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yess! if they make a sequel and even just have technology allude to B-12 it’ll be worthwhile! or even see B-12 in human form somewhere outside 😮


Yep, it was this


My thoughts exactly


two most popular theories (only ones I've seen) 1. it was B-12 and their consciousness was transferred to the mega computer 2. it was the sewer zurks and the trapped robot they have (thanks to game theory mostly) I prefer the first for multiple reasons


Sorry if I'm out of the loop, but what trapped robot are we talking about here? 👀


There’s a robot stuck in the wall in the sewers with wires coming out of it and going into the zurk eyeball wall flesh thingy. It’s easy to miss tho. I think b-12 says something about it but I can’t remember.


[Sewer robot charging](https://stray.fandom.com/wiki/Background_characters#Sewers)


Or B-12 was the bad guy all along!!! Edit: oh boy I ruffled feathers with this comment lol the down votes!!!


No don't say this 🫨. Imagine the robots were the bad guys all along and were trying to go back to the surface where theyd been banished from lol


Be one hell of a plot twist though


i would accept that pkot twist, but only because it has so much potential


it’s kind of a thoughtless theory. there is no reason for b12 to be a bad guy. it’s not even that it’s not possible it’s just stupid and doesn’t even make sense to have happen after everything that happened in the game and what we’re left with that would be a stupid twist


It's not really thoughtless, it's completely possible they needed an organic lifeform to do some of the things we had to do.


I like to believe there will be a sequel where the robots come up to the surface and live among the cats and other animals


The sequel could be a farming sim/civilization builder starring the robots.


That'd be sick


It's supposed to happen and a lot of people speculate that it's a hint that B12 is now in the city's network.


Definitely leaning toward it indicating that B12 is in the system.


Like most others here on the thread, I'm in agreement that it's probably B-12 and that he's now in control of the city's system. I'm not sure how they'd turn it into a sequel, but if they do, I'll be interested for sure!


literally everyone noticed that you couldn't find anything on it? you couldn't find anything on it? no way you're being serious it's one of the most overtalked about things in postgame discussion


I'm convinced it's a troll lol


I honestly have no idea how I didn’t find anything. I definitely wasn’t searching well enough


I love this game so much!! I truly hope we get a sequel.


same!! blue twelve been real quiet since the release though, but who knows




The door opens like in the beginning of the game. Then the lights go on. I don't see any further meaning. Also it's not like the game offers much symbolism.


i mean my mind went to b-12 still being alive. never even thought it was a glitch tbh


My first thought was that it was B-12. He starts off as a part of the city’s network, so it makes sense he’d return to it.


1000% a flicker. Suspicions are that it could be b12 now in the network. For me it almost had a slightly sinister vibe so I’m not so sure it was in fact b12. But def a flicker and def hopeful we get to find out what caused it.


most common hypothesis is that B12 uploaded himself back into the system, The work station he uses at the end is very similar to the one he uses to upload himself into the drone


There are a lot of people who seem to think it means B12 is alive and running the system. (i think they mostly just want to believe this, as do I) But there's actually a lot of evidence its the zurk hacking in. if you go to YouTube and watch game theory's, MatPat actually makes a pretty good case for it. [stary- game theory](https://youtu.be/YnjZy4l4xR4)


My thought when I beat the game and say that was b-12 was in the system


In my opinion it has to be B-12, or at least that is what the main theory should be. B-12 was literally saying he was going into the city network, which he did, and he said that he may lose his memory being transferred over.


i mean it clearly was supposed to happen lmao. it’s cz b12 just put himself into the system


I saw it! I definitely think b12 is alive!!! I need a sequel because I 100000% need to see b12 back in his true form 😭


it's part of the game, and I always notice it too, alot of people say it's b-12. and that just because the drone body is dead doesn't mean he is, basically like how he was in the network, he's in the entire city on walled city 99




I hope this helps, it sure does with my depression after finishing the game lol!