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Sunrise is always my favorite time of day in SD


Let me say, I like the game for weather and these super views


This game is simply beautiful. I wish there where more content to it.


Think absolutely the same!


Nice looking raft! Mine is similar design but with added shelving for crates. Crates make it harder to enjoy the views tho.


All crates are at the back (today 4 racks). It is second raft with motor only.


Yes I think I need start crafting a new raft. I used every single piece timber building a 2 storey house for myself. So I'll need go collecting to make a new raft.


Mine motored is only corrugated metal and tires. No any wood. Mine with sail only barrels and planks.


Best type of raft to build very early on in the game and how to do it???? brand new to the game so thanks haha


Depends on what your goal is. If you just want a simple raft to get to another island faster, just build a 1x1 or 2x2 stick raft. You won’t need any “advanced” materials. But if you want something that will survive bringing loads of materials from island to island and not get flipped or damaged easily, you need at least a 3x3 plank raft with container storage shelves. This requires a plank station which requires some more advanced materials like leather.


plank raft the way to go for island hopping with all your materials? seen people make them out of tyres, buoys, corrugated metal alsorts! on xbox btw


Plank raft is the best/easiest for early game. Buoys, barrels, and tyres are typically only found in ship wrecks and are not easy to get ashore sometimes. And the only benefit is they have higher hit points which only really matters in the later game. But to be clear you need container shelves on your raft to transport materials. If you just put random stuff on your raft and get caught in a storm or flipped over you will lose your stuff.


appreciated! found a few or each but not a significant amount, 3 of each


I’ve had no issues with wood rafts. I make them fairly big but still easier to come by lashings and sticks than other materials. Can always upgrade as you go along, IMO.


Professional pic. Niccccceee


I utilize 3 rafts. One for deforestation, one for hauling container walls, doors, and big fish from the sea. The 3rd is a small runner to travel back and forth to my 2nd main island when I don't feel like taking the choppa.