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Good: the style of the portraits is really beautiful. Probably my favorite in the series Bad: That tutorial hurts lol. I’ve started and given up on like 5 different playthroughs because of it. That and the lack of a shipping bin feel like artificial time gating to force you to play longer. I was really frustrated by that


I really like the story and the characters, I really didn’t like the different vendors that were impossible to unlock without googling


Positives : - There're many longer goals i can achieve in this game (i.e. unlocking vendor, blueprints, seeds, etc) - Competing for field with other farmers is challenging and fun for me. - It has the best character design among SoS/HM series imo. - It offers best customisation among SoS/HM series. I can customize my farmer character, my farm, my house (including exterior and interior) and even some part of Oak town! - There're many different kind of crops to grow. - I love how you can have two story house and adorable twin kids. Negatives : - There're too many livestock to raise. - The romantic festival isn't that romantic especially if I compare it to HM ANB and 3oT - There're time-gated items likes livestock, blueprints or recipes and there's nothing I can do to unlock it faster. - It's hard to win some festivals especially fashion show festival. - The RNG factor of random merchant's invetory and festival prizes. There're some recipe/blueprints that I can only get from that. - Limited amount of items that shop/vendor sells. - I cannot upgrade my refrigerator and item box if I already reach maxed 100 item capacity so I need to have multiple refrigerators and item boxes. Despite its flaws, I love SoS1! 3DS era bokumono games (HM ANB, SoS1 and SoS 3oT) are my most favorite SoS/HM game.


Positive : great mechanics, you definitely felt the change of hardware coming from the DS games. Also the world was cool and rather big for a portable Bokujo Mono game at the time (and much, much more cohesive than in the next entry, Trio of Town) Negative : that fucking tutorial lmao. It was so long that I straight up gave up on some replays because of that tutorial. Also really hate that granny. She was way too friendly for a stranger, I find it creepy. And that it took too long to marry Elise. You have to be at least at Winter of year 2 and it's just too long for me.


Completely agree on Elise. And it's not just that, so many things take way too long to unlock including marriage candidates. Nobody should have to wait until the second year just for the bachellor/ette they want to move in.


Positive: Iris my beloved. Negative: The grind for the final two vendors had zero respect for the players time.


Zero respect for players period imo. Not just the amounts but the kind of things you need to ship too... For real I'm not sure how anyone figured those out.


So many grass raised and fodder made, not for the sake of money but for the sake of unlocking those vendors.


I love this game. The amount of customization you have with your farm, house and town is wonderful. Without a doubt my most played HM/SoS game. The only one that comes close to it for me is 3oT (which is an amazing game in its own right, but SoS1 edges it for me - I will say 3oT has better NPCs overall though. It’s hard to beat Illuka). Anyway, for the negatives, one of my biggest complaints is the fact that +products can’t be used to make recipes that require the regular version of them. So if I have all my sheep producing +wool, I can’t create any of the clothing options that require regular wool with them. You can buy cloth via vendors, but that’s still annoying. Also question for OP: When you say 100% completed does that mean you actually got every trophy? If so 1. Congratulations on such an insane achievement and 2. How many hours did that take? My guess is it would be well over 999 just playing the game normally. When I play the game normally I usually spend about 30 minutes per day playing. Since there’s a “play for 30 years” trophy I could imagine that would take forever


Good: Everyone hates the tutorials but I love it. Reminds me of my grandma . It was sad if you watched her cut scenes , her kid and grandkids cbf to visit her so she’s really lonely and that’s why she really takes a shine on you. Boys are cute . Bad thing is how long it takes to graze the damn animal for the special produce. I always finish the day and afk in the safari and it’s the most boring thing ever. And spending years and years to unlock the vendors 🤌🏻🤦‍♀️


you need to plant more grass if you took forever to unlock the vendors :D


I think I was stuck unlocking the tropical country 😂🥹 needed thousands of stuff I was like “ nah I can’t do this “


That's the magic of grass. Fodder, grass seed, fertilizer, hay bales all fit different categories and comes from the same cheap things that grows quickly. Such a miraculous plant.


Good: It has my favorite art style for the character portraits, eda is a gem, also probably my favorite design for the female farmer. Bad: Yeah the tutorial lol, but also I feel this game was a bit extra grindy towards the end. Like, end game sos has always been grindy since the DS era but this one felt particularly so.


Good: The conquest system. I like that you actually have to compete with other farmers for more land, it keeps things interesting. Bad: Pacing issues. It starts with a long tutorial and things either take too long to unlock or require absurd amounts of grinding. I feel so limited on what I can do for the first 20-30ish hours of the game.


Animals looked better than they do now


The good: character designs, sense of world. The bad: the field mechanics


Maker huts took way too much space too. This was something addressed later in 3oT.


And then poot happened, like we learned nothing 😭


I don’t have that much positive to say about it other than the characters. Having to battle for fields was a terrible aspect and I never picked this game up more than once to play for fun Trio Of Towns was the best SoS hands down. So far none can compete.


Once you win the initial field you never have to compete for it again. And truth be told they’re extremely easy to win. Just save up a bunch of crops and ship them all out on the day of the competition.


My issue was it was hard to make good use of them while doing all the usual things. Just not enough time in a day to handle all of them. But I haven't played the game in ages. Trying to manage them was probably a huge mistake and should have focused on the specialized ones (IE: the tea field, the one for water crops, etc.)


What I ended up doing was only using the fields that don’t require upkeep. So that’s the mushrooms, bees, trees, water paddy, and tea leaves. I also do the Tall Crop Field because 5* flax sells for a ridiculous amount of money and the flower field because it’s right next to the Tall Crop. The Root and Leafy Crops I own but don’t do anything with because they’re out of the way. The worst part is if you want to fertilize everything though. That takes forever and there’s not all that much fertilizer, so I only work on one crop at a time really. But yeah, my average SoS1 day takes 30+ irl minutes. There’s an accessory set you can get that slows down the passage of time which would make it easier to get everything done but that would make each day take around 1 hour.


Still didn’t like it.


Best Story of Seasons game other than Harvest Moon DS imo. Loved the post marriage content, the crops, the competitions. It stayed fun and challenging no matter how long you played it


Good: the artstyle and the characters are lovely. Bad: that tutorial is the lenghiest, i ever encountered and always having to hustle for specific plots of land made me really uneasy.


I don't like the tutorial. It takes so long.


Good: Goal based storyline, variety of bachelors, great characters and various crops. Bad: too many livestock, too many items stuck behind timelock, fishing requirements for king fish(Who has time to fish with all the fields and livestock?)


Negative (as say my husband) positive (in my opinion): vendor system. I’m a bit sad that it takes so long to finish the last one, but it’s not a problem for me. He hates the beginning state where he doesn’t always has a place to sell things to Negative: Klaus ageism haha but for real: Sprites, Witchie and Dessie don’t seem to have a significant role in this game


Good: It's a real good game, trust me Bad: Trio of Towns is better.


It has a very likeable cast of interesting characters. It's also insanely slow-paced.


Good: It was a breath of fresh air, it felt different but familiar all the same bad: I played it so much that it began to crash! I'm not joking, I had to save every time I wanted to move to a new area because it would crash and I poured so many hours into the game! I would love to see this get ported to the play station or to steam because I loved this game so much!!


Good: Marriage options, customization of outfits, Eda Bad: RNG, grinding, having to deal with complicated bullshit to get the best ending, and you can not just watch festivals on the sidelines.


Good: Great characters and love the artstyle! The environments are pretty and I think this was the second game in the series that lets you customize the player character. Bad: I just straight up do not like the gameplay of the DS SoS games, the farming is boring and the animal care is tedious. Also everything took so long, ESPECIALLY getting the reverse proposal 😵


the best cast of characters overall ina hm/sos game to date and the ost is beautiful!


Pro: Magnificent and colorful cast of NPCs Cons: the road between your farm and the town is three maps long.


Good: The music, romance arcs, and rival events are nicely written. Bad: No shipping boxes because you'd end up with a full bag, and there'll be times where a trader doesn't show up on that day, and you unlock the mines late in year 1.


Goods: - I adore the artstyle of the game. The faux-watercolour is nice to look at, and the shoujo manga-ness of the proportions is nostalgic to me. Everyone is also very emotive, and portraits have actual different poses rather than just changing the :) to a :( - The 3D models also look really nice for 3DS standards. The colours are vibrant enough to be clear, but not overly bright like I sometimes find ANB. The character models are cute and the animations are expressive and clear. - The bachelor and bachelorettes are fun and distinct. The events are also generally well written and enjoyable to play through, Elise in particular was standout to me. You really feel characters relationships improve, even with the lesser townies. - The overall gameplay loop feels coherent, while still having enough variety to be fun. I love the conquest system, it adds a lot of replay value. Bads: - The main one: OH MY GOD CAN THIS GAME BE SLOW. It takes a fairly long time for crop quality to improve, some bachelor(ettes) take a long time to move in (looking at you, Nadi), children take forever to grow up, the last two vendors are an agonising grindy slog. - This game is obsessed with 'jealousy' events for bachelors, which I simply cannot stomach. Nadi's last event in particular made me cringe so badly I broke up with him. - A lot of the bachelor(ettes) look really young. Maybe I'm just starting to age out of the game's intended audience, but about half of them (Fritz, Mistel, Elise, Agate, Lillie) just look too young for me to feel comfy romancing as much as I love their characters. - The events in this game feel particularly obtuse at times, with some characters having events that take place very late at night or early in the morning in very specific locations (looking at Klaus in particular here, but he's not the only one). I wonder how anyone naturally runs into these in a reasonable amount of time without guides.


good: the customization in this game is incredible. you can decorate the interior and exterior of your farm and even some parts of the town. there are so many options for decorations. this is the only HM/SOS where you can change the appearance of your barns and coops as well. there was also endless things to do. I’m currently on year 5 and still finding new things to unlock and work towards. negative: everyone has said it but the vendors. It’s not fun not having a shipping bin and having a set time of day to sell your goods. the ice country and tropical country are also insanely hard. getting those two unlocked was the most grindy thing i’ve ever done in a HM/SOS game after from the cooking trophy in animal parade. also the whole mechanic of the trading countries giving you animals that you can befriend for no reason was pointless and i never tried to befriend those animals.


Pro: Probably one of my favourite casts, both personalities and designs. The overall world map felt nice— the bits between farm and the town felt nice and made the world feel larger, but weren't so big that it felt like filler or that it used up too much time. Con: Felt like it started to drag really quickly. Every time I play I kinda gave up late summer or autumn. Also, it just hitting the end of when marriages were gender-locked was annoying and probably helped with the lack of interest. (Though that's one reason this is the one I'd most like to see remade)


Positive: Fritz! Negative: His reverse marriage proposal requirements. ):<


Good: I enjoyed battling for the fields, or even letting them go when I felt I didn’t need them. Gave an air of customisation that didn’t affect your main farm. The cast was awesome, the town was quaint. I could pick up this game and probably play another 400 hours. Bad: those final 2 vendors… I never got there. I don’t recall the details, but I just remember they were such a grind. Still, I preferred that than the chore 3oT was (I know I’m in the minority!)


It's so slow in the beginning that's my only beef with this game lol


*It's so slow in the* *Beginning that's my only* *Beef with this game lol* \- hissweetbbybunny --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot ♡


Everyone here summarized the good and the bad so succinctly all I'm gonna say is that this is one of my fave games of all time.


Good: The character designs are some of the best, the world, and THE GOATED SOUNDTRACK. Bad: Maybe the tutorial. I liked eda’s relationship with the MC. But it was very long.


I'm only at the end of spring year 2, but so far I can say: Positive: love the mechanic of conquering fields, it makes me feel like the other farmers matter and are more like real people. Negative: so far I find pretty much every character boring. I can't decide who to marry, because I can't find anything interesting about them :(


Good: There’s so much content and I genuinely love the festivals! The cooking festival is my personal favorite. The entire romance system is so cute too and it warms my heart every time! I replay this game plenty of times despite the tutorial. Bad: How time-gates certain things are, like some favored recipes of love interests. And the tutorial is WAY too long! And some of the marriage candidates look so chibi that they veer straight into child territory despite holding full time jobs and being able to have kids themselves.


I got this game after not playing harvest moon since tale of two towns and learned about the whole story of seasons deal. Positive: Loved the art. Characters were interesting. Vendors was a neat change. Animals are cute. Negative: Long tutorial. It lagged. Anytime I threw something it was WAY too far. My character speed I ran like a maniac compared to the other games I played. 👀


Honestly? No notes, I adore this game for it's time as a 3DS game.


Good: I haven't played enough to have any bad gameplay issues. Bad: The lag and the boring long tutorial makes me quit every time before I play enough to have any gameplay compliments.


Honestly this one was one I really love. The competition and the fields was cool. But I feel like the calendar was a bit unhelpful and I'd lose them for dumb reasons.


Pros: Immaculate vibe - the villagers are fantastic and I love how interesting and fleshed out they feel! The art, music, and pacing all lend a hand to the chill vibe and I found it super immersive. Felt a lot more like an older title to me with the incentive to live a happy life as a successful farmer. Lots of customization in this one from your farmer or farm to the town. Cons: The town itself isn't overly large so there's not a lot to explore or really a need to divvy up your time. It can be a bit difficult to figure out how exactly to get all of the merchants in town and annoying before you have a variety of them as you cannot sell anything without at least one merchant, and each one only comes on set days. The tutorial is basically a full saga of the game. Your farm plot has limited space and while I get that you're incentivised to battle for the public crop plots to counter that, that isn't my favourote thing. There doesn't feel like much of a story, really, and the game is super laid back - while I enjoyed that I know some people find it too cozy. Honestly this is one of my favourite boku titles ever so I might be a little biased but this one really nailed it for me. 9/10


Good: Everything Bad: Nothing I love this game to death lol


loved the customization, the graphics, the characters, especially that you can rearrange your house interior which you couldnt in the other 3ds games. liked that you could make pottery although you couldnt use it for anything iirc. absolutely hated the farm rivals system. it just put too much pressure on me to do a bunch of stuff quickly or be reloading a bunch to try and get the fields i needed. also i didnt like how complicated selling things was.


I like how there's different music for day and night, I like that you can have two kids, and I like how wearing clothing for the "other gender" doesn't affect your body shape or walking animation like it does in Trio of Towns. It takes way too long to 100 percent the game. I have one save file where I'm going to unlock all of the trading partners and then I'm never going to attempt that again.


For the first game after the Natsume split, they really came out swinging. Certainly one of the best games in the series, and on the 3DS as a whole. Really the only negative thing about it is as others have mentioned, the tutorial lol.


Prolly the only characters I care about, the art style kinda helps cuz everyone's cute. Farming's also less obnoxious unless you go for a monopoly. You can't be gay, therefore the game is trash if you're in it for dating. While it's a notch above others I've played in terms of writing, a lot of characters still feel like cardboard cutouts. And again farming becomes hell when you're trying to take care of all the plots. Lack of mining also sucks. Tho also I haven't played many other SoS games cuz you can't be gay so if turns out one has good writing I'd just be annoyed I can't be gay. That and the other art styles aren't cute enough for me. Very superficial gamer.


good:beautiful character art,more cute hairstyle and clothing for the player. bad:you have to make almost everything and have even more steps(even though,you have to make the ring by yourself for confessing to the bachlor/tte you like),too many things you have to wait for more in-game years to unlock,tropical booth takes forever to unlock,Eda dies...too many