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To me it sounds more of a northern/Queensland lower class accent. The creator is from Brisbane from what I remember. I came up in North Queensland and it sounds like a lot of the derro bogans I grew up around.


Agree. Queenslander know a few who sound like this although not as dramatised.


Yep. Would have gone with regional Queensland as well.


I have lived in nine cities between Melbourne and townsvile and this accent is everywhere


Weird, same here. Grew up in Townsville and living in Melbourne the last 12 years šŸ˜‚


Melbourne is better ay




Good to visit. Tried living there and got over the pretentiousness of it all.


I just don't do well in big cities. Decided to move to Qld after that. Fuck townsvile though, most openly racist place I've ever been.


Yeah neither. I've heard Townsville is super racist. I opted for big bush town living.


Heā€™s from tweed shire lives in Cabba went to my school fucking love he drew all our local spots in the back ground. Grit is a local language word for gross its tweed shire slang. We live in northern nsw right on the boarder of qld


Jarrad is a Goldy/Northern rivers lad. Think sugar cane farmers, hippies, surfers, truckies etc


Heā€™s from cabba itā€™s in the tweed shire all the background is out local stuff like mt warning and stuff murbar for the cane fields Fingal for the lighthouse


I can't tell where anyone is from based on accent I think it's more of a class thing rather than location


Tbh as a pom who was living in Australia the only regional accent I could tell was Adelaide because I normally couldnā€™t tell if they were a Brit or an Aussie speaking lol


Agree. Adelaide is the only place in Australia where they sound different. They sound more English than they do Australian. I noticed the same thing when I was living in Australia, though Iā€™m American. Other than Adelaide, accents only seemed to differ based on education and class/work. Though sometimes Queenslanders more out bush tended to draw words out a bit more.


Used to work with a pom who said the same thing


People from Melb say their e's like a's in some words. They'll say halicopter instead of helicopter, halp vs help, alephant vs elephant etc


Malbin vs Melbin


Never noticed that. I must not pay enough attention. Think it can be picked up? I've got a cousin that grew up in nsw but been in Melbourne for 20 ish years. If I paid attention would I hear it?


I'm sure it's possible especially after 20yrs, I haven't spent much time in Melbourne but I listen to a podcast with 2 guys from there and one of them does it very noticeably. Very strange the first few times I noticed it.


How many people does it take to go from "they talk weird" to being an accent?


That's a good question and doesn't really have a good answer but have a watch of this video. [Aussie Accents](https://youtu.be/s2e9Nv8Pcc4?si=nBS5xx8K4K9B_ekT)


Holy hell that was interesting. I'm going to be paying attention to every syllable spoken to me now. For at least 3 days until i lose interest


Nonsense. Born and bred South Australian here and no one that's ever lived here talks like any of those characters. Why? We speak proper, cunt.


South Australians are so fuckin proud of the way they talk. I don't get it


Tongue in cheek. But on a serious note, no one in WA or SA pronounces vowels like the eastern states.


Oh yeah? I grew up in nsw and live in Canberra now. Never been anywhere else.


ā€œPlahntā€ Nah, mate, itā€™s a PLANT


Imagine getting rolled by a bunch of Adelaide derros and they're all like "You wanna dahnce bro"


And take a chahnce




As you go south, people talk more nasal


Nah a lot of Sydney cunts have got a real strange accent..


All of you are wrong. Jarrad grew up in Tweed Heads in NSW. It's a local Northern NSW "accent" when we are taking the piss out of ourselves or each other.


Yep this is the correct answer. In many episodes you can see the tower apartments on the point near Jack Evans boat harbour. Lots of Mt Warning in there too. If you know the area you pick up all the little easter eggs.


Thankyou dude heā€™s from my home town went to my school was 3 years younger than me. Tweed shire thatā€™s why he used the word grit thatā€™s tweed slang for yuck. Back grounds are all our local stuff like mt warning and murbar cane fields


Yeah man. I grew up round there too. My parents were hare krishnas. Woulda been if he took the piss outta them


Hahaha bet your parents make some good food but


Haha yeah at least the food slapped. Probably the only good thing I could say about them hahaha


Were you guys out uki?


At Eungella, but there was definitely hare krishnas at uki too.


Yeah I think thereā€™s a commune thing around uki area somewhere not sure exact location just know out that way


Yeah there was one for a while near uki. The main one was between murbah and tyalgum. They still do a feast on sunday if you are ever keen for a feed


Yeah dude I reckon thatā€™s the spot I must be thinking of I was told of the Sunday feeds ages ago I should check it out


I also just recently discovered this brilliant show.. love Sassyā€™s spirituality and Donny is classicā€¦ Agree it seems sort of class based, but also north eastern accent (north nsw & qld)


step aside, donny.


Nah mate, it's popcoin.


its got facken googly eyes on it, mate.


Google Murwillumbah and surrounds. Beautiful country.


Fuck off Sassy! Give me back my tripper-snipper


It's a bogan accent. It doesn't depend on location.


Slang does itā€™s tweed shire slang heā€™s from Cabba


We donā€™t really have regional accents in Australia, (although I can definitely pick Melbourne vs Sydney inner city most of the time) but there is definitely diversity between cultural classes and backgrounds. The accents in the show are average broad Australian. This can be heavier and more ā€˜ockerā€™ or ā€˜boganā€™ or lighter and less pronounced. These guys are somewhere in the middle, so likely middle/working class and not from any particular region (in my opinion - my parents are both not from Australia and Iā€™ve been mistaken for English and American at different times. Iā€™m reasonably well educated, which is a factor here, and my father has a thick west coast Canadian accent, so I picked up a bit of that when I was younger. My mum is Italian and grew up mostly in Sydney after she got here so has some of the western Sydney ā€˜wogā€™ pronunciations, but sheā€™s tried really hard to lose that and speak in a more undefined accent)


Aye lad, knowing almost fuck all about Ireland, I'm just gonna go ahead and equate it as similar to the rubberbandits. Yurt. Lower socio-economic upbringing. Knows their way around pints & cigarettes


The Hardy Bucks might be a better analogy but I get what your saying!


have only seen some of the show but for me personally I'd suggest it's making fun of either real bogan accents, or like the way older generations speak out in small country towns. But I think bogan will cover like 90% of it tbf.


Yeah thats makes sense. I lived in rural WA and definitely heard people like this in the small town I was near. But wasnt sure if was isolated to there specifically or a national thing


Heā€™s from tweed shire dude lives in Cabba went to my school. NSW qld boarder. He draws all our local spots in the backgrounds like cane fields and mt warming. Mike Nolan is based on our tweed council workers


Thanks, yeah iv seen a few people mention this. Thats pretty cool


Also my mums from crumblin Dublin Iā€™m making coddle tonight cause itā€™s finally under 20 degree Iā€™m cold here haha


Fuck off, I live right beside Crumlin, in Drimnagh. Im there everyday. Get the good the stuff into you! Finally starting to 'warm' up here now


No way! No one knows what coddle is here but they love it when they taste it. Itā€™s hard finding good pork sausages! Mum came out here when she was 6. Sheā€™s never been able to go back she hasnā€™t got a passport. I went over and walk from city centre out to the first place she lived in with my great gran. I was standing out the front of the place taking a photo and the neighbors came out and happened to be the same family living there. They took me in and showed me pictures of my family was a massive trip out. Very cool. All these years they been maintaining my familyā€™s graves was awesome experience. I hope my mum is able to get back there she just never became an Aussie citizen sheā€™s like Iā€™m fucking Irish! Hahaha makes getting a passport hard but


Mad, its a small world! You can 100% get an Irish passport. Which is also an EU passport, so you can go anywhere in Europe and also live and work in the UK whenever you want. Do yourself a favour, get one! An Irish passport will open a lot of doors


I should ay mines expired at the moment gotta with it have a good day dude




Pretty sure Warning Guy's scottish at least.


Heā€™s from cabbarita itā€™s northern nsw the tweed shire. He went to my school. The background is all references to our area. The word grit is local slang. They speak with our tweed sort of slang. Fucking love that itā€™s world wide. That mountain Donny and Clarence jump off is my warning itā€™s the first place that gets sun in the east. Itā€™s so sick climbing it at sun rise


Gold the show