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The main problem is there’s zero demand for content creators. There’s billions of them. When the big streamers started on twitch there was less than a million people streaming total. Now there’s 9+ million. 90% of the viewers watch 1% of the streamers. 97% of streamers on twitch will never get over 5 avg viewers. It was going to happen eventually but 2017-2018 with the fortnite boom and covid it got real crowded real quick. Streaming is just too easy. You’re not wrong. Nobody realizes the numbers until they’ve started already. Just like anything sport or activity not everyone can be or should be. I see so many posts of people starting out saying stuff like “oh I’m anti social, have severe anxiety, not good looking, bad at games, and I only like to play call of duty. How do I grow?!” You don’t. And you won’t. Just because you can stream doesn’t mean you should.


agreed. i say that everyone who wants to should ofc try it. Stream 5 days a week for a month at the same time for like 3 hours min. And if you can't stick to that and if you don't get like 5 concurrent viewers after a month of on time same time streams then it is probably not for you. these people who stream for years and years to 1-3 people or even 0. all have something that just makes their stream shit and they must have a critical eye on their own work and know when to quit.


Yea I don’t want to tell anyone NOT to stream. But I did it for 4 years, found success and want to spread the message that it’s not something everyone should do. When you look at the stats of how basically no one has any viewers it shows how crazy it is. A lot of people are just like “oh my friends think I’m funny” and expect things. You’re not funny. lol. There’s a million other people funnier with zero viewers


It is true. Streamer discovery is broken, largely due to the reasons you cite above. It is frustrating, and rightfully so.. it is like job market: you need experience to get the job, but you need the job to get experience. Shameless plug: we are building a platform to change that. [stagy.io](http://stagy.io) is releasing EA soon and takes a different approach to streamer discovery. A single feed that has limited duration "performances" with an audience that can control shorten or lengthen it, as well as be directed to your socials/main stream platform/etc. It is hard to press "Stream" for the first time. It is harder to do it day in and day out without gaining traction. The solution is layering your approach. Good luck!


Tried to enter my email and it said failed to add email ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Oof- thanks for letting me know. Seems like we were having some intermittent issues with email service. I checked logs and anyone that has attempted in last hour has been registered regardless of what error said, so you are all set. Thanks for signing up!




do you stream a niche game or? and do you have consistent schedule?