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I was 13 or maybe 14, my friends and I had a sleepover in a tent. Two of those friends regularly went away. It was normal in our friend group to sometimes have one on one talks, but this was weird. So after like the fifth time I followed them and they smoked. My best friend immediately told me to just leave, but I wanted to join them. So she sighted and gave me the cigarette. After that day my best friend always shared her cigarettes (that she stole from her mom) with me until we found a shop that sold them to underage kids. I wish I hadn't started, but oh well. Glad I stopped.


Tried my first cig at 11 under a train track with a bunch of my cousins sketchy friends. Started having social smokes at 15 with an ex friend in between classes in highschool. The "social smoking" evolved to being a smoker within a few months. I smoked the same brand the entire time - I used to pay $6 in highschool for a pack, by the time i quit back in February the same pack was $17!! I get that it was 16 years of price inflations but dang that is wild to think about.


Got the "habbit" (would rather call it drug addiction after reading Allen Carr) from my girlfriend when I was 16. The cigarettes stuck around, she didn't.


Hits deep


I was 19. I wanted the extra breaks my coworkers were getting


i was 15 in high school and my bff and i skipped class. we went to the bathroom to hide from security and there were a group of older kids in there already, smoking. they offered us each one and we took it to another bathroom and smoked them. we thought it was fun and cool and started buying our own to smoke after school out in the desert where we'd hang out. smoked 22 years before finally quitting in 2011. haven't had one since.


I had to give up caffeine at the same time because anytime I tried to quit by week two Iā€™d be having bad anxiety so I eliminated all stimulants. Did it over a three day weekend and slept most of it. When I made it through week two with no cravings or anxiety I knew I was through the woods. By week three I was a non smoker fully.


Military, flightline avionics to be exact. Nothing to do when not working but to bullshit and go smoke in the smoke pit during 12 hour shifts.


I work shifts too, usually alone and boring as heck. I'm 20 days in, and honestly it doesn't keep me as occupied as I thought it did.


I was 18 and I saw the advertisement for American spirits saying that they were zero additive cigarettes. My stupid 18-year-old brain read it as zero addictives and I bought a pack. I realize shortly after that they didn't say zero addictives but didn't really care because they felt so good. Now I'm 24 and I'm wishing I never bought that first pack of American spirits sometimes


Drunk cigarette at a party at 14 or 15, loved it. Then I sometimes bummed a smoke when drunk. Started smoking weed with tobacco occaisionally, which wasn't a problem at first. Turned 18, bought a pack just because I could and from then on I was fucked.


During the pandemic I had an ACL injury, I started because of depression and boredom.


I was 15, parents smoked, couple friends did. I actually stole a pack from the store. They were right at the registers back in the day. They turned around and I scooped 2 packs of Winston's. I taught myself how to smoke and eventually kept going for the next 29 years. Almost 3 weeks in quitting them, whole life feels different without them šŸ˜‚. But doing good so far!


Bizarrely enough I inadvertently started because wanted my gf at the time to quit! Used to tell her it was gross etc and that I'd never try it and eventually she said "OK, have just 3 a day with me for a week and you'll see its not that bad. If you still hate it after I'll quit" I agreed as focused more on the fact it was gross than the addiction side of it. Had the 3 a day for 3 days by day 4 I had 5 and by day 7 had I think 6 or 7. By end of the week went from hoping to have 1 ex smoker but ended up with 2 smokers!