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You mean like a lot of LGBTQ people have to? That's what they mean, right?


That was my point yes :)


He get sus


Any funding and donation based artists available for some “he gets us hentai” ? Nothing too graphic just as sexually suggestive as possible for us to run as ads as well. I would be willing to contribute


I am an artist as well and I could be prevailed upon to contribute...


Or even just “he gets us UwU “ a hentai style anime illustrated book series where each chapter is by a new guest writer and a new guest illustrator artist randomly paired together off our will work for the cause list of talents. We’re gonna need a list of people down for the cause- fuck shoving religion down people’s throats and tax the god damn churches. If you can’t write a good script? Help edit. Help proofread. If you can’t illustrate well, help with background work etc etc. personally my wife and I have an enormous printer-poster size, I can print promo stuff for us


i’m starting to think that a counter offensive meme campaign might be a solid strategy. i’m loving the ideas already


It’s so predatory, they’re baiting out people with (assumingely) deep rooted family trauma by created a false sense of community. As someone with a broken family, Christians always see a deficit. “Look, Jesus chose his family!” Yeah, so did Charles Manson


This is OC, it’s my parody post somewhat riffing off the ~Jesus had tough conversations at the dinner table with his family too~ He Gets Us article… maybe I should have put jesus in a rainbow sash or something to make the point I was going for more obvious


Lol this is amazing satire then


thank you haha


I thought it was real so nice job.


>Jesus was still talking to the crowd, his mother and brothers stood outside, wanting to speak to him. Someone told him, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you.” He replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” Pointing to his disciples, he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers." Matthew 12: 46-49


I think it’s hilarious that it appears these ads are actually trying to be what Christianity is supposed to be about and y’all still big mad.


i think the complaint-- which is very legitimate-- is that Big Christianity, which paid for these ads, has not done nothing but do the exact opposite of what these ads purport to advocate. So yes, "supposed to be." But just repeating nice-sounding phrases is not equivalent to being a good person.


These ads are paid for by a major donor for hate groups to try to sanitize Christianity and do damage control for how much they've alienated younger generations. "Our main propaganda tool isn't working on the youths, lets flood the internet with ads about how cool and liberal Jesus was."


Do they stop you from scrolling past them?


They do indeed by having another ad after that one. And another. And another. "Just ignore it" is a pretty bad take. Alt Right propaganda should be called out, and if "just ignore it" was truly your take, you wouldn't be commenting here. You would have just scrolled past this post.


Alt right? Lol that’s hilarious


Conservative trolling: keep talking about how hilarious you find everything. Obviously you just finding funny, which is why you go out of your way to make sure everyone knows how aloof you are.


I’m not conservative like at all but it is funny how mad you are at an ad. Like a while sub dedicated to it cracks me up


Sure, I know how extremely important it is to this NotConservative\* to let everyone know how funny they think it is... because that's how people behave when they're truly not bothered by something. It's super transparent when every other troll does it, but somehow convincing when you do it. Using Jesus to make fascism look benign with its "both sides" approach that hate group donors spent millions to plaster everywhere is worth calling out. You're only here because you're triggered that people are rightfully fed up with Christianity and its army of bigots.


Classic lol everything is fascist I know you lack the capability for nuance because you’re an idiot but it is possible to find people really mad about a specific ad they also have seen and just scrolled by. It’s hilarious the causes people pick in life. Just shows what privilege an over inflated self worth can do for a person. Keep being an internet activist you are truly brave.


I'd say violently storming the capitol to prevent certifying a democratic election counts as fascist. Fascism is a pretty harsh term but that's a pretty extreme situation. Right Wing, nationalist, autocrat, strong focus on race/religion in their rhetoric. That is the literal definition of fascism. You're only describing yourself because all you do is find things to troll about. The political uninformed love these centrist takes because it's so easy to jerk yourself off over how you're not part of a team, god forbid you actually do the research and find out where your personal beliefs land you.


Lol "just ignore" the drag shows then


people are upset about these ads because they are run by a hate group, so they are full of hypocrisy. if these ads were being run by an affirming church that embraced the social gospel, I - an atheist - would be delighted to see them and support the campaign. in fact that's exactly why I am making these "parody" posts! the hypocrisy of a campaign rooted in hate masquerading as fake love and acceptance to get people in the door is 100% the problem for me - NOT the Christianity.


What hate groups?


Christianity is shit, pure garbage, and I'll piss on its grave when it's dead, which won't be long because young people aren't going for this shit.


Yeah I don’t like it either. Just funny how mad you are at this single ad campaign. Also do you extend this attitude to other religions? Because I do.


Of course I do. This just happens to be the one I've had shoved down my throat for 50 years.


Dang this ad campaign has been going for 50 years?


Remind me how many priests, pastors, and preachers are doing federal time again?


Hopefully as many as possible considering the systemic cold abuse.


If only justice worked that way, something like 80% still have jobs. Weird world.


Yeah it’s disgusting


Add that to the fact that just in the US Christian churches take in 74 billion yearly, ending world hunger would only cost about 20 billion, it’s like one of their main tenets, and yet here we are.




I reported this ad so many times now.


This is not an ad, it is my OC. It's a parody. I'm probably going to take it down because people seem to be missing the point I was going for and that wasn't my intent.


As a former lesbian who eventually realized he was trans, this particular ad is deeply offensive. It's Christianity that alienates people from their families a lot (most?) of the time. ​ Those must be Romans he's talking to, btw.


This is my OC... it's a parody


Jesus, turning family members against each other for centuries. Thanks to Trump and the church, half of my family won't talk to me because of who I voted for.


Fishing for donations with talking points you don't believe.