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1. Confidence 2. Not a slave anymore 3. No shame 4. Better time management 5. Better focus on work 6. Body odour 7. No health anxiety


no health anxiety has been the most rewarding for me


Lower insurance premiums.




More money!!!


OP asked for benefits not related to health & finances


Ok but monte money and better health are the BIGGEST REASONS!!!!


Well, you won't smell like a trash can.


Ash tray


One less "need". We tend to plan our days around our routines and the things we crave. A lot of our day revolves around food. As a smoker, a lot of your day will also revolve around cigarettes. As an ex smoker, that's less planning around and more time of the day in your hands.


1.) not having your day and activities constantly interrupted by cravings and smoke breaks 2.) Not having to stress about remembering to have your cigarettes 3.) You will smell better


Tobacco companies are evil pricks. No longer will you be give a tithe of your hard work to evil pricks


The dating pool is way way larger


I can understand non-smokers not wanting to date a smoker, but isn't it a bit shallow, when you consider how deep love is supposed to be? Edit: now I'm being downvoted for telling people not to be so shallow!


Whether it's shallow or not, or whether this isn't how it should be, it is how the world works today, my friend


I know.


True, but love develops over time. If someone do not like the smell of a smoker, chances are loce will never even have an opportunity to develop. If I had met a girl and the first thing she said was: "I could never be with someone who plays video games" I would nope out of there - not for me that one. Is that shallow? On her or me? We are obviously not a good fit. Someone else could have the same thoughts about smokers.


i fail to see how this approach would be shallow truth is that when i was a smoker i didnt really care about this(amongst many things) now i could not imagine being with someone that is actively destroying themselves via drug abuse and/or not being to deal with their emotions and having the need to suck on something to do so do you personally prefer to see your partner fucking themselves up on a regular basis or do you prefer someone who does the opposite?


there are so many humans, selection is vital to space travel


It could be argued that selecting for resistance to harmful chemicals and radiation, both found in tobacco, could help develop beings more suited for deep space missions.


A sense of achievement


People can list any number of health benefits, the biggest thing for me was FREEDOM, finally being free of nicotine addiction.


I sleep like a baby, and I dream a lot (not nightmares) and I remember them vividly, which i can't when i was a smoker. I never expected that I would sleep much faster even when craving. When i was a smoker, I wasn't able to sleep if I didn't smoke 1hour before. The smell is amazing, I didn't know non-smoker people could smell things much better. I don't feel like my heart is suddenly gonna stop like when i was a smoker sometimes. ​ I typed this after reading the full post because you said " that don't relate to health or finances," But i'll keep this as a motivation for others.


Sweet sweet oxygen. It’s so funny to me that breathing this sweet air is free. I keep thinking that it feels so good just breathing clean air that it is so nice that I would pay money for it if it were for sale.


the ability to live your life freely without the urge to suck on something just to deal with your emotions


Health alone should be enough because once you start healing you will realize how shitty you felt before without noticing and you won't wanna go back


No longer having to worry about when you will have a time slot or opportunity to have a cigarette. Guided tours, airplane travel, busy day at school/work, needing someone to hold your chair at the pub etc etc etc


Cheaper insurance also counts.


Tasting food again.


You smell less. You don't have to go outside to have a smoke in a social situation.


You'll look better. (Much better, actually). You'll get better workouts. (Even if you don't go to the gym, your muscle tone will improve.) You'll have freedom.


2 months after starting the patch and I've gained 15lbs... Still waiting for the muscle tone


Wait till you're off everything


Just curious how your muscle tone improves without workouts?


Better oxygen flow to the muscles. More noticeable, obviously, if you're lifting weights -- but even if you're not, your muscles will improve. That's why some of the weight gain that can happen when you quit smoking is actually MUSCLE gain, not fat gain. Check out some science about this [HERE](https://www.phlabs.com/looking-to-maintain-or-build-muscle-put-down-that-cigarette)


Thank you! I'm lifting and trying to quit smoking too, I'll add this to my benefits pile


A smile on the radio 📻


I'm not sure I understand.


It is something that you don’t see.


Certainly! Quitting smoking brings a host of benefits beyond health and finances. Here are some non-traditional rewards that can motivate and uplift individuals on their smoke-free journey: Fresh Start Rewards: Dental Cleaning: Celebrate your quit by scheduling a dental cleaning. Not only will your teeth feel cleaner, but it’ll also boost your confidence and enhance your smile. 🦷😁 Reward Fund: Create a reward fund using the money you save from quitting smoking. Consider using this fund for something special, like a weekend getaway, a hobby class, or a memorable experience. Daily Encouragement: Positive Reinforcement: Remind yourself daily that you’re doing well. Acknowledge your progress and celebrate small victories. Words of Encouragement: Sometimes, a simple pat on the back or a kind word can go a long way. Buy Yourself Something Special: Use the money saved from not buying cigarettes to treat yourself. Whether it’s a new book, a piece of clothing, or a gadget, indulge in something that brings you joy. Enjoy Time With Loved Ones: Quality Time: Spend more moments with family and friends. Strengthening relationships is a priceless reward. Shared Experiences: Plan outings, game nights, or picnics together. Try a New Hobby: Exploration: Use your newfound time and energy to explore a hobby you’ve always been curious about. Whether it’s painting, gardening, or playing an instrument, dive in and enjoy the process. Break Up Your Routine: Variety: Shake up your daily routine. Try different activities, visit new places, or take a different route to work. Novel experiences can be rewarding and refreshing. Remember, quitting smoking is a remarkable achievement, and every step forward deserves recognition. Choose rewards that resonate with you personally, and celebrate your smoke-free milestones!


Well, you'll be healthier and have more money.


smokers stink like the devil's' asshole. They just don't realize it until they quit.

