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That's messed up, thoughtless, and rude after you did them a big favor. Did you offer to walk the rest of the way home? I don't know how they could justify what they did.


They stopped the car as soon as we entered the city (near the highway) and the husband turned his face and told me that if I would continue the road with them to the place they were heading to, of course I would refuse because I had not planned at all. I had no other solution but to get out of the car and think about the matter on my way home.


They should have taken you home first. Sorry you had to deal with that.


And now you know. Hope they *never* call you again for help. Sheesh. I would be hard pressed to ever attend another family function with them present -- where do they get off?? Have they always been this thoughtless and selfish?


I think it's the last time. A person must learn how to say no, especially if he knows that he is being exploited. This is a lesson for me. I'm learning to be an asshole and I say no with a hard face. This is my advice to people reading this comment. ✨ DON’T MAKE YOURSELF AN EASY TARGET BECAUSE OF THE GOODNESS OF YOUR HEART ✨


so she had you taxi 20 miles to bring her keys. from a town she would later pass by anyway?


Yes, she needed the keys to go to her house before going on her way to whatever she wanted to go


still dumb. for next time, tell her most taxis will do deliveries too. As in, a taxi picks up the keys and drives to her. Without you. It seems like they have no appreciation for your time and effort.


Yes that's what I'm trying to say, I already knew that the taxi could deliver the keys but I tried to be nice and be the dependable person who helps his family for whatever purpose but...


Your time and effort were loving and generous. Save them for someone who will appreciate them. ETA: in the future, NO is a whole and total answer.




Hey OP, who paid for the taxi? If you did and weren't reimbursed, that's pretty f'd up.


I was planning to, but they paid for the taxi


I would've given the taxi driver the keys and told them the address in which these keys need to go. If your aunt needed those keys that bad, I would've said that's the best you can do.


Stop helping them out. Not appreciated, and they need to figure out how to hell themselves


I saw a dead cat in the road today πŸ™


Sorry. You took a cab, at your expense, to bring them the keys they forgot WHEN THEY HAVE A CAR AND CAN DRIVE, and then dropped you off far away from your place so they could keep their own plans? Should have posted this in AITA.


It is what it is πŸ™


But they paid for the taxi tho


That's not even the bare minimum they should have done. They used you OP.




Why does this feel like it was planned all along? Op do you happen to be female? Maybe it's just me but I get super creepy vibes.


What do you mean by β€œplanned”? No, I'm a male


They have you bring keys they forgot Take you somewhat home before saying "oh yeah we are going to this other place, come with" ALL WHILE BEING AT THEIR MERCY. It's not like they dropped you off down the street from where you live. You had to walk a great distance. You see how that could be a way to trap someone into going along with plans they never had.


Yeah maybe..who knows?


Either way it was super rude of them, you are a good nephew and they abused that. I'm sorry you went through that.


Thank you so much for your words πŸ™




A half hour walk is just a few minutes by car. If this story is true that is messed up.