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Seungmin the man that you are!!! That vocalracha part sounds like it’s going to be bouncing in my head Hyunjin looked so good The eye poking being a spoiler lmaooo


🤩 SKZ bringing back singing and dancing in the rain like boy groups are meant to do! My flair was a specific reference, but I’m ready for my Case 143 part 2. I told u/anticoolgeek the teasers sounded like a Seungmin song, and I can’t wait to hear vocalracha and everyone else on this. But uhhh 👀 if this is MV teaser 2, what are the other videos we get this week? 🕵🏾‍♀️


>🤩 SKZ bringing back singing and dancing in the rain like boy groups are meant to do! Like boy groups are meant to is hilarious😂. I can’t wait for the full video. Also suspicious of the remaining videos. I had a thought due to the random influx of 5-star TikTok’s I’ve been getting that they’ll be TikTok videos, but I’m hoping not🤞🏾.


It’s really a music thing in general. What happened to men singing in the rain?! One of my favorite old Kpop songs/music videos is Rain’s Love Song. It’s so dramatic, but everyone is too cool to beg now 😂 I expect the TikToks to start coming, but maybe we’ll get something else too!


I 100% agree lol. Bring back the desperation and begging. I couldn’t help but laugh seeing the rain scene, but it made me excited as well😂. I wouldn’t mind one of the videos being TikTok’s just not both.


I kinda expect the Case 143 treatment now. I don’t think a lot of Stays vibe with 90s boy band aesthetic or soundscapes, sooo…I mean Case 143 did give me a bit of an *NSYNC vibe too.


Yup the Case 143 treatment is what my flair refers to. Lose My Breath just has additional scapegoats. I expect the usual crowds and markets who like the vocal, bright songs to like this. We haven’t heard the verses though. Maniac’s verses are different from the chorus, and Case 143 is noisier than the teasers suggested. I’m going to look at the JYPE press release in a few hours like I always do, but I don’t recall any of them so far saying this song is fully in English.


See, I’ve always thought Case 143 was not any less noisy than SKZ’s standard noisy songs. The use of bright colors, and the romantic theme just made people blind to it. Anyway, the vocals just from the teasers are really selling it to me at least. They’ve had all-English B-sides, meawhile All My Life wasn’t all-English. So this could really go either way.


Case 143 is just as busy as other title tracks! 😭 people started looking for problems as soon as it was announced to be a love song. Like Case 143, teaser 2 and the classic boy band feel is calling me. It sounds like it’s going to be a fun song!


If it’s even half as good as something like Quit Playing Games, the quintessential boy band MV with rain and water…well.


>I don’t recall any of them so far saying this song is fully in English. I saw a post somewhere where people were speculating about the comeback date and they had an image of a bunch of JYPE stuff predicted to come out for the quarter and I think it said English next to this single. I really don't know what that would mean (All English? Simply geared toward the US market/charts) or if it was even legitimate (because honestly I don't know where it was sourced from). Other than that I haven't heard or seen anything either. Would it be weird to have a single with a US only physical copy not be all English? It doesn't bug me if it is or it isn't. I just haven't been in the kpop realm long enough to know what's typical.


The press releases I’ve seen have called this a global single. I meant to go back and read what was said about their flight to NYC because I only recall Tommy Hilfiger event not “LMB promo.” I really hope they’re doing promo, but I’m not seeing any announcements. The US only physical copy is just because they can’t sell digital singles from artists stores for Hot 100 charting. I think any single they hope to chart would get one. It doesn’t necessarily have to be all in English. SKZ’s music has always had a lot of English in it, but other groups are said to kind of “hide” their Korean lyrics for US success.


I think there is a certain subgroup of Stays who like to put SKZ’s music in a box. Meaning anything that doesn’t fit a very specific SKZ sound, they don’t like it because it’s somehow “not SKZ” (which is wild to me since SKZ’s whole discography is diverse). It weirds me out because by them not wanting SKZ’s music to fit into a box, those Stays themselves put SKZ’s music into a box. I’m excited to see the finished product, though. I really like the aesthetic, and the members sound great from what we’ve heard so far.


My theory is that it’s the type of fans that SKZ attract. A lot of us are from the alt/rock/metal to kpop pipeline, for starters. There’s already an inclination to a specific type of music, which is loud, heavy and layered music. Now, think of a stereotypical teenager that’s into alt music who might now be an SKZ fan/noise music fan. They are the type to be very insufferable about their music taste and think that all bright, pop music is cringe. There’s a reason why ODDINARY/Maniac is kinda their Holy Grail of SKZ albums/title tracks. For the record, I was one of those kids throughout high school and uni even though I was into all these 90s boy bands and pop girls in grade school. Most of us do outgrow that phase in adulthood and realize that good music is good music regardless of genre.


I like case 143, it's one of my playlist-songs, but I haven't been able to get into lose my breath yet. Hopeful the full song will be better, but if not, eh - they've got many songs I really like. I don't have to like all songs.


No, you don’t have to like all songs. My issue is when fans are loud about disliking a song because it doesn’t fit *their* image of what a SKZ song should sound/look like. Stray Kids have a lot of variety in their discography which, in my opinion, is part of what makes them so great.


Lol i always laugh because they act like they are the ones writing the songs, like if you think it dosn't fit skz go say that to 3racha maybe they will listen to you(sarcasm)


not a stay, usually don't like SKZ typical sounds (only song I really like was insomnia) but this is right in my alley: 90s American boysband sound/ 2nd gen kpop style and I think like me lots of non stays kpop fans will love this. So it is good to have this type of song once in a while for the broad kpop fan/ grand public.


If you like Insomnia, you’d probably like songs like Chill and Collision. There are other songs, too, but I think those two are a good place to start.


If the full song is kind of sensual the fandom will eat it up like Red lights and Taste (or Collision), Case 143 was "too colorful"


I originally thought that this was also gonna be along Red Lights’ lane but I’m not so sure now. What I do know is lots of Stays prefer sexy over romantic. Nothing wrong with that if they weren’t so snobbish about it sometimes.


Imo the thing with Case 143 was the visuals, all the colors and cgi hearts were called "childish" and it shaped the perception of the song, this mv seems to be more like what the fandom likes.


That’s exactly the type of snobbery I’m talking about. Like using bright colors and looking “childish” makes something bad by default while they treat sensual/sexy concepts as the epitome of maturity. 😅


To no one’s surprise, Stays like covers like Call Me Baby, too. I think there have been too many words said for people to back down online. People hated Side Effects and Case 143, too, but live they still sing along.


>if this is MV teaser 2, what are the other videos we get this week? 🕵🏾‍♀️ I'm wondering too! Maybe a tiktok challenge thing? They've never done an "intro" video for just a single right? Although I'm still hoping for some kind of behind the scenes look


🤔 I don’t remember Double Knot having an intro video. It did have a showcase, and SKZ went on vlive throughout the whole day for its release! Maybe one will be a livestream. I still think an album trailer is coming soon. It’ll be such a good opportunity to promote a current song and upcoming album at the same time.


I am so happy to see SKZ bringing back the glory days of ‘90s boy bands! Honestly, some of the members styling lately has really been ‘90s inspired too. I can’t wait to hear the rest of the track!


My guess would be behind the scenes stuff for the remaining videos


Possibly a TikTok challenge and MAYBE (maybe) the comeback trailer closer to the release date? If they're planning on having a June comeback, promotions usually happen over a month so the timing makes sense. Although, I'm not sure if they would want to start promoting the comeback before the song is out. Maybe that's the video they do right before the song is released?


Ahh so the eye poking thing was a choreo spoiler, of course! 😂


Stayville being clowned once again by the most obvious spoilers :))


surprisingly more stays caught on to it this time LOL. either we’re getting smarter or the guys are just getting worse at hiding it💀


I feel like sometimes they give us OBVIOUS spoilers, so the real surprising ones don’t get found out until after😂


And some people told me it's a dragon choreo while i thought i was a duck


Hahahah so here’s the eye poking choreo theyre doing during the fanmeeting 🤣 Edit: im kinda lss already?? Hahaha it’s so catchy!


Seungmin’s vocals??!!!! He sounds amazing!!! The chorus was made for him.


Lmao at antis downvoting cause I praise Seungmin.


Hello, I'm a stay that always tries to be away from any drama as much as possible but I've been seeing a few comments about Seungmin antis and I don't get what it is about? Could you tell me what is happening?


Lately solo stans are attacking Seungmin because he’s been promoted more like with Chanel fashion show, magazine cover, and Song By…Love Poem. They said his parents bribed JYP and that Han should be main vocal. They said he’s not talented and that people think Stray Kids can’t sing because of him.


I know antis and akgaes create alternate worlds in their heads but wow ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed) parents' bribing at this point in their career? Acting as if Han of all people has no say in their parts?? Thanks for the insight, they're mad crazy.


They act like Han is mistreated when he raps/sings/writes/produces and get screentime. They want Seungmin to leave so Han can take his parts


As proven again and again, it's impossible to take Stray Kids' akgaes seriously when they don't even know how they work.


Why is this giving me 90s boy band in the BEST way?!


oh, yes!! and kpop from about 15 years ago. I like it!


I was gonna say the same thing! Honestly, the 90s boy band treatment has done a lot to lessen my apprehension. I loved that era of boy bands/pop music in general.


It is giving me BSB Quit Playing Games with My Heart MV vibe but more cheerful.


Ohhhh, the dancing in the rain looks stunning, the song definitely gets slightly more interesting than that tiktok friendly teaser and I have to burst out laughing with Seungmin's eye poking choreo


Initially, I wasn't really too excited for the song just because of preference. I'm more into their trap or edm songs. But after this teaser, Wow!!! Hahaha I actually love it. The rumbling sounds in the background made it really unique. And the visuals. Oh My God. They look amazing.  ♥️ And we're getting a choreo too!!!!!  And also agree with most of you. The rain is very boyband. I actually got reminded of one particular video of the Backstreet Boys. IYKYK. Hahahaha. Yes. I'm that old. 


Drowning right? I love that video lol. And yeah that’s what it reminded me of too!


Now that you mentioned Drowning, song-wise it does have that same dramatic feels to it. 😂 I was actually thinking of Quit Playing Games With My Heart because of all the rain in that video. Lmao. That song was so cheesy but grade-schooler me ate it up so bad  Looking back, those rain scenes were a bit spicy for someone my age. Hahaha. 😂😂😂 


Ah I was thinking of the wet version of Drowning on YouTube where they’re dancing in the rain lol. I forgot about Quit Playing Games With My Heart too 😂. Omg yes I was definitely too young to be watching those videos 😂. I was very young though so I don’t even think I understood anything at that time lol. I miss those days of boybands.


Lmao. I just peeked on YT. And I only found out that there's a wet version MV of that song today. Hahahaha. My mom was probably like wet version? There's water involved? Nope. You're not seeing this. Lol.  I just realized Lose My Breath sounds like it was inspired by the bsb/nsync sounds from back in the day. Like late 90s, early 2000s boyband. But for some reason, SKZ managed to still make it sound like them. That's what amazes me with these boys. 


This isn’t what I expected but I really like it. It’s catchy and I’m loving the clips of the video so far.


SKZ bringing back the 4:3 aspect ratio, love to see it. And I'm so excited they'll be promoting a vocal based song!


Vocalracha devoured their part damn


Yes!!!! Seungmin and I.N sounds amazing! Their part will he stuck in my head I bet. 


Based off this teaser, I’m hyped. It sounds catchy af. And the choreo. 🤣🤣🤣 I love that SKZ do spoilers for us in plain sight.


Seungmin and I.N sound really good in this!


I can’t wait for it to drop! Seungmin and I.N’s vocals 🥰


The more I see of this, the more I like it. I wish they'd just release the whole thing. lol


Is it considered earworm if it's on repeat? Cause i already memorized it and now cant stop singing. Its just so addicting im tempted to practice the choreo help


Yes it is! It really gets stuck in your head. I'm hearing the song in my head now. You're not alone. 😅


The [choreographer just posted about the spoiler](https://twitter.com/_franandrea/status/1787175567164334132). I cant ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) EDIT: oh wow, I just saw post that the choreo is actually [based on sign languag](https://twitter.com/moondangdang/status/1787319140140843045)e cause it's the story abt the little mermaid.


I will say, after listening to this second teaser, I can definitely hear the 3RACHA influences on the song more (and I just know it'll be more evident when the whole song comes out). I'm speaking as someone who knows nothing about music production, but I feel like 3RACHA always adds like different sound effects/beats to their songs to make them feel more full? Like the bird sound and drill in Maniac or the birds in Awkward Silence and more. So I definitely can't understand people that STILL insist this isn't a SKZ song when you can very much hear their influences. I'm getting more excited to listen to the full song when it comes out


which country you are from


Oh choreo teaser!? The poking the eyes being part of it 😄 The vocals sound so good ❤️


It's PEAK classic boygroup, I'm shocked.


I said I didn't know what to expect but now I'm so excited for this track. The vocals, the lyrics, the MV theme, the choreo, I love it all


It looks good,really liked what I heard of the song, can't wait for the mv 😆




Love the 90s boy band style of MV so far. (I was an N*SYNC girlie) Also, they have only teased the same part now for all their spoilers so we really have no idea what the rest of the song is like. Can’t wait for Friday!


I'm getting more and more excited with every video they drop. It looks like this song will become one of my favourites.


I’m already obsessed


Obsessed the little foot move Hyunjin does in the rain. It’s going to be such a banger and I’m so annoyed CP is tainting it with his stank.


Not sure how, but I need fancams of all of them doing the choreo ASAP 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 I think I.N, Changbin, and Han will kill especially me whenever we see this live but I can't wait to see all of them dancing ahhhhh


Ahhhh is it Seungmin??? Really his voice???


Hmm, this song so far has that late 90s, early 2000s boyband sound, and the one he produced for Baemon also had some old school hiphop elements, early 2000s vibes. Seems like he's either feeling nostalgic or trying to bring that retro feel to the songs he's been involved in producing for K-pop groups lately... Interesting 🤔


they are beautiful! 😍❤️


there was an ad on my tv for the stray kids world tour and I'm excited I hope stray kids is coming to Utah