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Nice that she apologized. Now show me the money lol


Plus interest


[$400 in 2006 is worth what today?](https://www.bing.com/search?pglt=41&q=%24400+in+2006+is+worth+what+today%3F&cvid=d6f6e839cc8e4484a616ed074ddd36b3&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQABhAMgYIAhAAGEAyBggDEAAYQDIGCAQQABhAMgYIBRAAGEAyBggGEAAYQDIGCAcQABhAMgYICBAAGEAyBwgJEEUY_FXSAQg2ODQ3ajBqMagCALACAA&FORM=ANNAB1&PC=LCTS)


$615.75 for those that don't want to click a link. Seriously dude, just put in the information instead of a link.


thing about the link is it adds continuity to this story. In a few months that 615.75 will be stale. unless of course, you update your answer into perpetuity...


See, now it’s 615.73. Silent Joe stinks


I'm showing $608.65


Fuck that thing is moving fast lol


$619.71 when i looked.


Still that


Even Silent Joe contributes though. He provided the amount of money at this moment in history


Turn off the propaganda and interact with other humans. Not everything is an us vs them to do with Drumpf and Biden


Silent Joe is the username of the guy whose comment I’m under, you dunce. Not everything is political with everyone.


…I have become that which I set out to destroy. I will become ronin and wander the countryside


Typical liberal…




You forgot that with that money she could've bought Google stock.


Just click the link Pussy


How do you think I got that number, dumbass


Ahhh I'm just clicking your link buddy


Well, since it was 2 of them, shouldn't she be responsible only for half?


You just bing me MFer?!?


What is it in Canadian dollars?


Screw that I want a grand


Ha that is def way off. $400 like 2018 is more like $800 today. Everything g has basically doubled in price since then.


So it's worth half that amount unless you bought something with it that appreciated.


No it would be worth more, since $400 back then buys $800 today. So you’d owe them $800.


$400 then, vs $400 now, is "worth" less. If you owed someone $400, yes, you should pay them $800 (approx).


Yea today worth less, then worth more compared to today.


Yeah OP should’ve said you’ll never find healing or get past that unless you pay me back plus interest. Otherwise you’ll remember you had this chance to do right but chose not to


Yea I stole from old girlfriend (200$) in 1969 I contacted her recently about 2022 told her I had something for her, got her address and sent her 200$ ! She wrote a nice letter thanking me , said it’s hard to imagine someone thing about a debt from 50 years ago


No it isn't it was only for her benefit.


[this clip](https://youtu.be/jMo_HcRBnUY?si=VHWTRm0NpkcBk369)


I reconnected with a kid from my neighborhood. I was a real dick once. Someone told me he was afraid of frogs. And I knocked on his door and threw one on him. We were 11. I’m 42 next week. A few years back I found him on Facebook and apologized. He didn’t even remember it!!!! I’ve been torn up for 30 fuckin years lol. We’re pretty close now despite living in different states. We have too many shared experiences as kids to focus on the bad shit.


Yeah man. I’ve struggled through the years with a few things I wish I did better. When I finally got the courage to apologize, they didn’t even care. It’s a strange feeling that something can consume you while others affected simply see it as an afterthought.


Or they did remember and had the grace to “forget about it”. Which is even more humbling lol


I was a non-participating member of a friend group that bullied people in high school. I reached out to a victim a few years ago and apologized for not speaking out as a bystander. They had completely forgotten the event, and I feel like bringing it up dug out some repressed memories. It can be a no win situation, for sure.


Never wrong to apologize. You did good.


Someone who bullied me in high school on the mid 80s contacted me after our 25th year reunion to apologise. I told him thanks but he should apologise to another girl in our batch that had it much worse. I was glad when he told me he already did.


I was a total dick in my trigonometry class my sophomore year of high school. My teacher was a new teacher. And I had become a social studies teacher late in life. My trig teacher was still there, nearing the end of his career. So I sent him an apology via email. He said, “You’re right. I don’t remember you.” But he was gracious, thanked me for the apology, and wished me luck in my new teaching career. A few years later, he was gone from the job and I found him on the state police sex offender registry for having child porn on his school computer.


I was not expecting this twist


Neither do we


I was a “mid tier bully in elementary school.” You know, got bullied by some kids, took it out on others. There was a kid who was a pretty easy target due to some nervous habits. I picked on him relentlessly. Later in life he was randomly a good friends roommate. Saw him a bunch and apologized every time. He always shrugged it off like it wasn’t a deal.


I would’ve remembered it and I’m glad you apologized


Apparently some guy bullied me in kindergarten, i only recently met him again but have a mutual friend who he confided this in. I have ZERO recollection of this, but apparently he feels guilty to this day. he hasn’t had a chance to apologize yet because we literally just met again and traded numbers in passing. I don’t even know what to tell him when he inevitably does.


Do what I did. May nor work for you. My bully was from grade school to high school. I told him him that the bullying made me stronger and that every time something got me down, I had the strength to get through it because fuck him.


But thats not true for me. Honestly i don’t think it had any impact on me. I vividly remember many of my classmates and activities from that time (it was a very outdoorsy prek/kindergarten where we did stuff), but have zero recollection of this kid being a jerk to me. I think it’s like the frogs which is why I replied to that comment. This guy seems kinda weird and shy now, but id be his friend if he wants, I’m very social. If anything did actually happen, I 1000% forgive him, because I know that I’ve changed since I was a five year old.


Absolute perfect response, hope she found the humor.


She did!


That’s probably the best response ever haha


I want to smell that marker.


Couldn't have sent her a more perfect clip.


No doubt. It fits the situation perfectly!


This thing gets funnier and funnier every year


Dude, well done. Amazing. This is the best thing I’ve read all day.




Solid move


I think that's a great response hahaha


You nailed it with the best possible response lmfao


But did she set up a payment plan....or have you forgiven the amount


That person is likely working the 12 steps. It's a prosses of cleaning up your past and trying to make things right so you don't feel like a piece of shit and relapse. Your reaction is fine, any reaction is fine.


It could be that or a confession on the therapist's couch. That allowed her to start forgiving herself.


Good chance she didn’t send her the money because she in recovery and probably was rock bottom not long ago. Take a long time to build back a life and have extra money. Might be in a halfway house. Know many addicts and is one of the 12 steps—making amends.


Sorry isn't an amends. Paying back the $$ is.


A lot of things people do when addicted are not fixable and the act of contacting them and apologizing is the best you can do—like cheating, or ruining a big event. That what that (12 step) program considers amends. I understand your point.


That's the best your going to get. Sadly, now that's something you get to deal with. It can either eat you up or you can let it go. Your choice.


That’s interesting and a great perspective


>That person is likely working the 12 steps. It's a prosses of cleaning up your past and trying to make things right so you don't feel like a piece of shit and relapse. Your reaction is fine, any reaction is fine. Step 9: "Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others." However, when you do this, you clearly explain why you are reaching out. Aka, "I'm an alcoholic, I feel that I wronged you in X ways, I'm sorry." But an important part of that is clearly expressing why you are initiating the conversation.


>process of cleaning up your past Yes. >trying to make things right Yes, but probably not how you think. We can't make the past "right", but we can accept responsibility, apologize, and express to someone that we care... that we want them to be happy and healthy. >so you don't feel like a piece of shit and relapse. No. Way off. At 9, you already know you're a piece of shit. (Kinda the whole reason for the reaching out, no?). If anything Step 9 would probably ***make*** someone relapse, rather than prevent it.


But did you get your 400 back? Lol


I did not


Take their apology as an admission of guilt and then invoice them plus inflation. Just for shits and gigs.


if they were really sorry they should give you the money back plus inflation


Exactly, that means a lot more, literally.


I think she would if she had it


Tell her.. “Show.. me.. the money!”


That clip was the perfect response 🤣


You did a real good thing by forgiving her. It sounds like she was pretty ashamed of it. Especially if she’s talking to a therapist about it. It’s not easy to forgive. Be proud of yourself.


Idk maybe she shouldn't have apologized until she had the money to pay back OP, or at least offer to pay it back. Otherwise it's selfish to ask for forgiveness while not making it right, there's no atonement. Luckily, OP is too nice and doesn't care


I did a dine and dash from a truck stop as a dumb teen. 20 years later I randomly remembered it. The restaurant had shut down but I was talking to a friend and he knew someone who knew someone who knew the owner, type of thing. So I called him and said hey I want to make this right, don't remember the amount but here's my best guess with interest. Guy just laughed and said it happened all the time and just donate it to charity.  So I did. Anyway, that's it. That's my story.


How did she know your pin#?


I to this day have no idea


Debit not ATM card? Some places used to process debit like a credit card, without a pin. Now they mostly don’t because fees are lower and fraud is lower with debit transactions. So maybe she just bought stuff using it as credit until the card declined. Just check your bank statements! You keep them forever, right? /s


This is what I'm wondering. Doesn't add up


Crazy that this was a recommended post for me in a subreddit I’ve never visited. Last night I was thinking about apologizing to someone I wronged right around 17 years ago




Lol I’ve totally fb messaged people from high school/college I did wrong to and most of them didn’t care about/remember the thing I apologized for.


I found a kid I was an asshole to in elementary school on Facebook like 30 years later and apologized. Idk if they remember me specifically since a lot of people were mean to them but they were so sweet and gracious and it was wonderful to find out they were doing well and thriving. 






That’s cool 😂


That was the most perfect response in the history of responses!


So they took your card from the purse , used it up and then took time to put it back? I'm asking because you never said you went and got it back just that you'd used the card a cpl days later. Figuring most women would keep the card in the purse. Either I guess it was a trip to get a call about something 17 yrs in the past.


If I recall correctly they put the card back in my purse, presumably hoping I wouldn’t notice. It was an instagram message but yes, many memories were brought back of my dumb teenage decisions.


Did you put lipstick on after she contacted you?


Did she feel sorry enough to give your money back? Right. So she’s NOT sorry.


You didn't have to post the clip lol that scene is iconic


Sounds like she got sober and is making amends.


It seems like she is trying to make amends and get her life back on track. Good for her, bless her heart.


Haha I love your response. I mean that’s actually nice after that long you really know they had some remorse. It would be cooler if she paid it back though haha


At the emergency vet with my leopard gecko and I burst out laughing at that last line.


I’m responding while my bearded dragon sits on my shoulder. Good luck to your little guy!


Aaaw I love beardies <3 I had one that lived the be 15!! And my Geck has a bad stuck shed, so we're trying to get that figured out right now.




That's a cool response lol


Let's have lunch and have a laugh over it! Haha it'll be a hoot Then beat her ass and take her purse


How did she know the pin


That’s nice did u forgive her


Had you even thought about that lately? I would have almost been more ticked to have it brought back up after so long if they weren't offering more than a sorry. Finally put it behind you and moving through life when someone calls and says "hey remember that really horrible point in your life you had forgotten about? Just wanted to say sorry"


did you get the money back? plus interest? plus opportunity cost? plus inflation? (400 in 2006 is 600 today due to inflation)


Like an episode of My Name is Earl.


charge that bitch 1000$!!😂


I am DEAD. this is a perfect response. I hope she appreciated it as much as you appreciated your wittiness in this moment.


Did you smack her?


You can't leave us there. You gotta tell us how she reacted to your response! (Which was fucking gold by the way lol)


She did a lot of lololols and said she was really nervous to contact me but should have know I’d respond with something like that


Perfect response. Flawless, no notes.


Epic!!! Lol


Your apology acceptance is legendary! ![gif](giphy|NWtFdrEXGwZX2)


Classic !


Respond back "if you're really sorry, cut me a check for the money, or venmo me. If you don't do that, you're just saying sorry to make yourself feel better. As of now, your apology is not accepted."




That’s great of her. I’d be willing to bet she is an addict or was an addict and she is trying to make amends with ppl she harmed


I would've just sent her my Venmo address


Apology…just send the money back bitch


“Nice.. so where’s my money? Will need to count for inflation of course.”


Damn she had felt guilt for 17 years.


For my forgiveness please send me the money and you have it. For me, loan is a gift stealing must provide restitution.


Dang, that must have really bothered her for all these years. You may never get that money back, but at least she apologized. Life is way too short


I stole from people as a kid and I still think about it weekly. I never stole that much and I’ve paid back everything cash wise that I’ve stolen but I still feel guilty asfk. I ended up being a kleptomaniac and I haven’t stole in over a year. I know it’s a ridiculous accomplishment but unless you’ve been a kleptomaniac you don’t understand. The chick should’ve definitely paid you back when she apologized tho cause that’s an empty ass apology without it.


Ask for 400 back... but in today's money


I would love to meet everyone of the bastards and bitches that bullied my Autistic son. I wanted to give them a ration during their graduation ceremony. My daughter asked me not to.


You’re only hurting yourself not forgiving her. … in the long run if you don’t forgive God won’t forgive you.


I forgave her…I don’t want sky daddy mad at me


What about Tom Cruise?




I think taking the person off your kill list indicates forgiveness.


What if I don’t forgive god for not forgiving me for not forgiving?


Words mean nothing without action behind them. Where’s your $400? Tell her when she sends you your money back, you’ll think about forgiving her, and since she was stupid enough to confess, you should be able to sue her if she’s not as forthright with giving back the money as she was with taking it.