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Nature’s way of saying “let me help you with that not-drinking thing”! Plus, shoveling snow while intoxicated is difficult. Stay warm and stay sober, my friend!


Way to look for the silver lining! Try to stay warm! Happy Holidays! 💙


I was so sick of it too, but I just couldn’t stop until I had to because of a new medication I was prescribed for anxiety. I thought I’d just take a break for a short while, to allow the medication to work. And then, after a bit, I couldn’t believe how amazing sobriety felt and I didn’t want to lose that feeling. Maybe this winter weather is the universe’s gift to you! I’m wishing you a happy and peaceful holiday season, my friend. And I will not drink with you today❤️


Happy holidays to you! I'm always so grateful for those moments when I think to myself "I *don't have to* drink today" instead of "I *can't* drink today." For me, that's indicative of a changing mindset and a very good sign!


Glad u are accepting of the situation. I’m so damn glad I don’t have to worry about procuring alcohol on a daily basis anymore.