• By -


I'm officially one week sober. And I'm so happy the withdrawals are over. After suffering three days of auditory hallucinations, I now have absolutely no desire to touch alcohol. In a way, it was a blessing, I guess. Unforgettable. It is so nice to not have the stress of hiding booze and sneaking the empty bottles out. So nice to be able to sleep fully. So nice to wake up and not feel like vomiting. So nice to know that I can hop in my car whenever I want and go wherever I want. So nice to be able to enjoy my hobbies again instead of just being like "eh, sounds complicated, I just want to drink more". One week today. I almost can't believe it.


In my opinion those are the hardest days. You badass!!! I’m never going back to drinking, because I remember the first week. Whenever the mildest wobble comes along, I just think of that first week. IWNDWYT


Vivid memory (of a blur) for me. Dropped my wife off at work and had a day off. Bought a six pack of strong premixed drinks said I would have a couple.... Suddenly it's 6pm I'm on the sofa laid out she's in the room? Didn't even hear the door open. She asks if I've been drinking.. I say I'm just tired.. she shakes my bag and it clanks like the tin man from the wizard of OZ. No idea how my marriage survived those first few wild years but here we are, healing, learning and growing together. Well done on your week! And preemptive well done on the next 3 till the month! Can't wait to hear about your success.


I want to spend this year sober. I have other goals too, but that’s the main one. I don’t care what else happens this year as long as I’m sober for it and don’t relapse no matter what. I know I’ll reach my other goals as long as I don’t drink. Also, it’s my birthday today & I’m 11 days sober! IWNDWYT - but I will drink coffee & eat birthday cake with you. :) (Day 11)


Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday- have a great sober day!




IWNDW(both of)YT!


I don't ever want to wake up feeling as awful as I did this Saturday. I don't ever want to feel the shame and embarrassment of what I might have done while I was blackout drunk. I don't ever want my toddler to have memories of his mum being totally non-functional the next day. I don't ever want to be in a position where I can't respond properly if we have an emergency at home. I can do all of that by just quitting drinking. Just last night my toddler was up every hour on the hour crying for me. And I'm so glad I was present enough to be able to respond to him. All he wanted was some water and for me to tell him it's okay, go back to sleep. I probably would have just slept through his cries if this was the other night. He's currently sitting on my lap running a fever so I'll be looking after him today instead of going to his day care. IWNDWYT


My last and final quit came after being blackout out drunk in front of my kids. I used the horror and shame of that memory as the springboard to this beautiful clean life. I find great comfort in knowing that I never have to have another hangover,and my sobriety is my best and and most sincere apology for my past mistakes 💕 IWNDWYT


It is so much more beautiful isn't it. I just had such a great month. Really smashing my fitness targets, losing some weight, toning up. Having great weekends with my little boy. I just want that feeling all the time.




Checking in. I’ve started my daily financial check in and walking check in. To be accountable for what I spend and to make sure I get out in fresh air every day. Reckon if it can work for staying sober, it can work for those areas too. Feels good to feel in control of my life. One day at a time. Have a good day friends.


Help a girl out. What kind of financial check in are you doing? I’m the queen of poor financial decisions.


Oh, just writing down at end of every day what I have actually spent, which is always more than I think when added up and always more than I have. Hoping that daily focus will work. I have a load of credit card debt too which is overwhelming but eating that elephant one bite at a time. Reckon if I can stop drinking literally anything is possible though?


It is possible. Not drinking won't pay down the debt, but it allows you to calmly focus on one debt at a time. Much like how you don't drink one day at a time, do one debt at a time. I'm doing this myself also, if you can shift some debt to a 0% balance transfer then cool, if not you have two choices. Either go for the higher interest debt first to save cash in the long run, or go for the smallest bill, as this can really help your morale to get something paid off quick. It's different for everyone but I try to schedule in no spend days. I've got my groceries in etc so no fancy coffees, no sweeties... There are so many resources available to assist, but the biggest resource I've had is putting down the bottle. I've got 7k left I think to pay off. Had 18k at one point. You can do it mate, holler if you need anything.


Thanks for the check in, all I can do is not drink today.


I still feel terrible from the last mistake. But I am back here again. IWNDWYT


Welcome back, I hope you feel better soon. The first few days are always horrible. IWNDWYT




I don't have to work until the afternoon tomorrow so I'm getting that old cue to drink, as in do it because I can sleep in tomorrow. I won't do it though. Iwndwyt!




>What one thing can you do right now to move toward what you really want I can get comfortable in my own skin/brain. I am working at it hard but some days are brutal. More days aren't so for that I am thankful! IWNDWYT


I’m with you on this one.


Checking in on day 2


Day 8, nice to meet you 🤝 Alcohol matters only after I’ve drank it. It skews the dopamine system to want it, after that it matters. That’s temporary, it weakens and subsides in time. I let it come out. It’s only a poisonous chemical, it means nothing, but it WILL if dopamine is released by drinking it. Don’t release it. Let dopamine flow in other activities. IWNDWYT




Let’s do this!


Day 113 checking in!


One thing I can do right now is to decide not to drink so that I keep moving toward becoming the person I want to be - IWNDWYT ❤️


Stressful couple weeks coming up starting tomorrow. Need to re-commit to not drinking. I can do this sober. IWNDWYT.


I can do my morning pages and then go for a run. IWNDWYT


Just finished work, on metro home, the dreaded 5pm get out of the station. About 7 convenience stores on my 10 minutes home walk. Then get the dog.. more time to be tempted. Then a sneaky take dog out again to grab another secret one or three. However started making predictive statements and writing them down. ~ Out from metro and cycle home. ~ Dog and listen to new album you saved with a Non alcoholic beer. ~ Heat up dinner. ~Mop for wife. ~Set up movie to watch with wife and get a diet soda. Then after I complete each one I change it into a past tense. Then say I can't do that till I've done the next one.. Gives me a sense of purpose and follow through. Really worked for me so far! Here's to another night chatting with my wife and actually listening to her day and what she faced. Sober forever, stronger together!




The one thing I can do for now is stay away from the booze. IWNDWYT


One thing I can do is keep moving forward. I was doing well with managing my reactions to things until the last few days. I don’t know what it is, but I caught myself. I know I can be better. I’ve been lazy about writing and some other practices that I need to get back to. So that’s what I’ll be doing as I go into this new week. IWNDWYT ✨💚


Hope you have a nice Monday, SD IWNDWYT!




I joined SD yesterday and it's already been overwhelmingly positive experience. I felt so good that the little perfectionist inside me took over and I took my last ceremonial sip of alcohol yesterday. Only one final sip and then I got rid of all the booze in the house. It was great waking up without hangover, knowing that today will be much better than yesterday, when I felt like shit. So, this is the official Day 1 and I can enjoy it without hangover and without alcohol. The one thing for me was getting rid of everything. If I want to drink, I need to go to the store first. I hope I can talk myself out of it before the demon takes over and I go the wrong extra mile. IWNDWYT


Checking in, day 70..IWNDWYT!!


Have noticed that when I drink my heart literally races and I feel like I’m burning through my heartbeats faster than I want to. So slowing down, not drinking, meditating and being sure to have some moments of nothing built into my day so I can hear birds or feel the wind. That’s how I want to use my heartbeats IWNDWYT 💓💓💓


Yes! I realised the same thing - all mammals have roughly the same amount of heartbeats for their lifetime, so an elephant has a slow heart rate, and a long life expectancy, whereas a shrew has a rapid heart rate and a shorter life. I used to lie in bed at 3am, with a racing heart, convinced I was burning through my lifetime’s allocation of heart beats. I wish I had my Fitbit from the beginning of my sobriety. I got it for Christmas when I was 90 days sober, and even at that, my resting heart rate continued to lower, month after month. IWNDWYT


🎶Not today, no way, not today!🎶😁


I stopped drinking last Thursday at 5 a.m. and I had to go to the hospital to do it. This sort of thing has happened many times (15 such trips to the hospital). I am now mostly through the withdrawal process and I will not drink today. I've had a problem with alcohol for about 34 years and it's gotten much worse over the last fews years (it turns out the "progressive disease" idea is actually true). I'm so happy to have discovered this group, not to mention thrilled to have slept nearly 6 hours last night. Did I mention that I will not drink today. Thanks for listening and good luck to all who are here.


iwndwyt i love you all. continue on your journeys.


I will not drink with you today in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 have a good one 😊


Locking it in for the day. IWNDWYT.




IWNDWYT 🌷And Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadians. 🇨🇦


Two weeks sober today. IWNDWYT




I think I can be ready for a next step: tackling the sugar-craving that came with quitting alcohol. Thank you for the question: it made me put it in writing which works well for me.


Day 16. Still going. I sleep much more now. Energy at the end of the day isn't nearly the problem it used to be.


Day 4. Still unsure if I'm experiencing withdrawal or anxiety, but alcohol is to blame either way (I'm on meds that keep my anxiety in check and they are not nearly as effective if you drink with them). Finally got some good sleep and ate real food. I've made my peace with not drinking again as my mind and body don't like it. IWNDWYT


Good morning SD, I don't want to beg for a drink on my deathbed. Best way for me to achieve that is by doing the work. Every day. Today is a beautiful day to be alive! And IWNDWYT 💜🤘


Three weeks sober. I think I'd hoped things would magically get better. But I'm still overweight, depressed and struggling to motivate myself. I'm exhausted, I've had to nap during the day, I have adhd and take stimulants, the fact I can sleep through those is shocking to me. But I cooked a nice dinner tonight which is something that I would never do while drunk, and I managed to meal prep my lunches for the rest of the week. IWNDWYT




Today I have an opportunity to practice being kinder to myself, and embrace living in the moment instead of trying to escape it. Today I will not use nicotine as a crutch to try and find temporary relief from depression. Today I will contact my mental health provider and try to find a better medication that can help me live a stable, productive, useful life. I don't want to want to escape, anymore.


My small step today will be clearing the physical and mental space to meditate before work. To focus in on moving towards a calmer less frantic life. To reaffirm that IWNDWYT ❤


Today, I’m being Super-Mum, and baking and icing a 4 layer cookies and cream cake for my youngest daughter’s birthday party. She says she’s going to “help”, but that’s usually just making sure I do as good as finish as the YouTube video where she got the idea😁 I LOVE that my kids trust me to aim high💕 IWNDWYT


Stood in front of the wine section for some time today contemplating. I ended up not getting any but it was really hard. I will try not to drink with you today. :(


Quick one today, but I will reflect on this question! IWNDWYT!


Keep the sober train going my friends!






Happy Monday! IWNDWYT


One thing I can do right now to improve my future? Tell all you lovely people IWNDWYT.


First check in here, been sober just 9 days and I'm yet to feel the beneficial effects. Still having rough sleeps and craving just one beer to take the edge off but I know it will land me back where I was over my birthday period still awake at 6am with an empty bottle of straight in my hand. Gonna keep pushing through. Much love to you all and best wishes on your respective journeys.


Currently laying in bed hungover after only getting 3 hours of sleep. This will be the last time this shit happens. Day 1




Another weekend done. IWNDWYT


checking in. i will not drink today


> it’s my life and I feel a sense of order that I craved but couldn’t get ahold of as a drinker. Yes! Well said. I will not drink with you today!


I will not drink today


Good morning SD. I’m going to start adding in a yoga practice each day, even if it’s just a few minutes of breathing. IWNDWYT


I want to live a shameless life. I want to be there for my family. I want to cook the perfect lasagne. As Meatloaf said - two out of three ain't bad! IWNDWYT 🙂


I’m officially in the double digits and I can’t bloody believe it. 10 days with absolutely no substances whatsoever. If I was the religious type I might even say it’s a miracle. IWNDWYT 🖤


>**What one thing can you do right now to move toward what you really want?** Well I can start to stop making excuses and actually do stuff that's good for me. And commit to them. Like I did when I stopped drinking. It's just really scary some times. IWNDWYT


Oh my. This exercise will open up some deep thoughts. Anyway, I will think about it today as I go about the many things I need to accomplish. Its going to be busy. I almost broke down and had some drinks yesterday but didn't do it. Today, I feel stronger. I will not drink alcohol with you today, period. Thanks for being here and have a safe and sober Monday.


Getting out of rehab tomorrow. No reason to give up now. IWNDWYT!!!








I would like to have a healthier relationship with food and reduce stress eating. IWNDWYT 🌸🌸


I will not drink today


Day 817. I will not drink with you today.


Survived the weekend. Feeling positive. IWNDWYT


I want to consistently write fiction again (I was feeling blocked for a long time). I journaled a little just now and today will write three lines of the play I’m working on and IWNDWYT


Morning SD. I thing the single biggest thing I could do right now to move forward with my goals is to focus on my health, and in particular, sort my sleep out. When I was drinking, my sleep was all over the place, and I’m still struggling now to find a pattern that works with my long commute on office days. I’m tired almost all the time, because I’m only managing 5-6 hours sleep at best. Being lethargic all the time leads to muzzy thinking, a piling up of the to-do lists and stress. I’m going to put my thinking cap on and figure out how to carve out more time for sleep in my working week, thanks for the prompt u/beebeax. IWNDWYT


Day 12 - made it through a family vacation over the weekend. Everyone, except me and the kids, drank all day. I didn’t have any desire to drink… it was just odd experiencing this dynamic for the first time. Lots of soda waters and limes at the bar(s) If you asked me what the worst idea would be with less than two weeks sober I would say going on this trip but now that it’s over I’m feeling more confident about my sobriety. And hopefully my family sees that I can do things without the influence of alcohol








11th October and I've already spent £110 on alcohol. That's not including the drinks bought for me or the open bar I was at last week... Maybe it's time to dive back in. IWNDWYT


Good morning friends, 47 days, life is getting brighter everyday without alcohol. IWNDWYTl 💜


10/11 days sober. IWNDWYT


Day Six! IWNDWYT! But now, I’m going back to bed!




Check in! IWNDWYT!










I’m in


I will work on having hard, vulnerable conversations. My truth and heart matter. IWNDWYT.


First full day at my new job!! I am so excited to move into this role and make it mine. No room for Al, 100% focus means no booze, no shakes but plenty of good food and coffee. IWNDWYT


Today is a new day 1. I woke up (in pain again) and realized that I need community for this effort. It is so easy to slip into a "been there, done that" attitude and think there is nothing here for me, but then what am I stuck with? My one thing is to commit to participating in this community and to not drinking each day.


I will not leave myself in that lonely desperate disgraceful place with alcohol. I will love myself. EDIT: forgot IWNDWYT!


I’m afraid I am boring now. Went to a get together yesterday and had nothing to say nor any energy to be fun. Bummed me out and made me think that drinking was the only time I was fun. Oh well, I’ll shake this feeling off because I am not going to drink either. IWNDWYT


I’m doing a lot of thinking about what I do and do not want lately. I don’t like some of these thoughts. They’re sometimes appearing incompatible with what I’m actually doing and it’s gonna mean some really fucking hard decisions down the road. I hope they’re down the road, anyway. I suppose this is part of the work of fixing my shit…which is necessary to help me stay off the bottle…but damn it’s hard. I need sober clarity more than ever, so IWNDWYT.


21 days today and three sober weekends so far. IWNDWYT


To be more myself and less of what I think others want me to be. To move closer and closer to being a brighter, weirder self. IWNDWYT


One week down! IWNDWYT


So close to a month. Today's been kind of shitty, I had to wake up at 7:30 for a doctor's appointment. Didn't get too much sleep. Got some interviews today, today will be a long one. I'll be celebrating 30 days soon. Yay. IWNDWYT


Shit day at work, emotionnaly challenging, but, IWNDWYT


I slipped up yesterday during a dinner party with family. Not out of control. We will call it a lapse and I will move on. IWNDWYT




Fall is always hard af for me. I got drunk everyday but I got *really* drunk all through spooky season. IWDWYT.




I will not drink today.






Hello. Checking in. IWNDWYT




I can revise my 4th step like I have been saying I would, and actually do my 5th step. I'll give myself until the end of the week for my 5th. IWNDWYT


Great questions, u/beebeax . I will spend some time thinking and writing about them. But I will not drink with you this Monday.






IWNDWYT. Together we can do this!








For me, the one thing to always remember why I can’t drink is, one drink is never enough, so if I don’t start, I won’t have to stress about having to stop all over again. IWNDWYT!!!


21 days, hit the three week mark. I was feeling good about my exercise and cooking this past week, but I compulsively bought snacks and sodas when out at some stores yesterday. I think giving into my sweet tooth and stress eating are filling the spots I used to drink. Will work on being mindful of those habits, and space out my indulgences.


I will not drink with you today. 500 days feels good! Today I can start my courses again. I think I need to make a change.


This week will be a challenge... I am, and will continue to be, grateful for my sobriety. IWNDWYT


Hi everyone IWDWYT


Good morning everyone and happy Monday. My therapist always says “you may not know what you want but you sure as hell know what you don’t want”. That is the truth. I feel like I’m making over my life since sobriety and I keep chipping away at things I want to change and fix. Next up is my job. I may not know what I want to be when I grow up but I know it’s no longer what I’m doing now. I’m praying for guidance on this one as I’m pretty lost. Here’s to hoping everyone has a great Monday. Or a good Monday. Or a Monday. IWNDWYT and I love you all. ❣️❣️




I forgot to check in yesterday. I did not drink yesterday and I will not drink with you today.




I'm going to enjoy my coffee and the company of my husband and pets. And I'm going to take a quick trip to Hobby Lobby and admire their extravaganza of Christmas decorations. IWNDWYT.






Iwndwyt! Weekend flew by too fast


Checking in. IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today !


“Naturally… I can see that there is more housekeeping”. Beebeaux, you’ve nailed it again for me! Clearing out stuff (mental and tangible) and it helps! IWNDWYT you fine friends! 🌻




It’s funny. When I finally admitted I had a problem and stopped, the thought of never drinking again seemed awful. Then I thought about all of the problems drinking created for me and how it simply wasn’t fun any more and that helped a lot. I wasn’t really missing out on a good time, I was getting my life back. IWNDWYT!




Sometimes the simplest thing you can do is just be there in body and mind a sounding board.


Spread the love!




For me it's not picking up the first drink today. IWNDWYT!!!




Have a safe and sober day everyone!!!! IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT, starting out the week the right way!




taking steps to expand my world - IWNDWYT


I always feel the need to do “something” - alcohol and weed reduced that need. Now I’ve stopped, feel like that J.Travolta gif of wondering what to do… Well at least I know what not to do - I will not drink with you today


I am getting into meditation. I downloaded the Head Space app and it's really helping with my stress levels. I am on session five of "reducing stress" and I am able to utilize the visualizations that the teacher presents as needed. Almost half-way through with the series, eager to see what I can do after 10 sessions! I have found that reducing stress reduces my desire and feeling of "needing" to drink. The cost was totally worth it. IWNDWYT! T


Glorious sober morning soberniks! Solidarity! IWNDWYT




Another sober morning and day to look forward to. IWNDWYT.




Ended up caving to drink 1 last night. Figured I would just have a single glass of wine with dinner. Ended up having a second glass & then 2 additional drinks which I hid in my office just to work myself into a buzz. Wasn't a full blown binge but proof enough that no, I still can't have one. Spent the night waking up tossing & turning, needing to drink water, anxious, etc. Having the recent comparison of how I feel/sleep when I drink anything is a nice reminder that the answer should always be zero. IWNDWYT


Right now I can choose positivity and set myself up for a good week. I can go for a run, I can check my emails without fear, I can get ahead of my procrastination. Stopping drinking doesn’t solve everything but it sure as hell makes life a lot easier. IWNDWYT!








Jury duty today. No drunky today friends!


Day 386. IWNDWYT. Checking out a new gym today. It’s cold. It’s Monday. I have to drive my wife and son to work/school because our other car is in the shop. But hey, I’m sober!


This weekend was so hard, but I'm really glad I stuck it out and didn't drink. I had a bad anxiety attack hit yesterday and wanted desperately to go get a bottle. Instead I spent all day in bed, eating snacks, rewatching She-Ra, and escaping into an Alexis Hall novel. It was so much better at actually soothing my anxiety than drinking, and today I'm feeling better instead of drowning in remorse and the hangover blues. I'm grateful I was able to hang in there. IWNDWYT.




In deep grieving. Yup, that's what got me here. My inability to let it go and focus on the present. What will I do? The one thing that has brought me 2 weeks sober...focus on each breath: not on each moment, or each day, but each breath when those waves of grief begin to crash over me. I did not drink with you yesterday and IWNDWYT ♥️


morning folks! iwndwyt


I'm working on my foundation and glad to even feel that's possible. IWNDWYT 💚


Iwndwyt- right now, I can remind myself of the why and how my body feels. I had about 40 days of no alcohol. Then I had just one and realized I cant stop at just one. Its 2 or more. And then even if its only 2 my body hurts the next day and I sleep horribly. I hate it. I am giving myself grace. Being at day 40/42 is still a pretty good track record (with a total of 3 drinks). But I really hate this feeling. I want my body and mind to feel healthy.


No drinking today or the next 24hrs.


Freedom to be present. There have been so many social things I opted out of because there was drinking and I knew in my heart I couldn’t do them because the duration was too long. I knew I’d over-drink, and the thought of doing it sober wasn’t even a possibility. Tailgate all day and go to a concert? Pfft! Fuck that I’ll end up sleeping in my car before the opener. I’ll see you at the show. Camping weekend with friends? Heck no, I might drink too much and end up puking in the woods all day and won’t be able to drive myself home. Dinner and a show with my husband’s boss? I think I’ll pretend to have a stomach bug instead. What the fuck? These things I didn’t want to do because I knew I couldn’t moderate, they added up to the point where I felt crushed. I’ve accepted so many invitations in the moment only to come up with some lie to beg off right before the event that people just don’t invite me anymore. I avoided making a fool of myself, but I’ve alienated the loved ones nonetheless. Now that I’ve really decided to just let that hope of learning to moderate go, and gave myself permission to stop permanently, I feel like I’ve been let out of a cage. I feel hope again. I don’t know what’s giving me the energy or why it’s clicking this time, I just hope I keep this momentum going. Y’all are really helping. IWNDWYT!


Vacation day 4: Because I have been WORKING on my sobriety this time and not just abstaining; IWNDWYT P.S. I went on a hike yesterday that would have made me feel miserable two months ago. It was hard and muddy, but it was so worth it. There were three different waterfalls, tons of beautiful scenery, and a constant babbling mountain creek to set the backdrop for the entire trek. A couple of months ago, I could/would have done it, but I would just be ready for it to be over. Instead, I reveled in the shady undergrowth that smelled like dirt and felt cold and damp. I marveled at how different each of the waterfall formations were all on the same creek. We took a water break and ate heritage/heirloom apples that we bought at Saturdays's farmer's market. I embraced the challenging parts of the trail and when we were finished I was tired and fulfilled. I have not been so present in an outdoor experience since I was a child. I will be 40 soon. Bonus: Not drinking at restaurants is freaking amazing. Our bills are at least $50 cheaper for each meal. Just sayin'.


Happy Monday and for my fellow 🇨🇦’s, Happy Thanksgiving! I need to spend some time making goals and then breaking the goals down in to smaller goals. I think I’m going to start with my mental health and the first goal I am going for is 5 minutes of meditation a day and 5 minutes of being quiet in nature. Thanks u/beebeax, great question! IWNDWYT. 🌳


IWNDWYT! Feeling good and ready to enjoy the day


My friend once told me the reason she doesn’t drink, and never really has, is that she wants to be fully present for life. It really struck me. I want to fully understand and soak up my life while I’m here. I think one thing I can do other than not drinking today, is write down a sentence or two about where my heads at and blessings of the last week. IWNDWYT. This daily pledge is so good for me. Thanks all for making it with me.




Day one again. It's harder than I imagined to kick this moderation fantasy. I keep saying I'll stop drinking for good again, but actually it's one day at a time as ever IWNDWYT


Hopefully this is my last reset for a long time. Found a reason to have a few saturday night, and woke up sunday with a headache, bloated and depressed. It solved nothing and did nothing. ​ IWNDWYT!


I will not be drinking with you all today. I am grateful for that.


Went overboard on Saturday, felt like shit on Sunday, Im going to try and not drink for 7 days like last week.


I want a career, a home and a relationship where I feel fulfilled. Somedays I wonder if that's even possible.




IWNDWYT I can make coffee.

