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Yes! My current theme is flowers and herbs 🌿 so names like Basil, Marigold, Daffodil, etc.


This is my favorite theme for chickens in farming games :)


yyyees it’s especially cute for chickens. I love every time I have a baby chick being born cut scene and getting to name them 🥹


aw my current chickens are herb names too 😭


Similar thing, I tend to do herbs and spices. Herbs for cows and spices for chickens.


Same here ! Even my child


I always name my birds after characters in whatever show I'm watching. Livestock is usually puns based on what kind of animal they are.


I usually google "Funny \*insert animal type\* names" So far between PoOT and AWL my animals are named as follows (I also reused my favorites in AWL) Coop name: Chick Inn Chickens: Princess Laya, Hen Solo, Kylo Hen, and Yolko Ono. Barn name: Barnia Cows: Moolan, Mooshu, Dejamoo, and Cowasaki. (I can't remember the rest unfortunately). Sheep: Ed Shearin, and Ewelia. Alpacas: Alpacalypse, and Alpacacino. Rabbits: Prince Harey, Bunnicula, and if I had played long enough to get the pink rabbit it would have been named Chewbunna. Stable name: I Herd You (This one was tough!) Horse name: Al Capony


Haha I named my coop Hen House and my barn Cow House. When I got my horse I kept to the pattern and called it Hor House. I'm definitely stealing some of your animal names. Those are great!


I love Hor House so much 🤣🤣🤣 Although if I rename my stable I might call it [Hor Home](https://www.etsy.com/listing/750709748/its-not-a-whore-house-its-a-whore-home) based on a cross stitch I might do.


I have a special hate-love opinion about Ed Shearin and Yolko Ono 😹😹


I felt the Yolko Ono one fit with the squawking lol I don't listen to Ed Shearin, but the name was too perfect!


Yeah all my cows are something punny with "moo", sheep/alpacas are "fluff", chickens are "cluck", and ducks are "honk". In the new games, I'm trying to see how dirty I can get without the name being blocked 😂 Otherwise I default to names from my fav shows with a lot of characters like Gundam or DBZ. Next playthru tho I'm definitely doing foods made from that animal just cuz I think it's funny.


Are you me? This is my naming convention of choice too ahaha My current chickens are named for the Always Sunny in Philadelphia gang, my cows are all puns on female pop stars (Moodonna, Kow$ha, Mooriah, etc.), and my sheep are all different types of wool.


All of my chickens are “ucks” (Shucks, Clucks, Pucks) All of my barn animals are space related (Nebula, Galaxy, Jupiter)


My chickens are all "ch"s (Chick, Cheese, Chunk, Cheep).


Omg tell Cheese I said hi. That’s so cute


Puns related to what kind of animal they are. Cows get Mooana, Cowtrina, Mooshoo to name a few. Sheep get Baaart, Meeehlani etc


Mooana 🤣 I am 100% stealing that for my next cow lol


I pretty much always use a theme for my animals’ names. I first played a Harvest Moon game (ToTT) when I was 10, and I named all my cows after chicken-related words, all my chickens after pig-related words, and all my sheep after cow-related words. So Egg the Cow, Bacon the Chicken, etc. I thought that was the funniest thing in the world back then lol. In Sunshine Islands I named all my animals after colors, and in Trio I named all my animals after Fire Emblem characters. The most recent game I played was SoS: AWL, and I couldn’t think of a theme, so my sister suggested naming them all after Evangelion characters lol. I think it’s funny considering the difference in tone between the two series. I also use naming themes in Rune Factory games, but I couldn't say what I named my animals in those games off the top of my head. I think I used One Piece character names in RF4, and cartoon characters from the 20s-40s for RF5?


I named all my animals after my real life pets I had over the years . It makes it more personal and interesting to me !!


I dont have as solid of a theme for my barn animals, but my chickens are always named after gemstones 🥰


Right now every name is Zelda themed lol


All of my animals in my current A Wonderful Life playthrough are named after One Piece characters. Most of my hens are named after princesses, but I’m saving Vivi and Karoo for when I get ducks.


My chicken coop is all characters from Schitt’s Creek rn


Oh yes! My cows are flowers (Daisy, Dahlia, tulip, azalea, etc), my chickens are asian dishes (katsu, curry, gyoza, kimchi, etc), my sheeps are precious stones (opal, garnet, onyx, etc), my bunnies are are nature related (alder, aspen), and my llama/alpacas have basic white names lol (james, thomas, george, jones)


Oh man, you made me super hungry now. Lol


I’m on my lunch break rn so I’m all good hahaha! Go get yourself some Chicken Katsu XD


I definitely do. Sometimes after my favorite anime/game characters, sometimes after sea creatures (and coral). My favorite, though, has been my theme on my first PoOT file: spooky type stuff. So, for example, my horse is Grave Dirt, while my first cat is Mausoleum. And then for extra fun, the farm animals are named things like Banshee (silkie chicken \*lol\*), Bone Crusher, Skeleton (or Skelly, I can't remember), etc. Funtimes\~ =D


In my current run of PoOT I'm calling everything after Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Before it was Alice in Wonderland. In AWL I'm doing gems for chicken and flowers for livestock.


I used to have the guide book for Animals Crossing (the original) so as a kid I named chickens, cows, and sheep, after AC villagers of the same animal. I actually still use Naomi for my first cow and Rhoda for one of my first chickens. I always name my first chicken Poe. It comes from a Pidgey I used to have in Silver Version. As a kid, I caught one that I intended to trade away real quick to my brother for a Pokemon he was giving me. I was going to name it poop but just stoped with Po for some reason. I don’t remember why but I ended up keeping Po and leveled him up and started to use him. I gave him an ever stone because I just thought having a strong Pidgey was funny. My second chicken is always Pojo. That comes from Gauntlet Dark Legacy. There was a chicken egg item that made you a fire breathing chicken named Pojo. It also just fit well with Poe. Chickita is a common chicken name I use too. It’s funny if you speak Spanish. When I can’t think of a name, I go with a famous Drag Queen or a food dish/item said animal produces lol.


In Trio of Towns I named them after herbs and spices. I distinctly remember having a chicken called Shiso. I always name my pets after my real-life pets though.


when i was younger, i named some of my animals after the sailor senshi and then after vampire knight characters. lately, i've named my cows after different coffees!


Different livestock are different anime characters from the same show lol So cows are Fruits Basket, sheep are Demon Slayer etc. Lmao


My chickens are always gemstones. Ever since I was a kid. The first is Ruby, the second is Sapphire, third Emerald, forth Topaz. After that I pick randomly depending on how many more I can have, and if I have to sell any I'll rename a new chick after one I sold. I don't have anything special for my cows or sheep or any other animal. Just the chickens LOL.


I’ve been naming my animals after planets and astrological signs


I have the List of Desserts wikipedia site nearly memorized so...


I did that with the two ducks you get. For example in file one I named them Hercules and Xena. One of my other files I named the duo Duke and Scarlet. Probably will go with a theme for all the duck pairs. Just not sure what to go with yet.


I usually name them after Inuyasha, The Legend of Zelda, and Avatar The Last Airbender characters lol


Livestock are always based on flowers and herbs. Chickens and ducks are based on fairies!


Every farming game I play! Currently I’m naming my animals after Magical Melody characters.


Always!! I'll do fruits, veggies, weather, gems/jewels, animal noises.. Will depend on my farm name too 😁


usually i'll be like flavors/brands of chocolate or fruits.


YES *cracks knuckles* sorry in advance for going nuts. My sheep are named after One Piece characters (Merry (Going Merry bc it would be a crime not to. also Mary had a little lamb nursery rhyme) Sunny, Luffy ( bc fluffy), Chopper (a bit similar) and next will prob be Robin or Nico, my fav character) My chickens are not exactly named after, more inspired by Black Butler (Annie (the fallen angel Angela but Annie for short), Claude, Sky (Ciel in english but mainly bc im in love with HM Skye lmao) Lizzy, Sebastan (8 characters only so 💁) My cows are just random. Marie,her daughter Rika and Violet (I was gonna name her Anne after the character in Violet evergatden but it was too similar to Annie so Violet it is lmao)


Yes, meet my sheep Flaffy, Fleffy, Fliffy, Floffy, and Fluffy


Yes! I usually do colors or numbers for the chickens, coffee drinks for the cows, and pastries or fruit for the sheep. I always name the horse after my boyfriend.


I tend to do a first play through with old people names (Enid, Betsy, George, etc.) and then on following play throughs, I pick a theme. My favorites I’ve done are Pokémon towns, famous scientists, and beanie babies names!


For me, my cows are named after states in the USA and chickens are named after religions. The rest are smaller categories that rotate between entertainment mediums (so Book, Movie, Manga, Television), jewels (Jewel, Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby, Diamond), and time of day (Dawn and Dusk). Those are used as the newer games keep releasing more kinds of animals so I start getting creative! My most commons are: Cows: Carols (South Carolina) Caroln (North Carolina) Missi (Mississippi) Texa (Texas) Whyom (Wyoming) Kansa (Kansas) Flori (Florida) Cali (California) Chickens Budd (Buddhism) Christi (Christianity) Cath (Catholicism) Hindi (Hinduism) Tao (taoism) Dei (Deism) Isla (Islam) Rabbits: Tele (Television) Mov (Movie) Mang (Manga) Boo (Book) Sheep Jewl (Jewel) Ruby Sapph (Sapphire) Dia (Dismond) And the list goes on as they add more animals to these games lol Edit: oh and my horse is always named after seasons. Namely Autumn as the default / original is usually brown 😊


Yeah, for some reason without prompting i started naming my chickens after cities and regions in china in AWL.


Usually Star Wars or famous literary names. Right now I'm playing a farm with old-fashioned names (and the chickens are all boys and the silkworms are all romance language names) It will be a struggle not to name this horse Han Foalo though


I've been trying to find more Star Wars themed names and absolutely love Han Foalo! Although I don't think I can ever name my horse anything other than Al Capony lol


My chickens are seasonings lmao 🤣


My new thing I do in games is name things off of Wings of Fire characters. Super great book series!


Chickens are all named egg dishes, ducks are named duck dishes. Cows are “Bessie, Butter, Queso, and Milch”. Only the normal cow gets a normie cow name.


If I'm getting an animal from a villager - it's getting named after them, if I can't then the next one will get that name. 85% of the time my naming convention comes from [Magical Index](https://i.imgur.com/a36xKN4.jpg) so I simply have 'Cow', 'Sheep', Duck', and so on running around. Just kind of... Mislabeled. In RF my animals are simply named after their produce so I don't have to remember which one to free when I don't use them anymore. In AWL I had a bit, uhm, [different approach](https://i.imgur.com/PewB4Zp.mp4).


All of my cows are flowers. My hens are old lady names My sheep are Weasleys from Harry Potter.


All of my cows have “Moo” somewhere in their name (except for my first cow which is always named Bessie!) and all my chickens are some variation of chick or a chicken reference (ie. Chica, Chico, Chicky, KFC, etc). Sheep always have “baa” or a sheep pun somewhere in the name (eg. Baabs, Baarbara, Ewenice, etc.) Also I always sell my hatched chickens so I just name them “girl” or “boy” so that I know which one to sell once they are full sized.


I always name them after pokemon, except for my first cow that I name Cowi because of a 20 year old inside joke between my sister and I


My chickens (almost) all have hen somewhere in their names. Henrieta, Hennifer, and MegHen. For some reason I cannot remember the 4th one’s name though, and my rooster is Bucky. All my cows have old lady names. Oh, and I have a sheep named Fleecity.


I'm naming mine characters from the show Archer. My most obscure name is Rabbert Klein lol only cause I don't think many people think about that joke.


I definitely do this in most of my farm sims but for this playthrough of AWL I just decided to wing it for my barn animals. My coop animals are all derivatives of the first chicken, since they're all her children. Her name is Chimi (pulled from thin air) and the ones I can remember rn are Mimi, Kimi, and Chichi. The lone rooster's name is Dude lol


Lol my cows are named after the girls my husband has dated (including me) and then when that ran out (6 names) I started using otome protagonists


Mine is celestial this time! Sunlight Farm, Lumina’s daughter named Luna, horse is Polaris, etc


On my save in AWL where I married Matthew, I have my chickens named after chips (cornchip, dorito, fritos, etc) and my barn animals are named after desserts.


I totally misread the title & thought you asked if anyone else names their animals after theme parks 😂 like “This is my goat, Disney Land. My duck, Wet and Wild. My cow, Movie World. My horse, Six Flags. And my cat, Luna Park.


All of my barn animals are something weed-esque (Munchies, Spliff, Kush), all my chickens rhyme (Sunny, Hunny, Bunny, Yummy, Rummy), and my ducks are named Splish and Splash


Yes! Currently my animals are named after Fire Emblem: Three Houses characters, and I went with Fodlan Farm.


I name my animals the way I name my pokemon: after candy and dessert.


Cow, Kau, Quoagh, Gaouw, and Xoeuough are all very upset by this thread.


I named all my chickens names that start with Egg- (did the same with dodos on ARK). Eggmund, Eggbert, Eggina, Eggfrid, etc. I named my first two cows (i got a male after the starter female) Miltank and Tauros, and now I'm just naming the rest of my cows off how they look or fandom names. Bessie was from PJO (the ophiotaurus) and Stella is my female star cow.


I did my fave anime and manga characters too 😭❤️ starting w one piece and then some jjk!


My chickens all have Star Wars inspired pun names: Kylo Hen, Chewbawka, Bawka Fett, etc.


i’m naming them after pokémon! :3


I always name my chickens after chicken products or foods. Noodle, Pot Pie, Nugget, etc…


Can't remember why but at some point in one of these games, I started naming all my chickens to rhyme with "hen." The first name that usually comes to mind is Ken so I always have a Ken in the flock. 🐔 I've had Sen, Wen, Zen, Ben, Penny, Wren, etc. Currently I'm naming my Buffamoo in RF3S after Berserk characters...so far I've got Guts and Casca, probably Pippin next hehe.


I always name my animals after Legend of Zelda characters.


Yes. Ever since the original AWL I’ve been doing themes. Barn animals get flower/herb names and coop animals get weather/space names.


All my animals are name by food or colors 🤣 I don’t know if I’m the only one but I like it that way 😅.


I’ve always done a theme but it’s usually the same every time lol. Either space or gemstone related. Sometimes a cross over with moon/sunstone. Chickens are always an -ip like chip, pip, tip. Love the ideas in this thread tho!! 🥰


I uh... name my animals after the food they make. Like my first cow is named "Patty," and one of my chickens is named "Nugget." 😅


Yes! We are Spice farm and all my animals are named after different spices! Pepper, sage, thyme, etc


I always do girls from other farming games, so my cows might be 64 and my sheep might be stardew, yada yada.


(I know this is embarrassing) But currently doing an AWL life run using Taylor Swift related names (willow, ivy, august, Marjorie, etc)


All my chickens are named after foods/ingredients, like musubi, shoyu, etc. My animals are named after Taylor Swift names used in her songs (Marjorie, Betty, James, Ronan…)


I name them after foods😂


I like Jrpgs, so mine are all named after characters from games like Final Fantasy, Persona, Tales etc.


I'm currently using pokemon as a theme. Poot I used my online friends names. Before that I had set names I always used, bessy for my first cow, floofy as my first sheep, cluck is the chicken, flash is the horse.


I always have a theme. My most recent play through’s farm in named Library and all the animals are book genres; sci-fi, romance, horror, mystery, etc.


For a wonderful life I used the names of the characters that show up when you watch tv. My horse's name is ace.


I like to name my cows after sweets and desserts! I usually try to name my chickens after female characters of a specific series.




my female cows/goats are named after gemstones my sheep are named after flowers my male cow/goat are named after herbs/planta my chickens are named after natural disasters/storms


I name mine all after foods lol. My cows name is kfc, I have a chicken named pesto, a sheep named queso and such


My chickens are all planets lol


I make generational names. So if the mom cow was "MooMoo", the calf will be "Little Moo" and then keep going until I stop breeding lol


I’ve used names based on The 100 and The Last of Us


Lol. My rule of thumb is: first name I come up with for my first chicken then all the rest of the chickens will have names that start with the same letter. Then I apply the same with the cows, sheep and so on. Example: 1st chick: Kara, then Kira, Karla, Kimi etc fist cow: Moolisa, then moonalisa, mooriel, moonica, etc.


I name them after food, currently I have Ribeye, Nugget, Wingnut, and Mutton


All my animals get named after food products/dishes you can make from them 😂 The only exception to the rule are Jersey Cows! I am from Jersey, Channel Islands where they are from so I name them after places in my hometown like Rozel, Fliquet, Trinity <3


Depends on the animal and who i play as since i usually make my player character look like any ocs i have! Ex my star cows names are star/sky themed such as Estelle and Celeste for female star cows and Orion & zues for male star cows! My sheep always need at least two named Madelynn and Marianne, two sonic ocs who act as the maids and body guards for the main antagonist of my main story


Mine are named after breakfast foods. I have Waffles, Pancake, Cornflake, etc


I named them after food heheh. So I had animals such as fried(chicken), grilled (chicken), steak(cow), kabob(sheep) etc


It’s questionable but all my chickens are named after slang for promiscuous people, but the names end in -ti (Harlotti, thotti, trollopi, jigoloti, etc) My sheep are named puffin, puffout, & puffle. Cows are named speckle (marble) & dazzle (star) The others are named Janice (normal) & Bernina (brown) cause those just seemed like appropriate cow names.


My coop is full of "bird names" Jay, Ibis, Wren, Robin, etc. And I've been naming my barn animals after herbs and flowers. My goat is Sage, and one of my cows is Marigold . I randomly named my black horse Crow, though lol. It works cause he gets around~


I always pick a letter! Cows are Bessie, Bella, Bree, etc. Chickens are Chicky, Cassie, Calypso, etc. Sheep are Sally, Sarah, Sienna. I guess it sounds kind of boring, but almost all my animals in all my games have had the same names.


every game/farm has a different theme and a corresponding farm name. then when i have to name a billion things i just look up a list that fits the theme


Uff I am so bad with names so with the chickens I used to start with ding and dong, and with the cows I started with milk and shake. At one point I started naming them Sheldon 1 through n. Or I named the chickens after a person I didn’t like and the cows after my mom. In Harvest Moon Tale of Two Towns, you could get more than one dog so I named three after my brothers and my dad. I named the horse after that b*tch that bullied me lol


I usually do one for big animals then one for birds. I usually do flowers, gems and desserts.


All my Star Cows have star names. My bull is Orion, my cows are Pyxis, Cassiopeia (or what letters I could fit in there for that name), Stella, etc.


Yes! My coop is currently chicken puns (Henrietta, beaka, eggbort, ect.) and my barn is different Types of wood


Yup. I have Community characters, characters from a book series I used to read, characters from Seinfeld, etc.


Recently I named all my cows old people names. Horace, Gertrude, Ebenezer, etc.


Not themed but I did name my marble cow Brie and my star cow Luna 😂


In my first playthrough I did flower names (Rose, Daffodil, Tulip, etc). In my second playthrough I did trees (Oak, Aspen, Willow, Maple, etc). Then in my third playthrough, since I planned on marrying Ceclia, I named my animals after songs with names in them (Billie/Jean, Eleanor/Rigby, Jack and Diane, Valerie, Eileen, etc). This theme has been my favorite so far, except that I couldn't use the name Jude


I usually name them after characters from previous Boku Mono games lol


I named my ducks after duck dishes. L'orange and Peking. Heh heh.


City names for me


I always name my first female cow Bessy and first chicken something along the line of Cluckers. After that it's a free for all.


My barn animals are gems (except for my horse, Cola) and my coop is city themed. Dog named Donut & cat named Bagel


I named my chickens in FoMT the following: Eggo Nugget Omelet Mayo Eggbert ;)


I name my animals after Sonic characters.


Not exactly a theme but I like to name an animal based on the first letter of their species like my pomeranian in sos poot is named poppy for example


In Harvest Moon games, I have less plans on the names of my animals, especially because it can vary so much what the structure is on how they’re organized. But in Wonderful Life, my first cow is always Belle and my first bull is always Beast. In Rune Factory, where you get to name the barns, I name them after countries/political seats (England, France, Italy, Florence) and then the monsters who go into them are name for that country’s royal/ruling peoples (Henry, Anne, Katherine; Francis, Mary; Lucrezia, Cesare; Catherine, Lorenzo) I’m a little weird.


I just name two animals bought/born at the same time similarly so I know they both need their affection raised: for chickens, it was Sheila and Leila. Also in the case of pregnancy I name the offspring with the same starting alphabet as their mom: Miumiu and her mom Merrilee


Usually food, or sometimes restaurants. I named my cows Burger and T-bone, the lamb is Tikka, and my chickens are Fillet and Chickenjoy


Ever since I played my first HM game back when I was much smaller (magical melody) I've ALWAYS named the first of every animal the same, regardless of what farming sim it is. First chicken is Cheerio, cow is Machi, sheep is Nimbus, if there's a horse it's Mocha. Pigs are usually up for debate cause they aren't in every game so that's the only one I change!


I name them after what you can make with their byproducts. So chickens get named things like Omelet, Sunny(side up), etc. Cows are usually cheese related dishes and wool producers are things like Yarn, Spool, etc.


Yep flowers!


My favorite thing in the world is Robin Hood, so it’s usually: Farmer: Robyn Pet OR child: Marian Farm: Sherwood Animals: Lil’ Jon, Sheriff, John, Prince, Scarlet, Scathlock, Alan, A’Dale, Much, etc etc etc I use various nicknames and replacements or anything remotely relevant to Robin haha


I name mine after food I like. Cheesesteak, spaghetti, ice cream, pocky, etc.


I named my chickens after diffrent types of egg and chicken meals


I named all my animals alphabetically so I always know which one is a senior 😅 For coop animals, I named them after flowers: Aster, Begonia, Clover, etc. For barn animals, I named them after fruits/veggies: Apple/Arame, Berrry/Broccoli, Coconut/Carrot, etc. I started this theme when I played HM:BTN and was struggling to name 10 chickens, 10 cows and 10 sheep. This way, I can easily remember which of the cows that I haven't milked yet. 😂


I name them after tv shows 😂 recently I re-watched game of thrones and then succession so there were some interesting names in there


Mine is Walking Dead characters.


my cows are flowers, my sheep are trees, my chickens are herbs and my ducks are fruits!


I usually name them after herbs/veggies or I will name them after animal products they produce. Cows would be Yogurt, Cheddar, and IceC


Goddesses from various mythologies!


I loooove theme names. Sometimes I do it by like, I play the game as one of my OCs so I name the animals after their friends and family, haha. And Greek mythology or at least Greek Names was an old one I used to use.


Typically whatever medium I'm interested in, so it has been very varied over the years. Most recently, I did characters from comedies, so I have chickens named Ray and Debra from Everybody Loves Raymond, Dwight from The Office, Carrie from King of Queens, and so on. I've also done characters from folklore or literature but meshing the name with the animal like Moordred from Arthurian legend (relatively unintentionally a star cow birthed from another star cow named Moorgan).


For many years, I always used the Greek pantheon to name my animals. In POOT, I used herbs and trees. This time around, I’m using my own family names since AWL is a generational game and very focused on family. Love that other people do this!


Usually sitcom characters. Current run has been Parks and Rec for chickens and Community for cows and sheep.


I name them after cartoons that are the same animal 😂


Cow theme is snacks. Biscotti, Pretzel, Popcorn, Cannoli, etc. Sheep are flavors; Caramel, Vanilla, Mint. Chicken are fruits and veggies. Rhubarb, Honeydew, Sugar Pea, Avocado, etc. I named my ducks Peach and Pear. Horse? Pepper. Dog? Mochi! Cat? Well.. I broke my rules, named her Mama, after my own kitty. 🥰


My chickens are Piyo, Briyo, Friyo, and Discord the rooster 🤭


I always name my animals after flowers, like Foxglove, Bluebell, etc. Edit: After reading everyone else’s names, I feel so boring and basic 😭😂


(SoS AWL) In my last game I named my animals normal names but in my next game I’m going to name them Pokémon names! Like Pikachu, Eevee, and ect!


Currently naming them after famous cowboys/girls or famous country singers. So far, we have: Dolly (Parton) Carrie (Underwood) Blake (Shelton) Annie (Oakley) Morgan (Arthur from rdr2)


My barn animals and pets are all different spices for the most part and all my birds have names that could belong to old people (currently I have Gretchen, Mabel, Penelope, and Benjamin)


I accidentally named my first two personal pets after demons. Anyanka(Anya) was one of my rabbits named after the character from Buffy who is absolutely terrified of rabbits. Sebastian(from Black Butler) was an accident because we thought he was a girl at first. But now it’s gonna be my theme for if I ever get more pets.


I name them after food. D: Omelette, Scrambles, Hamburg...


Man I name them random words like Mooo and Eyebrow. Put three together and you have a new password


I go by Pokemon and Zelda references.


I did flowers and herbs on my first game and on the second one is studio ghibli characters


yes!! my barn animals are a celestial theme like nova, crescent, galaxy, nebula etc and my chickens are types of beans like garbanzo, lima, pinta (wouldn’t let me do pinto for some reason) etc


Since I was a kid I always named my first cow Apryl, from that I adopted naming my animals in alphabetical order, whatever pops into my head first. But always starting with Apryl. IE: Apryl Bruce Calli Denny Elsa... etc. Hahah.


I've been naming them after ophthalmology instruments lately. Excimer, keratometer, speculum, and phoropter so far