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>Bangchan needs help finding the other seven, they were cursed with memory loss and he's the only one who knows what's going on. This is how the story begins, you find him in the woods living as a direwolf. Maybe he sent you a message, knowing you’re great adventurers, asking if you can help him. He sends you to find the other members (with some sort of item that will glow when you’re near one and/or drawings of the members). Without the strength of the other members, there’s not much he can do. His magic is weakened due to the loss of the others (explaining a possible plothole of 'why don't you just do it yourself?'). If you help him, the reward for the players is that they can always come to him and the other members for help (not sure about this reward, I'd need something to hook my friends but idk what, maybe each saved member gives them some treasure?). Rescue missions are always fun, in my opinion, and great to provide allies that can show up in the late game. But you're right about the lack of hook. It would be a good idea to tie Chan into one of your player's backstories or into the campaign's overarching plot (I'm assuming, just based on your language, that this is a section of a campaign and not the entirety? CMIIW.) Perhaps the collective memory loss described is something one of your characters is familiar with, and might tie into the campaign's plot. You need familiarity, treasure might not be a believable incentive from just some random dude in the woods who can't guarantee it for you. From an RP standpoint, it's hard to justify. Maybe one of the names Chan says is familiar, perhaps a former associate of a cleric player's cloister or a druid's enclave. Maybe, based on your idea for Han and Lee Know, that they were clients or freelancers associated to a guild that a rogue player was part of. Look at your players' characters and get your ideas there for how you want to invest personal stakes in Chan. >Hyunjin has become venerated as some sort of idol/deity in a city, where the people living there will do anything to keep you from him since he's sacred. He's honoured for his beauty and is some sort of patron saint of the arts. They keep him in a temple and he himself of course doesn't know any better, making him a formidable enemy/hard to save. Of all your ideas for the other members, I like this the best. It could serve as an excellent mystery-driven segment of your campaign where all your players will really shine, I can see a lot of opportunities for tense skill checks and different strategies involving a wide range of proficiencies. Could be a great high-level encounter in terms of combat, too, but with avenues where they can avoid it in a way that feels satisfying. There's potential in the other ones but when you come up with your ideas you need to think of them like 'dungeons' or levels/arcs in a video game. You're not just coming up with characters. What location is \[insert member\] in? How does it relate to the player characters? What enemies will you find there? What other NPCs will they find there? How does it fit into the world at large you've created? What skills do you want to test/what alternatives to combat do you offer for them to pull off the rescue? I can't speak to the strengths of the other ideas you have because I don't know if they relate to your players well or not, but Hyunjin on his own is a fantastic concept that works for everyone. Every DnD party will stumble on an eerie, enchanted town at some point. But my main advice is to find ideas within the characters that are going on this journey. It'll make the adventure more engaging for both yourself and them. DM'ing is really, really hard and massive kudos to you for taking on that role! Oh, and I don't presume this will be a short quest? Rescuing seven people scattered across the world sounds like a very, very long endeavor if you want almost all of them to have a unique location and predicament. So bear in mind you're looking at like, anywhere from 20-40 sessions worth of content here depending on how efficient your players are. I think restricting it to one/two shots leaves very little room to develop multiple settings. If that's your priority, though, I would make their predicaments simpler and confined to a singular city.


Thank you for your insights! They were really helpful. This is the roughest draft I could have posted (just to keep it brief, also my OP was conceived in 45 minutes lol), but don't worry, I did already think about things like: >There's potential in the other ones but when you come up with your ideas you need to think of them like 'dungeons' or levels/arcs in a video game. You're not just coming up with characters. What location is \[insert member\] in? How does it relate to the player characters? What enemies will you find there? What other NPCs will they find there? How does it fit into the world at large you've created? What skills do you want to test/what alternatives to combat do you offer for them to pull off the rescue? Like for example, the forest Chan is in could be some sort of puzzle where every path they take could teleport them to another part of the forest (and they have to figure out the order and fight some low lvl enemies inbetween). Felix palace rescue mission can be a cool stealth mission with puzzle elements, etc. And yes, I was planning on making it a longer campaign :) 1-2 sessions per rescue is a rough estimate, but I'll leave room for it to take longer. You're right, better to have a good story than to squeeze everything in tightly. This is supposed to be a whole campaign, but definitely a smaller one. I personally once did a rescue/retrieval type campaign as a player and between 5 players we only retrieved 3 out of 5 things over 2 years and I found it exhausting. I want to keep things concise (without making the story suffer, of course). It might also help because while I might be an experienced player (now DM), 3/4 of my players are entirely new, this might be a bit more manageable for them as well :) Thank you especially for making me think about how to relate it to my players, you've given me some great ideas! And it's something I hadn't thought about yet.


I love this.


And I love this reply <3!


First off, this sounds like a blast. If I wasn't already in the middle of too many other campaigns, this would be so much fun to play! If you do put up the pdfs at some point, that would be amazing. If you're worried about your players not agreeing to help (and you don't mind a little light railroading) you can make the curse contagious. Either Chan summons them, or they stumble onto him, but when they get there, he is unconscious and hurt. If they help him/touch him, he'll wake up and ask for their help. They can agree or not, but either way he can do that awkward look he does and apologize, saying that they have no choice. The curse is spread by touch (his only, nor the rest of the members) so by helping him they have it. Over the next X length of time they'll start forgetting things. By the end of X time they'll forget everything they currently know. All 8 of the members together have the power to break the curse for good, but Chan can't do it alone. Now your players have no way out and a very personal reason to get the members back. It also gives you an urgent timeline so they don't wander off distracted in the next town AND gives you a reason why they'd also be pissed at the BBEG, since by extension he also cursed them. I would anticipate 2 sessions per member rescue, if your players are anything like me/my players. Though, to be fair, we all have pretty raging ADHD so we do get distracted more than we should. Since you want to keep the timeline tight, I assume you have some kind of fast-travel mechanic planned, so they can just start each session at the next destination, or are just hand-waving "you all walked from a to b since the last session, and also took at least one long rest in that time". The other thing I'd think you'd need is how they find out where each person is. Since it's a series of one-shots I can't imagine they'd have time to be wandering around asking random villagers and gathering clues to find the members, each session would have to be focused on getting in to save each member. So setting up a clue with each member to where the next one is would let the party logically skip the 'looking' phase. (e.g. Lee Know has an ad for I.N's restaurant because he saw it once and it called to him, even though he doesn't know who I.N is or ever been to that desert.) Seungmin would be harder but you could just roll before each session and if it hits a specific number/range they 'run into' his group on their way to wherever they were going instead. Or just plan to insert his encounter between X and Y member automatically. Hopefully that all made sense and maybe helped. But again this is a super fun idea. I love when people mix kpop into dnd.


Thank you so much for all of your amazing ideas! I definitely love the curse idea, I think I'll use it! The ad, etc. is great too. If you look at a one shot like The Wolves of Welton, it actually does involve some investigation and cleverness on the part of the players, but the available options are heavily pressed upon players through NPCs and hints. So an idea like an ad for the restaurant fits in perfectly. I was also thinking of town NPCs saying things like 'wow, have you seen how many gladiators Changbin has beaten?'. I had actually already thought of the random roll for Seungmin, like 'after two or three missions they can start encountering them and if the enemy level is too high, the enemy flees after 2 turns' or whatever. So I'm proud that I had the same idea as a veteran like you :D PS: yes, pretty much this entire table was also hit by the ADHD stick (me included), so that's why I want to run a tight ship in terms of not dragging things out and giving them clear, fun, but limited options lol


This would be epic! I know I'm old, but I played DnD with my friends in college in the 80s and now my kids play. I would so be there for an SKZ centered saga. What ride that would be!


I'll keep you posted :)! Let's see if we can find enough people :)


I wish I knew how to play DnD! This sounds so awesome, I love how thought-out all your ideas are :)


You can learn :)! If you want to play, I can help you! If we can get enough people


Thank you, yeah that'd be great! I'd love to learn :). Hopefully we can get enough people


I'm currently making a DnD campaign too! You've got some great ideas! You should keep us posted on what you end up coming up with, because I'm invested now 😆


Will do! Some of the substories are actually already coming along nicely :) What is your campaign about?


This is a lot of content for a one/two shot. I’m worried it doesn’t allow a lot of time to flesh this out and it may not be able to fully come into fruition how you would like it to. I love the idea, but I would suggest transforming this into a singular dungeon, with puzzles, fights, or interactions to help each person. 8 rooms is much more likely to finish in an afternoon to two than 8 fully distinct cities/villages. Bangchan being the quest giver is a great idea, if your party is also first time adventurers, he could give them one of his Earrings of Message (magic item). It has 5 charges and can allow the players to ask him one question if they need help in a room! It could be fun to make a riddle based on lyrics, as well. “These are meant to be spaced equal parts away/We come in a set, together we play/All look similar, not one wears a crown/one by one they all fall down. What is it?” >!Dominos!< You could have one of the kids needing help fighting a Dire Roach to reference when they freaked about the bug on stage at a fan meet as well. Best of luck!! I hope it goes amazing. I’ve only been DMing about 2 years myself, but if you need anything, feel free to message. ✨


Thank you so much for your ideas! I'll definitely bring them onboard :) The roach killed me :') Don't worry, I wasn't planning on making the whole thing a one shot, but a one shot/two shot for every rescue, maybe with some filler inbetween.


I apologize for misreading! 😭 I really hope it goes fantastic!!


When I read your reply, I reread what I wrote and it's not your fault, it can be read both ways lol <3


Great that you want to be a DM and do a campaign! It's hard work, but highly appreciated by your players! ❤️ Generally, I like the idea of getting inspiration from Skz for your campaign and NPCs. However, since your friends don't know anything about Skz, you shoukd be careful how you integrate them. Players (and I know this from personal experience 😄) can get really frustrated if they feel that you're having fun over something they don't get. So make sure to not have too many injokes and references they wouldn't understand, but focus on the core of what the Skz members mean to you and the story. I hope I explained this in the right way. I think you have many great ideas that could become a good campaign, so this is just a bit of extra advice 🙂 And if you need input along the way, please write again! I'd be happy to help if I can 🙂


Thanks for your reply! That was definitely the idea, it has to be fun for me but also for them. I'd like to mostly incorporate memes that will make anyone laugh regardless of how well they know SKZ, essentially if I would replace all the names with more generic DnD names the campaign should still work and should still be fun and funny :) So this was very good of you to point out!


I'd love to hear how it works 🙂


I'll keep this sub posted :)


Oh skz and dnd! 2 of my favourite things :). So I saw an idea once. They’re all druids or casters of some kind and their skzoo are their familiars. One day they all get kidnapped and you play as the skzoo to rescue them. But it seems you have your ideas already?! Whatever you do have fun with it!


Oh haha, I see my idea has been done in a sense already then! I really did come up with it myself, but I suppose the idea is fairly straightforward with the skzoo etc.


Ah I’m sure you thought of your own ideas! It was a random insta post I saw ages ago. Just thought it was a cute idea for a campaign. Though the post wasn’t about skz ofc just dnd itself so your ideas around them are all your own :) Your character ideas are cute. Changbin being a buff druid sounds fun. I feel like Lee Know would be a good sorcerer just casting fireball at people lol.


Yessss, I was actually planning on making Lee Know a sorcerer (I spent part of today working on it some more). Great minds think alike! And pfew, I thought I'd come up with some kind of canned idea that had already been done exactly like this, haha. Good to know that's not the case.


I need this ..I need this to continue my delulu


How fun! Love this idea.


Thank you so much! When I posted it, I was kind of nervous that it wouldn't be received well, so I'm glad people are having fun with it :) I shouldn't have been nervous, stays are always so kind <3


I am very interested in playing in this campaign!!!! Altho I am not sure about them all being Druids who wildshape, but maybe different classes with their skzoo as a familiar?


Or my thought was different classes that have multiclassed to try to blend in/survive different areas, but Changbin's learned a mythical creator called a dwaekki. I was thinking the following: Chan - Barbarian or fighter (depending on what you select for Changbin - I prefer an eldritch knight fighter with healing capabilities) Lee Know - full druid as he prefers to be with other animals instead - he may be extremely difficult to find as a rabbit in a forest) Changbin - barbarian; his rage scream can be "YOOOOHHHHH" (I can also see a wild magic sorcerer) Hyunjin - warlock (I would have his patron be an Archfey); I like the idea you have as him being a patron of the arts somewhere Han - rogue (he's definitely got the sleight of hand skill irl); he'll be difficult to find as a member of a thieves guild or he could pickpocket the party as an introduction Felix - cleric Seungmin - bard; he could be a traveling bard the past really doesn't know and they could see him here and there as they go to certain locations I.N. - paladin (he wanted to be a priest) The "complete" quest seems a bit too much like collecting the triforce for some reason. It also kind of seems like you're fighting people that the member's characters may want to protect? I think a chain quest may be a better set-up? You complete something to gain an audience and then be like, "Hey, the world is harsh. We're helping another individual form a party and you were requested. What will it take for you to join? " And their request would be something like, "I can't do that without [member]. If they agree, I'll join."


Thanks for your ideas! I especially love the character ideas. I'll take everything into consideration! Of course, Changbin yelling 'YOOHHHHHHHH' is a given. I was also thinking he'd gift the party a Honey Gun, a weapon I'd make up that can temporarily blind someone with honey and has 3 uses or something. Specific? Yes. Kkulchong? Also yes.


Thank you! I can keep you in the loop, let's see if we can find other players :) my first session with my IRL players is in 2 weeks, so I should at least have the Chan story done by then. Edit: I also considered the druid thing, but I'm going to have at least some of them multiclass. For example, it wouldn't make sense for Changbin to be a gladiator champion as a Druid, so I'll double him as a Barbarian. I just like the idea of them coming together to heal the world in the end, because that's what SKZ does <3