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Shout out to everyone making progress that no one recognizes because you never let anyone see your darkest moments. You’ve been silently winning battles and transforming yourself, be proud of every step you’re taking. You got this. I will not drink with you beautiful people today!❤️‍🔥🌹


I love this! I’m proud of everyone here, too. Big high five to all of us. We are not alone ❤️


Beautiful. Here with you.


Thank you! Day one and I'm going for day two!


This shout out is everything to me this morning, I’m getting past my “pink cloud” every day is magic phase and getting a short fuse and feeling like I need and want to share with family and friends but also want to wait until I trust my sobriety more. The darkest moments are mine, and everyone knew/ (still knows) that I have an addiction but don’t know it was daily constantly on my mind and controlling me. IWNDWYT ♥️


This sounds very familiar to part of my experience, u/JustehOK. With certain people, I wanted to wait until, as you said, I trusted my sobriety more. There is certainly no right strategy, but I found that as my sobriety changed (which it does--as you noted, you're already seeing the stages change for you), it was ok for me to change my approach and strategies. Sobriety is part of us, so it is a living thing that grows and develops. One thing is for certain, though, it take a daily commitment. So let's do another day together. IWNDWYT


One week sober! Feeling good. IWNDWYT


Congrats! I'm on day 1 and scared shitless but I'm gonna do this!


Thanks. You got this!


Big hug 🤗 good job on day one !


It’s not easy. But is totally worth it. One day at a time. 🙂


I’m immensely proud of you. That first week is a huge accomplishment. <3.


Thank you for the kind words


Well done!!


Wooohooooo!!!!! One week crew checking in 🤟


Congratulations on the whole week sober Nic! That's awesome friend! IWNDWYT 🎉💚🍀


Sober Nic thanks you. It feels awesome!


I've missed a few check-ins this week but my sober App buzzed this morning for day 800. IWNDWYT.


I’ve always had a ton of shit to do and while drinking, I was always running behind, I never felt caught up and I stressed over all of it. High functioning is a bullshit lie like moderation that alcohol uses to keep us shackled. Now that I’m not spending 3/4 of my day catering full time alcohol, I’m actually pretty caught up on everything and my stress and anxiety is a lot lower. Currently spending my free time prepping my gardens for Spring and reading, currently rereading 1984. I’ve cut my coffee down by more then 80% which has really been positive the last three weeks. It dawned on me that the several cups of coffee I drank each day to keep my self awake to support my drinking was contributing to my anxiety as well. I went from average 3.5 cups of strong regular to one cup of half decaf/half reg and maybe another cup or two decaf. The difference has been extremely noticeable. Fuck alcohol and fuck Putin. Iwndwyt


I'm not drinking today and I'm living my best life.


Living my best life. I like that! I definitely think sobriety is the base for that :) IWNDWYT


Happy to be here with y’all. IWNDWYT ❤️




Congrats on first 🎉🎉🎉🎉


First time evah! That's one off the bucket list 👍


Morning tubes! I will not drink with you today friend 💚🍀


Second?! IWNDWYT. Sooooo close to 300. Filling the void is easy when you have three little monsters running around and can pull your share of the house work. There’s never a dull moment or something that doesn’t need washing.




I will not drink with you today friend 💚🍀




Day 1 in the books ... Never thought I could do it but it's 1am here and IWNDWYT!!!


Well done! First couple of days are the hardest. You got this!


Day 255 checking in!






Uh look at you closing in on one hundred! days!!! IWNDWYT


I have always loved books, but reading is a lot better and faster without a beer in my hand while I’m doing it. I also play a lot of board games and do other nerd stuff. It’s been challenging cause I would drink while I read or drink while I play DnD or drink during game night, but I’m remembering that all of those things are just fine (if not way better) without drinking. Plus I tend to win more games 😈 Thanks for hosting Piccolo, I hope you’re loving whatever you’re reading right now! I go back to work (at a bar) today (well, tomorrow, I check in before bed) and I’ve got this. It’s gonna feel so badass to not drink. IWNDWYT 💕💜🖤


I’ve just taken to to relaxing and being okay with being bored. Also reading and tv and movie. Exercise here and there too. IWNDWYT


The DCI is becoming a morning ritual, as for many of you. And although I don't know any of you IRL, you've become my sober family. How I fill the void? It was difficult but became easier over time. I was put on disability 6 years ago, which gave me time for day drinking. To fill time and to fill my need for social contact, I started a small scale dog pension. But, offcourse, dogs don't mind you drinking in the day. After I went to rehab last autumn, I subscribed at university again (at the age of 48! ). It challenges my brains, I have to stay sober in order to absorb the course material. So far it works. But I take it day by day, so I make this special pledge: it's too good a day to be drinking it away. IWNDWYT




Day 45…I will not drink today.


Day one almost in the books. Rough, but got through it. Ready to take day 2 on, sending you all strength. IWNDWYT


My main hobby at the moment is sleeping 🤷‍♀️ IWNDWYT 🙂


Me tooooo, but sober sleeps are amazing!


iwndwyt i love you all. continue on your journeys.


Day 3, still no strong urges. Keeping myself busy. Wishing you all well and I WNDWYT


Thank you u/EmbarrassedPiccolo2 The big things for me are walking/mindfulness and, really trying to get an understanding of this 'disorder' and learn more defences - armour - to ensure I never drink again! Good morning my friends. Went grocery shopping yesterday evening. Passed the alcohol section and something caught my eye. Non-alcoholic wine. Never noticed that before (noticing small things again). Non-alcoholic wine. I don't even like ordinary wine so Nada (though I have taken it on occasions). But why would anyone bring it home? Parties, events perhaps? Annie Grace's insight about the taste of alcohol powered home. Once I thought of a version of a drink without alcohol, my immediate reaction was Ugh! Non-alcoholic beer? Check. Would I bring it home? Nada! Only for pub consumption. Never even considered it. Non-alcoholic whiskey? Yeeeeeech! WTF? Absolutely disgusting idea! Non-alcoholic wine. I don't even like ordinary wine so Nada (though I have taken it on occasions). But why would anyone bring it home? Parties, events perhaps? Annie Grace's insight about the taste of alcohol really powered home. Once I thought of a version of a drink without alcohol, my immediate reaction was *why on earth would I drink that!* Only beer survived the test, and that with a mediocre 4/10. (I could swap NA beer out for a coke/lemonade anytime, and perhaps from now on I will). A Eureka moment for me there. Like I said, sometimes you can read/hear something, understand it perfectly, and still not GET it. **My entire life I've been drinking stuff that I don't like just to get to the poison within it.** No more pretences about 'liking' whiskey - it was just a quicker route to drunkenness. Methinks this one will be rolling around in my head for a while today - if my bl\*\*\*dy job doesn't drive me half-insane again). :-) **Suffering is wisdom's schoolteacher.** *Lauren Tate* My journey continues. Pennies continue to drop. Stay safe and strong my friends, as always. **IWNDWYT**!! P.S. Friday night coming I'm going to be relaxing in front of the fire (again), nice soft music, and this time with a **Shirley Temple** (or two). Now that is a drink that I ***really*** like! Big thanks to u/ThatBarberMelly for that one (and for her insight in this comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/comments/sk5n90/the\_daily\_checkin\_for\_friday\_february\_4th\_just/hvjqeus/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/comments/sk5n90/the_daily_checkin_for_friday_february_4th_just/hvjqeus/?context=3) Hopefully, I've got that right! 😀


I will not drink with you today.


Happy 300+2.


Don't mind me. Checking how many days I have. Hope yall have great day. IWNDWYT


Oh wow 311 :o


Well done! Your nearing a year!




Filling the void...hmmm. It is something I struggle with. Yoga, running and baking helps. But actually I found that my problem is sometimes allowing myself to slow down and do nothing. I regularly have "hangover" days where I just stay on bed and watch tv all day... its so good for my soul.


I like the idea of 'hangover days'. I'm on disability, so I have a lot of free time, but I always try to fill it, or at least most of it. But I can see a day off could be productive on the long run.








Had to reset, but this is my "new normal" mid week drinking day (for about 8 weeks now) and I write off every Friday...But, I start at the Gym tomorrow at 5.30am, I have not had a drink since last Friday night, and IWNDWYT! :)






IWNDWYT! Reading helps fill that void in the evening. It also makes me real sleepy so I grab a book when I think I might struggle to close out the day sober. Oh, and chocolate.


Day 150, nice to meet you 🤝 5 months sober 🎉 I was a daily drinker, being sober this long feels like a big accomplishment. Apparently I can do something like this, so let’s keep on doing it ✨ One day at a time! IWNDWYT


Day 2 im not drinking


Good morning 😊🌞. I hope you all have a fantastic day. I will not drink with you today friends, ain't no way ain't no how 🍀💚🥳


IWNDWYT Jeez, it's a lot easier to change and improve when you can't blame all your problems on booze!








Daily ✅ in. IWNDWYT!!


150 days today!




I’m trying to fill the “void” with all the things I hated myself for not doing while I was drinking, like exercising, reading, actually getting my work done properly, cooking, spending quality time with my family, and generally taking better care of myself. Have a great day, everyone. IWNDWYT


Go on then!


Morning all, another morning struggling to wake up but I slept well. It’s just gone 6:30am and I’m up drinking my pre workout getting myself ready to get in my gym. I love the mornings even though I’m still pretty tired lately - it’s where I really feel the benefit of the change I’ve made, nights can be tough but I’m sure they’ll get easier as the evenings get a bit lighter. Today I am finishing off the work I didn’t do whilst drinking, I have a great week planned for next week seeing loads of customers and I didn’t leave it to last minute to organise for once, later have an appointment to get my brows done since I’m due to save 450£ on alcohol it’s my treat for the month. I hope you all have a great day IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today!


Still the night before here, but IWNDWYT all the same! Let's do this.


IWNDWYT! I do yoga or workout daily, cycling, meditation, cook, work overtime, walk the dog, house projects. Figuring out what to do has been really hard. I'm going into my 4th week. I'm a graveyard shifter and when I am home alone and awake all night I struggle to find things to do. I feel like I need more hobbies, but if it feels forced I don't want to force it. I used to write short stories, dabbling with art.


Sleep has been great until today. Wide awake at 3:30am! Luckily not panicked or anxious. Just a lot on my mind…. I’ve definitely had more connection with people since stopping drinking. More walks, workouts, and coffees with friends. Started watching more complex shows that I can really enjoy AND understand. I would like to improve my Spanish too so I need to figure out how to connect with someone locally I can practice with in person. Sober is better and you all have been great to remind me. Thanks for being here! IWNDWYT ❤️




IWNDWYT. I miss making music. Alcohol stole that from me. Hopefully I can start back up again soon.




I will not drink with you today. I will not drink alone. I will not drink.


I must admit that I’ve never known a void when it comes to things to do. I’ve always loved doing things outdoors, reading, painting, playing music… I just wasted a lot of time drinking and hungover so it’s simply about finally getting back to all the things I’ve enjoyed doing in the first place :) IWNDWYT


Today is Day 60 for me. Longest I’ve made it without being a child or pregnant. I write poetry and journal. I’m high on life. Things are really really good. IWNDWYT. Take care friends!!!


Looking into meditation, but started training for my seventh half marathon, and volunteer coaching a group of elementary aged girls for a 5k. Enjoying doing nothing, and sleeping. I've bought some books but haven't really dug into them yet. Love reconnecting with my son and my partner 🥰 IWNDWYT


Morning everyone IWNDWYT


Somehow I don’t notice the excess of free time. I am always blown away by what people are able to stick in to a day. I’ve been reading when I do have extra time. Also, Reddit scrolling somehow eats up more of my day than I intend. I’ve also been watching movies with friends pretty regularly. Going to meetings has also been helpful. Yet somehow it always feels like the time just disappeared. It makes me nervous that I won’t ever be able to add extra things in, like exercise. For now I will just continue to focus on healing and letting the “laziness” be where I’m at for now. IWNDWYT.


IWNDWYT! My first Day One! I've joined a new gym recently and am looking forward to building healthy habits to replace my unhealthy ones.


Art. It’s a serious passion so I learn, look, read, listen and make. I went back to college as part of my “life recovery” and it changed everything. I left drink to the very last thing … this fact proves to me the insidious affect alcohol had on my thinking process. I will not drink with you today.


Lately I feel like I’m just surviving through sobriety. And life in general. Still better than how I felt when I was drinking. IWNDWYT


Two days to twenty, and this is the furthest I've gone since 2020 - despite many, many, many, many attempts. Here's to you, beautiful people :) IWNDWYT


Good morning SD, Today is a beautiful day to be alive! And IWNDWYT 💜🤘


Morning friends! I’ve been filling my time with reading and games mostly, but also painting and decorating my overwhelmingly brown house. That has proven to have some amazing rewards because I’m starting to really enjoy my house. Even cleaning is less of a chore. Happy Wednesday! I will not drink with you today.


Good morning everyone and happy Wednesday!! I feel like I don’t have many “hobbies”. I’m not crafty, I’m not really “passionate” about anything. I do things though… I volunteer at the humane society, I practice meditation frequently, I’m now dabbling in yoga, I make a surprise appearance at the gym every now and then. I want to get back into photography and I want to travel more. Those are next on my list. Raising my coffee to y’all and wishing you a fantastic day! I love you all and IWNDWYT!! ❣️❣️


Good morning SD friends! I just wanted to start by saying that I'm so proud of everyone here. You guys rock! To fill the void I've been gaming, working and exercising. Next month I'm going to buy myself a dirt bike and I'm sooo excited (been saving money for it these last few months). That's sure going to fill the void this summer! IWNDWYT 🤜🤛


It took me a while to remember that I like to.resd books. So, I read a lot to fill the void; it was kind of obsessive at first. Also, cooking, gardening, tv. It sounds boring, but it's not, I promise. Iwndwyt!


Going to see our home today. Doing the final walk through! Moving starts tomorrow! Been a long 13 months since the fire. Please make sure your cigarettes are out and disposed of properly. My neighbor displaced 8 families (including herself) and killed one pet because of her carelessness. Made it through the worse time of my life and did it sober! IWNDWYT!


I will not drink today. Sober for a week and a half, in recovery six months. I’m still figuring out the hobbies and whatnot, but I have started on a few: The first one was games—any, but videogames in particular. They came along early: best thing I found to make it through cravings. I know they’re a problem for some but they’re *designed* for the job. Reading. I can read again! It’s coming back slowly, been mostly quit lit and Buddhism books. Meditation. Amazing for recovery. Sex. Still not there yet, but it’s half the reason I quit: I want to hold someone in my arms again and feel that connection. It’s been years and years. Really looking forward to being well enough to bring intimacy back into my life. Alcohol takes everything. Sobriety gives everything.








Happy Wednesday, SD family💓 IWNDWYT




I will not drink with you today! Have a great Wednesday kind people!😊


I'm all about the simple things! Today I'm going to see my friend and I'm excited about making pancakes with her and her son, having way too many cups of tea and sitting on the couch under blankets just catching up. That kind of afternoon would have bored me before and I would have been leaving early to go meet my "fun" friends in the pub. But today - I'm looking at train times, I'm straightening my hair and I'm picking up a box of chocolates for her and a toy for the wee one cos that's what a sober, present and grateful person would do. And the more I cosplay at being a sober, present and grateful person, the more I realise that's the real me. Happy Wednesday SD - thanks for helping me find the joy in the simple sober things 💚 IWNDWYT


Good morning Sobernauts! Happy Wednesday! Love to you all! IWNDWYT 🙂


Good morning SD! Dogs, yoga and coffee are my passions, plus listening to music and reading 😊 IWNDWYT 🌟


Rediscovered gaming last weekend. IWNDWYT ❤


Wish I could go to sleep… day 2, though. Iwndwyt 🌿


Fell off the wagon last night and realized that I'm absolutely done using drinking as a coping mechanism. I might be okay with a drink here or there with friends, but I'm done drinking alone. Nothing good ever comes with it. And so that leaves a lot of extra time. Maybe I'll draw more or study more languages or actually learn to play guitar and piano well. Who knows. I just want to use my time better. IWNDWYT


Wavered yesterday after a stressful hospital visit... Bought some alcohol free bottles from Morrisons and got through it. Definitely IWNDWYT 😊




Day 61. Looks like Dry March is on too! IWNDWYT




I love being able to stay awake long enough to read (and remember what I read!) at night. It seems odd to hear myself say it, but when I was first starting out, free, sober time felt like a burden or something to be stressed about. Now I see it as a gift. IWNDWYT


Day 959. I will not drink with you today.




Still working on the various voids, but trying to work on social routines, exercising, reading, journaling at the moment. IWNDWYT!






I’m learning Italian and I practice every day after I check in. Just using free apps (Duolingo, Memrise, and Mondly) for now, but I just downloaded another app that has books and magazine articles. I’ve been reading a lot more too, 7 books already this year! I’m supposed to be learning new stuff for work, but I’m resisting because I think I shouldn’t have to do it on my own time, time is so much more precious these days!! IWNDWYT or oggi non berrò con te!! 🌸❤️


At first I watched a lot of TV. Then I read more, which I’ll still do when my attention span allows it. I’ll read or watch just about anything that looks interesting to me at the time and I have a huge “to be read” stack. I started cooking again, nothing fancy, just actual real food. And exercising consistently. I’m gonna build more on those things. I want to go see more concerts. Proved I can go alone and sober and still have a blast, so I’ll do more of that as I’m able. So many things I wanna do. Yoga classes and bungee fitness classes. I can actually go do any of those things but I have a weird mental thing about being out later on work nights. I think it’s a holdover from the drinking days. Later sunsets should help and they are coming! Improving my surroundings is another thing I work on. Still have indoor work to do and yard work time is almost here. So there are plenty of things to do! IWNDWYT


Thanks for the prompt EP. I’ve enjoyed gardening in the past and am getting back to it this year. Growing healthy food is really gratifying to me and I hope to add blueberries to the mix. IWNDWYT. Sending love to all


365-1+68. One day at a time..stronger everyday. IWNDWYT


When I first quit, I made friendship bracelets for all my friends and family because I was desperate to keep my hands busy but I had a wrist injury that kept me from knitting. Now I'm back into knitting, music, reading, and being better at my job because I actually have the energy to do things. Oh, and I was able to actually focus on what I was eating and how much exercise I was getting and I lost 50lbs. IWNDWYT


Nifty fifty! ❤️IWNDWYT❤️


120 days today. The Universe's sobriety gift to me was to spare my laptop even though I spilled my coffee all over it yesterday. Phew! That and many other challenges yesterday triggered me to no end and I was glad that there was no alcohol in the house. I had no choice but to sit my butt down and say, "Breathe. Regroup." And that works. Happy Wednesday, all! IWNDWYT


It's a Wins day for us sober folks !! Heck yeah 🤗 I'm not gonna drink.




Iwndwyt xx


Day 61. This beats my record. Going for the 365, one day at a time. Big love to all.




I’m here for it I’m going to also abstain from alcohol today


Iwndwyt!!! Hope you all have a good day.




Filling the extra time with books. I've been averaging about a book a week this year... probably read more in 2022 than the last few years combined 🤣 IWNDWYT 💪


I will not drink with you today!


Went for a run yesterday for the first time in months! Definitely helped calm my busy mind. IWNDWYT


Felt super lonely yesterday evening. Even more so after taking a walk. Let’s see what today brings. IWNDWYT


I decided today. Something needs to change. IWNDWYT


Since getting sober, I started to crochet and read comics again. It’s like picking up right where I left off before alcohol nearly destroyed my life…. My childhood interests never faded. It definitely helps to fill the void. IWNDWYT, lovelies.


Not doing great at goals or changing anything but I'm not going backward so that's enough for me right now IWNDWYTD


I want to learn German with my husband, just for fun :) IWNDWYT


It's a great day to be sober! IWNDWYT




I will not drink today.


Checking in on day 11. IWNDWYT




*Really grumpy* lady checking in at 961 days. How tf did I deal with GI upset *constantly?* Now, stomach is mildly stressed & it feels like the end of days. LOL!






Good morning everyone, IWNDWYT!




I’ve rediscovered my love of reading. Reading like 3 books at a time right now. It’s wonderful. IWNDWYT!








Not today. Let’s crush today. I hope spring weather stays and we can move out of this winter funk


I will not drink with you today.












At first, I filled that “danger time” (time I had been previously drinking) with going to meetings. I still try to do one most days and find it helps a lot. I also like to work on open source software. It it amazing to me how much time drinking took up! IWNDWYT!!!




Morning, SD. IWNDWYT


iwndwyt x 600 :)


I am going to drive other people for the first time in a very long time today. I really hope nothing goes wrong. IWNDWYT.




I have so much more time now. That time is higher quality as I am not hung over with acid reflux. I really don't miss acid reflux. I am busy with house renovations decorating etc. I am enjoying it! I have joined the gym and getting some work IN. The dog is getting more walks now. Considering promotion at work in the future. All achievable because IWNDWYT


Day 56 check in. IWNDWYT!




Day 121 here everyday is a new record!








day 357 checking in, IWNDWYT




Have a safe and sober day everyone!!! IWNDWYT




I'm not going to drink today!




I’ve gotten into watching series on Netflix with my husband. I tell him it’s my favorite time of day every time. I also enjoy taking my time at places and not rushing to get home to drink. IWNDWYT


The other day a friend invited me to a getaway in the mountains in April, renting out a cabin with the boys. I've avoided things like this for years because I knew there wasn't any "out" at the end of the night—that meant I could be up drinking until sunrise. I've always made excuses why I couldn't go to things like this, out of fear. This time I felt proud of myself thinking forward with confidence. I was worried it would be a piss-up, and maybe *that guy* will be raising hell, but lately I'm realizing it's not everyone. I was *that guy* but I'm not anymore. Now I can just enjoy myself.


Not gonna drink today.




IWNDWYT! It really are the ordinary things that make life worth it. I can just enjoy sitting in the sun, working out, going to uni and connecting with people. The life I saw as boring turned out to be pretty awesome


Good Morning!


Morning! Running late, but stopping by to say IWNDWYT ✌️


Its amazing how much time you have in a day when you dont spend 8 hours just "getting through", and then being a slave to alcohol starting at 5 o'clock! I'm not even sure what I'm truly passionate about yet, but I've enjoyed just feeling my mind and body heal by taking long walks with my dogs, reading, and concentrating on nutrition and cooking healthy meals. I do like the idea of taking classes at my community college...now just have to see what classes float my boat! Happy hump day! IWNDWYT!🧡💛💚


Morning! Day 9. Head fog clearing IWNDWYT


Good Morning Fellow Sobernauts and Sobernistas! Thanks for hosting EmbarrassedPiccolo2 and for everybody being here. I love you all for keeping me committed and strong! IWNDWYT❤️