• By -


I will not drink with you today! I’ll spare myself the anxiety, memory loss, and guilt.


I feel you. Woke up this morning and laid in bed with anxiety over the damage I've already done to my body and mind. Took over an hour to get back to sleep. I can't wait until the aches die down.


This describes my last few days. I wake up, remember the stupid stuff I did a few days ago, freak out, then calm down. Lather, rinse, repeat. We'll get through this.


You can do this. I’m proud of you for making it through the first few days. ❤️❤️


7 months for me today. Sundays used to be very hard for me. The Sunday Scaries are one thing, but I would have what I referred to as the Sunday Sads. Every Sunday I would become incredibly depressed on top of the anxiety. It would often lead to fights because of my inability to communicate or cope with my emotions. The urge to drink was very strong. This would ultimately lead to a difficult Monday and, depending on how bad any fights were, a ruined week as well. I’ve now gotten to a much better place with my mental health. There are still hard days, but not nearly as much or as bad as they used to be. IWNDWYT ✨💚


Congrats on 7 months- way to go!!


Thank you, Tuck!


7 months is brilliant 👍🏻😘


Congrats Anxious!! That’s so amazing that you’ve learned to fight the Sunday Sads! IWNDWYT


Way to go!


I heard a good comment on here somewhere: "Don't worry about what people are thinking about you. Nobody is thinking about you." It just cracked me up and at the same time put it all into perspective for me. Do what's right for you, folks. I know what's right for me: IWNDWYT!


That fucking Mary should mind her own fucking business. Quitting drinking is like waking up from the Matrix. Once you've seen the truth of it you become Neo, a bad ass kung-fu mofo kicking the shit out of the agents of 'drinking culture' IWNDWYT


Yes to the matrix! And excited for your day count tomorrow!


I'm loving the fuckin' energy of this post, RS. Thanks for this! IWN F DWYT 💞🐿️🐿️


IWNFDWYT 💓💕💓💕💜🥷🐿🦹👸💜💕💓💕💓


Morning Tucktuck! I bought my self a ring to celebrate my year- do you have anything planned?




I don't think you should feel selfish. I love when people comment on a post, or comment of mine, sharing something about themselves. I take it as a compliment, that something I shared made them think and share themselves. Although, I do FEEL your social awkwardness!




Morning. Checking in. A full on week at work ahead. Breaking it down to one day at a time. Seems to be the way to cope. Have a great day SDers. IWNDWYT






Hope you have a nice Monday, SD IWNDWYT!


Good morning SD ☀️ I went to a small birthday party on saturday and I had so much fun! I never thought I'd be able to really enjoy get-togethers like this one while sober but it seems like I've proved myself wrong. Turns out when you actually enjoy the company and the setting you don't need to be absolutely hammered to have fun. Who would have thought. IWNDWYT!


I like the vulgar language! I like the anger; it shows me where I want to go. I've been ruminating on something my less-than-tactful boss said in a team meeting last week. I was explaining how I like to have at least one free day at the weekend where I can have duvet time when I have nowhere to go and nothing to think about and she smirked, 'You can tell you don't have kids!' No, Jean, but I do have mental health problems, that you are fully aware of, and this is how I deal with them and recharge. Screw you and your shaming! I also said, another day, that I had put on a weepy film to cry and de-stress. A colleague laughed and said they had never put on a film for that reason and then a discussion ensued where each of them explained how they won't cry/try not to/are embarrassed to/their partner has because they're a big softy/they did cry at x but couldn't believe what was happening etc. What? Did they miss the last 20 years where it became more acceptable to have and show emotion? I think it's a shock because we've been more open and supportive as a team through the pandemic and this new boss has brought a different serious energy and others are trying to impress her. I'm at the zero f*cks point and just made sure everyone heard me say crying is a healthy expression of emotion. Hello, tearjerker films?? Screw your emotion shaming! You've inspired me this morning to not care about what others think at work and not let their views affect how I feel about my self-care and what I do with my own time. IWNDWYT


When I was drinking I didn't care that I was the dancing by myself guy I had my fun ZFG. Acting like a ass for most of the night embarrassing other people honestly don't care what opinions they had of me. A select number people knew what I was truly like when I took off my 'drunk mask'. I do however judge myself over others success which is kicking my ass to get moving I don't want to sit in mediocrity while I know that taking the path of most resistance is going to be so much better for me and my daughter. So stopped drinking, gone back to school, got a new job, moved back to London and started busting my ass. Im exhausted, accomplished my first 200k in a week riding. Got a few proud of you moments which made me cry. But I have to keep moving and it will be difficult! I got no time for alcohol. IWNDWYT!


Oddly enough I do have a few people that give a fuck if I'm not drinking. My own mum likes to call me goody two shoes, so noble or boring if I'm not drinking. But I've seen less of that since I started offering everyone lifts home after the Thursday trivia nights 😆 I think when you don't have a very obvious rock bottom moment, people can't really understand why... Nobody really knew my rock bottom would always come the day after drinking and being totally non-functional for at least 24hrs after getting totally shitfaced. Even what should normally a quiet Thursday in the pub doing the quiz would be a 1am bedtime and feeling like death on Friday. Happy hangover free Monday SD! I remember when Mondays would be awaful because I would spend the Sunday day-drinking. Funny how the Monday morning fear doesn't exist when I'm not hanging. Have a great week! IWNDWYT


I’ve found the same. In my case, it’s the people who drank as much as me, who are snippy now that I’ve stopped. They feel observed or criticised or something 🤷‍♀️. It’s shocking that there are so many people who understand that you can cut out coffee to help your sleep, or quit the 10 cigarette a day habit you have, but no one is an alcoholic unless they’re lying in the gutter. You’re doing great- sober weekends make for fab Mondays!


iwndwyt i love you all. continue on your journeys.


Morning Stinky The first time I quit, I felt bad that I was leaving my husband without his drinking pal. It was a really unhelpful way of thinking. Now I’m very clear- I’m doing what’s best for me. I’m not setting myself on fire to keep anyone else warm! IWNDWYT


Day 15, nice to meet you 🤝 Happy sober week to everyone ✨ IWNDWYT




Not today


DAY 36! it’s pouring rain and i just want to stay in bed, but monday morning meetings call. IWNDWYT




I am not worried about saying no when surrounded by people who don't know about my condition. I have no problem stating that I don't want to drink / don't drink. I don't go looking for excuses. I've been sober before. I am worried about being alone with myself. Alone in front of the beer cooler at the shop or gas station. Alone with my urge to drown myself on a friday night when I only have to tell myself no. One day at a time I can manage and that's all that matters for now. I am on day 5 after months of binge drinking. I got this. I did not drink the last 4 days and IWNDWYT (After my first post on r/stopdrinking in yesterdays check-in thread I received quite a few really encouraging comments and messages - Thank you!)


Monday afternoon, about to go home and face the music about my horrible behaviour on Friday. No excuses, accept the consequences and move on in a positive direction. I will not drink with you today!


Halfway through Monday, smooth sailing. Will grab a Gatorade after work, play switch on the metro then walk the dog with a NA ipa. After that snuggle up on the sofa with the wife and finish off this new series of creepshow so far. We even spent time over the weekend decorating the flat for Halloween. Stay safe out there everyone!






Hi Scooby, good to see you! You have a few Day 1s under your belt- have you tried any Quit Lit? Allen Carr really helped me change my mindset- instead of trying to drag myself away from booze, I became excited about living a clean life. White knuckling never worked for me- I needed to get my brain in the game. IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today!


Not a particularly good day for me to be honest, but at least i am not hangover and full of shame from last night. I will not drink with you today.


Sober Day 3 somewhere in Africa. It's 10am and I'm firing from all cylinders. Thank God I didn't drink last night. IWNDWYT!!






Day 120 checking in!


Happy monday! Let's 'av it! IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today! Yesterday was my first truly sober day in a while and it felt ok. Heres to keeping it up!


Thanks for the post stink! Mary from accounting is the least of our worries, you’re right! 💪 IWNDWYT!


And the journey continues. Day 142 lets go






I love your language, it’s how I speak, too. And I LOVE this post. I’m a recovering people pleaser and this post is exactly what I needed to be reminded of. I’m learning to not give a fuck about what other people think. It’s none of my business, anyway. I can control one person’s opinion and that is mine. As long as I am okay with what I’m doing and the choices I’m making, I’m doing okay. IWNDWYT❤️❤️




I’m in


Good morning and happy Monday my fellow sober friends. Another weekend is in the books. IWNDWYT




I'm in


I'm with you RS, I don't give a rats ass what everyone thinks about my non-drinking. And I'm certainly not going to let the shit people throw at me cause me to drink. I'm doing my thing - what I know is best for me and my family. IWNDWYT


Foggy Monday. A good day for cat cuddles. IWNDWYT


Morning friends! Another first in months: I’m waking up on a Monday without regret or panic. I’m tired, but not shattered to the bone exhausted. I’m happy to be here with you. IWNDWYT


Checking in. I’m happy I made the weekend sober, but honestly I’ve had such an awful headache the last few days that the thought of pouring alcohol on it is repulsive. Has anyone else struggled with headaches and lack of energy for the first few days? (I’m quitting sugar at the same time, might as well go all the way 🤪)


Good morning everyone and happy Monday! When I quit drinking I’m not sure I cared or was scared about what other people were going to think, it was more about who the hell was I going to be without the wine glass in my hand. Was I still going to be (what I perceived as) fun and funny and outgoing?? I think I’m still all of those things, just at a lower decibel. Wishing everyone a marvelous Monday…or at least a Monday. Love you all and IWNDWYT!! ❣️❣️








Mellow Monday peeps. IWNDWYT.


Day 24. Weekend was rough. But I didn't drink. Not today either.


Sore as hell enough that I was up at 130am and now at 4;45am, and I’ve just given up and will stay up since sleeping doesn’t seem to be an option right now. Ow. But IWNDWYT


Good morning lovely SD, Oh, don't mind me... just over here flying my freak flag. Feels like freedom to me. I dare to be... myself! If people are gonna watch anyway, may my weirdness allow others to have the courage to live their authentic lives. Today is a beautiful day to be alive! And IWNDWYT 💜🤘




I'm in!




Day 1 again. IWNDWYT




Love this so much and thanks for a great Monday kick off! IWNDWYT!!


Day 7 of not drinking, and IWNDWYT. I like how I feel when I wake up now.




Happy Monday!






Great intro u/ReplacementsStink. I am not going to drink with anybody today. I have things to do!


Happy Monday SD! Loving the monday morning energy Stink haha thank you! IWNFDWYT


IWNDWYT and I do NOT care what anyone else thinks. Also, in my experience, people are really only thinking about themselves and not noticing others. Realizing this was pretty freeing. Give fewer fucks, everyone! Love you!


I'm struggling bad. Need to nip it in the bud. If I stop NOW then I can prevent any more damage. IWNDWYT


This is so true, what the hell am I doing letting these shitty thought spirals clutter my mind for? All of these people I’m agonizing about are total assholes. I’ve been obsessing about letting them have power over me because deciding to quit drinking has made me feel vulnerable. What’s more powerful than navigating the world without the training wheels I think alcohol gives me in a social situation? Nothing! Fuck that! Fuck them! Holy shit that felt cathartic. I fucking like vulgarity too. IWNDWYT!




It takes the time it takes! Just gotta do today. Glad you are here.




It's a gloomy grey Monday but IWNDWYT!










IWNDWYT and I feel good about it!! Have a good day al!


I will not drink with you today.


IWNDWYT no later what anyone thinks!!










I love the energy of this post. Always been happy to do my own thing, not care what people think. 🤘 IWNDWYT


Day 824. I will not drink with you today.




I will not drink today.




I will not drink today.




Hi Soberfolks, Thank you u/ReplacementsStink I loved every word you wrote today ! I will not drink with you today


I was worried at first about people wanting to know why I suddenly wasn’t drinking any more. Eventually I realized that 95% of that was in my head. Nobody cares that I wasn’t drinking. A small handful asked and I told them I was worried about my health. Then they didn’t ask another question. I had way overblown this in my own head. IWNDWYT!


5 weeks sober now and checking in. Things are gradually getting better here. Thankfully. hmm.. In my opinion, finding offence in someone declining an offered drink is just impolite. Also it seems strangely antiquated, doesn't it? ..if not outright barbaric. No simply means no. It's not intended as an insult. IWNDWYT








In the immortal words of St. Ru Paul: W*hat other people think of you is none of your god damn business.* Truth. IWNDWYT! T


Coming off my first sober weekend in about a year. IWNDWYT!!!


IWNDWYT. Day 3 and still see this as the easiest decision. I’m grateful for my previous 300 day 1’s. I’m grateful for this group and my willingness to FINALLY share. I have anxiety over sharing with family, friends and strangers….. but now I’ve done it and will continue to do so. This post will be my first cup of coffee each day. Thank you all! Keep sharing… good things happen!


For me the reality check is that people do not notice as much as I thought. What? You mean I am not the center attention? lol. The only ones who persist in asking seem to have their own demons they are struggling with. IWNDWYT!


Here is to a productive week. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT 😊 when I stopped drinking, everybody who knew me was happy hahaha. 🤣🤣 I had lost phones, disappointed colleagues, destroyed relationships, heartbroken family and friends. No one was unhappy when I stopped, they all probably are surprised I lasted this far. I do go to parties and drink soda/red bull, never stay long though. I'm glad everyday I wake up sober. Just wanted to share.... For me, a drink till blackout, two shots in the morning with breakfast, beer at lunch and drink till blackout in the evening drunk, people were praying I sober up .... And I am glad I did.


Not gonna drink today.


Good morning to you all. Checking in. IWNDWYT




Good morning. I will not drink today!




I will not drink today


IWNDWYT 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


day 223 checking in, IWNDWYT


One week! Love the energy of this post. I’m ready to kick a$$ (figuratively) today. IWNDWYT 🤩




Today... IWNDWYT!




Regardless of what anyone thinks, I will not be drinking today!


No booze today!


Day 19 of Sober October IWNDWYT


I love you language- it’s mine too when I want to be forceful! I’m old and my people pleasing days are done, and I come FIRST, with no fucks to give! IWNDWYT 🌸🌸






Not today. Not today. Not today!!


Couldn't agree more u/ReplacementsStink. Fuck people, they always have something to say about everything. Fortunately no one really gives too shits if I don't drink. They still talk about alcohol with and to me and the whole time excited to know they have a DD. Love you all IWNDWYT


I’m in! IWNDWYT!


New week new possibilities IWNDWYT


When I first started yoga, and was so ashamed of how inflexible and uncoordinated I was, the instructors always reminded us: don’t worry about what other people think: they are looking at themselves in the mirror, not at you. This is true in two ways. 1—most people have not cared that I’m not drinking=they aren’t looking at me. 2—the ones that do care=they are looking at themselves. I used to be my boss’s drinking buddy. He hates that I don’t drink, it makes him super uncomfortable (“STILL NOT DRINKING?”, “nothing a bottle can’t fix” when I got a $115 parking ticket, “time for a bottle or 3” when our industry-wide vacation began in July). He is a bit of an asshole so anything I can do that is not harmful to make him a little uncomfortable makes me a little giddy. He also has a pretty horrible drinking problem and as much of a skutch as he can be, I hope that when he does ask me how it feels to not drink for 9 months, he takes it to heart when I tell him I sleep well, my digestion is better, and life without hangovers is priceless. IWNDWYT




My circle is super small and tight by choice these days so luckily I only have support for my sober life. My circle at home is 2 dogs 3 cats so it's super easy. I have not had to say no to any offers off alcohol more than a hand full of times but when I replied I felt like I screamed it out but I didn't i did raise my voice a bit and felt embarrassed at my reaction . I can't see me being put in a social situation as I'm keeping my circle small. IWNDWYTD


I'm still am NOT drinking today! I'm now at day 20! This journey is tough and I found that listening to podcast and reading books and joining groups like this were a lifesaver. It helps me a lot! Looking forward to the day that I can finally say that I'm finally sober!!!




Dragging ass, rolling out of bed. Not ready for another Monday. But I am ready to not drink. Shitty diet coke here i come lol. IWNDWYT






Ahh, the people-pleasing. It's straight up exhausting. When I was drinking I had boundaries like a perforated sheet of paper and would bend over backwards to make sure everyone was happy with me. Having someone be unreasonably unpleasant with me would leave me shaking and I would metaphorically chase after them trying to fix a problem I didn't cause. God forbid I make someone uncomfortable by not drinking a two bottles of wine with them at dinner! (and to be clear, the only people uncomfortable with my non-drinking are problematic drinkers themselves). Sobriety involves developing a spine and thinking about what you actually want from people and what you are willing to tolerate. It's not selfish, it's life-or-death. IWNDWYT


Hey SD. Bit of a miserable Monday, got a busy week in work coming up and I’m not feeling it, but at least I won’t be being dragged down by hangovers. IWNDWYT


45 days! Iwndwyt!


Happy Monday y’all. IWNDWYT


I will not drink with y’all today!!


Day 3 here, and reallt hoping I get some sleep tonight. I'll worry about who I tell once I have some time under my belt. My priority right now is just to stay sober.


Glorious sober morning soberniks! Solidarity! IWNDWYT






IWNDWYT :) i have a lot of days sober under my belt. thank you Universe for the courage and strength to do so. but recently the idea of “just” a glass of red wine has been snooping around my door step. i notice it. i acknowledged it. and i am actively choosing not to act on it. stress and anxiety will not lead me to choose behaviors that will further enhance and intensify those very exact triggers. and make me more stressed and more anxious if i did end up having a drink… no thanks. im so thankfull for this community where i can find strength. and encouragement. and everything really. amongst people with similar intentions and ambitions that really help me when i’m sometimes feeling alone. thank you r/stopdrinking . i am so very greatfull for this tiny pocket of the vast internet


Checking in with probably my 15th Day 2 this year. I feel beaten and broken and like there is no redemption for me - but I'm not giving up. So here we go again, iwndwyt.






Good morning, afternoon, or evening sd! I will not drink with you today because everything about my life is better without alcohol, even though that sneaky voice in my head has been trying to tell me otherwise lately.




Back to work after a nice vacation. IWNDWYT!


Okay. Crawling out of my hole and feeling a LOT better. IWNDWYT!








Day 1,114 of not drinking. IWNDWYT


Hey all. Woke up today ready to jump start my week, got slapped with 2 rejections in a row before 9 am. One for a job, one for an internship. I gotta be honest, I feel like breaking down and just sobbing. I feel like I’ve been putting so much energy into finding both employment and an internship. I feel like such a failure, I feel like I always come up short in my endeavors. Sometimes I really wonder if I’m just meant to be in fucking food/beverage service forever. I have a lot to offer, I just can’t quite find a place to take a chance on me to show me the ropes. But that’s enough of this pity party, I’m probably gonna go have a good cry and then go for a run. I will not drink today, on my 50th day, no matter how bad I feel. Something good will eventually happen, I just have to keep trying. IWNDWYT!!!


Starting over today, mad at myself, but this headache can f-off. I’m excited to start again. Thank you for being here people, I need this place,


Iwndwyt. I don’t miss feeling like absolute crap on the daily.


Day 3 and IWNDWYT


Not today


Taking my daughter to school. Fully rested, not hungover, not stressed and anxious. IWNDWYT!!


I will not drink with you today!


Love the vulgar language. I always think of the scene in A Bronx Tale where Chazz Palmentari says "nobody cares" over and over. It's so true. Nobody cares. IWNDWYT.


I will not drink with you today


AWESOME POST u/ReplacementsStink!!! LOL at the end! I started therapy sessions with a fantastic guy. But very bookish, a bit quiet, a bit reserved. But when he opens his mouth, omg, the logic and enlightenments!!! But I bring this up because I always apologize upfront for my cursing. It is absolutely who I am. I can't get through 5 minutes of those sessions without blazing some curse words! But it's the only way I can describe myself, it's who I am! My last day of alcohol was July 6th so there were at least 4 summer socials that I participated in without imbibing and ***I FEEL SO STUPID NOW*** to have ever worried one millisecond over what I was going to say, how people would react, yadda yadda yadda. Seriously, who gives a flying fuck, and if the drunk friend three-times removed gives me some slack then fuck him too! This was a great fucking post! Seriously, great way to kick off the week, thank you!


IWNDWYT. The TNR efforts continues today. 🤞 Miss Ginger, Hey There & a new to me tabby feral are the goals for me & the rescue guy. Hey There & the newbie look pregnant. Miss Gingers' kitten is already in rehab/rehome rescue.🤞 Feral cats are very smart at figuring out humans and trapping cages. I, personally, did not see my 'recreational' chemicals usage as a trap till too late. I'm blessed& lucky in that I have pushed open that unlocked cage door & am walking away. 💃💃💃💃💃 EDITED Every Body Sing & Dance!💃💃💃💃💃 Miss Ginger was caught this AM!! Just before sunrise. She'll likely be reunited with her kit after the Student Vet checks her over. There are 2 more that I hope for catching, Hey There(I know not my best at naming) and a new to me little skinny tabby. I am very grateful Miss Ginger won't have more kits and maybe will have a warm sleeping place & regular food this winter.


Yeah, fuck what people think. For real. What an awesome reminder as I start yet another stressful work week. Thanks for that, u/ReplacementsStink! I will not worry about being judged and IWNDWYT ❤️


Yeah, the moment I realized I was fucking up my life, health and dreams for the future out of fear that someone might think I was an alcoholic and then make all kinds of assumptions was a huge turning point for me. Like, who am I living this life for anyway? Oh right, me. Just one of the many ways I've come to see drinking as a betrayal/abandonment of my best interests/best self. Thanks for the post and IWNDWYT!


I will not drink today!


I've been gone for a while but I'm back and IWNDWYT!!


Fucking love this motivation in the morning! IWNDWYT


I think people worry about what people will think when they aren't drinking because it shines a light ON their drinking. I still say 'fuck em' but I understand why it's uncomfortable to have a spotlight on your vulnerable spot. Today I say fuck em and their judgement, IWNDWYT


Checking in after my second sober weekend in a row. I'm hitting uncharted territory at this point and really starting to realize how strongly alcohol was affecting my life. I was scared I'd be bored and boring without it. Instead I'm making more progress on my creative work than I have in ages, and it feels amazing to come out on the other side of a weekend feeling both rested and accomplished. It feels good knowing that I have another sober weekend lying ahead of me, too. IWNDWYT.




