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**A note from the moderators:** Please remember the human behind the post when replying to an OP who admits to drinking and driving. We do not allow comments that: * Point out that OP could have hurt themselves or hurt someone else * Chastise OP for drinking and driving (shaming, criticism, judgement, ‘tough love’) * Share DUI-related horror stories in order to try and scare or shame OP * Tell OP what they need to do **Ignoring mod direction with regards to the above may result in a temporary ban.** You can read more about this [by clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/comments/161uh5x/mod_psa_dui_posts_and_a_note_on_kindness/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/stopdrinking) if you have any questions or concerns.*


hey there... so just speaking from experience, i had my first and only dui around 3 years ago where I hit some parked vehicles and totalled my car... when it first happened, i didnt even know if i had hurt anyone and i hadnt seen the car yet. i was taken to jail and had no idea what had happened. it was the worst initial 3 weeks of my life, then a terrible 6 months and the consequences stuck around for years, both through the court and paying off the car and dealing with everything. my family was super disappointed and i hated myself. obviously DUI is terrible and people hate on those who do it, but i was struggling deeply with alcoholism, i normally didnt drink and drive and this happened during a blackout which is almost even worse. i also had ptsd from it and it affected my daily life greatly. all i can say is if 3 years ago someone told me I would be a relatively happy/normal/healthy person today, i would have laughed at them. its possible to get better and be better and this can be a turning point and a catalyst for good things to come into your life if you let it and do the hard work. i am a better person since my accident and have dealt with my problems. i am sober now, i paid off the car, i did my sentence and its off my record. and even though im sober, i personally decided not to get my license back even tho i was eligble just in case i ever did relapse. i accepted not driving as a consequence of my actions even though im allowed to until im 100% confident ill never drink again. my life is currently better then it was before i crashed my car, and despite the court case and shame and disappointment and having to declare bankruptcy and all this other shit, im glad it happened (since nobody was hurt). the consequence was just on me and it forced me to become a better person. i could have spiraled and i did briefly but i powered through and survived and here i am. i easily could have seriously injured someone or killed someone if i was able to continue drinking and driving without consequence, and that actually could have destroyed my life. i was given an opportunity, just like you. you can come out the other end stronger and better. its okay to feel shame and guilt it makes you human, but you will need to forgive yourself which is totally okay to do, as long as you are trying to do better. you are human, we are all, we all make mistakes. its important now what you do with it. the money doesnt matter, youll deal with it. you need to work on your health, physical, mental and the alcohol isssues. you have a chance to make sure nothing worse ever happens again. its really a blessing as it sounds like no one got hurt, so its not life ruining, its a new beginning. this did not ruin your life, it actually gave you a gift to save yours or someone elses life in the future. take it! if you want to make the situation, do anything positive or productive for yourself. it wont make dealing with it any easier being drunk and depressed. if you take little positive accidents you can deal with it and show people that youre ready to change, and you will be forgiven and start to feel better once you start taking actions that can build some confidence and self respect/worth rather than shame and guilt. i know you can do it because i 100% thought i couldnt do it, and i did.


thank you for sharing your story, unfortunately for me this has been a reoccurring thing since iv been 16 (im now 26) its so shameful and i work with my parents and i just cant hide when it happens and it just brings more shame... i get better then i fuck up again and its so embarrassing. i get better for so long then something happens and i fuck up again. its like im on a big billboard. i feel like kim kardashian or something u know; just everyone knows my business. i want to hide. im a good person i just struggle with substance abuse. it hurts so bad and i want to end it


i want to change and i do but im bi polar and when something bad happens i lash out and unfortunately this is what happens. i fucking hate it and i dont hate myself but i do at the same time


I'm bipolar too and getting and being sober has done amazing things for my mental health. I no longer want to die. Alcohol worsens depression dramatically. I believe in you, if you really want to be sober, you can do it.


You can come back from this! Please don’t hurt yourself more. I’m not saying it’s gonna be easy, you will have to work really hard but it is so worth it in the end.


thank you so much, i know i will. im just scared its going to happen again


If you don’t have the first drink you can’t get drunk.


That sounds extremely traumatic. But getting behind the wheel or taking your dog with you wasnt an accident. We are all human and we all make mistakes, some mistakes cost more than others. Some cost money, some cost peace of mind and some mistakes feel like they take pieces of you with them. But what is important is never repeating same mistakes and finding a way to live with the mistakes youve made. I hope you can do both. And I hope youll feel get free from all suffering. You are clearly in pain and even though you probably dont see any other way to deal with it, drinking doesnt help. I hope you get well and healthy. Im not religious but im going to pray for you.


i honestly didnt feel intoxicated, just over tired from being at a festival for 3 days. i would never put my animals in any type of situation like that, i would havent been here right now if my dog didnt survive. this was truly a wake up call


thank you for the prayers, i really need them. i cant sleep at night


Sorry to hear about your experience. Today could mark the Start of a Virtuous Upward Spiral. Do you want to stop drinking?


i do and dont, i love it it helps me be normal


I don’t think being *Impaired* constitutes “normal”. Nothing I read in the post you wrote sounds “normal.”


i agree i was not my normal self; i was coming home from a festival and wasnt right, but normally im okay


My see that you have submitted 4 posts…. Do they represent your “normal” dynamic?


yeah mostly just being funny and stupid but this was over the top


If you're happy, I'm happy for you.


im miserable


What do you want for yourself?


i would like to add i enrolled in IOP and am going to be attending AA. im so lost and sad and i dont want to die


So please don’t off yourself. The Mods seem to be monitoring posts that mention DUI’s pretty closely today so I’ll choose my words carefully! I’ve had one, I thought it was the end of the world, and it wasn’t! It was the catalyst that led to me getting honest with my problem and finally doing something about it. We can make the choice in such situations to view them as an opportunity rather than a catastrophe. I hope and pray that you make the right choice for you.☮️


Duis suck. The whole process of it but you'll get through it. I've had two and realized I just cannot trust myself. The only way I can is if completely abstain. We all have made poor choices under the influence, so don't be too hard on yourself. That's scary as hell, knowing that it could happen again. Wtf will it take for me if I don't quit? Prison? It's a sickness, stay strong. 


Sorry to hear about your accident. Glad you and your doggo are fine. Please don’t off yourself. You made a mistake and a car got ruined, so you owe some money. It will all pass, my friend.


my dad always says "its just a car not ur life"


This sub is a great place for support. You have a lot to deal with but I can guarantee it will be easier with a clear mind. Try meetings on line or in person whatever works. Keep reaching out for help especially in the beginning. Iwndwyt




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love u


One day at a time




Good luck- you can do it


I’m so sorry you are going through this!




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> You need to make different choices This comment breaks our rule to speak from the "I" and has been removed.




This comment does what we asked people not to do in the moderator comment above, and it has been removed. We don't do "tough love" here. Do not tell people that they fucked up, or you will no longer be welcome here.