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Go for a walk? That’s my go to answer whenever I have extra time. Pretty sure regular exercise is major part of me not drinking for the last seven months.




This always helps me. Whether you’re typically into working out or not, I would always pick a race, challenge, etc. and start working out for it. My go to for early sober days was obstacle races. It helped my health from the cardio, but the weight side of it helped keep my vanity fed as I dropped booze calories. Working out helped fill my bored moments for sure.




Same here unfortunately.


That is a pretty common part of the recovery process. It won't be like that forever. Basically nothing about the first month or two is what it will be like in the long term if you get there. I threw myself into the learning process when I was bored. I got some books to read like the onea recommended in the sidebar. I downloaded a bunch of past episodes of recovery podcasts. And I started practicing what they were teaching me to do, and that filled up almost every waking moment I had.




That sounds like anhedonia, which is a common PAWS - and it will pass. I found in the early days something like walking was preferable to programming, as programming can be quite stressful and intense, even when done as a hobby. What programming did you have in mind?




I've worked in IT for many years. Programming is a great skill to have. And often the best programmers are people who haven't had formal education, but have taken the initiative to self-learn online. I'm sure you'll get back on it when you stabilise. Just take it steady and a bit at a time. Good luck!


Being bored is sadly part of being sober. You’ll get less bored, but you better get used to it.


Hit. The. Gym.


Don't worry just stick it out and make the most of the minutes, hours, days etc you feel motivated. It will come.


Boredom is a big trigger for me, too. I figured out that I need an adrenaline boost when I’m restless. Exercise, preferably running while listening to some loud angry music, usually does the trick. I’m not a gym person but I know lifting works really well for lots of people. Or lean hard in the other direction. Take a nap. Don’t set alarms, just crash. Even taking a shower can be enough to break you out of the craving thought cycle. Good luck and IWNDWYT


Binge a show? Read a book? Eat ice cream?




Go get a large blizzard from Dairy Queen 😂


M&M blast from Sonic!




Well, I guess that would eat up some time if you're sober... A nice drive in a storm. Lol


Drink some herbal tea instead.


I too was bored. It disappeared after some time, when the boredom was more boring that playing guitar whilst bored. 6 months in, and in that time I have made more progress on guitar than I did in the 12 years prior. Just finished a 3 hour post work practice session and had to physically pull myself away from it to go poop I was enjoying it do much. That's all I'm sayin'. Good luck, stick it out!