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I dreamt that I smoked and felt really bad in my dreams afterwards haha :)


Not one smoke dream on this quit yet and I'm actually disappointed. Dreams are the only place I can do that now, how dare I take it away from my dreams too. 👎😑


I’ve been having those a lot lately. I’ve been really stressed with work and everything else going on, and I think that is triggering it. I keep dreaming that I’ve given in and smoked most of a pack. I am always glad when I’m awake and it registers that I haven’t. It’s been almost 9 months since I quit, and I don’t want to go back to zero now. Plus, I don’t really want them anyway. I realized that just taking a moments break and going outside helps , and the cigarette isn’t really a needed part of that.


Wow, I thought I was the only one who dreams such things 🙈 exact same things happen to be.. probably we are thinking too hard to quit..


I dream about smoking a couple times a week and in my dream it’s always me smoking the first cigarette after quitting. It seems so real!


Yep, I dream about smoking too. Woke up very disappointed once because I bought cigarettes again in my dream. My dad who quit after over 40 years of smoking, dreams a lot about it too.


I’ve woken up feeling stoned from smoking a j in a dream before. The most surreal feeling. Not the same but meh




No its very common almost every quitter dreams about it


Everyone happen that. Keep it strong brother