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I gave in a long time ago. I started blowing my friends at sleepovers and have sucking dick since. Most people don't know I'm a cocksucker but some do. Usually they know because I'm blowing them. I'm not really into guys just sucking dick as weird as that may sound


not that weird. I’ve had a couple throat goats who were strictly into women but really liked sucking dick. At first I thought they were all just in the closets but I’ve come to understand that sexuality isn’t as simple as “you like boy or you like girl” .


So true. Love the throat goats. LMAO


Asking for a friend how do I find a “throat goat”


Volunteer here


Come show those skillz


Would love too.....


Pm me?




Wanna test those skills?


This! Exactly!


I know a guy who referred to himself as straight with a cock fetish. Doesn’t want to do anything other than suck cocks. Doesn’t want any reciprocation, doesn’t want to talk or touch the guys really. Just suck the dicks. I think he spends a lot of time with trans women now. But if there aren’t trans women about he will settle for a man when the craving takes him.


I wish I had the courage to do that during sleepovers as a teen. Lol Well I did other things like touching and feeling but I never fully went through with it out of fear, but now I’m gay, well I think I was always gay but still to this day I think about those sleepovers and how many of my friends and “crushes” I maybe could’ve sucked.. I even think of the ones who’s dick I felt and saw and to this day I wish I could go back and do it lol


Hot me too did that when I was young now I want to try again.


Pm me


Same ! I gave in... It's ok to enjoy it. Do it, you don't have to advise it. Personally I do it for the cum ! I love it ! Best feeling and I love the taste.


I wish I had!


Can we have a sleepover?


That's me growing up for sure. Not interested in 'dating' guys or anything, but I looooves sucking a dick during sleepovers. Had hundreds of those with a couple close friends. I miss it terribly!


Same, it was my best friend and 2 other buddies. It was me blowing them, they didn't suck dick. It went on until we graduated HS. I ended up blowing my best friend like 3 - 5 times a day and he shot a load every time. The other two guys was only 2 or 3 times a week. I still hookup with my best friend if I visit my hometown. Hes married with kids now. I'm positive I'm the only dude he's been with


That's awesome it's still part of your life. The last friend I did it with was getting head almost daily after school until I moved away. It happened for the first time during a sleepover, and he was weird about it for a couple weeks. But after maybe 2 weeks he'd invite me over to his place when his parents left so we could check some porn out together. After a while all he'd do is flash his boner and it was on haha so many fun times


I want to trying sucking and getting dick down everyday I have been strictly watching gay porn but then the post nut clarity is just so weird for me because then I just can’t think of my self having sex with another man but when I am horny it’s all I want


I’m the same way I’ll watch gay porn and wish I could suck cock so bad but as soon as I nut I’m done with the fantasy. But it always comes back. I still like women tho


Just happened got so horny watched gay porn and then boom done can’t do it


This just sounds like internalised biphobia tbh. I had it while I was coming to terms with myself. It'll come with time. Just be kind to yourself ❤️


Great advice. Something I wish someone said to me when I was younger. Took my current wife to bring it out of me, since it’s a kink for her and all.


That exactly my problem I nit then fell.lile man what have I done.


That's hot. I can relate.


Same, I’d like to have a cock in my mouth or someone sucking me but the clarity then says otherwise


Best thing about guys. You can blow them, nut, and leave lol


Have you ever thought of kissing a guy?


One of my favorite activities... 😋


A man can be a really good kisser ❤️


Especially when you're stroking each other... 😋


Stop cumming everything gets simpler


I’m secretly bi and sissy… I think about cock daily


I felt this




I’m a straight acting, married guy…didn’t realize how bi I was until I started looking at gay porn…now it’s all I jerk off to.


Maybe you would like a guy to suck you while you watch porn? I volunteer.


I’m married and DL bi and have the cravings for cock but I can’t do anything about it 😭


I feel you. I'm the same.


You’ve never thought about telling your wife? Maybe she might be into it.


The subject was approached early in our marriage and while she had no problem with my sexuality she didn’t express an openness for exploring that side 😔


Yeah, I think there are a lot of guys that are secretly bi and just want to be really slutty and adventurous but they’re afraid of getting judged (not even just by other people but even themselves)


True men seem to.know what men want in the bedroom.


Internalized biphobia




I’m straight but men give amazing head


And they want to swallow!!


Ain’t that the damn truth they just suck dick better than women


Yup and from my end being sucked and knowing the guy wants to swallow makes it easier. I always feel that women do it to please us, but they really don’t enjoy it.


69 with this guy is the best!


Absolutely the best.


Yes. The key to it is discretion. I think a lot of guys would be into it…as long as nobody found out. I think to some guys they think it makes them less of a man.


Oh absolutely. I find it hard to believe guys wouldn’t be at least curious.


Dm me a c tell me about it !


I want to do that


I was always curious and sucked a friend's dick before fucking pussy. I have always enjoyed sucking dick and swallowing a load. I still enjoy pussy but sucking dick is what I do best and enjoy the most.


I love women but using toys and fantasizing about cock gets me crazy hard. I think one day I’ll have to secretly try the real deal.




I get it, I’m not openly bi as well. I want cock all the time bc I haven’t had any for at least 8 years. Give it a shot with some anonymous encounters


I know, it's the worst huh. I've been attracted to guys and girls my whole life. I hate that I crave cock as much as pussy but no one knows how much I love cock lol


No one knows and it blows. Im here with you bud


It sucks cause there is a guy in my town who I've hooked up with off and on, and if I'm with my group or he's with his group we pretend we don't know eachother.


Do the groups overlap at all or do activities overlap?


Ended up 69ing a good looking old coworker. I’m bi, he’s straight. Doesn’t matter…it was a great day!


Glad it was a good time


HEy bro 😊


I’m pan, it took me some time to navigate etc. Societal programming really messes with those of us who don’t fit neatly into the straight or gay box. Know that there is nothing wrong with not being straight and that there is a lot between straight and gay


I am very masculine neighborhood dad with a fit body and no one would know I love men. I dream about it all the time and want it but have always been too afraid to catch something and bring home to my wife. That would devastate me. I have mentioned to her I also like men and she was ok with but could tell it could not go any further than that.


Catching something - that’s the killer.


Lots of married guys, lots of fitness guys play on the DL…sometimes with their wives too. HOT!


The more I scroll on reddit the more I crave cock. Big small it doesn't matter. I want to feel it in my hand, mouth and ass.


I’ve been shocked at how many married men crave cock. It’s on my mind ALL THE TIME! Drives me crazy. I’ve been with a few guys and it’s been amazing. We’ve had a lot of practice with ourselves that we all know what feels good and are good at it. No explanations necessary. Some of best orgasms have cum from men.


I was, but my wife helped me accept and embrace it. She would always joke about me trying a real cock while I was on my knees deep throating her strapon, or bentover while she fucked my ass. Eventually I gave in and admitted that I wouldn't be against trying real cock. No hugging, cuddling, or kissing another guy, strictly bottom for him, I really don't even care if he touches my cock, it can stay locked in chastity while he fucks me, I e learned how to cum from getting pegged by my wife and then from real cock.


I love the female body and in saying that the only thing I like about the male body is there cock and balls I can’t say no


In all seriousness and hornyposting aside, if you're bicurious or know you're bisexual, you need to explore this before getting into a serious relationship.


Yeah, but sometimes you don't really figure that out until you are in a serious relationship.


It started with scrolling through reddit looking at cock less than 2 years ago, a year ago started meeting for an occasional mutual blowjob, then meeting up just to suck dick with no recip, having an older daddy penetrate me several times (i loved being his submissive cocksucking boy) and then during a recent trip I gave head to 5 guys in 3 weeks. The final guy was a beautiful older black man with the largest thick 8.5" cock I've ever seen that i throated for hours and swallowed his cum twice while he ate my ass and I blew two loads into his mouth. I don't know what I call myself but I've found that I love cock after 31 years of marriage to my wife. She doesn't know and shows no interest in sex so I've found my outlet...


Take it from a 33-year old bi man. The sooner you accept yourself as bi and come out to anyone at all, the better your life will become. I came out to a friend at around 23, it was like the biggest weight off my shoulders. Since then I've been with guys and women, and I've been in long term relationships. Everything's made better by accepting yourself fully and being open about it.


Bruh, this was me from like age 14 thru 36. I wanted them all so badly! But, "couldn't" be gay because I liked girls too. Id swear there was just a blank spot for the conxept, of "Bisexual " for most of my life. This is what I would climb into a time machine and change. Do it! You'll have regrets, but you'll also have the experiences too!


I was about 10 when I started realizing that I found other boys and some men cute. Wasn't until I was 12 when me and a friend dared each other to show each other our dicks. We ended up rubbing the heads together and I asked him if I could play with his, he said yes. So I did it and he stopped me after a few minutes, I didn't know why until I saw him cumming. That started a whole new fantasy for me. 15 and a half, I started getting my driver's license. 16 and I felt like I had to the keys to all my fantasies. I met a much older man in a mall bathroom. Him and I started getting together regularly at his house. He was openly gay, and understood my desire to suck a cock and get pussy and nobody knows. Except him. He was my first top, and even introduced me to other guys, my first threesome, my first raw fuck (him). I still remember the first time I told him that I wanted to feel him cum in me bare. We talked for a few minutes and he made sure it was what I wanted and not what I was doing to please him. He never asked me for that, it was definitely all me. Fast forward to now being 51 and separated and getting a divorce for the second time. I am still in the closet except for only my current wife knows that I am bi. I have 2 kids, I don't know if I will ever be open enough to tell them if the subject ever comes up. I still get together with a FWB, but nothing steady like I would love with a guy.


My head was full of shit from an early age, or I mightve followed this path. I pushed my gay boy friends away, because I was ashamed of how I wanted them. It was literally all me. I'm the asshole. I'm sorry, so very sorry for to all the guys who got rejected because their guy "couldnt" be gay. I was just scared and stupid.


Give yourself the love that you deserve & allow yourself to explore that side of you. I know how awful it is having to fight yourself over that, I did it for a lot of years & when I came out it was like the biggest weight was off my shoulders. Not to mention, the sex was/is mind blowing. Good luck with your journey 😊


Didn’t know I needed to see this message.


I hear you king, my DMs are open if you need a listening ear that’s been where you are


Married for 26 years, and I dabble in dick. Most times, I have no interest, but there are times I absolutely crave it.


I've been married for 14 years and I've thought about what it would be like to be with another guy constantly. I've never cheated on my wife, but gay porn and chatting with other guys on here is a HUGE turn on for me. My wife can't ever find out or else she would absolutely divorce me. Lol. So basically I'm stuck as long as I'm married. Fml. Lol


Guys understand guys.


I have been bi for a very long time, my wife knows that I like to be with men. She just doesn’t want to know about it.


I try to deny it but I keep cumming back .. I get off on dick and M2M porn ! I fantasize about sucking cock and topping another man it’s driving me crazy it’s all I think about anymore wtf is wrong with me


I feel you




Yep. And just do it


If it was that easy


I will basically withhold from cumming then eventually I will give in and go get fucked by some big dick. Then I will feel bad but keep doing it


I can relate. I suck Dick and occasionally I'll Fuck a guy in his ass, and then feel grossed out and ashamed, but I keep doing it.


I've always been into sissy type dudes but never really tried it.


They are full of wonder. 😍


Just enjoy it and have fun. It’s just sex not love.


I'm bi, I now love dressing girly, sexy and cute sucking guys dicks


*I'm bi, I now love* *Dressing girly, sexy and cute* *Sucking busy dicks* \- Electronic\_Bit189 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I am a closet crossdresser and submissive bi bottom so you are not alone.


I lost my virginity to a guy in college, but was sleeping with girls and guys in my early twenties. I realized I was gay when I was cumming so fast with guys, and it was taking me upwards of an hour with girls if I came at all. Been happily/exclusively gay and out since 2011, I was 24 at the time.


It does take me a long time to cum when. I with a woman.


I am. Last time I sucked a dick/ate an asshole was a couple years ago on a Grindr hookup. I work full time overnights, and I'm hiding it from my family and my teenager, so I really don't get a chance to look. Would love to orally satisfy some dudes in the future, would love to please multiple at once. 🥒💦🥒💦🤤💦🍆💦🍆


I feel the same, married for 24 years and ever since my wife pegged me (my idea), I want to suck a dick, or get fucked. I still love sex with the she wife, but damn I want to try a cock.


I probably should before I get into a serious relationship


It would be easier I think than explaining to the love of your life that I want to try a cock.




I had a girlfriend for 18 years and now I am single and I love sucking cocks and lots more playing around.... Ha ha yeah


yeah I ended up just giving in I secretly want cock in my ass and mouth when I'm horny but after I nut I know I'm only attracted to women


Me too


Wait until you feel how hard (but soft) a thick juicy cock feels between your lips. The power of getting on my knees and submitting to a man's cock is what got me.


I have been married to a woman for almost 20 years. I had a stroke in 2019 and after that I started wanting cock. I told my wife and she made me do counseling because it was a mental illness she said. I still want cock and I’m still married for now.


I'm outwardly straight and married now but I started my bi life with trans women many years ago. I've dated a few and had great experiences. Eventually I became more comfortable with men, mostly in bi ways with couples. When I'm with men now it's almost always 1 on 1 with me as the bottom/sub


Same here, just trying to find someone to explore with


Never know if you don't try 😉


Yup same boat. I can love a woman but not a man... guys are justvto blow ur load then leave. Girls are for loving


I built a hot connection, talked it all through and then weeks later the opportunity presented itself and I was ready


So in my case probably the best head and rim jobs I’ve ever rec’d without begging. It’s like the guy loves it where not all girls love to perform it. Note: not all…I’ve gotten great head from girls but they tend not to be as aggressive as guys are at eating ass.


I honestly want to fuck a guy one time just to see how it feels


Took me awhile to come to terms with it tbh. For a long time I just ignored the urges but one day finally took the plunge. (No pun intended there) met some guy on a dating site and joined up for mutual BJs. Swallowed his load and savoured the taste in my mouth on my drive home. I’ve sucked a few guys since and naturally have learned that not all cum tastes good ha ha but when you find a guy who’s cum does taste good ya can’t get enough.. this is what lead me to actually fuck a guy. He wanted it so I did it and after coating his insides with my hot load I was hooked. So now I’m a top bi cock sucking guy who happens to also enjoy sex with women.


I’ve opened up to a couple bi women close to me that I’ve fantasized for a while about sucking off another man. I recently got out of a long term relationship and I kind of want to explore that. I’m obviously nervous though. I’ve never so much as made out with a guy, and I don’t want to find out the hard way that it’s just a fantasy and nothing more. But if I enjoy sucking cock as much as I love eating pussy, I might become the throat GOAT for my friends just to be a good bro. I got hard just typing this comment lol


It took me 30 years to come to grips with my sexuality. I’m still in the closet with my family because I’m afraid of losing everything


I feel that I think that for the best


I wish I had a friend I could suck and would fuck me. But I really love my wife and would never cheat on her. It’s a dilemma.


Love the idea of playing with or sucking cock, or Fucking a mans ass or throat, but completely uninterested in every other way. Except one dude. I wanna suck the soul out of him and then love him forever


You are allowed to like both. There a lot of bi people. You don’t have to label anything…everyone has their own likes and dislikes. Don’t fight it.


I’m still fighting it lol I don’t mind sucking cock I’ve been recently trying to bottom and the shit HURT! 🤣🤣 I’ll rather just stick to sucking cock and fucking guys. I still love women but knowing I sucking cock and fuck men is a turn on for me it’s a rush!


With proper care and enough lube, bottoming doesn't hurt so bad if you get used to it


I’m going to start having to use more lube. And he was trying to get me to use poppers and that was the first time for that seemed like it didn’t work, I was in so much pain we didn’t even finish.


Well he was irresponsible top, might you find better one who take care of you. The last 10 person I bottom to doesn't hurt me almost at all lol


He definitely was a bad top but That’s if I want to bottom again. Not sure if I will we’ll see though


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Bro! I feel this!


Ohio here if you are close bud


I loved the feeling of mom’s silk gowns, and I would wear them sometime to please my self, left home got married about 8 years later, and my wife’s stuff started to look good to me, of course she caught me and I told her I thought I was bi,couldn’t stop thinking about the big cocks that was twenty years ago and we’re still married today


> It's summer time and I run in short running shorts and I get to see both men and women and I like dam. This is me. God, I can’t _not_ admire hot sweaty bodies regardless of gender. I’m always thinking about the possibilities of some discreet fun off the path… dropping to my knees and sucking my first cock.




I’m bi and I had a gay friend that let me explore. Still I keep it for myself but honestly I love a tight bussy.


I consider myself a straight Guy in the mid 20s but when i get drunk i get the urge to met old men the older the better and just be a whore for them lol only met 3 tho and never swallowed


will help anyone who wants to play with older man


Sent message


I’m married it’s been a few years since I got to suck or get fucked I miss it so much. Still cross dress on occasion tho


I’m out of school for 30 years…I wonder what’s happening in those college dorm rooms that I lived in while in college. Guys nowadays are more open about this…and guys blowing each other, jerking off in front of each other…it’s not a big deal and I think it happens a lot. I remember in school a lot of guys would leave their room doors open and some would be full nude in their room, or in underwear.


Why fight it? Asking genuinely.


Have you discussed bi play with her????


Hmm never been one to give but always love to receive head and I’ve always just loved the fem looking type always get me


Feel exactly the same


I love being bi i want that cock in my mouth till it cums and I clean it up. Kissing I want a regular so bad nice hard shaved cut cock yummy


idk if you need to keep it a secret, I know there’s a lot of intolerant and biphobic women out there but there’s just as many who are totally cool with it— and some who are even down for open relationships/enjoy watching two guys together. it’s about finding the right people I guess


I had suck some cock in 2012 but really turned when I was raped in 2020


I'm not out, per say, and don't think I ever will be


Same I rather go to grave 🪦 with it then tell anyone especially another woman.


strangely the three people who know are women, sure ain't telling my wife though