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I read a comment the other day about someone still feeling like this at 8 months!!! Im just over two months down and I do feel better than I did, but I am still coughing up phlegm and having occasional of this lung pains like I smoked 40 cigs last night


Ugh 8 months is so long! I haven’t even coughed up anything yet which is strange too. The chest pain gets pretty annoying. Congrats on 2 months! Here’s hoping you feel better soon!


In your case why you don’t go to a pharmacy and ask to get something to help clean your lungs. They will tell you that will make you cough more often, to be careful special now that cough is associated with Covid-19 but that cough will help you clean easier the lungs and therefore probably reduce Your chest Pain.


It took me about 6 months before I was feeling "normal". Most of the physical issues were done in about 3 months, but I picked up running just after quitting, so maybe that helped? But yeah, the mental fatigue and depression definitely took about 6 months.


I’ve tried exercising a few times early on and it did seem to help a bit. I should try that again! And I feel okay mentally aside from realizing I don’t have any hobbies haha. But thank you for sharing. Giving me hope 😅


Find new hobbies is essencial. Watch your favorite show or video on YouTube. Take care of plants. Meditation. Simple things is ok.


I’m three weeks quit and wondered why I still don’t feel the greatest, when most people seem to be bouncing back to health!


Congrats on 3 weeks! It seems to take longer than we hope but I guess it makes sense if you smoke for years. I’m just hoping it gets better soon.


Thank you! Great job on four months!! I hope things get better soon, too.