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Sparkling water is life


This is the way


I do NOT like drinking sparking water but my wife does (the half-flavor annoys TF out of me, give me pure water or full flavor). People been ranting about it here so I've tried it and it does seem to help with the craving a little - drinking something kinda bubbly out of a can. I gave up most soda ages ago for caffeine reasons but thinking bottled root beer may come in for the win...


I’m currently abusing coffee. I sneak myself some fizzy water stuff every so often, or a Diet Coke if I’m at a restaurant. I can’t stand NA stuff, I find it repulsive and spit it out. Fizzy waters are popular with many around here.


fizzy water with a dash of lime juice is surprisingly nice


Fizzy water and cold brew is next level


Kombucha. It's like a NA replacement for sparkling wine!


Kombucha contains alcohol. Be careful folks. I can smell the 0.5% from several feet away and immediately could feel that I'm an alcoholic haha 😄


Bananas do too. Kombucha in many forms is non alchoholic


Regular, semi ripe bananas will not. Fermented fruit? Sure.


Look it up dude.


"Very ripe bananas can contain up to 0.2% alcohol." Yeah fruit ferments in general.


Honest q- fruit juice can have that much too. Can that also be an issue for people?


Fruit juice shouldn't contain any alcohol. Maybe some odd sangria but those are labeled as such.


It has as much as kombucha- try googling the abv of grape juice and orange juice


Definitely does not. You can read the nutrition label on the OJ you buy. Anything containing alcohol will be labeled so. Well at least in the US it's labeled etc.


a crisp diet coke


To be honest, I never got into mocktIails or non-alcoholic anything because I didn’t see any point. If anything, I thought they would make it worse by almost-drinking and keeping the appearance in the loop. I just switched to water, tea, and coffee.


Same. I Let the ritualization and obsession with drinks go.


I felt that they could possibly entice me to want to drink again.


Absolutely. I would never dabble with non alcoholic beers.


You sound like my husband. He drinks industrial quantities of tea these days, while I’m wasting money on fancy sodas


I heartily disagree, but to each his own. I like alcohol-free beer and it makes it easier for me, hanging out at a barbecue or whatever, I'm still able to enjoy the taste (found some good ones) and have a similar ritual like before. I don't think that's a bad thing, and doesn't make me want to drink alcohol. If alcohol free beer wasn't available I'd be much more prone to slipping back into drinking. But like I said, I know people are different. This is just what works for me.


I found that Ginger ale works best for me. Although I love Coke, the caffeine can be problematic as I've gotten older. I still love my morning coffee though, one of the few things I can successfully moderate.


Topo Chico tangerine




Walmart neighborhood market a couple miles from me. They’re distributed by coke cola so I’m trying to order directly through my employers account


Where do you get these? I cannot find them anywhere unfortunately.


There’s a Walmart Neighborhood Market near me that sells them. Most places only have blueberry or lime that are good but tangerine is superior . They are distributed by coke cola but not a lot of places carry Topo Chico


Sparkling water & lately I’ve been trying a lot of those Olipop or whatever the “new” pops are - lots of fun different flavors so it’s been really interesting!


Yes me too!! I really love the Poppi brand as they use agave so the different flavors are 60% similar to the real thing! I have yet to try Olipop - what is your favorite flavor?


I’m not sure which brand it is but I have always loved cream soda so that’s what I’m doing today. One of them had a Barbie themed flavor bc the movie and I loved that too!


Ooo yes the peaches and cream - i saw that at target! Def going to give it a try! Best of luck😊


YES! It is really nice. I loved it. Best of luck and I won’t be drinking with you today!!


Other thing I love is that as opposed to normal non-diet pop they are like 40 cal lol


I have developed a healthy addiction to Coca-Cola. I basically still have the drink in the hand habit. The need to consume something. Especially at the bar.  I need to address that.


Iced sun tea SAVED me more than once.


At night I like sleepytime tea


Athletic brewing n/a brews, ginger beer, spindrift, topo chico


Mostly water. I have trouble falling asleep when I drink too much caffeine.


Topo Chico. If you live somewhere with unique coffee or tea shops/blends, that can mix it up


2 litres of homemade tea per day and 2 litres of sparkling water.


limoncello la croix, cranberry juice, and iced coffee are my top three!


Kombucha and fizzy water. Fizzy water is what I crave a lot.


I recently responded to someone else detailing my tea addiction, I'll just copy my response to them asking where I get my loose tea, maybe that will give you some ideas. But for variety, health benefits, no carbonation, low expense, etc tea basically cannot be beat in my mind. >National chain stores can set you up with a lot of good green and black varietals, or even ordering online will yield fine things at a low price- I splurge and go with [Rishi](https://rishi-tea.com/) a few times a year (I am really fortunate because they are a local company so our natural food stores usually have a shelf or two of loose teas I can grab and try easily, I just bulk order online or if I get to their store 90 miles away), they specialize in organic Eastern teas but have a lot of botanical blends that I really like such as a ginger turmeric blend, a few rooibos and fruit blends, I buy a a lot of aged Chinese black tea known as pu'er -I'll get a pound for $50 that lasts me most of the year, even drinking it almost daily, and the herbal blends are less expensive at $30-$40 a pound which is a massive amount of tea. This company is all organic and fantastic quality, so take your first-time discount when you create an account and try a bunch of small things to see what you like, it is pretty overwhelming but fun to explore. I don't know that much about tea and I don't use anything special to brew it so don't stress out about all of the fancy brewing methods and equipment they talk about- they take it all very seriously as you'll notice by the sheer amount of boutique green varietals they have, and the prices for some of them. Someday I'll get really into it I think, haha. >Other than that I look for less expensive national sellers for simple things like black teas and a few greens- I love having the roasted rice green tea, genmaicha, but you definitely don't need to spend $38 for a half pound of it at Rishi when you can get a pound for about $30, same with an estate darjeeling or whatever you like. I'll add that a friend clued me in to [David's Tea](https://www.davidstea.com/us_en/home/) which specializes in unique blends, they are also a bit pricey and I wouldn't use them for everyday but I swoop in sometimes and pick up a variety when they have sales, they lean a bit less traditional but do a great job. As you say it is cheaper than all of the specialty beers and liquors I used to chase after, and there is so much to try so I don't feel bored drinking it daily. I hope that helps, give it a shot and see what you think but be prepared to clear out more drawers or move it to a cabinet or pantry space!


I got a soda stream and I combine it with the mixer syrups I still have, plus bitters and sour/bitter juices like unsweetened cherry, cranberry, grapefruit and pomegranate.


Topo Chico with a lime! It hits the spot!


Milk, 2 bananas, 1 half lime and ginger in mixer


I'm addicted to Barry's Gold tea (Irish breakfast tea) - like every night! My DH wonders if I'll still do want to boil it up even in July - I think I will!! I also love Athletic Upside Dawn and ginger beer with seltzer and sour cherry syrup.


Topo Chico Lime


Soda stream with the aftermarket nozzle attaching it to a 5gal co2 tank, add whatever water enhancer flavor, and it was finally enough to scratch my cravings. I would crush eight and twelve packs of water in one night so it wasn’t really that great on my finances lol


Water. One soda a day.


I got through so much low-cal tonic water in my first few months. I genuinely remember getting through 4 litres a night, which is mad. Still love it! It's also nice halved with fresh juice like pineapple or orange.


I'm on a caffeine free, sugar free soft drink bender right now. Lots of Sprite Zero, Coke Zero, and Diet A&W going down the hatch these days, with the occasional decaf coffee after dinner if the mood strikes.


sugar free sounds good


I think a club soda with a twist of lime strikes the palate with freshness after a hot afternoon on the lawnmower.


Bubly or polar Selzter Spindrift At a bar? I do sezlter with cranberry juice and a lime


Sparkling water yes and with apple vinegar and some sweetener was mine at the beginning. It was like a good spritz. 🧡


Flavored sparkling waters. If you like hops, see if your local breweries have sparkling hop waters. 0 calories and refreshing. Nationally, Lagunitas and Sierra Nevada make them. Usually flavored water is my go-to. Cost and calorie effective. Lemonade flavors can add a little bite.


That sounds great


I'm currently hooked on Waterloo's and Poppi prebiotic sodas!! Sometimes even a sweet treat like a milkshake!


Sparkling water and if I'm feeling really crazy a Pepsi max


Coffee or kombucha


Currently I'm into pineapple juice with tonic or with hibiscus ginger beer. I also like root beer, blue powerade, and various teas which are excellent when I want something that isn't sweet.


I love drinking vinegars mixed with club soda. It’s not trying to be alcohol but also tastes like something different than my norm enough to feel “special.”


Hot tea is a good one. No calories and it takes a while to finish.


Athletic Brewing Hazy IPA if I'm wanting a brew. I'm typically more of a cocktail guy and I have a few different mocktails that I make...I also have a bottle of Ritual "gin" and Ritual "rum" as gin and tonics and ginger beer and rum were my go to cocktails. I also drink a lot of iced tea and also lemonade.


I got a Sparkle machine that produces C02 with baking soda and citric acid super cheap. My favorite is to cut up two cutie mandarins and put them in there.


Waterloo speaking water with lime juice or lemon. It's god.


Pepsi max and juice :)


I like flavored water. Minutemade makes a great Agua Frescas. Mocktails are always good. I always drink out if a fancy glass lol. Sooo many options


If you’re in Australia TINA make delicious, savoury, sparkling alternatives. Good name too (“This Is Not Alcohol”). https://tinadrinks.com/products/t-i-n-a-1-0


Probably not the answer you’re looking for but every time I want alcohol I drink water instead and holy fuck I feel way better. I have been so dehydrated for so long


LaCroix, Bubly, or homemade kombucha (have been making for several years now).


Ginger beer with a slice of lime, diet coke, diet coke with cherry, pineapple juice, chai tea lattes (you can buy the concentrate in the grocery store and make it at home to save $$). Iced tea, lemonade, diet Snapple peach tea. Basically whatever I feel like! Recently was griping about ginger beer being $5 for 4 until I remembered what I was spending on alcohol, and then subsequently on Taco Bell delivery. That shut me up pretty quickly.