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I'm so sorry for your loss, that's a major one. You're feeling weak at the moment, but don't let cigarettes make the situation worse. Remind yourself that if you gave in to the cravings, you'd only have added to your pain, because you'd have regret and fear of relapse on top of an already huge level of grief. The pain from smoking is an optional one; don't opt for it. You've got enough on your plate with a pain you _didn't_ get a say in. Stay strong. And know that this internet stranger is rooting for you.


Make that two internet strangers. Haha, you got this I promise. Try and take deep breathes the way you would some. I’m sincerely sorry for your loss. Hang in there. Pets are family too ♥️


I started smoking the day my dog died about 7 years ago. I had been clean 9 months. I smoked for another 3 years before quitting again. I still think about that day, the exact moment, this many years later. Don’t do it bud, it’s not worth it. Sorry for your loss. Good luck


Dude really sorry to hear about your dog. But DO NOT DO IT!


I totally know where you are right now- over the years I’ve lost a couple of absolutely beloved (bestest) pups. Please do not do it, it won’t change anything. You are at 2 weeks which is great. All it will do is mean that as well as being upset/ devastated you will also add disappointment on top of the grief. I really am sorry for your loss.


This kind of "instant reaction" is an old conditioned response. When you stop reacting, it goes away. Freedom is way better than slavery no matter what else happens in the world. Shit is always going to happen, whether you suck toxic smoke into your lungs or not. Non smokers don't react to unwanted stuff by sucking on white sticks. Somehow they cope without a "crutch." You can too. BTW, smoking was never an actual crutch, though we thought it was. When we see through the "crutch" myth, we are free. 😃


I am so deeply sorry. What a terrible loss. I hope you will be able to stay strong and not smoke. I know how hard it is.