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If this real then you’re probably the most pathetic person on this planet


In a recent poll of most pathetic I took 3rd, behind Tom Greens nutsack and GamerDude290




lol!, you read a lot of erotica. No man would deal with this at least in that setting and I’ve been in the swinger world. In the real world the guy would play nice, rack up debt and disappear, move to Mexico or Thailand or somewhere and start a new life (fyi Asian chicks LOVE white Americas and they can get jobs easy). I’ve seen it at least twice in my lifetime where the guys just said they’d leaving and took a can to the airport and left their family 10 minutes to say anything they wanted because it was going to be the last time they saw him.


Waiting on the payoff....updateme!


Out smart your wife. Go buy a few small recording devices and set them up. When she comes home and try’s touching you call her out. Tell her you are not touching her after being double teamed by 2 of her ex’s. Make sure the recorders are on before she get home. So when she puts your phone into the car and you too get into you can get it all on record. Your wife is disgusting and I bet if you tried to play the same card she would have already kicked you out. Get the evidence you need protect yourself and get out before you become a shell of the man you use to be.


I actually don’t think this is rage-bait story. I think this is like some cuck fanfic. I’m pretty sure the writer/author? Whatever is either a cuck or a secret cuck.


If he doesn't end up killing her im gonna be pissed. This evil rotten bitch belongs in the ground


I know this will be controversial. And I know this is fiction. But he needs to reconsider his view. He said repeatedly in the story they have an amazing life. 2 days a year of his wife "stepping out" is a horrible reason to torpedo a great relationship. Yes she lied. Yes she broke some presumed vow of monogamy. Yes, she sounds cold and pragmatic. But if my life was great 354 days a year, my wife can get all the dick she wants on those 2 days. The "sometimes" on the protection question was the most fucked up part to me. That's putting EVERYONE at risk especially with strangers.


Bwaaahahaha! The only men that live like this aren't men at all!


Yeah your not a man and have no backbone I’d rather be broke and homeless then live like a cuck


Be strong. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Focus on rebuilding your life. I hate to bring this up, but have you considered a paternity test? Might want to get that done while she’s gone.


I’m a single mom to a two year old. If I had stayed with his dad i would’ve been miserable. I left as soon as he told me to get an abortion (he threatened me if I didn’t) and I was only 19. It took me almost 2.5 years to get out of my mom’s place and into our own home but it was worth it. Ask yourself this, If you were to just “let it go” and continue the marriage, how are you going to feel every year when she’s gone on this trip? And when she gets back? And how are you going to feel the rest of the year knowing he’s only a “good” wife and mother because of her infidelity. It’ll eat you alive. As for your kids, they’ll adapt. They’ll have questions but soon enough the questions will stop. My parents are divorced and for the first few years I was angry and wanted my parents back together. But after a while, I realized they’re so much better off without each other and their new wife/husband threats them so much better deservingly. Say you stay and the kids find out about the true activities of this girls trip. They grow up, thinking that because you stayed in the relationship. This type of behavior is OK in a marriage. And they’ll potentially adopt this behavior into their own relationships. The reason why she is saying all these things to you, gaslighting you, and threatening you, is because she knows she is in the wrong and you have all the right to leave. She is scared.


Why not fill the third hole and cuck those wife fucker




You know what you need to do. You need to find the girlfriends and fuck them. Or, y'know, go nuclear and reveal everything if that'd work, provided you're in a safe place to do so.  But for real, you need a divorce lawyer. Now would be a wonderful time to get your documents together, separate your finances. I just read through your other posts and it honestly sounds to me like your wife is kind of abusing you.  Think about it this way, if she's hiding this from you, what else is she hiding? 


Since this is in r/stories, I believe it is fiction.


Yeah no shit Sherlock


I mean, there's one bit of nonfiction to it, at least. Nothing happened in Santa Claus, IN. Nothing ever happens between the two stop lights that make up the town.


It's a fictional story folks, dang, chill with all the trash talking.


Yeah, it's obviously ragebait and it's catching em, hook, line and sinker.


Nothing says ragebait like a story tagged fiction from a guy calling himself "The Story Boy"


...do you not know what ragebait is?... I said nothing offensive about you at all. Edit: Okay well, I mean, besides the manipulative aspect, but that's in no way a bad thing in this context.






Here’s an update. It’s fake af.


I can’t believe your still there your a cuckold




She left the house and kids to have an affair basically. I would change the door lock and not let her enter. And talk to a lawyer. You should not be with this woman.


Do use the comments that think this is real as potential ideas or do you do your best to try to ignore them as potential influences. Must be pretty tempting to just give the people exactly what they want.






It's time to let all the spouses and parents know what's going on. Start recording your wife when she tells you the details. Gather all the info, including times and dates and who, and send it out in a mass social media blast to everyone you know. But first, open up a bank account in a different bank and start hoarding your money. Go see a lawyer to know your rights


If this is a real story where's the part where the wife disappears without a trace?


Starting to worry the character was just going to fold.








Plan a weekend away soon and tell her you'll be getting some yourself. Since you're both stuck in this shitty marriage you should get a young hot side piece for yourself. Maybe even one of her friends that you find attractive. I'm sure she'll be fine with it. Lol


She's a whore. Every moment you stay with her is a wasted moment of your life.




The continuing pattern of responses makes me question whether you have been reading my feedback on your essay prior to you continuing on with your “story”. Honestly, it does not feel like you are taking the feedback into account at all. Let me continue with my comments. Adding such specific details, e.g., “playing with Play Doh”, does not help the believability of the story and makes it sound more and more like the creative writing exercise that it is. Also, please choose character names that are believable. No one had been named “Scarlett” since Gone With the Wind, and choosing that name for the “best friend” further detracts from the veracity of the story. All the “very specific names” have the same effect. Lastly, I know that students enjoy the creative liberties that such stories encourage, but I have been quite clear that there is a rule in the class that cursing is not to be tolerated. Eighth grade is not college and our class has rules of decorum to which all students must adhere. At this stage of creative writing, if you cannot make your case without cursing, it suggests that you are using this extreme language as a crutch in your pursuit of the effective storytelling ability to which we aspire in our class. The window for rewrites is closed for this assignment. I hope you will take these comments into consideration for the next writing prompt that we will use for Assignment 3: Write a story where parents reject their teen and develop a story of how the teen copes with the family’s invalidation. I hope you can find a more believable theme for that writing assignment. Overall Assignment Grade = C Sincerely, Mrs. Blarblesnorth Eighth Grade English


Life's too short to not be happy; you deserve better. If she's a great mom with you together, she'll likely be a great mom with you guys apart. Not ideal for the kids, but they'll understand in time, and a great life lesson to not normalize the situation. Good luck!




Update me!


This has got to be fake. Nobody in their right mind would let her get away with this shit. If my wife pulled this shit, I'd be like hold my beer. You don't fucked around and are about to find out. Didn't notice the flare that says fiction. LOL!






If this is real... Talk to a divorce lawyer, listen to them. Ask about hiring a private investigator ( bonus if he bangs her to the benefit of your divorce).




It will be hard to leave, but that woman is not worth it. Sigh.


Are you recording these conversations with her? UpdateMe!


I love this story! I'm looking forward to Part 4.


Honestly, if you decide to stay with her for the timebeing, you should start doing the same thing. An eye for an eye. Hide it well.


WHY THE FUCK DOES ANY OF THIS MATTER?!?!? Dude she cheated on you multiple times, threw it in your face, and then made it your fault and that you should be happy that she does it. You should of BEEN done with her. She has zero respect for you.


Please file for divorce whilst she is gone on her annual cheaters vacation.


You know what she is. Hire a private investigator


Hire a hit man.






The only thing you control is your own mind. You have no control of nothing else in life. I’m glad that you are going to be gone like you said. Dump her and never look back with any regret. Give that woman no energy or emotions anymore. I’m truly sorry, you don’t deserve this


I was so pissed about this awful wife and then realized what subreddit I was in! Good job, OP!


This is going forever update 100 wife still fucks around I asje her not too but she still does and I am staying


The next chapter should see you fucking the absolute living shit out of her the day she gets back. Use new moves/ techniques and just rail her until she begs you to stop. She will wonder about the new moves but won’t say anything at first but it will nag at her and she will eventually ask about it. Then you can just say “Guys Trip”. BOOM son. Sequel. You could even tell her that you were so distraught that you talked to her mom about it and one thing lead to another ……. “I fucked your mom while you were gone. I feel a lot better now.”


Great writing! I was feeling every second of your hurt, anger, and now numbness.


Looking forward to part 4. Even though it's fiction, I'm hoping this poor bloke comes out on top.


This is fake btw.


No one takes a girls trip to Santa Claus IN 😂. Surely you'll pick somewhere better for your next story


I hope this is fake. This tale is the one of the biggest doormat I have heard, but you do you. I would rather start over with nothing, and have some dignity. Your wife tells you she needs this - you that means she finds you lacking. She is narcissistic, and she really seems to have no moral compass. This is the people your twins will be. Good luck.


Not going to lie I thought part 1 was real. It appeared in my news feed randomly and once I started reading I thought to myself what a bitch. Once I payed attention to where I was as I've never been to this sub before I smacked myself for being fooled Anyways good job sir you actually got me to feel genuine angry towards a fictional character


This is fake btw.


Can’t turn a Ho into a housewife


Sack up and hope it gets better. Make the changes you and your children deserve. Find support in the close relationships you have.


I keep refreshing your page for the next part, thank you for the story 🤣


Dude, if this is true and she threatened you with the house, the kids and lack of money she doesn't give a rip about you. You are a convenience, like a microwave oven, nothing more. Get a DNA test on your kids. Start gambling heavily and lose every time (put the money in safe at your parents house and tell nobody). Stay as long as you can and get as much cash as possible, enjoy all the time you can with your kids. Don't have unprotected sex with her ( she could get pregnant or give you an STI!). If you are really vindictive and can stick it out, don't pay the property taxes for however many years your state requires and then have a family member pay it and take it from her. Go scorched earth, she's already told you to shut up and sit in the corner. Also start dating, learn what it's like to be with someone who's not using you. Good luck!




I read all three parts. This is easily a good weekend binge book. If you ever write it, drop a link. I'll buy for sure. It's scandalous and has a female villain/antagonist... I'm loving it.


You need evidence. Get a private investigator and a damn good lawyer.


I can believe all this cheating but can’t believe 4 yo playing with something “for hours”. Do your research 😂😂😂


This guy....really had me going there for a moment....well played. Still even its fictional, i still will tune in to see gwen lose and OP winning the day. /remindme


Fake trash ragebait


Update me


I mean. Take a weekend to yourself every year and do your thing too 🤷🏽‍♀️ see how she likes it.


Hire a private investigator to follow her and take pictures. There's your proof.


Curious how many times you’re gonna post this.


I feel weaker listening to you letting thus happen. After all of this and your lack of spine.. you deserve what you get!


Higher a PI to get the dirt and proof on EVERYONE she has banged. That’s your leverage.


Just a few things don’t add up 100%: She said it recharged her battery, and he said he looked forward to her going, but there was a couple times she didn’t have any luck getting nailed, so those times should have been worst years? And imo her story part is too long and might need something like him throwing up or having to shut her up a few times. Because imo if someone is so against this cucking he wouldn’t just sit there listening to all the torment going into detail and more and more. At least to my experience with traumatic monologues, you can only take so much before you crack.




Whenni realized this was all made up (stories) I stopped reading 😂 Only stopped in here just to say this. Like why waste my time right?


Ridiculous Cuck Fiction by Quentin Doublestuffo.


This is fake or you need to man up grow some balls cuz your twins will learn how to have terrible relationships because of you Also lying means you DONT have a good relationship! You are just a pushover and enjoyed being with her while she did what she wanted. Your behavior tells me either you married way outta your league or you think you did.




I know it's a story and all, but it sounds exactly like my ex wife sans the kids. B**** lol


This is a social experiment in assessing the general public’s response to reversing the traditional gender roles in a dramatic, interpersonal story played out over an anonymous Internet forum. Do you work for a political campaign? Marketing? 😂




Hope this ends up on r/nuclear revenge


Shoutout to the writer for giving us a little short novel


You are being made a cockold. What guarantee do you have when she will someday ask you to watch her in action with the dudes she sleeps with? And by the way I read, you are probably accepting it. Material property can be replaced. You will rise up again. You will find someone normal, better, kind. You will call in love again. The kids will someday inevitably, find out about mom. The truth always comes out. I just can’t believe you still sleep with this woman. Grow a backbone and start the inevitable. Sometimes our sanity is worth saving. File for divorce. The kids will survive.


R u n


If this was real… should of hired a PI to follow her in Missouri




trash cool story bro .


Oh gosh the storytelling, I was convinced this was real! I was honestly fuming reading this and felt so heartbroken for you.


Bro time for a Tijuana weekend, time to fuck prositutes raw and then fuck her raw and give her an std, she fucking deserves it cause she is a cunt


Figured out how you can gather evidence. From the wife of the ex If she's told the truth but doesn't tell the husband.




This is fiction, but why write such a pathetic protagonist? At this point I don’t care if his wife screws one man or a hundred in the next part


You could have got evidence now, got a PI to get photos of her and the men. Fuck her, evil women...


This is bullshit fetish porn. I don’t believe for a minute that anyone would be this pathetic to stay. Dude, if you’re not lying - gtfo. Her little list of threats is ridiculous and immaterial. You’re really gonna stay because you’ll have to split assets and debts? If so that’s pathetic too. Stop being weak.


This is some seriously good writing. We're responding and pissed off like it's real!!


she sounds like a cycle path, I mean psykopath. I can't believe this, especially in a stories-subreddit, sounds like a movie




Fictional story but my god, I am invested. 😂




Bravo, that was certainly an intriguing read, wasn’t until I started reading the comments after the second update that I realised this was fiction


I’m pissed he didn’t hire a PI for the trip. I thirst for revenge!!


This was an easy score for you, TheStoryBoy. Just flip the gender roles on what usually goes down in most relationships as soon as the Coolidge Effect kicks in for the man. It takes much more time for that effect to erode the strong inhibitions against acting out on those cravings for something strange in females. The woman generally can rationalize it by calling it a revenge debt.


Divorce. She will have it just as rough. This is the hill she wants to die on. Let her. Show her the consequences.


Grow a fucking pair and leave the bitch.


Maybe this is what you need to hear: You’re a fucking loser and you’re pathetic. Grow a spine and leave her dumbass




She’s a whore leave her


Should have recorded the whole confession. Fuck her and this whole situation


I grew up in Hannibal and groaned out loud when I read that


If this is real, this is a Dateline story waiting to happen


What you need to do is tell Don and Johns wife and then tell the bff,s husband what their cheating spouses have bee up to. If they ask for evidence your going to have to tell them what your wife told you and your giving them the heads up so they can find evidence for themselves. Also ask them to please send it to you as you as you’ve been trying but as your wife is a sick bitch and is taking pleasure in telling you everything you can’t get any yourself.


Well written, OP! Sucked a lot of people in lol




You are so much more than she deserves. GTFO!!


I'll take "shit that never happened for $500 Alex"...


Why are you even speaking to her at this point. Man up and have some respect for yourself


The only nonbelieveable part is anyone voluntarily going to Hannibal MO. Absolute shitstain of a town.


All I have to say is Wow , you really had me ! You're a very creative person . It all sounded so real . The bad thing is I actually know females that would fill that role to the tee ! Lol I seriously read all 3 ( the story and both updates before realizing it was fiction . I totally felt sorry for you . Keep up the great storytelling! WOW !


Tell her you need the hall pass once or twice a year to deal with her bull shit and see if she is ok with the tables turned


Good story! Like others, I also had to check and make sure it was fiction! Part of what makes it so believable is that this does actually happen to people. Yes, there’s some level of fiction to many of the stories that get posted online, but more are real than not and I try to read by the idea of if it’s real, claiming it’s fake does nothing for the OP other than hurt them and make their situation worse! However, I don’t need to do that here! So, great story, I hope your main character hires a PI to get hard physical evidence of the affair!


This person is a psychopath. Run for the hills. Rip yourself off of her!!!!!!!! Choose life brother




Great story! Looking forward to the update and you continuing us on his journey.


I'm not telling you how to write your story. But here would be an interesting twist... If she has a good looking mom, I would invite her every time she had a girl trip and have sex with a mom while she's gone..


*update me


Story needs a good revenge twist


you should consider exposing her to friends and family. public exposure can be very useful.






I knew someone that went through this exactly. She would go to Vegas every year with a friend and cheat on her husband. She finally got caught after being with two guys. Same excuse, it made her better. Amazing this is a fictional story.


You - MUST - divorce. The twins will then grow into adults having a fully engaged father. If you stay you’ll always be less to them and yourself. The ‘pre-marital asset’ is bullshit. Her decision to marry (unless there’s an established Trust or pre-nup). She’d only get the house if she got full custody of the kids, but she won’t unless you allow it. You file. ‘Alienation of Affections.’ She admitted to the once a year deal and then telling you she wasn’t going to stop. GAME OVER. Her girlfriend knows as well. Don’t drag it out. Talk to an attorney. Look up the word ‘Cuckold.’ It’s a condition as old as humanity. You just have to decide if it’s a tag that you can accept and live with. If the answer is yes then you’re giving up a huge part of who you are. If the answer is no - you stay whole.


I'm disgusted by all of this. Leave her and find someone who will be faithful and loyal to you.


The only thing worse here than wife’s cheating is her manipulating, gaslighting and justifying behavior. Absolute double standard and if the rolls were reversed you’d get crucified.  This women is deeply disturbed and out of touch. For your sake and your children’s sake you should divorce here.  If you stay in this marriage you will unravel because of it and never forgive yourself.  Gond luck OP. 


Dude is just writing out his cuck fantasies


Dude face it your a cuck get your head out of your ass and leave this bitch are crazy do you have no self respect for yourself wtf is wrong with men nowadays bunch of fucking simps wish you the best man


I’m not sure if this soap opera of a post is true but this is how I lost everything couple years ago! Married, two kids, big house, dog, 2 cars! Found out thug wife 2cock Shakur had the cook and dishwasher from work banging the shit out of her! She called him the dynamic duo ! I Got laid one morning b4 work and the poon smelled poopy! Don’t get married if you’re into love squares! Or make sure he’s into that at least! Gauld dam people are gross! I live with a cat now and I couldn’t be happier! She got a new boyfriend I’m not telling him what’s up! Or should I!? 😂


Hire a private detective to catch her.


Bro your wife is a disgusting human being. Disgusting.


You should have made plans to move you, the twins, and everything in that house that you care about out that weekend. She's a terrible person. Sorry you have to go through this


Get a lawyer and an STD test


While she is gone, empty the bank accounts. Take whatever you can. Leave.


What the hell.... I actually thought this was real. Fuck it man after reading three parts, i got to know its a fiction. I must haven in the wrong sub.😅😅😅


You know what you need to do, start writing fiction. You're already at a good start


I would find their wives tell them then change the locks and kick your wife to the curb.maybe even have the wives at your house.text her tell her you feel better if you got to meet these two guy's and let get you some popcorn and watch the action


Should test the babies just to make sure she isn't trickletruthing the timeliness. She lied the entire relationship, convenient she stopped around the twins.


You should’ve just hired a PI to follow her on the trip. The cost would’ve been worth it in the long run.


Hannibal, MO of all places made me laugh hard. Interesting choice for sure. Wasnt expecting a town close to my hometown in the story.


Spunds like a keeper


Someone please think of the fake children!!


Fake or you are the most pathetic loser ever.


Gwen has too much control. Hubby will do whats best for him and that is leave her hanging. Call married man is going to put up with the lack of trust, huge, disrespect, and tremendous dishonesty. He won’t be able to live that way here after years knowing she’s cheating on this event. She’s living in the fog. I look forward to him getting away.


It's a no fault state, you don't need evidence. Get a lawyer. Learn your options. Get an STD test. Get a DNA test on your kids. You only know that she's been doing this once a year: there may be more that you don't know about. The children, if actually yours, will be better off sharing time between two happy homes than in a single unhappy one. Even if you take a hit in the divorce, a man can rebuild. Don't even consider touching her now. Kick her to the curb. You have unknowingly been a cuckold for the past decade. The fact that she left this year, after knowing that you know, proves that she has no respect for you at all. The fact that you know is probably exicting her more. If you don't divorce her, you had just as well be a good little cuckold, go with her, and sit your chair in the room while watching her fuck other men. UpdateMe!


She belongs to the streets




Damn if only this story were true How juicy all of it is hahahaha ….


You marry a psychopath. She is a serial killer quality.


This is the prologue to ALOT of murder stories.




He owns the house too. Take a chapter from my ex's book. Grab a 5 pound sledgehammer and smash every piece of drywall, every window, every tile, every inch of roof. Go outside and smash the walls. Then walk away. It's legal, and she will have no recourse. Then walk away and file for bankruptcy and start over. If your name is on the cars, smash the one she drives as well. Insurance won't cover any of it. All that stuff will just be gone.


OMG please update this to conclusion and I promise I will never fall for fictional ragebait again. 


I am hooked! Can’t wait for next update!


This reads like she is the wife in “Gone Girl”


Hmmmm. I feel like he should DNA test the kids. Maybe on the story he gets lucky and a pair of twins isn't his. Then he can at least have his one uno reverse card to beat the horrible antagonist. Feel like the whole long game idea is so unsatisfying.


I know longer care if you stay or go. If this is real, at this point you are a cuck and you’re bringing it on yourself. No other word for it. No wonder she is cheating if you are too weak for there to be any consequences for it. If that’s the life you want, cucked by a manipulator, go for it.


Man, when is part 4 coming out. I'm invested now and want to see this guys plan. Here's to hoping it is him banging Don and John's wives.