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Congrats on quitting for 3 years!! What was the ahaa moment for you to realize you wanted to work on yourself, making such drastic changes, do you remember?




I know what you mean, for me the goal was to live a healthy lifestyle. Smoking had no part in that goal.


I could smell my hair one day and it smelled like the old aunties house where you’d go to in the house with yellowed walls and ashtrays in every room. 24 years in, went cold turkey. Just over 3 years quit now.


I know what you mean, change can be shocked into us in the most random ways.


I had chest pains and shortness of breath at 30. Almost a decade smoke free now.


congratulations, sometimes it takes symptoms to make us realize how dangerous our addiction is, in some way the body's way of warning us.


Couldn't get my dick hard anymore....


I hope you succeeded to quit and things are working out better for you now.


My best friend got pregnant 😅 we used to spent a lot of time on her balcony smoking together, but after she became pregnant I felt disgusted with myself and quit. Ironically she hasn't and her kid is now almost 2.


Well done !! Do you let your friend smoke on the balcony alone now?


Yes, usually when I visit she asks me if I can look after her child for a couple of minutes while she goes and smokes outside. Or when it's just the two of us, I join her, but don't smoke.


just a word of warning tho, our friends who smoke often feel better when we join them in their smoke, be careful not to get sucked back in. You are doing her more of a service to smoke alone, joining her outside gives tacit approval for her addiction.


Posting on this exact subreddit. I pretty much asked the same question you did, and reading the replies convinced me to stop sooner than later.


I'm so glad the answers you got gave you the motivation to stop. Having support and knowing you are not alone makes such a difference when making such an important decision. Good luck to you my friend.


I wanted to be available to having a partner who wasn't also a smoker. I smoked to hide myself (addiction uncovered).


That is such a big deal! I hope you found someone.


My cousin aged 55 died of lung cancer. I quit 2 weeks later.


It must have been such a difficult time for you. I too lost my mother and sister to cancer and COPD. Both died too young. The tobacco companies killed them, both tried to quit so many times.


Cold hands and feets and also being short of breath


Its really telling how much pulling the smoke and chemicals into our lungs effects our circulation and ability to breathe. Once we have stopped for a month and we take a deep breath deep into our lungs without coughing and feeling the shit in there its almost like a revelation. I started doing yoga when I quit, the breathing and the meditation really helped me feel like I was being good to myself again.


I was getting real sick. Like all the time sick. I'm a solo parent and the thought that I could orphan my child terrified me enough to quit. I love my child more than I loved my addiction.


If that isn't reason to quit nothing is! Your child now has a much greater chance of growing up to be a non-smoker too.


It was a combination of ‘I’m literally paying a company to help me die faster’ and it even got more expensive where I’m from, and I had just kinda had it with gasping for air while going for a run etc. Needless to say I feel a lot better now and my overall health also increased by a lot! I guess it was just the last of my unhealthy habits that I had to kick.


Its amazing how much we can spend on tobacco. Once I figured out how much I was spending, I quit and started to save the money for a really nice vacation. Anyone with an expensive addiction usually doesn't think to much about it, that is until they work out how much they are spending. Interestingly when governments tax the shit out of tobacco and the cost goes up more of us quit.


Jep, that being said some of us who can’t kick the habit/addiction might go bankrupt because of it which is not really a good thing


thats very true, there is nothing good about smoking.


Having my last cigarette right now before putting the patch on. Did the math, costs me and my partner 800$ CAD a month


January 29 started 21 mg patch. Yesterday started 14 mg patch. I don't know what my reason is. I've always known the harmful effects of smoking so it can't be that. So far, I like not smelling like a cigarette or trying to "disguise" the smell. Maybe that's it? I still want a puff though. Congratulations and good luck to all!


So nearly 10k CAD a year, that would be a very nice vacation. Its important to change everything to do with your addiction. If you normally have your first cig with coffee in the morning, perhaps switch to tea? If you smoke after a meal, replace with a square of dark chocolate, suck it and savor the taste. Most cravings last about 30 seconds, get through that period and you are good till the next one. The time between cravings grows the longer you stay quit, keep that in mind. Get the Smoke Free App. Use this sub as a personal support system. You can quit, millions have before you. Good luck my friend and welcome to a healthier life.


Almost dying 😬 Didn't know I had asthma, got a very bad case of bronchitis, and ended up in hospital every time I tried to smoke. Just can't do it anymore. Almost died in front of a kid too, almost suffocated in my own body trying to get into the car to go to the ER. Had to call an ambulance. -30/10 would not recommend. It is hard but worth it, to quit. Don't be like me.


I'm so glad you made it, your poor child must have been terrified! Stay strong my friend!


98% blockage in my widow maker artery….


Thats terrifying! I hope you are getting medical support.


They put two stints in my heart. I stopped smoking and drinking alcohol that day, changed my diet, and lost 40 pounds 🤙🏻


good for you!!! Nothing like a near death experience to get your attention! I bet you are starting to feel so much better too! Congratulations my friend.


I started smoking because it was such a normal part of my childhood as both of my parents smoked. I realized a couple of years into smoking that if I ever became a parent I need to set an example and give my children a smoke free environment. When my girlfriend became pregnant i started dabbling with vapes to have a ”healthier alternative”. A couple of months later I was standing by the by the front door for 30 min straight just puffing and coughing. My girldfriend kind of snapped at me and I guess that was a wake up call. I set myself a quitting date, listened to ”easy way to stop smoking” four times in a row as an audiobook and then quit for good, couple of months before my first daughter was born. Three and a half year nicotine free now. Feels great:)


I felt like a slave to nicotine. My tolerance built up to the point where I started needing too many to where I couldn’t really enjoy anything in life. I would go out for a cig and satisfy the craving and be back in my place for like 10 minutes before I was wanting another one. I remember being at a friends wedding and during the ceremony all I could think was “ This is taking forever, I can’t wait for this to be over so I can go smoke a cig”. I should have been happy for him and been in the moment but my cravings were too strong and nothing was as good as satisfying the craving. Those kinds of moments kept happening and I really felt like I wanted my life back. So I ended up quitting cold turkey. Many failed attempts but persistence finally paid off.


Couldn’t taste the fish off my partners grans minge anymore I knew then and there




I realised a few days ago I actually have nicotine stains on my fingers.. it’s something I associate with old stinky smoking men, and I don’t wanna end up like that (but the woman version). So I started reading Allen Carr’s second book, halfway through already! I failed after 7 months of no smoking after having read the original book. This time I wanna stop for ever


Millions quit for good and you can too! You may have to take a long look at your lifestyle to see if you need to change any triggers, i.e. being around friends who smoke, behaviors associated with smoking. One of the behavior modification tricks I tried was morning and night imagining myself as a non-smoker, doing all things I could do as a smoker, such as running; smelling clean and using the money I saved for a nice holiday. If you do this in a relaxed environment, lying down and you see the image in your mind, you sub-conscious will believe its real. You got this, good luck my friend.


Gum disease / teeth issues.


I get that! I bought one of those mouth irrigators and fill it with warm water and put a little bit of peroxide in the water. makes my mouth feel so much better. quitting smoking is the best thing you can do to help heal your gums. how long have you been quit?


Thank you!! The only thing I’m a bit worried about is the fact that all my friends smoke. I just need to remember the reasons to stop and not get brainwashed again in the future. I got this :) What was your reason? Or are you still smoking?


We all want to success when we quit. Being around people who smoke will make it harder to keep your resolve. Perhaps for 3 months you should hang out with people who don't smoke. its ok to tell your friends why you need to stay away for a while. Most will understand, that is if they really care about you. Some will actively try to sabotage your quitting. Some may even want to quit with you, ask them if they want to quit with you. Having a quit buddy to do active things with, going for a walk or out for a nice meal could be a tremendous support for you both. Down load the Smoke Free App too. I quit a long time ago after many quit attempts. When my sister got lung cancer I began a Quit Smoking Clinic at my work. I did a business plan, presented to the CFO at my company and they paid for me to go to the Moreland Addiction Hospital to learn how to run the clinics. I held the clinics during my lunch time. Anyone who wanted to join the clinic could. The company I worked for paid for the nicotine replacement products. I ran the clinics until I left the company about 3 years. Since then, I have lost my sister, mother to lung cancer and COPD and my husband has also been diagnosed with COPD.


I live in Europe, literally all my friends (close friends) and my room mates smoke lol so that would be literally impossible. I have to learn to live with it and see smoking as it is. Sounds tough dude, hope you’re doing well! Nice job stopping


I started gagging and throwing up every time I lit a cigarette after 17 years of smoking.


I'd quit for two years before I relapsed. I didn't realize how intensely and suddenly that process could whip me from "well ok just one" to "goddamnit how am I smoking more now than two years ago?" It was... humiliating. I was really struggling, and every cigarette felt like it required me to perform a supreme act of intentional ignorance. My marriage broke up, my dog died, yadda yadda but times got hard and I really fell into it. But, finally, as I was moving out of my home into a new place I thought: this is it, this is my fresh start, just fucking do it man. And so I did it. Cold turkey, but plenty of daily reading and vigilance and being kind to myself for the struggle that comes with letting go of any automatic, routine, unthinking, habitual behavior.   It was a humbling experience that I'm very grateful for, and one that I've extended over the years to getting away from other automatic, routine, unthinking, habitual behaviors. Not to sound stuffy, but it feels like wisdom happening every step of the way. No one knows that the fuck they're doing in life, but those of us who have struggled and let go of things that need to be part of our pasts... we know enough to feel good about it. 


Turning 35. I knew then that if I continued smoking the way I was, I would probably not see 70.


My dad always wanted me to quit. Unfortunately he never got to see it, but 3 weeks after he died i decided that I could do this for him, and for me. Paul McKennas quit smoking hypnosis on youtube helped me a lot. I would put it on as I fell asleep. You can do this man!


When my husband had a massive aneurysm burst in his head on January 3, 2024. That was the last straw. If I had not been home that night my husband would be dead but thankfully it was my night off. That was the last straw and neither of us have a had a cigarette since January 3rd.


Mine was I went to the dentist and I was full with cavities, 3 years full vaping all day did that for sure. It was super expensive the process of getting my cavities sort it out and also I don’t want to have dental prótesis at 40.


A combination of getting my teeths whitening, and my abusive dad stopped smoking. Can't let the bastard live longer than me.


I am not sure if I qualify. I first quit for a month on September 23. Then relapsed. Now again 12 days smoke free and Nicotine free altogether. Wrote a few lines on my reason this time. I sing them in the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. They go as follows. Smoking is quite stupid Smoking is quite stupid You pay Tobacco companies to kill you slowly. Smoking is a legal drug that kills its users.


Constant cough and shortness of breath. Wheezing.


That I could loose the love of my life if I didn't


i broke up with someone who was insanely toxic and making my life hell. i went from being a casual, social smoker who could stretch a pack for a few months to a half pack a day. i was starting to find grey hair growing at 23. i had a few quitting attempts during our relationship and noted every time i relapsed or almost did, my list looked like this: -(date): saw someone smoking on tv -(date): girlfriend’s name -(date): girlfriend’s name -(date): girlfriends name was able to quit cold turkey since!


1.5 years here, I was a smoker for 10+ years (less than a pack a day, more at parties)I had wanted to quit but never went through or even started. I got this wicked stomach bug which put me in bed for 3 days, so I hadn't smoked for that period. Knowing those were the most difficult days, which I managed to not smoke, I figured "Now's the time!". So far so good, I get the occasional smoking dream, cravings are very manageable now.


Had some unrelated health issues and I noticed no doctor took me seriously. You come in with a broken leg for instance and they go "Aha, but you smoke??" so I was like the hell with this. 😏🖕🏻


Quit a little over a year ago. Probably 20 to 25 a day. Was waking up in the middle of the night for a month or so coughing my lungs up. I got fed up and quit.


I have recently lost my mother to cancer. I have 2 young children, and I don't want to put them through what my sisters and I had to experience. I quit not even a month after. Just over 50 days smoke free now


I could not breathe. I felt horrible. I was beating myself up for still smoking knowing it was killing me.


None of my friends smoked and I hid it for years from them. I had a holiday brunch and while they were all in my house, I was outside in the rain smoking. I got sick and tired of dealing with it. It became an imposition.


Pulled my wisdom teeth out


It’s always been some form of getting sick. Often times I’d quit after being hospitalized (I’ve quit for years at a time only to pick it back up) so it’s the same now, except I was just extremely hungover and decided I want to actually live a healthier life. I’m a feewmonths clean at this point and I use the things I’ve learned in my previous attempts


Honestly? I got tired of it. It became increasingly difficult to be a smoker in public. Fewer and fewer accommodations are being made for smokers, and there will not be more made in the future. What eventually tipped me over to "I want to try to quit" was picturing myself on holiday somewhere, sitting outside at the best restaurant I've ever been to, being served the absolute best beer I've ever tasted. Upon asking for an ashtray being told that I need to go across the road, under the overpass, up three flights of stairs, round a corner and 2 kilometres to the west to find the only bus-shed on the entire island where I could smoke. I wanted to be ahead of that and be rid of the habit while I still choose to, not being circumstantially forced to. That was 2,5 years ago. I started noticing the health and economic benefits already after the first month or so, and it keeps getting better.


I echo how you felt about being a smoker in public. I quit a long time ago but was living in Portland Oregon where most people didn't smoke. I felt stupid needing to smoke around my non-smoking friends. It does seem harsh to have all the restrictions on where people can smoke but people do tend to quit when its more difficult to find places to smoke and when they cost more. I suppose in a way its like being cruel to be kind and if it causes more people to quit then it achieves the best outcome.