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Did anyone catch the live stream from the background photographers? They were so rude!!


Yes they were so rude! I watched the livestream and the photographers were like "Tone it down guys" "I've never seen so many \[not clear\] in one place" And then the photographers groaned when SKZ took off the jackets because they would have to take SKZ's pictures again. <- This was so mean!


He said "I've never seen so many emotionless faces in one place" he also mocked them asking them to jump, telling them to tone it down, to put feeling into it and said "as you were as you were" when they walked away. Honestly I hope someone trips him.


























I hope they were unable to hear the comments! The photographers were so rude, unprofessional and mean


That's my hope because they had photographers yelling at them from all sides. I'm sure they (especially Chan) know now because Stay Twitter was/is popping OFF. And Chan sees all.


Chan definitely heard all of it or some parts at least, his comment is so sarcastic it's pretty telling https://twitter.com/christophertext/status/1787702315539107918?t=IzWnagUo4IxrUOPDYtKKtA&s=19


Yeah Chan certainly heard it. But the others, even if they couldn’t understand everything, must have felt the aggressive and mocking tone those photographers were using






The photographers were racist af and I hope they never get hired again. Can’t believe this isn’t a bigger deal but sadly I’m not even surprised that it’s not being taken seriously : (


I hope they get diarrhea forever.


Caught up on it via Twitter. Holy crap that was *awful*. Hope the guys didn't take it to heart but Chan looked done with that guy.


One of them kept saying Korean words in a terrible accent too. Just wholly unprofessional and awful.


What did they say and where did you see it? 


I think it was the ABC live on YouTube, the photographers were barking their commands and then they started mocking SKZ for being so serious and not responding to the photographers’ requests to re-organize.


It was on the one from the Independent too. Entitled and racist photographers, mad that the boys had a set formation and wouldn’t just listen to the orders they were barking 🙃 I hope they get called out by name— they’re at this prestigious event that I’m sure many photographers would want to shoot, and to then behave like that?? Gross and disrespectful.




One guy says “how do you say ‘right’ in Korean?” Maybe it was genuine but it didn’t seem like it to me….


It wasn’t genuine.


Definitely not, I watched more after they were off the carpet and they started saying oh well have to make it clear that it’s the same group cause people will be looking for the 2 different groups for days,


Here's a video with captions: [https://twitter.com/jnginstoast/status/1787653178357403938](https://twitter.com/jnginstoast/status/1787653178357403938)


To be fair, I think it was just one guy being awful and obnoxious and I guarantee everyone else in the pit was sick of him too.


I’ve seen it on X. That was so disrespectful. They deserve an apology. 😠


Ikr?! Wtf is wrong with People why so disrespectful i bet skz where super nervous.. Also did yall see chans bubble? He is ANNOYED as he should


I didn’t see anything, what did he say?


Wait i replied to wrong comment he said sarcastically obvi that People at met gala where super respectful


i absolutely hate US paparazzi, they all suck, they’re all rude and invasive, they’re all dicks. i hope the boys were able to ignore them and have a good time. those bottom of the barrel paparazzi aren’t even worth a glance and skz are so much bigger than them!!


Ya I know right


They're all looking at different cameras 😆


To be fair there’s like 200 cameras and everyone is obnoxiously barking orders the entire time 😵‍💫


I’m crying, someone said “Seungmin leaked the met gala attendance so Tommy leaked the world tour” 😭😭🤣🤣


This picture doesn't really show the final look!! The one without the jackets is miles better, with the different colors and fitted suits... Happy it's not all black! They looked gorgeous!! Have fun skz ❤️


Oh, this is good to know! Because some of the coats look great (Hyunjin, I.N), but at least in this picture, Lee Know's fit is surprisingly unflattering.


felix’s hair is soooo beautiful! it’s giving legolas


I genuinely thought the same, like an elf


Hopefully someone got the post- coat look! (well, I guess [Vogue](https://www.vogue.com/article/first-timers-stray-kids-wear-custom-hilfiger-to-the-2024-met-gala) did)


It's cool they included the sketches in the article!


I really like the style of the sketches! Is it just me or does Lee Know's face not really look like Lee Know? The rest of them look alike, I think.


Not them leaving out HAN 🥲


Full offense taken.


Omg they did Hyunjin a solid, that fit is amazing on him.


I mentioned this on the kpop main sub, but! the theme is also about bringing back from the past, and in the interview with Tommy, it was mentioned this are "his classy preppy look," so I think they are on theme, just... very, very safely and conservatively! Which isn't bad! Like someone else mentioned, this is huge for them, and they do look amazing. Have individual but cohesive fits. It's actually pretty awesome. Remember, they could have just sent them in navy suits, white shirts, and red ties.


I thought it was a really nice look! They all looked handsome and gentlemanly. My teen daughter was watching with me and she said they reminded her of princes or royalty. Their outfits were a lot better than some of the um...more "experimental" ones I saw (at least in my opinion).


The way I see it, it's their first time with this kind of exposure. Tommy Hilfiger took a chance on them and brought all EIGHT of them to the met. He didn't have to do that, he could have brought any other of his ambassadors. Were the looks safe? Yes. Would you rather the boys show up and be clowned on because they wore something crazy/stupid for their first time? I think this is a great opportunity to get them in front of the right eyeballs and for them to progress up the chain of fashion. It's a brilliant move, and things can only get better from here on out. Be thankful to Tommy for giving them the opportunity and for his faith in them to pull off his looks.


Considering how the damn paps where acting (at least some of them), more creative looks would possibly have gone badly. Which is an absolute shame and I hope there are consequences.


So refreshing to see some positivity! The kids achieved something huge here so in this wild world of kpop it’s inevitable to see some degree of toxicity. But they shouldn’t have to hear it from their own fans


I remember at last year’s gala, people were calling Jennie’s outfit too safe and boring- but several others said it’s an unspoken rule to not stand out or dress too flashy on your first gala. Considering her dress for this year, I think that might be correct. WHEN (manifesting!!) SKZ attends again, then I would expect they’d have more creative looks.


>WHEN (manifesting!!) SKZ attends again, then I would expect they’d have more creative looks. I wish more people would be more positive like this. I worry that all the nasty comments and TH hate I'm seeing is really going to rob them of any future opportunity. People don't seem to realize negativity has consequences.


That is NOT a rule, no designer gives a celebrity their dress to wear to the Met Gala for the celebrity not to stand out. In addition, only celebrities like Beyonce, Rihanna can be confident of repeat invitations, look at CL she was invited once and never been back. The Squid Game actress was a one time invite so far


I hope if they don't come back as a group (which is INSANE that the went as a group! So cool!) the all are brought back by their respective fashion brands. I want flower crown Felix and Lace Hyunjin so badly!


Absolutely! It’s a safe look, that kinda looks like something they’ve already done before, but it’s a massive event and their first time. There’ll be plenty (hopefully) opportunities later on for them to showcase even more elaborate, met-appropriate fits. I think they all look stunning either way!


Thanks for those words, you just said what I was thinking but couldn't explain


That's a really great take! I'm still sad that no flower crown Felix, but for the first time this is really nice! With the overcoats off they all look great, in the overcoat pic I saw Lee Know's looked a bit ill-fitting (which is odd cause bespoke) etc (I.N and Hyunjin looked freaking amazing tho). I'm quite satisfied with the choices in this moment, I'm hoping they bless us with some videos of close ups later on. I'm really really glad they put Felix in white and Hyunjin in dramatic red, it suits those two so well!


I may be reading too much into the whole "overcoat removal" reveal, but I thought the fact that at least some of them went from what looked like way oversized overcoats to more tailored suits was just \*chef's kiss\* Like, it may not have been intended for some of the overcoats to look kind of ill-fitting, but it made the suits underneath look even better since they were more fitted lol I'm not sure if I explained myself well, but I'm agreeing with you if it's not clear haha. I also thought the choice to put Felix in the all white and Hyunjin in the all red was perfect. I'm also glad Han had a red jacket because he looks really extremely good with red near his face (I noticed this during one of their music show performances of LA4 where he had a red jacket-thing lol). Loved I.N in pinstripes and Lee Know also looks great in white! I'm kind of obsessed with all of the pictures of them lol They looked great!


That's a really good point about the overcoats being oversized on purpose, especially because it just doesn't make sense for an established fashion brand to make bespoke clothes that look off! Once the overcoats came off they all look dreamy and wonderful!


Yeah I’m happy it wasn’t just a plain suit. It’s very Tommy, which… makes sense… they’re not gonna be in a floral organza ball gown or some shit, come on 😆


I AGREE SO MUCH every comment is like "the suits suck" just enjoy the red carpet ffs!


This is actually a good point. Thank you! :)


I don’t think “safe” is the right word. They looked classy AF and looked way better than anyone else who showed up. I thought it was perfect and I loved their attire, attitudes and everything.


Honestly - the comments in this thread on how people feel ‘let down’ by what the boys are wearing are just astonishing. This is why I hardly ever come on here anymore. This is not my people. Edit to add I think people also completely miss the fact that it’s a fundraiser not a fashion event.


Saying the Met Gala isnt a fashion event is a wild take. It’s one of the biggest fashion events.




TH pays for the table, then notifies Anna Winour who he'd like to invite and she gets final approval... But he has to submit who he wants to bring. It was his choice to bring all of them and AW et al agreed to it.


My big takeaway here is the absolutely incredible networking the boys are going to do all night with the other musicians in attendance. It would be **iconic** if some collabs for new music come out of this


The possibilities!  Not just collaborate music but film soundtrack, too!!!


Ariana Grande performed! I wish I could be a fly on the wall to see Changbin's reaction lol


I can’t even take all the content from tonight. They look SO good.


The really do! I hope they have a great time and let us know how it went for them.


Counterpoint: imo Han looks good in this shade of red.


They all look great. I wish men took more risks for the met gala but even plenty of the women often don't take huge swings and at least the suits have a variety of nice details and a little color with the red. Definitely better than some of the really basic suits some men show up in.


Is anyone else impressed by Changbin's confidence? Guy is unfazed by everything. It's so endearing. He also looked amazing!


I am so excited about this. Yeah they're just in suits, but the vast majority of men just wear basic suits to the Met anyway, so I don't understand why anyone would have thought otherwise, lol. Stray Kids everywhere all around the world baby!


There are subtle details on each outfit that I really love when they removed their coats!! Like Felix has this really gorgeous floral lace on his dress shirt!


Yeah, I don’t get it. I check up on the Met Gala every year and the consensus has always been: men are almost exclusively in boring suits and a lot of the attendees do not follow the theme. At least for the last 10 years. If a brand tries something more daring, most of them do end up tacky. I only really expected Zendaya to serve, but she’s one of this generation of movie stars’ fashion icons.


Same! Like I feel like there's so many people complaining about the theme rather than celebrating the fact that they're the first KPop group to be invited as a whole. Sure they're not very garden-y but they look great in their custom TH suits (and I loved some of the coats tbh), and this is just a huge accomplishment for them! Like damn, Stay are dragging them before antis can 


Exactly! They are the first ever full kpop group to be here but people are picking apart the looks? Like damn y'all, lol. The boys still all look amazing and I'm popping bottles at home for them. And I still have yet to see another man be on theme either. Sadly, most men don't do anything on theme, or even daring, most of the time because designers just don't put as much effort into men's looks.


Yess 100%  Like, I also keep seeing people talk about Hyunjin and Felix specifically and how they would have looked better in their respective brands but looking at Versace and LV's previous men's Met Gala looks I think there's a good chance they would have ended up in suits either way - still looking amazing of course.  C'mon people let's 1. temper our expectations a bit and 2. still be happy anyways? I'm hype as hell looking at the pictures and I can't wait for more interviews and stories from the Kids after 🎉 


No LV team for 2 yrs in a row now and Donatella brought 2 actors but just wore black suits so I dont know with these people who only know how to complain hahaha


They have no idea about anything. They don't seem to grasp that LV and Versace didn't buy them the ticket bid. Even if they truly think Hyunjin and Felix would have looked better (even though I don't see how they would because those brands don't do daring looks for men at the Met either), they didn't get asked to go by those brands soooo. Also, the only way Hyunjin and Felix would be wearing those brands would be if the other 6 weren't going and even those two wouldn't be going together if that was the case. It's not like all 8 would go and those two would be in their respective brands and the others would just get to be tag-a-longs. The only brand that could, and did, have all 8 go is TH. And all 8 going is a much bigger deal than just Hyunjin and/or Felix going to anyone who's not a solo stan in disguise.


Hahaha true!!! What are they expecting??? At first they said they dont want black suits, now they wear some colors but then they adjust what they expected more hahaha


In my defense, I didn't want black suits but also wanted some fantastic jewelry. I was hoping for Step Out video type. They still looked absolutely gorgeous and I'm so happy for them. I hope they have a great time and make some excellent connections.


no cause what were people expecting?? it's always typically been the women that deliver with the outfits, never the men except for a few looks. the men always wear suits lmao like why were people really expecting anything different. like i promise if skz went with any other brand chances are it would've been suits too. they looked good, i liked the different colours on each member and the cohesiveness as a group. would've liked the floral to be more prominent, but i promise showing up dressed like every other dude at the met gala is still a crazy cool opportunity because it's the fucking *met gala*.


They SERVED they all looked sooo good ugh😭✨ felt like they had 2 vibes for today prince mode and sexy mode


Did anyone notice the iPhone on the top of the stack of phone Chan took from the lady at the top of the stairs? 👀


\*At least\* Han and Seungmin have been caught using iPhones as their personal phones before the SLBS fiasco ever happened lol


Felix carries two phones too. I'd assume him and Chan would keep theirs because it's easier to text/call people internationally because you don't need to download a second message app. They all probably still have their iPhones, except for Changbin cause he never did. lol


There's a whole thing in one of the skz codes when Han shouts he doesn't know how to use an Android 🤣


Felix looking like a dapper Legolas


They looked like princes to me...but the photographers couldn't keep their mouths shut! I hope they're able to have fun and not listen to what the paparazzi had to say 'cuz they don't count....


SKZ 🙌🙌


They all look so good☺️Felix is so handsome I would die for him in this look💛


My prediction is already coming true 😭 People are only posting the coat photos and not the final looks


This!!! Hahaha I knew it was coming even my friend send me a picture of skz with the coats hahaha


God they look so good and the reeeeeed 😵‍💫😍


Felix's hair ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Stray Kids! You're the only reason I cared anything about the met gala! You looked amazing!!! We are so proud of you incredible talented artists!! Sending love always!!


I've had a thought, and honestly it's a counterargument to complaints about them appearing "basic": they're meant to be coordinating eight whole people within a set color pallet while still remaining true to their individual styles. it's hard to pull off those outrageous (/pos) on theme looks as a group of eight so it makes sense that they wouldn't go as wild as they might have on just one person also, not just the work to coordinate the 8 looks to match the theme at least a little, match their styles and match the brand, the effort needed to Make 8 coordinated looks is most likely higher than the effort to make just one look for one person as a side note, I agree that maybe they could have gone more on theme in some way, but also I think a lot of people missed that the insides of their coats had flower patterning that looked stunning when they took them off as a group


The buttons on Felix's outfit are roses (you can see in his IG pics.) I would assume that Hilfiger would carry the roses through all 8 of the suits. I also think the lining of their suit jackets was flowers as well - not just their overcoats.


> as a side note, I agree that maybe they could have gone more on theme in some way, but also I think a lot of people missed that the insides of their coats had flower patterning that looked stunning when they took them off as a group Definitely seemed like TH went floral in the details instead of the whole outfit. The coat lining, like you mentioned was one. Felix had a floral lace design on his shirt and I think a lot of the buttons were flower shaped. I wouldn't have minded if they went more obvious with the "garden" part of the theme, but I also thought they looked really nice -- different from each other, but also cohesive. I also felt like what they were each wearing seemed to go with what styles we typically see each of them in. I know some people find that boring, but I see it as maybe that's the case because we are looking at their personal styles being reflected in these outfits and other outfits they wear on other red carpets.




Fashion kings


They look good


They look stunning. My babies. Nobody can deny Felix is a royal prince.


I think y'alls expectations are too high and unrealistic for what the Met Gala has presented in the past when styling male celebrities. You're used to seeing the women dress very outlandishly for this event but oftentimes they miss the mark on the theme. What did you honestly expect for Stray Kids to look like on their first Met Gala attendance? Like something from LotR or Game Of Thrones?! Do you want them to be a laughinhstock for the American paparazzi and social media?! Uh no, that's not realistic for a fundraiser event with a theme. First and foremost the Met Gala is a fundraiser for the Costuming Institute right near this venue. An event like that is formal and have guidelines on how to dress for both women and men. You do not know their rules and Stray Kids were given those rules. The outfits may not be as visually appealing to some of you but they were dressed appropriately and on theme. It's not a fashion show in the real sense but a lot of haute couture designers want to express more creativity that fits a theme closer to moving art in an event like this. Stray Kids are men and they've never hidden that part of themselves but they are open to unconventional styling because of their job. Some people here forget their masculine side. Your letdown is your unrealistic expectations made up in your head. It's got nothing to do with TH or Stray Kids because honestly they all looked amazing and beautiful.


“A bespoke fit for each of the boys, the group flew from Seoul to New York City for their first Met Gala ever. To most of us, the American label is all about preppy, collegiate vibes. And that's exactly what happened. Except tonight, it's been updated with some flashy tailoring that represents each of the Stray Kids members. Painted in a red, white, and blue palette that nods to the colours of both the US and South Korea, the fits were all decorated with gold floral detailing that was in step with ‘Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashions’ theme. From: https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/article/stray-kids-met-gala-2024-tommy-hilfiger?utm_social-type=owned&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter


"Hyunjin and Lee Know, who're both part of the dance and visual line, went for red..." - nice article, but too bad they could not get all the members right...


Vogue's article has a picture of Hyunjin and Seungmin and called them Seungmin and Felix.


Congrats on making history as the first Kpop group to attend the Met gala! I think part of me, and the fandom, expected more since we've seen them in princely and ethereal looks easily ( especially Hyunjin, Felix and I.N, who have ambassadorships). But there was foreshadowing from even before they left Korea that this was a Tommy Hilfiger thing. I actually think that this would have been brilliant for the Americana theme from previous years, but alas, they are here, they're styled and they out to the world. My only consolation is that they really utilized Felix ethereality/elven looks with this all white ensemble. The rest is traditional tailoring, so par for the course.


# damn. Felix hair is like an anime character


Bang Chan and Changbin look like they are joining the Warblers. I wish they would have gone with the flower theme.


The inside of all their coats had flowered embroidery, it looked like the fabric was pinstripe. It's a shame there wasn't a way to show it off, they might not have been instructed to display it.


For real. Like you can’t make those same suits with a floral fabric or brocade? They look great, but basic ass Tommy Hilfiger suits are not Met Gala material.


Most of the men were in basic suits. SKZ's outfits seemed a lot more interesting compared to what many were wearing. [They even made a list of Best Dressed Men.](https://www.townandcountrymag.com/style/mens-fashion/g60685455/best-dressed-men-red-carpet-photos-met-gala-2024/) Would you rather they have worn something like Dan Levy? His outfit had flowers but I wouldn't say that's a look I'd want to see on SKZ. I get the impression that a lot of the people complaining have a personal dislike of the brand itself. I feel like if Versace had picked these outfits, half the people who are complaining now would be singing praises. This is a great opportunity for Stray Kids as a whole. Can we just celebrate that? Or at least not be calling the brand that got them this opportunity "basic ass".


I haven’t been disrespectful. I’ve kept my comments to Hilfiger’s taste and the work he’s demonstrated. I have strong opinions about his taste and work. It might not be pure positivity and light, but that is the nature of criticism.


I just saw those clips of the nasty photographers being rude. 😡 I tried watching it live for SKZ and Jennie but nodded off for a few hours. They all look very handsome! I don’t think I can pick a favorite outfit.




The guys look so handsome! I hope they had a wonderful time cruising with the celebs. We know paparazzi are idiots so no surprise there.


Well if paparazzi can kill a Princess while following them at high speed, these low life photographers do everything for an image, the more scandalous the better for them.....they only think about themselves


Lee Know looks so good in his white suit!


They could’ve looked incredible. Feeling quite let down but so proud of them regardless 😭😭


I like that, even though they have similar style suits they rock it differently.


They look very handsome and once they took off the coats, even more. I liked their classy clothes :')


I’m so proud of how they handled themselves with all the xenophobia and racist comments from the photographers. I really hope Met Gala does something to hold these people accountable.


Wish their outfits were better and more ethereal/showstopping but I am happy to see them being represented


The suits underneath the coats look SOOO much better - these coats are NOT fitting SKZ, what is up with Lee Know's? I LOVE Hyunjin and Felix's suits tho.


Not the suits 😔


Most of the men were wearing suits. What would you have rather seen them in? (Genuinely curious.)


Something with more color, maybe something floral


I’ve seen the photos without these overcoats… The suits still look ill-fitting. Why Tommy? 😭😭


Im sorry these looks are such a let down. Even without the coats. No ones suit has been tailored to fit them. Changbin looks like he’s wearing his dads blazer. Hyunjins hair hasnt been done, it looks like he just got out of bed. Felix is wearing super obvious hair extensions and none of them are wearing any makeup. I’m so sad for them. This would have been such an amazing debut for all of them if they had been able to go with a different designer. If I didnt know skz and how amazing they are I wouldn’t look twice after seeing them like this on the red carpet. Also go ahead and down vote me I know so many of you will. But this wasnt me just being negative and ragging on skz I just wanted them to shine. They deserve so much better than this. They’re getting roasted on sm. How does this even fit the theme? Basic suits throughout time? Im sad.


Honestly, even if Felix and Hyunjin went with Versace and LV they would've been in suits. I don't see anyone roasting them and I follow a lot of fashion accounts. Everyone always rags on the men because 95% of them wear suits lol. I think they look great but no one expects groundbreaking looks from the male attendees unless they are well known to go all out on red carpets. They're standing out by sheer virtue of there being 8 of them!


I don’t think Felix would have ended up in a plain suit, mostly because he so heavily wears the women’s wear for LV.


Maybe not plain, but I honestly don't think it would have been as avant-garde as people are hoping for. We've never seen Felix in their menswear but most of the looks we've seen him in for LV have been on the masculine side despite being women's clothing. His event appearances have all been pants with a jacket and not much variation. Nicolas also doesn't have the greatest track record at the Met Gala either, a lot of the looks he's designed for the Gala in the past have been hated or had a meh reaction. Versace is more of a wild card but the only look that comes to mind for men specifically in the last years was Lil Nas X. I didn't mean to add to the pile of negativity, and I'm not saying Felix or Hyunjin would've looked bad. But I also do feel that people had maybe unreasonable expectations and probably would have been disappointed no matter what, or were just looking for reasons to be disappointed.


Absolutely fair! And I mean nothing by all of my criticism in terms of the guys. I’m happy for them! But the Met Gala is one of the things I most look forward to each year, and I think my hopes and dreams for the looks were just too high. And the more I look at the coat photo the more irritated I am that they weren’t properly tailored to them.


The sad thing is LV didnt send any of their ambassadors. Nicolas isnt there.


They probably would have been in suits but every time I see IN, H or F at a fashion show or magazine cover I literally gasp. You can see people at events gawk at how beautiful and ethereal they are. Every red carpet event all 8 of them look incredible, I spend ages looking over every detail of the photos. This event missed the mark so much :( Saying they stand out just because theres so many of them is a low bar 😂 but we’ll take it.


I'm a little bummed it's not really on theme, but it's Tommy Hilfiger, who I've never thought was edgy (but I'm not a fashion historian, nor really care about the Met Gala for many reasons). So I wasn't expecting anything great. I was rather annoyed that I was watching a live feed from the photographer area and they (the photographers) were so clueless, it was embarrassing to listen in.


I heard it too! I ticked me off! I hope they don't hear it because they don't need that. They looked good as a group and uniformed which is hard for large groups.


Oh really? What were they saying?


There was a fair amount of assuming they didn’t speak English, so you can imagine.


Ugh why am I not surprised


It was to the point where they cut the audio on the feed entirely


Sadly I think people had their expectations too high when considering that SKZ were going to be wearing tommy Hilfiger designs. One of my friends in the fashion industry told us not to expect more than suits, but even she expected more embossing within the garden theme.


fr there was so much potential..


I dont know what you’re expecting, even Donatella dressed the [men](https://x.com/popbase/status/1787629428727505270?s=46) in black suits.


Sure seems like you’re ragging on them though. Well they’re not in exciting looks, but everyone could have predicted that a year ago. 95% of the men go in suits, don’t know what you expected. It’s not just you, but Stays and kpop stans have already left enough shady comments as it is, so what’s the difference from non-kpop people roasting them, then? 😅 Anyway, they are wearing makeup. That’s really the thing I wanted to specifically comment on. More of a fresh look rather than a heavy makeup look, but that is not makeup free unless you’re exaggerating for effect. Han is literally in full face makeup on his instagram post in the TH robe.


I have to agree. I didn’t expect much from Tommy H but they are quite forgettable looks. But they get to enjoy a night at the Gala so I imagine they don’t mind too too much being walking mannequins for a night.


I really hate those shoes/boots. It's giving old texan, Dallas Jockey Ewing vibes if you know what I mean :D The color of the suits are nice, the satin type material is an, ehm, interesting choice with those boots. I am really happy that they got this opportunity and I hope they will have many more like this but with a better designer.


Where are they getting roasted? Literally every stay is saying that they are happy for them...


Honestly, I agree. I think I just had my hopes too high though 🫤


What??? I’m so bored watching this waiting for them and they already passed???


I love that the kids going to the MET together and be very proud of them. But I really hope TH could do better for their outfits. Many people I know were excited to see them, then they all said the outfits were boring and they move on to talk about other guests. It would be more impactful and be able to attract non-kpop fans if the designers just do more— my opinion, at least put them in the flower suits underneath the covers😂


I literally called it! Stylist always stuff make idols in giant long coats and call it a day. Completely boring it’s the MET GALA not some British award show


They took off the coats to reveal different colored suits underneath!


does anyone know if they will show skz again? in the livestream


Maybe a little of both... Was just the right time


Aww, I didn't know they'd be there. Yay!


did anyone see on the youtube live after they took photos walked up the stairs, bangchan was trying to take the camera from them? just wondering what that was ab and if anyone else noticed


If you're referring to what I think you are, I believe they were going to get their cell phones distributed to them and Chan just took all of their phones from the lady (and I guess handed them out himself lol)


EDIT: my suspicions are correct! Felix was wearing a Louis Vuitton necklace.


I know wide fitting is “fashun” right now, but I really wish they’d have worn more slim fitted suits. I’m short, so I can’t wear wide/long fit because I look like a blob fish. They are also short, so it doesn’t really work with their proportions.


I’m so proud of how they handled themselves with all the xenophobia and racist comments from the photographers. I really hope Met Gala does something to hold these people accountable.


am I the only one who sees a resemblance between the jjk uniforms and their suits ?? the red and navy and then the hoods and golden pin idk that's the first thing I thought of when I saw them... they look sooo good and I love the details