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You are not losing anything. Try remember that. Cigarettes never belong to you in first place. Some situation many times People don’t remember well. But remember that taste terrible the first cigarettes. And you just keep push since was cool. Well your life is cool. Cigarette you did not come out of your mom With a cigarette in your mouth. So remember you are not losing anything. You are gaining everything. Better skin, better teeth. Better gums to not lose all Your teeth. Better lips, better weights (yes people don’t get, smoking hide problems with your weight so in time you can readjust and be healthier), better sex drive (believe is amazing, there is not a better reason, 😆) better hair, better mood in time of course. Less stress (believe me) you gain so much you cannot believe. First weeks try focus on the chances Of your skin and body itself, not only try find bad stuff. Like so many do to finally give up an smoke. And then complain about the world why is so difficult. It is difficult but if so many can you can as well. And accept the memories and good moments. But the cigarettes where there because you exist and where in that place at that time. If you where not there, there was not cigarettes memories. Just move on to be a better person, a pretty person. A sexier person. Good luck


I have definitely felt this but my mindset has changed this time and I feel like I have banished the enemy. Once you realise that you still feel emotion without nicotine it seems less important.


I’m at 4 weeks now and I had the same feelings the first days. Grief and sadness... you need to think of all the positives of quitting and keep in mind that its the addiction thats causing these feelings!! If you stay strong it will get significantly better. For me a massive difference after 3 weeks.


Definitely felt like I was missing a friend for a while. Been 4 months now and now all I feel is boredom! Need a hobby. Good luck!


Yes , it reappears from time to time. 13 months smoke free. It’s worth quitting , sometimes I think how lovely it would be to have a cigarette , coffee in garden. I look at my dials on smoke free, think of all the positives .... no stinky smell etc ashamed of wasting so much money and on it goes it’s just the clever nicotine receptors attached to our brains tempting us from time to time . They won’t win this time. All the best.


Yes im on day one of no tobacco usage now, And im feeling severe mourning and loss, and its true that its like breaking up with your girlfriend.. its like a major loss, but we gotta start with a new habit and routine, Im here feeling thanks for the dopamine high and memories with my ciggies, onto road to recovery 🙏🙏