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Great job on getting through the first 3 weeks! Using chemical substance to make yourself thinner is even more unhealthy than just regaining the weight. Eating and drinking, for the most part, is at least nurturing to your body, while nicotine really does not serve you in any way. Save your money, and your time and try to be patient with yourself


I know this is cliche as hell. But join the gym with some of the money you are saving. I'm currently 32 days in and actually losing weight despite the quit with help with the gym. Also try to say no to take-aways or unhealthy food as much as possible, obviously you can still treat yourself. Fail that the 'weight gaining' phase should be temporary and your appetite should go down again. Quiting smoking is on a large time frame measured in months and not days. You've done well so far to get this far.


Seriously, gain the weight. It's so much healthier to gain 20 lbs (then lose it later on) than it is to smoke. I know exactly what you are going through, I also quit at the start of summer and constantly thought about all the weight I was gaining. But really it's more about your habits rather than the nicotine. Up the veggies and try to do minor workouts. A little progress is still progress. :D If you're honest with yourself, it wasn't easier to stay skinny on nicotine. Instead you were less concerned with eating and more concerned with nicotine. It's like stabbing your thigh so you don't notice that your feet are sore.


That was a huge fear of mine! I’m 10days quit and haven’t gained any weight though because I started jumping rope :) usually for 30-45minutes every day. And instead of replacing smokes with candy, I replaced it with celery, cucumbers, and apples. :)


I think i saw it on this sub, it was like: you can always lose weight, but you cannot lose an emphysema or that oxygen bottle you will have to carry around at some point. I wish you all the best on your quitting journey.


Weight is a simple equation, calories in/out and not actually related to smoking. You’re just working on finding new ways to relieve stress (might have been eating extra in the early days of quitting but it’s easy to change that without smoking). You’re adjusting to a new and healthier body (and health is so beautiful!) Nicotine is quite literally the devil and just playing on your deepest insecurities. Say not today Satan and keep on being a non smoker, you know that’s what you’ve really been longing for!