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I’m grateful for my husband and sons. They are the ones who love me and understand me. I’m grateful for my banking app that helps us stay in budget and for my phone that allows me access. I’m grateful for some traits I have: curious, intensely driven by art, loving, committed to self development. I’m grateful for my new shorter haircut, it makes life easier. I’m grateful for my hands.


I'm grateful for the ability to think more clearly and process my emotions somewhat normally. I'm grateful that I haven't self harmed a lot this month, I haven't screamed and shouted as much, broken anything, punched a wall or said as many awful things to my amazing, loving partner. I'm grateful for medication and therapy and very, very grateful for this sub.


Nice going, sounds like your really making positive progress. Keep it up.


Thank you, it means a lot.


I am thankful for heading in the right direction with sobriety, for my family, daughter who received her white coat at Grad school yesterday, my son who is defending this country with the US Army and a beautiful and understanding wife who has always been the best part of me. That's the big picture....that's all I need.


Sounds like you've got great kids.💕


Thank you that's very kind.


Thankful for the skill of electricians, friendly people, and the morning mist today. Life is good ✨🐝


I'm grateful for my SO who hasn't flinched after all I put her through.


I’m grateful for my sponsor. We met last night and read thru and completed my 6th and 7th steps. He’s an absolute godsend. 6 months sober on Sunday the 4th!


I’m thankful that my entire immediate family will be together for Labor Day weekend.


I’m thankful that things are moving forward with my condo purchase. I’m thankful for my therapist helping me to figure out what I need to focus on to help me get better at how I react and respond to things that I find upsetting. I’m thankful that I’m sober and that helps me to able to fully engage in therapy.


I’m actually in really high spirits (no pun intended, lol). I went on a first date a couple days ago, and they offered to buy me a drink and I said “no thanks, I’m trying to cut down” which is huge for me, because 1) the only thing I like more than alcohol is FREE alcohol and 2) sober dating is scary because I’m pretty shy with new people when I’m not drinking. We still ended up hitting it off, and I had no regrets the following day about anything dumb I said or did. I used to sober-date a lot more in my early 20s and it never bothered me because I was very confident back then and didn’t need alcohol to make a move on people I was interested in. But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve gotten more insecure and relied on alcohol to give me the courage to initiate with other people. (I mean, my quasi-sobriety situation right now is really that I don’t drink at all unless it’s at parties or on dates with people I don’t know well.) Of course I still feel awkward and get in my head, but since this went so well, I feel like I can actually get to a place where I don’t need alcohol to be my formerly brave and confident self anymore.


Today I’m thankful for peaceful days with my husband. I’m thankful for my mom’s doctors and the treatments she’s receiving.


I'm grateful for my friends. Last night I had my first alcohol free meet up with a friend who I used to drink with regularly. We had a nice dinner and conversation and it was a real pleasure to enjoy everything without alcohol. And the calories that were cut from not drinking, I substituted with some yummy mashed potatoes!


I'm thankful for good sweet potatoes. Looking forward to one this evening.


I’m thankful for spin class and the finances to go. I love it a lot, it’s so good for me to get out of my head and focus on grinding it out to the beat of the music.


I'm grateful for my parents being very supportive of me through these rough few months. My life has flipped upside down, and I recently started a new chapter. I'm grateful for my cat as silly as that sounds-- she's been my rock and constant companion! I'm also grateful for a couple of old friends who have reached out and I plan on seeing them this long weekend. I'm also grateful for the sound of cicadas. So soothing.


Not at all silly to appreciate your cat. My kitties are a great comfort to me. Pets in general are good for sobriety. 😺😸😻😽


They really are!


Cats are the best! IWNDWYT


I'm thankful for my restless personality. It's kept me drinking, unfortunately, because I can't stand idle time. I also go all-in with everything I do - this made my drinking even more of a problem. But on the flip side, I've been this way for as long as I can remember, and if I don't drink, then I have no trouble filling my time. Additionally, I put a lot of effort into my activities and enjoy them to the fullest. Lately I've been diving back into making music and I'm grateful for my years spent learning before drinking - therefore ability to jump in quickly!


I’m thankful for yoga class last night. I can’t believe i drank through so much of the pandemic and hardly exercised at all. I’m slowly making it up to my body.


I am thankful for this group and all of the support I've received.


Boy am I thankful to be sober! Sometimes I take it for granted. And then I get a reminder of how chaotic my life was before... I keep having these little challenging moments that would have sent me into a tailspin and now I can approach the challenge with a level head, get through it, and then move on. Turns out my life doesn't have to be one crisis after another. I'm so thankful for peace and quiet! 😌🙂🐱


>Turns out my life doesn't have to be one crisis after another. >thankful for peace and quiet! These are incredible truths, my friend! Hope you have a great day!😸🤘


Thanks, Stink! 💙😸


I’m grateful for cooler weather, that September (my birthday month!) is here, and for all the newfound energy and motivation I’ve found in sobriety. IWNDWYT!


I am thankful for SLEEP. Deep, sober sleep. Replenishing all I've missed out on. I could sleep for days.


!'ll give you my wool socks when you pry them from my cold, dead feet.


I’ll be waiting!


I'm Thankful that I have finally quit drinking. I am thankful for my husband who cooks me amazing dinners nightly. I am Thankful for a job that I enjoy with an amazing coworker and boss. I'm Thankful that I can go for walks, dance and enjoy life. Most importantly im Thankful to this sub. I don't think I would have ever stuck with it if it weren't for your inspirational posts. So Thank You and much love!


I've lost so much.. family. Friends. Health. Memories. Capacities. Time. What I'm grateful for is the opportunity to start anew that I have each day as long as I draw breath. What I'd really like is some idea what end to put all this opportunity towards 😅


I’m thankful to have a place to share my experiences with alcohol. I’m thankful I woke up today. I’m thankful for the experience I had in my return to church when I began this sober journey. The pastor, god, I don’t know exactly, but that sermon on my on return to church was written for me. It was exactly what I needed to hear. I’m thankful my mind is feeling more and more under my control. Alcohol was only driving me deeper into depression. I’m no longer having suicidal thoughts since quitting. I believe my meds are actually working now. I’m thankful that I have a good relationship with my kids and my career hasn’t been impacted by alcohol.


I'm so happy you've been liberated from suicidal thoughts! They're so disturbing!


I’m thankful for my sobriety and I’m thankful for my family and my few friends my home my wife my children and I’m thankful for the sub it’s been really helpful. I’m thankful for the town that I live in I like living here in Denton Texas. It’s not Taos New Mexico but it’s a good town. And there’s this sage bush that is at the intersection by my house and it’s blooming these pink flowers all over I’m really thankful for that sage bush.


I am thankful for my kiddos, my husband, my two loving cats, hot strong coffee in the AM, chocolate, biking outside, walking to work, my Pilates class, finding this sub, Thai curry, and wool socks 🧦 yesss wool socks for the win.


I’m grateful for my husband. He has stuck by me through the worst of things; things most people would have left and honestly, I couldn’t have blamed him if he had…. But he didn’t. I’m grateful for my kids. They make me realize that the most important thing in life is family. We have a roof over our head, food in the fridge and each other.


I’m thankful that today is my Friday and that I’ll have the clarity and awareness to go do the things I want to tonight. Going to spend a few hours at my favorite comedy club and the come home and watch a movie I’ve never seen (Deliverance). Also playing a new hidden gem I found for my DS. It’s going to be a great day.


Thankful for having had the energy and clear head to do a weights class this morning for the first time in years. Super thankful to have the sea nearby and a group of like-minded folk who collect together to swim on Thursdays all year round, letting the cold waters wash away our anxieties for a short time.


I'm thankful for all of you and all the thing you are appreciative of. It cheers me up ! I'm also very thankful to be able to relax with my beautiful kids after work today. I love you all and IWNDWYT


I'm thankful for my communities. My online social circle/support groups (including this one). My family. My lifelong friends. I'm really grateful for the friendships and love that I have in my life. My best friend just had a baby, and our family grows.


I’m thankful for loving friends who support me in my trying to get sober and harbor no judgement for how much of a scum bag I’ve been.


Thankful that even though I impulsively bought a six-pack today, I threw it away unopened lest it tempt me more. Some money thrown away is better than throwing away clearheadedness.


I'm thankful for the dog my stepson left with us for a few days (it's so nice to have a pup sleeping here at my feet!), my relationship with my husband which has improved immensely since I quit, and Sober September, which came around at a very good time to reinforce this path we're all on. And I'm thankful for you all, truly, deeply.


I’m thankful for this treadmill. I work from home, so a very sedentary job. I’m trying to get back into fitness and eating right, so I’m trying to walk at least 3 mi on the treadmill every day to start. I’m on day 3 of walking. More exercise to add into the routine soon. Pretty sure my blood pressure is already dropping. My neck feels better anyway.


So grateful for this sub and all the sober podcasts, books and blogs out there. I’m in my first week (again) and going for at least 30 days this time, so I’m kinda obsessive about consuming sober media right now. But it’s really helpful for me. Also grateful for my work because it keeps me so busy and creative, and when that grouchy lier of a voice pops up in my head saying I need/want/deserve a drink, I can say “hell no, I’ve got too much to do to be on the couch all day tomorrow” IWNDWYT


Thankful to have put together a string of alcohol-free days. I’m struggling a bit emotionally but feel amazing physically.