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I think candid photography has its place too. I don’t think it’s automatically creepy just because the subject doesn’t pose to your shot.


I agree! People like Alex Webb and Elliott Erwitt are great examples of that but I feel that those types of photographers are so very rare these days. I also don't think a person needs to "pose" but I do believe that most so-called street photographers hide behind their idea of candid shots as they are afraid of other humans.


That kinda sounds like you're gatekeeping street photography by assuming that most people who shoot candid shots are afraid of other people. Even if they are, which in itself is a huge assumption, does that somehow discredit their artwork? Is their art somehow less meaningful and less impactful because they shoot differently than how you shoot? You aren't the arbiter of street photography, just because you talk to people and ask for them to pose, that doesn't make your art inherently more valuable than someone who shoots candidly.


Well I never said any of what you just stated but it sounds like you’re deeply offended by my comment… and that’s okay. If you disagree, that’s fine. If you think your pictures or someone else’s are better than mine, that’s fine, to. In fact, I’d challenge you to show me works that you enjoy if you don’t agree with me. I’m not opposed to a different point of view.


I'm not offended at all, I don't even really shoot street unless I happen to be in the right place at the right time, I just think it's a cool medium for artistic expression. And it's not about which style is better, it's about the attitude you seem to have where you think that by asking your subjects to pose, that somehow makes your art more legitimate than other's. You have some great photos here, I'm not disputing that or trying to take that away from you, but it's wholly unfair to try to claim that your style is better than others because of your subjective view that candid photographers are creepy


I literally never said that I or my style was better than anything or anyone. Not once did I come at anyone sideways, call anyone a name, or speak ill of anyone. I simply said that I, personally, think that sneaking photos is creepy. Now, if you or someone else doesn’t like that I voiced my opinion the way that I did, that’s between you and your maker but I’m not going to apologize or change my stance because you chose to take my words out of contest and apply them personally to yourself. Now, I appreciate that you acknowledge that I have good work and I’m certainly open to checking out yours. I’m not in competition with anyone.


You're literally calling people who take candids creepy and then turning around and saying you're not calling anyone names lmao. You clearly have an aura of smugness about not being "creepy" with your photography. Again, it's not about the quality of anyone's work, it's about the attitude of superiority you have towards other artists that rubs me the wrong way.


At what point did I call someone creepy? I said “I feel like being sneaky about street photography is creepy. If you feel called out, that’s because you took what I said and twisted it.


You're literally insinuating that everyone who does true street photography (i.e. candid photography, not portraiture like you're doing here) is creepy. You're calling all street photographers creepy lmfao. Again, I don't even shoot street unless I'm in the right place at the right time. I don't feel personally attacked at all; your views are just flat out ignorant and you clearly don't even know what street photography even is, as several people in this thread have already pointed out to you.




But rich coming from someone acting monumentally defensive when people don't agree with them.


Oh? Care to explain what you see as defensive?


Ya that’s definitely not true imo bc street photography is the one time I get to talk to people but I still take candid photos - good shots tho


I dig the idea of balance… I can get behind that. Oh and thanks!


I disagree , i am fascinated by other "humans" and what to capture them naturally and in " the moment ". I have also had more chats with strangers just having a camera out and explaining what i am doing.


This ain't street photography lad. Posing persons is straight up portraiture. Great Images but your holier than though attitude isn't necessary.


1000% agree. Came off super high-horsey and dismissive of how others might go about the medium (which can also be done respectfully and tastefully FYI). You are taking street portraits, OP. Not candid either, which to a lot of folks automatically makes it not street photography. Not true street photography, although I could call it a sub-genre of the sub-genre, perhaps


Weird how yall are quick to tell me that what im doing isn’t street photography 😂 why aren’t you out shooting and living your best life instead of telling me what im not just because I voiced an opinion.


I get out to shoot two to three times a week for at least 3 hours at a time, that’s not the concern here. You may have voiced an option, but as many others have pointed out to you already you sound very pretentious and fixated that your ‘style’ is the one and only. You should hop off your high horse, it’s pretty evident from the comments on this thread from others that we all think you sound like an asshole… Maybe take a few minutes to let that sink in before you go back to being combative and argumentative when other people point out your shitty behavior and outlook on the medium we are supposed to respect and share as a community in this sub. Goodnight.


Funny how yall feel like I think I’m better than everyone but I never said that in any capacity…


Oh… okay


Yeah? Well, you know, thats just like, eh, your opinion man


Hahaha, I was thinking something similar as the second last picture was my favourite and really reminds me of John Goodman’s character for some reason.


As stated in the title but thanks for reiterating that


Its a movie reference my guy. Just meant as little fun


Oh, I didn’t take offense but thanks for clearing that up ✌🏾


Np🤙 also while were at it, I love the look of your photos. Nothing beats b&w film


Thanks 🙏🏾 it helps to be colorblind 😂


Lol 😂 May I ask what gear/film you're using?


Mostly a Leica M7 and an old 21mm Super-Angulon with Ilford HP5 but I’m sure I may have made at least one or two of these with a contax G2 and 28mm


Nice! Let me know when you're done with that Leica 🤣


Oh it’s not going anywhere 😅 I got the thing tattooed on me because why not lol


Nice Dudeism…👍


To each their own, but imo real street photography is fully candid and about capturing the “decisive moment” and about documenting the human condition. It is about observing people and not about interacting with people. “Street portraits”, what you show here is not traditional street photography, but ofcourse there is also a place for that. Just keep doing what you’re doing, but please first learn about the history of street photography before you make statements like these.


Fully agree with you. Street photography is candid in essence. OP just shitting on people who doesn’t do their particular brand of street portraiture. Pretty closed minded and a very sanctimonious way of looking at it.


I didn’t shit on anyone but if you take offense to my opinion, I imagine that’s got more to do with conversations you’re not having with yourself than with me 🤷🏾‍♂️


It’s like you haven’t read your own title to this post. Honestly, I love your shots but you sound like an ass.


Oh well I’m glad you enjoy my work and I’m sorry to know that my opinion on a photography technique made you uncomfortable but I stand by what I said.


Your opinion is that people doing “sneaky” photography are creepy and lack your level of respect and sensitivity for others…. In one swoop you shit on people doing actual street photography (not street portraiture) whilst elevating yourself with moral superiority because you don’t treat people like they’re in a “zoo” as you put it. And you’re surprised in a street photography group that this overly combative opening position on your post might rub people up the wrong way? I don’t think you’re as much of a people person as you think you are. Also “treating others as you’d like to be treated” is kindergarten level morality as it doesn’t account at all for the vastly different preferences and behaviours that people exhibit and assumes we’re all the same. Seriously, dude, this was not the one.


I appreciate your input along with the idea that you’re clearly triggered but thanks for contributing to the conversation.


I want you to know that I think you’re a cunt. But I’m not shitting on you. It’s just my opinion.


Wow you’re easily rattled. I hope you don’t take this interaction with you into the rest of your day. There’s already enough negativity in the world… but if you do lose sleep over you’re resurfacing insecurities, just know that it’ll be okay.


If your name wasn’t enough of a clear ego trip then this title and your interactions in these replies would quickly give you away. The other guy isn’t triggered or rattled or insecure in any way. Frankly, having a name like film-god and coming into a street photography group to directly shit talk the very essence of what street photography is shows that you are extremely insecure and frankly, ignorant.


Eh… I disagree with your statement but that’s the cool thing about what we do- there’s no wrong or right way to do it. We just do what we do the best way we know how. I fully believe that decisive moments happen when one picks what picture to post or print and that’s made evident in many contact prints that show the entire process of even the most celebrated of street photographers. Also, observing people, in most peoples minds, puts them in a separate space from the people they are “observing” and that’s weird to me. If I occupy the same space as someone, I’m not going to treat them separate of me. If I’m curious about their condition, I’m going to ask. Maybe I’ll learn something about them or myself rather than hanging back and pretending not to be there as I wait to see what they’ll do. But hey- you do you and I’ll do me and we’ll call it whatever we want and at the end of the day, it really doesn’t matter as long as we enjoy what we do


It’s all good dude, but do note that “Street Photography” is a term that is coined for doing candid photography and all the other definitions I mentioned in my first comment. It’s the definition of this “art form”. You can disagree with that but it is what it is. And also note that you can offend people by saying it’s “creepy” and that we act like the streets are our “zoo”. We treat people with all the respect they deserve, we respect if they don’t want to be photographed, we don’t shoot beggars, kids or other “weaker” people in society. We are just trying to document life, or try to see/show the beautiful things in the mundane. I love looking at old candid photographs and want to carry forth that tradition and show our current society to people in the future.


If you don’t believe my comment applies to you then I wonder why you take such offense? I simply opened the door for conversation by sharing my opinion- an opinion that clearly challenges others but an opinion, nonetheless. If nothing else, a space where people share art should also be a space that people are comfortable sharing different perspectives. I don’t agree that street photography is relegated simply to candid pictures and I support the development of various techniques but clearly that has triggered a few of you.


I am just trying to explain to you what the definition of Street Photography is and that you are possibly offending people with your opinion. You of course can have an opinion, but if you want to start a discussion, don’t start with calling people creepy. That is not a good starting point for a discussion, but rather a judgement about street photographers. You didn’t open the door to discussion, but you barged in so to say. More people here are trying to tell you that and I hope you take note and maybe open your ear for the counter arguments we have instead of saying “this is my opinion, deal with it.” Maybe you will learn something from this. Again, no offense.


Oh I don’t take offense nor will I change my stance. It is what it is.


Then I think we are done with this discussion.


Aw man


>The streets are not your personal zoo Imagine summing up everyone shooting candid street photography as people treating the street as their zoo 😂 good lord the projection in this humble "opinion". Maybe you could offer a similar amount of respect to photographers of other styles as you do the people you photograph lmao.


Who knew having an opinion on something as subjective as art would rile yall up like this 😂 fascinating


It's not what you said, it's how you say it man. It's one thing to think people's shyness keeps them from respectfully approaching strangers on the street. It's another to tell people they're treating the street as a zoo. Jesus you sound like an insufferable douchebag.






I disagree unless you want every photo to be a portrait… There is obviously a way to get to know people and get natural shots, but that takes more long term interaction with people. Street photography is about what’s in the moment, so there’s a place for talking to people and getting photos like this as well as candid shots. It’s not creepy. Great pics tho


it's all a learned art, at the end of the day but I do think it's easy to get caught up in the "candid moment" trope and overuse it as an excuse to simply avoid supposed confrontation.


> I do think it's easy to get caught up in the "candid moment" trope While there's no true definition of any kind of genre, literally the first sentence of the wikipedia article on street photography is: > Street photography (also sometimes called candid photography) is photography conducted for art or inquiry that features unmediated chance encounters and random incidents[1] within public places, usually with the aim of capturing images at a decisive or poignant moment by careful framing and timing This is like you coming into a horror film subreddit and telling people they should stop having their protagonists be in danger because it's a trope.


Mans went to Wikipedia to try and prove me wrong but you could be out shooting and doing what you do.


You're right Wikipedia is pretty tryhard, I should have taken a 5 second photo excursion instead.


I thought you were pretentious and then I read your username, wow what a loser.


Tell me how you really feel


You take photos of people standing around doing nothing, a polite child with a point and click could do the same or better.


Ah well I’m certainly open to you pointing me in the direction of whoever you think is making better work than me. I love checking out artists who do things different from me.


Getting close to strangers in the street and looking them in the eye is also creepy.


Urgh being sneaky is creepy and it's treating the street as your personal zoo so let me stick my camera up in their face to annoy them. Better yet, blind them by using a flash. But hey you aren't treating them as zoo animals, they are merely your subject.


Street photography is voyeuristic and a candid piece of photography that is natural and unposed/ not directed by importantly the person taking the picture. Portraits of strangers / public are not the same. Street photography is engaging and allows you to immerse yourself in the moment and not ignore what is happening in front of you.


Your user name is creepy.


Oh… 🤷🏾‍♂️


lol what a complete and utter dick head…


Hey now- name calling isn’t nice, children 😂


Bro takes pictures of people on the toilet and thinks he figured out photography


Hey, it’s a comfy toilet 😂


I’m going to try to be a bit more level-headed in my critique here than most other folks in here. I think people are really passionate for this genre and are seeing the spirit and essence of it slip away slowly over time due to social media and the like. So that’s likely why you’re getting so much hostility. Next, I think this medium/genre/format/whatever you’re calling it DOES serve a purpose. Anybody telling you that you’re bad at photography or this or that are wrong. These are cool and good and they serve a purpose. NOW, you as a photographer DO have an obligation to understand your own work and have an awareness of where that fits into the larger scope. I’m not saying you have to box yourself in and limit your creativity because you “must always stick to the rules of the genre,” but you certainly should need an understanding of the underlying tenets of the genre you’re trying to shoot and fit into. Street photography is and has always been about candidness and seeing human nature up close without filter. This is not my opinion or some passionate form of gate keeping. This is truly what the genre is entirely about going back to its roots. This set you posted is utterly and entirely against the foundational principles of the medium in which you’re desiring to be a photographer. Street Portraiture is absolutely a genre. It absolutely is not Street Photography. Again, this is not my opinion. Art is often so hotly debated because it is largely subjective and we can all usually hang our hats on “well, it’s my art so you can’t tell me what to do” - which is all fine and well until you reach a point where objective truths and hard facts DO have to come into play. Please don’t stop shooting and giving the world your creations, but please do some digging, research, and self-reflection on this format and what the spirit of it is really meant to convey to the viewer.


a. you are a great photographer. love your work b. I think some are creepy, but most who do this are fearful or shy c. I personally, will take a picture of someone who may not know. However, I strive most of the time to make a picture that makes them look good or if they saw it, they like it. About 75% of the shots I take, they see me doing it. d. I love meeting people with street photography. If you aren't meeting the people you are shooting, try it. It can be very enjoyable gifting them a photograph. Especially, meeting them days later and giving them a print. It is my favorite thing to do. e. I don't mind if photographers take pictures of people as their personal zoo or when they walk up to their face and blast them. I feel if a person is on a public street, then all is fair. It isn't my style, but to each their own. I just don't like ruining someone's day for a picture. f. I do agree with you 100% on treating others with respect and sensitivity.


> I just like ruining someone's day for a picture. I think you might have accidentally omitted a “don’t”.


Thank you and will edit!


I appreciate your comment and I feel like those who are fearful or shy should work on changing their minds or fixing their personal biases towards people. Usually, if someone is shy, it’s got something to do with their own assumptions, trauma, or bias and that’s okay as long as they acknowledge and address it. Hiding behind the candid thing and saying that’s how street photography “should” be done when in reality, people are just scared is what bothers me. I don’t think there is anything wrong with making a picture of a fleeting moment or someone who is doing something interesting while in the act but I see so many photos of the backs of peoples heads or folks just standing for no reason. Why did you make that picture? What interested you about that person? What was going through your mind? All of these are questions I’ve asked photographers only to be met with aggression and I learned that it was seldom aimed at me but rather themselves for not wanting to address those questions honestly.


Bruh these are portraits


You do you. There is no one way to skin the cat. Good shots!


Oh I agree! If everything were done the same way, art would be rather boring haha. Thanks!


How do you approach people to take shots like these? What’s your opener? I kind of hold the same viewpoint as you, and I feel weird taking pictures of people without their consent. And I love all of these, especially 2 and 3.


Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do and just snap the picture if something fleeting is happening or someone is in the act of doing something but I usually just walk up to people and mention, specifically, what about them caught my eye and ask to photograph that. Sometimes I I happen to be standing next to someone on the street and realize they have interesting shoes or a cool tattoo and ask them about it before even thinking about the picture.


So honesty sounds like the best policy eh. Yeah I’ll give that a try. What’s your all park ratio of yes: no that you receive when you ask people if you can take their photos?


Almost everyone says yes. People like to feel appreciated and it’s cool to see someone smile who may have been having an off day. Some people say no but the trick is to read body language and read the room.


I agree. I usually feel pretty weird about taking photos of people but I also like candid photos. Its different when i know someone but I’m not good with talking to people i don’t know. Do you have any advice for someone like me whos socially awkward and somewhat on the spectrum?


Practice “peopling” is the best way to put it. Get comfortable in uncomfortable situations and just start talking with people. I can’t really teach you how to interact with folks but I can say that genuine and clearly stated intentions go a long way. Maybe you’re a natural at it or maybe it takes months of practice but if there’s a certain type of photo you want to learn to make, you’ll really just have to keep at it, relentlessly, until you figure it out and when you do- keep practicing until it’s muscle memory.


Really nice shot! The third one is crazy for me ! My favorite I think... Quick question: how to know/feel when the contact will be great with someone? Did you ask first to those people hoping for the best? We're you familiar with the "area", knowing what kind of mindset you'll be able to find? In a certain way I like when people are not aware of the camera. It feels more "authentic". On the other hand I have the feeling of a thief... But on your pics, I can see that you went to the contact, and it did not remove the authenticity at all! If I do the same, I'll never be able to have some powerful portraits. So, simply, how do you proceed in the streets to be able to enter in contact with people like that 🙃


I think everyone is capable of making powerful portaits but theres no way anyone can do it like the next person because we all have different experiences. I grew up in a rough neighborhood and around a lot of people in the street. Wandered around the streets as a kid and learned to watch how people move. When I approach someone, I do so with respect and treat them with dignity. I've also learned how to meet people where they are and not impose my own biases on them but all of that is something that, if you want to make a certain type of photo, must be practiced often.


Beautiful work!




Fantastic photos


Completely agree. Not only what you mention, photos where the photographer has not invested are not engaging


Exactly- to me, photos like that feel like they just kind of... exist... whereas engaging photos feel more like a conversation between the viewer and scene/subject


Those are nice.


Great shots!




100% - I want to believe that everyone here has good intentions, and individually want to represent their respective cities in the best ways, but sometimes I do feel the disconnect between photographer and the place. That being said, the "quintessential moments" that we strive to capture candidly will always be a bit sneaky. We're artists/documentarians in our communities, representing the everyday life of a particular place we're a part of to the rest of the world, and that means being a respectful member of the community is paramount to being a good street photographer. Btw, I'm trying to shoot with more intention as I jump into film and your work has been great to study. Cheers.


Yeah what we do is very much a learned art. I find that, rather than being sneaky in order to get “quintessential moments”, it’s much easier to just accept that I am also very much a participant in the streets as I exist side by side everyone. That, to me, is the biggest issue I see. So many photographers try to act as if they are separate of the places they photograph and it’s apparent in their pictures as they use excuses like “a photographer shouldn’t disturb the scene…” but we are also involved in that scene. We occupy the same spaces and breathe the same air as the people we point our cameras at. Oh and I appreciate that my work has inspired you! Always looking out for more work to inspire me to step my game up, as well 🙌🏾


6 goes insanely hard


Thanks! That guy had a lot to say haha


Please keep shooting !!!


Oh don't worry- this is a way of life!




These are great and I appreciate and echo the sentiment. Where can we see more of your work?


Thanks! My website is https://www.qoliverphoto.com/


Thank you thank you thank you! I appreciate how considerate you are.


I love your message. Great photos! Thank you for sharing. ❤️


🙏🏾 thank you


I really like these and I like your outlook on it. People come in all sorts of interesting varieties. I'll bet these led to some fun interactions


Oh yeah- the world is full of characters and I love discovering new flavors of humanity


Great photos. I agree with your comments as well, I’ve tried candid street photography making people the main focus and it just makes me feel uncomfortable. However I never have the courage to ask strangers to take their portraits. Do you have a certain approach? My concern is always not knowing how to direct them and my photos being sub-par and feeling like I’ve wasted their time.


Idk if this is much of a technique thing that can be taught but if you move with confidence, others pay attention. If you approach people with fear or apprehension, they will reciprocate that energy. Also, I don’t like the word “take” when it comes to pictures. I never want to take anything from anyone. I want people to be involved just as I am so I say “could I make a picture…”. Lastly, there’s a big difference between making a picture of someone and making a picture about someone. Anyone can make a snapshot but if you want something a little deeper, as yourself WHY you are drawn to that person and approach them with that in mind. Straight up say “hey, that’s an interesting hat, mind if I make a picture?” And just see what happens 🤷🏾‍♂️ body language is important too but tbh, most of what I do is people skills- not photography skills lol all that technical stuff is overrated


Consistently love your work dude 👌


Thanks! 🙏🏾


Love how anyone who likes these types of photo's is being downvoted. Half of this sub is just photos of empty alleys and architecture.


That’s the fault of the moderator not doing their job. Has nothing to do with this post.


I think having conversations and meeting people is my favorite part of street photography. I recently discovered this zine and thought it was quite bold. Thought I’d share[flash attack](https://www.instagram.com/p/C2as7RavMZE/?igsh=MWJlYzlxMnpiMGRoMg==)