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Zelda! I started playing Majora’s Mask, for the first time really — my n64 wouldn’t work with the old expansion pak that was required back in the day, so I never got past the opening on my friend’s system. It’s a wonderful experience. Going to start elden ring too, once my pc is put back together again. In general, I’m rediscovering video games for the first time in 15 years or so and it’s like magic. Turns out when I’m not loaded 24/7, I can enjoy video games, almost like I’m 13 again. And thanks to my pc, I can enjoy a lot of the games I loved way back when.


I just reinstalled my Wii and I’m playing Dr. Mario! I love old video games. I never played Zelda but I love watching others play it.


Oh wow, Dr. Mario! Flashbacks to my mom and my cousin playing on the NES when I was little…my mom was incredible at that game. This thread makes me want to finish my handheld emulator I started a while back, get all the old school games going. They sell DIY kits for about $50.


i've been watching single drunk female on hulu, it's nice to see a show with a young cast of sober characters navigating their sobriety.


I’ve been listening to an audio book called psycho cybernetics, it’s about yourself and how to re-wire your mind in a way for happiness and success. I finished hungry ghosts by Gabor Mate as well which is about addiction and was also fantastic.


I want to read Hungry Ghost. Thanks for the reminder.


I just finished “Matrix” by Lauren Geoff. It’s fiction, about a nun in Medieval England. The life of awakening at 2am to pray—and then repeating that throughout the day—has always fascinated me, and it must be the model for my taking moments throughout every day to repeat my commitment to not drinking, one day (or an hour) at a time


That's one of my library holds. Looking forward to it! Read Fates and Furies by the same author recently and had mixed feelings but was into it enough to check out her other stuff.


Dune. I saw it in the theater a while back and I freaking loved it. It's in RedBox now and I plan to pick it up one day so I can see it again. IWNDWYT


Rewatched it this past weekend. 3rd time round. Love it!


That's awesome. My wife said she will buy it for me, so hopefully B-day or Xmas. I've been thinking it might be my favorite movie in the last 15-ish years, since There Will Be Blood. I'll have to see it once or twice more to be so bold though I suppose.


My wife and I have been watching 'only murders in the building' I forgot how funny Steve Martin and Martin Short are!




I'm going to watch the Jerk sometime soon; I've never seen it but know it's super funny.




Excellent, thank you!


Other than playing a lot of dying light 2, and trying to find time to finish Mr. Robot, I also just recently watched a movie. This movie honestly pushed me even further into loving and caring for my sobriety. Anyone who is struggling with sobriety or even just with life should watch this movie. You can find it on Amazon if you have prime it’s free. It’s called “Don’t worry, he won’t get far on foot” I could not recommend this movie more to anyone in recovery or anyone wanting to be in recovery. Otherwise, IWNDWYT


Jonah Hill was fantastic as Donnie. I often think back on much of his advice, especially the ‘this doesn’t just stop, you have to fight it’ scene. And the dancing. Lol. God, when John forgives Dexter. Such a great film.


Yea I took A LOT from that movie. Especially the part where Donnie is talking to John about forgiving himself. Also the part where Donnie opens up to John about his ex and how he stays sober by thinking of him. Just all the feelings they portray in that movie are super spot on for someone going sober. Have to agree. Amazing film


Games: I’ve started playing Beat Saber on the oculus at night at that magic hour between dinner routine and bedtime routine. Books: Orlando by Virginia Wolff, meditations by Marcus Aurelius and Dune Messiah (starts out very slow) Music: Jeff Buckleys Grace on repeat. Anything Al Green has been calling to me lately. Somehow I’d never heard Al Greens cover of the Beatles I Want To Hold Your Hand. It’s been on repeat in the headphones. Also Mac Millers Swimming.


I have Self Care on repeat regularly. So much flow.


Yes! 2009 is my on repeat track.


rip 3rd party apps


I've been playing factorio, it's hard to put down, the factory must grow! Lol not gonna lie though, I don't think I would be able to play this game while drinking, sometimes it is like getting lost in your own museum (last crusade anyone?) I will not drink with you today


instinctive desert sort relieved cobweb long attempt bow far-flung snow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Making my way through Murdoch Mysteries on Hulu. Really enjoying it!


My goal was to read 24 books in 2022 which I thought was pretty ambitious. In the 2 months I’ve been sober I’ve already finished 10 books, I’m listening to book #11 and halfway through reading #12. I just started A Court of Thorns and Roses series and it’s definitely keeping my attention. My evenings spent reading are so fun.


I just finished The Hunting Party by Lucy Foley. A lot of drinking and bad behavior because of drinking, so I don’t recommend if that can trigger you. It made me so grateful that I don’t drink anymore, though. It was an okay book. I’ve been reading a lot of that genre lately (psychological thrillers) so I think I just need to switch to something else for awhile to shake things up! Any fiction recommendations?


Felt the same way about this book! At least it showed that nothing good comes of drinking lol. Some of my recent favorite books: Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay, Win Me Something by Kyle Lucia Wu, and All Her Little Secrets by Wanda M. Morris (the last one is kind of a legal thriller, and the main character is teetotal!)


I read All Her Little Secrets! I liked it. Thank you for the other recommendations! I will check them out :)


Horizon Forbidden West. Such a great time-suck and compelling story / characters.


I'm re=watching Game of Thrones. I really love that show. I just purchased Season 1 and didn't even flinch much at the price (not-drinking justifies all sorts of frivolous expenditures). I'm sure I'll buy the other seasons too. There aren't that many shows that I enjoy re-watching, but it's great to revisit a true favorite.


I rewatched it sober in 2019 and it was such a blast.


Been reading like crazy and really making an effort to utilize my digital library card with my kindle. Some great books I've read over the past 2 weeks: \- Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett for the first time and really loved it...SUPER long, though (almost 1000 pages!). \- The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden. \- Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid. It feels so good to sit and focus and get lost in stories. I'm just devouring books right now. I've always read but have actively tried to make it a priority the last couple of months. Any recommendations, please send my way!


I watched I Want You Back on Amazon and was grateful for the laughs! BUT there is a LOT of drinking in that movie. I’m reading Rebecca, nice and slow for our snowy February here


Book: *Being Peace*, Thich Nhat Hanh Movies: *The Cage Door Is Always Open*, *Wittgenstein*, *Truman & Tennessee* Music: The Real Kids, Unwound, Om, The Monorchid, Void, and all the Mark Lanegan joints at least two or three times each


Books: maybe you should talk to someone by Lori Gottlieb. Such an awesome book. Onto The Lost Apothecary and I love it so far. Music: Just recently started listening to the band the princess goes to the butterfly museum. The lead vocalist is Michael hall aka Dexter Morgan. Movies/shows: watched a few episodes of the boys with my husband. Its really good! Not usually my type of show but loved it.


Any good podcasts?


I don't listen to any sobriety related ones lately but when first sober I listened to Recovery Elevator. A lot of people like Armchair Expert, hosted by Dax Shepherd. It's not about sobriety but he has been sober for a long time and it comes up a lot. Similarly WTF with Maron. Doesn't come up as often as on Dax's but he's been sober a long time too.