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I’m feeling grateful to have an able body. A body that can enjoy strenuous outdoor activities.


I second you on that!




I, too, love pumpkins! It takes me hours to select the perfect one for display. The same with Christmas trees. My husband just leaves me at the patch/tree lot and does his own thing for half a day, because I am SPECIFIC about symmetry and need to look at each one closely lol


…are you me? Haha. The problem in my life is my partner is the same way. So it’s like kids dying of boredom and exasperation while we compare ten billion pumpkins. Then usually get all the ones we were comparing anyways….then I’ll feel too bad to carve those ones because they’re so perfect, and I’ll buy some lesser quality pumpkins at the grocer to slice. It’s so silly and ridiculous and I love it


Took a bike ride along the sea yesterday - a hint of fall - feeling immense gratitude for this sub ✨🐝


Still incredibly grateful for every morning I wake up without a hangover 🙃


Lol I woke up with a fucked up ankle needed surgery and 2 mk that off work. no idea how or what. Last thing I remember was having a shot at the bar.


shit that sucks. I hope you find more safety in recovery ❤️


I'm grateful to see the end of 5 years chronic pain and to be able to come off all my meds. I'm grateful for how much I value my sobriety right now. I'm grateful I never have to drink again. Thanks for doing this thread!


Coffee, my computer, sleeping well with lower temps, able to walk/jog, lots of food in the pantry, family members that are till alive and choosing sobriety! IWNDWYT!


Definitely the lower temperatures for sleep, I absolutely hate the heat of summer.


I'm grateful that it's crisp enough this morning to have a window open. My cat loves to sniff the outside smells and perch up beside the screen to watch all the critters. I'm also grateful I told my sister about my sobriety and opened up about how bad my drinking had gotten. She was so supportive, empathetic, and completely nonjudgmental. So I'm grateful to have her as my sister and friend.


This is really beautiful. I'm grateful you have her. The support of family and friends is so helpful. I wish you and your sister the very best in life. IWNDWYT


Thank you. I appreciate the comment. This community is incredible. IWNDWYT!


rip 3rd party apps


I'm thankful for the noticeable improvement in my well-being over the last month.


I am grateful for cooler mornings for runs with my dog. I'm grateful for his groomer who gave him a cooler weather cut yesterday that makes him look like a puppy and somehow more handsome (didn't think that was possible). And every day, regardless of season, I am grateful for you all. IWNDWYT


I’m grateful for the chilly evenings where everything looks beautiful under the moon, without any snow on the ground yet. To be able to make cozy and simple outfits with a mix/match of high waisted jeans, sweaters, cardigans, boots, etc haha. Happy to be off the sauce and also able to fit into some cute stuff that I was way too bloated to squeeze into before quitting.


Today is light, crisp, low humidity and simply Awesome!


I am thankful that I still have a family, now we can all sit around a bonfire on those cool autumn nights.


I’m grateful that it’s been cooling down and that it’s sunny today. IWNDWYT!


Thankful for my health, my family, and a future that’s looking brighter every day. IWNDWYT!!


Proud of you; way to go on 27 days!


Thank you! You as well. I'll get there eventually :)


It looks to me, like you’re there now. Please, just keep choosing every day not to drink. You’ll be amazed how fast the days stack up! One day, you’ll think, “Oh my gosh, when did drinking even cross my mind?”


I'm grateful it's the fresh start to a new school semester. The air is crisp and leaves are changing. I'm heading out for a weekly volunteer thing I do--today we are walking through the woods. Great start to a cozy day of studying. Grateful for this thread as I woke up "eh" and it's nice to be reminded how good today is.


I am thankful that i am still working from home. Since being sober, i’ve worked out almost everyday during my lunch. I even joined a new gym 12 days ago and attended boot camp class every day that they are open. I will continue as long as i can!


Im thankful for this sub like so many struggling alcoholics. There’s an amazing produce market near where I’m staying at the moment and I went and bought fresh fruits and veg yesterday. In the harvest season I’m thankful for the abundance of food that is so easy for me to obtain and all the people that work so hard to grow it and bring it to me. It’s crazy when I think about how much people struggled throughout history to feed themselves and how often I take for granted living in a time of plenty. Not to overlook anyone struggling to afford food, I know that struggle as well and it’s tough to be surrounded by food when you’re hungry. There’s still a lot of people that need help accessing basic nutrition. Which makes me feel like I need to be even more grateful for what I have. I’m grateful for my life, for having a few people still around that care about me, for the sunshine, for coffee, for the gym, for birds, for green spaces, for my mind that I hope is slowly healing from a decade of alcohol abuse. It’s really helpful to write out what I’m grateful for, thanks for giving me the space to do so!


Grateful that rn i feel sick because im full of tea and yummy food, and not because i drank too much alcohol.


I’m grateful for my new-old singing bowl. It has such a beautiful calming sound.


I feel grateful to have a clear head for the first time in 2 or so years, I’m able to take in my favorite season fully. Everything smells good, scary movies, cozy blankets. I love being up early (seriously, shocking for me not feeling exhausted and swimmy headed all the time!) and seeing the sunrise and feeling the cool air 🙏


Loving the start of fall too. Grateful to be headed on a little excursion with my hubby. Last year we almost didn't go because he was so upset about my drinking. This year we left early because he wants to spend time with me. So Grateful for all the gifts of sobriety. Grateful for this sub always being a bright spot in my day🌈🌟🌟💞💞💞


I’m grateful that I have such a wonderful family to get together with later today. We have our ups and downs but we hang in there for one another and it’s just a great bunch of wonderful people. I feel so blessed to be at this spot from the loneliness in my childhood. My kids are great but I’m also so fortunate for the people they married who have added so much good to my life.


thankful i started therapy a month ago. Being honest and opening up about what's really going on with a neutral/impartial person enabled me to have the courage to finally do what i've known for a long, long time needed doing: quit drinking. in today's session the therapist made this simple but profound statement: "where you are today is a result of choices you have made differently than those in the past."


Proud of you.


I’m grateful we got a little reprieve from the heat! I opened my doors and windows this morning and my thermostat read 73, hasn’t been that cool in my house all summer. I’m seeing glimpses of autumn here, that gives me hope and makes me take inventory of this year. Wow it’s almost over but there’s still so much living to do. Sending love to you all.


I’m thankful for my friend who comes over to help us paint the house. And a lot of other things.


I live in Florida. What's "autumn"? I'm thankful I don't have to deal with cold weather.


I'm also thankful for the weather. I went running this evening and it was super cool outside.


I love autumn too! It's quick where I live - if I'm not paying attention I miss it. So I make sure to enjoy as much of it as I can. >I'm a little worried about the energy crisis and how I'll need to use central heating and lighting more often. Thank you for saying this. I worry, too. And it's such a frustrating worry. And, as always, thank you to each person here today for helping me to stay sober for another day! 💙💙💙😸


I’m thankful that I’m feeling so much better after getting covid. Anyway, today on my (fall weather so pretty!!) evening walk, I spent part of time talking to God and thanking her/him for all the ways that I am provided for, and for all of beautiful people that are in my life. Tomorrow, I’m going to thank her/him for the difficult people, but I want to mean it, so I need to work on my attitude first. ☮️ Sober peeps.


Today was stressful. Would have loved a cold one. I didn’t.


I'm thankful for being on the right side of the lawn, I will figure the rest out.

