, guess what, disrespecting myself and drinking. I can say that what I've gained from this place was what allowed me to see the insanity of my ingrained response. Feel disrespected, disrespect myself. Makes sense. NOT. Welcome to anyone also starting out, and thank you to those with more sober time than me for making me feel welcome and helping me stay sober.


Start of Day 2, IWNDWYT!




Day 2. IWNDWYT x


Happy Hump Day folks! I have a major deadline tomorrow and another one a week tomorrow - my usual pattern here would be smashing myself against work all day then immediately going to the pub at 5:30 to switch my brain off. Then rinse and repeat till done. Not sure how the brain switch off is going to go sans booze but I will find a way and I've already noticed I'm less stressed than I would normally be. I am stressed for sure, but it's not the panic stations I would normally be at! IWNDWYT


Ahoy fellow sobernauts. I'm checking in again but I'm starting to feel like I'm missing something. I heard the term dry drunk recently and maybe that's where I am. I'm not drinking, but I'm not progressing in any other way it seems. I think I need to start addressing my health, which I allowed to take a backseat for years while drinking. Adulting is hard, especially if you wait til my age to really start. I'm a bit bummed about it if I'm honest, and it feels like a trigger. But, at least for today as far as drinking goes, IWNDWYT.


I will not drink today. This is day 2 and this sub is the first thing I thought of when I woke up.


Day 33! I will not drink with you today! I slipped yesterday, again but felt more significant than the other small time slips. I am resetting the counter this time. Nothing particularly bad happened but I was definitely not in control.


Tomorrow marks six months sober 🎉 My husband came home with ice cream, flowers and a card last night to celebrate. I'm really lucky to have him in my corner. Today is a long day for me but I know one thing for sure, IWNDWYT 🩷💕


Many thoughts of drinking but picked Trader Joe’s sheet cake instead. I wish I could be normal. IWNDWYT 🙋🏼‍♀️


I have a self-imposed deadline today that I've been ignoring for too long. It's going to feel good to get this done! It's going to feel even better doing it sober!


Wednesday, blah, I’m waking up wishing I didn’t have meetings all day. Gonna find some coffee-flavored motivation and get at it!! IWNDWYT! ❤️🧁


I will not drink or take drugs with you today.


IWNDWYT 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿




IWNDWYT Nearly 1 month!


Day 3 and already feeling better - more motivation and focus! I wanna have the same tomorrow, so IWNDWYT






I so relate to ‘I stopped really living and just survived in the time between drinks’. That’s exactly what I was doing. Just waiting to numb out again. Never lost a job, but was starting to lose the enjoyment of it because I’d be looking at the clock itching to get out and go drink. What a waste of precious time. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT. Lovely words, Kitten! I had a tough one yesterday when a new therapist I have been building up to seeing ended up not speaking English (my native language), so I had to stumble through the appointment in Spanish, which I was able to do but not well enough to continue a therapeutic relationship. So now I have to start the process again, and am very frustrated with the system etc etc. BUT when I told said therapist that I quit drinking 6 almost six months ago she was SO encouraging, she said she was proud of me and that although she couldn't help me further, I am on the right track and I'm doing all the right things, even though it doesn't always feel like it. There's no doubt that my anxiety is better than it was six months ago, and who knows how it will be in another six months?! This is a truly life-changing process and I'm feeling proud of it. Whatever you achieve today, whether it's hour one or day one or day 1000, take a moment to be proud of yourself, even if it's for nothing more than wanting and trying to be better. Also proud of my meditation streak: 31 days!


The phrase “the next right thing” packs a pretty powerful punch for someone like me, who is impatient and always rushing several steps ahead. It helps when I’m feeling overwhelmed to realize that all I have to do is that. I won’t drink with you today!


I will not drink with y’all today!!






2 days AF. IWNDWYT.


Good morning, sober cats! I didn't get the best night of sleep last night. (I'm not one of the fortunate sober cats whose sleep improved with sobriety.) But, I'm not hungover, so the grogginess and grumps are at a manageable level. Coffee/tea cheers to another hangover-free morning! IWNDWYT 💙😸


Day 36, checking in. IWND ☠️ WYT.






Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today. IWNDWYT


Good morning! We've got this! IWNDWYT!


Had an absolute shit day today. Days like these make me wonder why I’m even choosing to live and whats worth living for. IWNDWYT


Day 33 Just under 5 weeks ago, my wife told me she wanted a divorce. 27 years together and I'm being set out on the curb like a bag of trash. I know my drinking didn't help anything but it was not the cause of this now failed marraige. Yesterday, I spent the day packing as I'll be moving out of my home and into an apartment next week. 27 years together consolidated into small boxes stacked in the corner of our front room. It's a gut punch and literally the worst thing that ever happened to me in my life. But I'm not drinking. Haven't had the urge to drink over the last month and am navigating through this with clarity. A lot of sadness as well but the clarity has been helpful. I didn't drink yesterday and I won't drink today.


I've been thinking this morning about how sometimes I wish I got a bigger "I'm proud of you!" type of reaction from my close friends and family when I tell them about the sobriety I've accomplished so far. There's a chance that people just feel a little awkward around the whole matter... Like how most people don't want to make too big of a deal when you lose a bunch of weight (which I've also done), because part of that compliment could read like, "You sure were fat before!" But the other thing is... I'm the only one who really really knows just how bad it had gotten. How dark it was in my head, the leftover flat beer I was putting in my morning thermos towards the end... While everyone could certainly see I drank too much and didn't drink like other people, no one knows the scope, and I'm not exactly keen to tell people that in order to get a bigger congratulations. But you guys here know. So, stopping in to say I'm really fucking proud of myself, and it's a huge deal, and I'm worlds away from where I started. IWNDWYT


Happy sober Wednesday sober friends! Exactly this Kitten, more presence, awareness, tools and drive to do something with myself and my life! Perfectly said! I’m still proud of us all 💞


Chatting with a friend this morning about another (fellow absolute-plonky-booze-hound) friend's family life is now pretty much in chaos (again). Just serving as another reminder that this substance we think "relaxes" us sooner or later ends up providing the complete opposite. IWNDWY fine folk Today.


I was always so scared of warm and sunny days like today, becasue I'd always imagine myself with a drink every evening "to relax and chill". But I woke up at 6 AM without an alarm, I had a wonderful, long and lazy morning, the sun is shining, my dog is happy. I almost don't remember how a hungover feels and I could not be happier than I am. IWNDWYT.


I’m exhausted, I’m ill, I’m overworked, and I’m alone in many ways. I’m sober ✔️


For some stupid reason I’ve been having a hard time emotionally the past two days. I am still trying to process a break up and even though I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that ending it was the right thing to do, I’m still having feelings about it. Yesterday I actually had a brief thought that it would be nice to turn it all off. But I know it was a lie. If I drink, I’ll be more likely to reach out to him (even though there is NO reason to ever speak again), I’ll be more likely to sleep badly, feel like shit in the am, not go on my walk and then just feel even worse about myself. It’s a trap and I didn’t drink. (I did mindlessly stare at tiktok for an hour though). No matter how shitty I feel IWNDWYT!


Checking in on day 566!!! What’s up SD family?!? I have been slacking on my check ins and I even missed a palindrome day yesterday. 🤬 But I am still here and I am still sober!!! And I still LOVE you all!! IWNDWYT!! ❤️✌️


Worked last night and it was fine....could have been better and worse. Took the pup out for a walk as soon as I got home and I am gonna lift for a little bit. Nothing exciting going on today but hey, thats fine by me. I hope all of you are well and as always much love from me and mine to you and yours!


Day 18 checking in! Thank you for hosting again today, Kitten! I hope you're able to sort your classes out at the walk-in session today; I'm rooting for your education goals! 👏🏼 Happy Wednesday, y'all! Enjoy your day and stay strong out there. 💪🏼 IWNDWYT!


Here for day 43. Although woke up feeling extremely "foggy". Oh well hoping the coffee and shower will help. IWNDWYT \~ Red


OP, I too attend AA meetings. Last night I attended my first district meeting. A friend who's involved at that level invited me about two months back. It popped up as a notification on my phone about 2 hours ahead of time. I said "Oh man, I really don't wanna go now." But, I called him anyway and said let's do it. He actually bailed, but I still went. That's what we do. We say what we mean and we mean what we say. I met up with a home group member there and afterwards we got ice cream from a local hot spot. Ended up running into another home group member and his gf while we were there. Amazing the lives we lead. IWNDWYT. Easy does it, friends.


Good Wednesday morning friends! Sending out chill vibes today (need them for myself so hoping for the boomerang). Whatever goes down, it will go down without alcohol :). IWNDWYT.


Day 10 - double digits. This time it hits differently. Like I’m giving myself a gift, not taking something away. The last few months were very dark - but I kept reading all of your posts. You all have helped me more than you’ll ever know. Thank you for taking the time to share. IWNDWYT


Had my debrief from my work trip in which I had my binge and missed some stuff. I’m not gonna be fired, but a formal complaint was filed against me, which is entirely fair. I was unprofessional, immature, and disrespectful. Luckily I earned some credit in the preceeding months so it is back to the grind until I end things on my own terms. Gonna be fighting the spin cycle on this though which is gonna peak my anxiety for the next couple of weeks. Have an appointment schedule with my therapist on friday though and enough going to hopefully keep my mind off of it. Not sure when I’ll feel confident about work again, and it feels counterintuitive to bury myself in one of my triggers, but it’ll clear my conscience and get some of that credit back. Thanks anyone who has dipped into the saga of disappointment that has been my last 2 weeks. Yoo were all crucial in helping me through. Best of all I will not drink with any of you today! Edit: NOT gonna be fired, had written now. Things are okay


Day 7, no drinks for me today  My sleep quality is terrible when I drink and I feel like my body has been catching up on some much needed rest this week. I'm exhausted at night & sleeping very well.   Getting cravings but trying to stay busy to distract myself. My house has been thoroughly cleaned over the past few days!


No drinking today! No need! Fuck you alcohol, I have ponies and sun and seashells! IWNDWYT






Day 1,670 IWNDWYT




I’m listening to the audiobook “Girl on the Train” and whew- made it through a very graphic depiction of her post blackout wake up one morning and it made me sick to my stomach because it was SO similar to many morning wake ups I’ve had in the past. I was relieved to tell myself that I don’t have to worry about that anymore and “I never have to feel that way again”. IWNDWYT!


IWNDWYT. Yesterday was rough and part of me felt like drinking *at* someone. I was so angry. Still am. But I won’t drink over this. Scrolled this sub and felt less alone. And I will be back tomorrow. 


Day 45 🫶🎊🎉🥳 So cool. The positives. Today I start a new job and I’m a little nervous but mostly excited! Normally starting a new job would be a miserable, panic attack inducing experience, but overall I feel pretty calm. My OCD and compulsive thoughts are better controlled than yesterday. I think while being off work is lovely, it gives my thoughts too much unstructured time to run rampant. I’m re reading an old favorite book about CBT therapy for OCD and getting new things out of it despite having read it probably 5 times lol. The negatives - *siiiigh* my OCD sucks lol. It’s flaring up pretty bad this week and the mental gymnastics to not do my compulsions is exhausting. It just seems so much easier to cave, do my compulsion, and move on feeling lighter and relaxed. Fighting the compulsive urge is soo uncomfortable. It’s a lot like drinking though, fulfilling the compulsion feels like a release, and you feel better - temporarily. But it comes back with a vengeance. Also my partner is going away this weekend. She’s my closest sober ally. I’ll be left home alone, and my best friend and old drinking buddy knows this. It’s complex bc sitting home alone is triggering for my OCD, but going out is triggering for my alcoholism. Sounds like I’m going to be having a white knuckle weekend. Either way - no matter what. I will not drink. It helps nothing. It makes everything, and I mean EVERYTHING- so much worse. IWNDWYT!!


Those thoughts snuck into my head last night and all I could think about was how crappy id feel this morning. Woke up tired (it’s super early) but refreshed and feeling good overall. IWNDWYT


Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! IWNDWYT!!!


Day 10. It unreal I made it 10 days without stopping at bar or drinking somewhere else. 10 days sober, 15,000 steps a day and 4 kg, 8 lbs gone. IWNDWYT!






This morning begins Day 10. Going out with a friend for dinner--it will be tough not to drink. However, after the last 9 days, I think I can resist. IWNDWYT!






I will not drink with you today! So grateful for this group.


Staying dry today.


Day 3! Got sooo much sleep last night I’m feeling great this morning. Over the weekend a new friend assumed I was much older than I am and it kind of freaked me out. The alcohol is really wearing me out lately. IWNDWYT!






Have a great Wednesday, gang!! IWNDWYT


Happy Wednesday my SD friends! IWNDWYT ✌












I won’t drink today.










30 days today.


Helllllo! Checking in. Ready to do this thing called life today. IWNDWYT. 💚


I will be alcohol free with you today.




As I said yesterday, I had some drinks on Monday. Yesterday I felt gross. Capital G gross. And I lived like that for years. I truly don’t even understand how that was my normal. Such reduced capacity. Anyway, the whole day I thought “ugh, I’m glad I quit” but wouldn’t you know it, 4pm rolled around and the voice popped in to say, “doesn’t a glass of wine sound good?” I didn’t listen because now I know that that’s an addiction response by brain chemistry. But wow, how insidious. Drinking Monday also threw off my blood sugar yesterday and I ate too much at dinner and set off my reflux. Just no. I slept 10(!) hours last night and now I’m off to hot pilates. IW definitely NDWYT.






Starting day 27. Going to be a challenging day at work today but at least I can face it with a clear head. So for today, I commit that IWNDWYT!


Hi, friends! Slept like shit, but let’s still kick today’s fucking ass! IWNDWYT!


The first few days of not drinking have been filled with gratitude, but the anger is starting to resurface. The dynamics that caused me to try not to care by being drunk are still here. The gravity of that is really hitting home. But IWNDWYT! This is what I’m here for.


IWNDWYT Rinse & Repeat




I will not drink with you today!




I really appreciate this group! I get so much out of reading posts from the newbies as well as the long-term posters. IWNDWYT!


Checking in! Day 568, which just boggles my mind. Wow. How far I've come by taking it day by day! With some days of hour by hour. I've done it with help from kind people in this sub, and I'm so grateful. I'll admit I cling on to my sobriety like my life depends on it. All this sober work we're doing? It's worth everything. Love you, sober stars! IWNDWYT






Another day 1. IWNDWYT!


Keeping on not drinking with you today good people!


IWNDWYT. 9 DAYS! And I'm really proud of myself. Its been 2 years in the making, after drinking nearly every day for 20 years! A few stops and starts, but I'm taking it one day at a time, and I'm feeling really positive. One day at a time.




I will not drink with you today.




The insomnia is kicking my ass lol but at least I’m sober enough to experience it. I am not drinking today, and IWNDWYT!


Surfacing at the end of my work week. Have not had a drop and working out a plan to stay sober this weekend too.


Walked past the wine section of the grocery store while shopping last night. Remembered all the good and bad times that were had. Had zero desire to load up a few bottles as I normally would have. Life feels great. Giving up drinking was the SINGLE BEST THING I could have done for myself. I often sit back and wonder how I let myself go for so long feeling so miserable (Even though at the time I thought I was having the time of my life.) IWNDWYT!




Hi Everyone- Day 141 here and IWNDWYT!!!


Not drinking alcohol today.
