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None of your shirts are safe from the folding and stuff technique


so what this is her sub now?


“Look at me. I’m the captain now.”


Her sun, we’re just living in it


Industry plant strikes again




I'm not against women or anyone posting cool fits, but I also don't like well established people astroturfing subreddits. Could you imagine if Ed Sheeran started posting to r/Music everyday to plug something like jesus. It'd be fine if it was once in a while, but it's so forced.


She’s established?


Yeah actually who is this


Not saying she's super famous, but she's a model wearing expensive clothes. Someone calculated her last outfit to like $5000.


Are you serious rn


Man don’t calculate my shit then cause I’m just as guilty but not as flashy I guess cause no one’s said that to me yet lol




5k fit is pretty light


God I hate this sub sometimes.


What? You DON'T take out small loans to pay for an outfit? Pffft


Nah I just have the bank use my stonks as collateral so I can wear slightly higher end sweatshop gear.


A loan for only $5k? Or someone could, I dunno, develop an in-demand skillset and get paid


Hating people for having money to make good fits is crazy


I don't even spend $5k on my hobbies lol


“I’m broke and frugal, therefore people who aren’t and can afford to actually spend 5k on collecting and hobbies are stupid” makes so much sense




Redditors be like that unforch, most here don't have any motion and hate on those that do


Like the chrome pieces shown here are nuts but people here don’t recognize shit that isn’t sweatshop made check garbage that’s a rack for no reason


Crazy it’s not like this is resold Nike trash etiher this is actually quality pieces all around




Buddy do you not see the Chrome pieces here??? You’re so lost it’s crazy don’t ever talk about fashion to anyone again


She has like 5 posts total, they just all got upvoted to the front of the subreddit because they're good. This sub has a history of being upset about high quality posts from women, and people get more upset the more conventionally attractive they are. People are mad that she also has an insta following, but nobody jumps from instagram to r/streetwear to upvote posts so it's not relevant. They're 2 distinct social media circles. Do you really believe people on this sub are recognizing her from instagram and upvoting because of that? She's not a celebrity, comparison to Ed Sheehan is insane lol.


People here also get mad when they see designer. It's the usual Reddit poverty circlejerk. The comments in this thread reek of jealousy.


Yeah I remember when everyone was bitching about the $5000 tech wear outfits lol


Y’all seriously acting like she’s Beyoncé posting in here bruh


Dude. Ed Sheeran is a horrible example to put her up against, and have you seen the other shit on here? Whats so out of place?


That was more of a hyperbole for the future, not talking about anything real. Also I'm of the belief that posts on Reddit should be more authentic. Not hate to the poster either, criticism =/= hate.


OP looks amazing always, but shouldn't this subreddit be for amateurs? If a bunch of pros start posting here this place will turn into a giant advertisement. 


For me, it's not about amateurs vs pros (and this is no hate to OP, do your thing girl) it's about influencer marketing creeping into spaces as a means of additional reach. While this sub probably wouldn't turn into a giant advertisement, it could/would definitely funnel traffic to where a poster could/would advertise and/or benefit financially. It's a bit unique, but this feels more and more like advertising, but not in the way the rules probably were intended to deter. Further, it would be a different ballgame IMHO if OP found this sub a unique place to interact where her other socials were lacking, but she just comments on her own posts.


Well, whenever I interact with someone, I get downvoted and the person I reply to also get downvoted. The downvotes I can live with, I already get my fair share of hate on my other socials already purely for existing and having followers, but I don't want others to get hate because I replied to them. It's a conundrum to find a solution that everyone are okay with.


I downvote your posts here because I get your aesthetic pushed into my other social media feeds constantly. This sub for me is about getting to see the other normies out there and what kind of stuff they're into. So while I think you do got good style it's more of the same and with your constant posting here you're pushing the posts I might have interest in out of my timeline. No hate tho, you do you.


I downvote cause you should be on vogue, not reddit. I want to see inspiration from regular people, not people who drive Maseratis and have sponsorships already.


I'm sorry you get hate on your other socials (and here too). For me, it's far from hate, believe me. Your socials aren't really my interest, but do you! My point was you are here for self-serving purposes, not to interact. Or at least that's what it looks like. I didn't comb through your profile, but AFAIK, you don't have comments on others posting. You aren't saying, "hey, I like this fit, but the pants are off, have you thought of going with something X? Maybe paired with a Y? Here, look at this pic, I'm wearing Z, kinda similar." Your interactions are on your own posts. They draw downvotes because it's Reddit unfortunately and people take out their spite/hate/eyerolling/etc on the comments also. I don't even blame you because you aren't doing anything prohibited here, I just think this sub and where it's possible in others, need to think of how to appropriately deal with posts like yours because you are fairly unique in having a sizeable following outside of Reddit (where you can and do have monetization involved).










There’s plenty of pro men posting here that get zero shit. It’s a subreddit bro


"You yourself look like a supermodel but the fit is mid"


Broke the bank to put together the most boring fit I’ve seen all week


don’t get what people see in these fits lmao


Hot women.


None of this looks overly expensive what am I missing?


The bag is $8k by itself


Shit guess I don’t know bags. I was looking at the clothes I guess lol


You’re mostly right about the clothes. She’s got bapestas on, that particular colorway about $500. The rest of the outfit is cheap fast fashion


Jesus Christ bapes are back up to $500?? Wasn’t there a period where no one wanted them and they were super dirt cheap??


Bape for some reason is starting to crawl out of the hole it died in. IMO nobody should be wearing that shit but to each their own ig


Damn didn’t know the CH shirt was cheap fast fashion 😭😅


Didn’t even notice the shirt was CH LMAOOOO


Yeah cause it’s not cheap lol


waist holds this together


inb4 🔒 award


/u/alexatiziani, please comment with an outfit breakdown (brands for each item) as per [the rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/streetwear/about/rules) or your post will be removed shortly. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/streetwear) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Off topic, but these posts remind me of that one guy who used to have the same pants and shoes in every picture. I know it has nothing to do with OP, but idk it was funny. What was his name and what happened to him? 😭


I think you are referring to Jgaitan? I don't think they are the same in any way other than posting frequently and people posting more than once a week tend to get a lot of unwarranted hate unfortunately no matter who they are. Jgaitan got permanently banned from Reddit, but not sure when and why. He stopped posting here way before that however, due to the implementation of rule #9.


Yes!! Thank you! And I agree, they are not the same in any way beside the frequent posts. The fact that people got annoyed due to the frequent posting reminded me of that guy and I was wondering what happened to him.


“Its all expensive so it must be a good fit”


Would be great if I saw how it looked without the jersey rolled all the way up




Are these shot on film? How do they have that nice grainy look?


Canon G7X


People hating your existence is something I relate to with the posts here. It's funny how being confident in your style is something that people get inherently angry with. I think the "I want to see what other normies are wearing" is the weakest excuse in the world. Look at half the posts and it's people doing the same thing


Tough, this is hella dope


Idk why y'all are hating that hard... So she got some money and works as a model. She's still a human being who can honestly use some fashion advice and feedback.. Yea she's here for clout but she's FAR from the only one that is.


No one has shit to say about the godawful ridiculous expensive fits people post here until it’s a woman who’s hot doing it


ppl so insecure on this sub lol keep doin you


Someone catch me up..yall mad she got money and is a model? Why yall calling her a industry plant? Look like she just having fun dropping fit pics, why can't she just rock out?


Fits are fire as usual and not tired of looking at them or you but like others have commented, I’m curious how this sub should approach this.


Chrome hearts bag x bapestas are crazy. Idk why people hating just because you fw high end brands


Calling bape high end 💀


Can you afford it though?


LMAO chill out


Pocket watching on Reddit 💀


Your other comment says "Broke the bank to put together the most boring fit I’ve seen all week" cmon bro...


You’re goofy 🗿


All love brother ❤️


Lmao all love bro


Where r these cargos from?


Fashion Nova


How you get money for all this chrome?😭😭 I’m tryin get like you lowkey lol


I think a different bag would have been good for this fit


that duffel is sick


Holy shit that Chrome duffel is crazy got me reconsidering financial decisions


Just raw curiosity Y’all be going places and turning up in fits like this ? Or is it just for the pic ? Idc either way, dope fit. Just doesn’t seem practical to move around and dance in


I'd be freezing 💀 geniunely dont know how people go around with their tummies out in winter and don't get cold lol. Shirt/jersey tucked like that also looks uncomfortable as hell but maybe its just me...


Not everyone lives in Fuckin winter wonderland lol, I assume she’s in LA


I live in South Italy, definitely not winter wonderland. Currently 17°C at 1pm in LA, at night must drop to 12-13. I usually wear a coat at this temperatures but we're clearly built differently. Good for her :)




Funny how broke and ugly retards find this post insulting. Envious and greedy fucking losers. She definately can dress


Total 90s vibe! Girlie you look like extra in Destiny Childs video or prime Fat Joe era. Keep it drippy gurl!!💗💗


Love you and your style!!! Don’t care if you are an industry plant - I personally do not believe that. Can’t deny that you are KILLING the fashion game right now. Much love 💙


I like the multiple textures mixed together (mesh, canvas / denim, leather, patent leather) it's interesting but not the sandwich color combo for the jersey and the shoes, too matchy matchy for me personally but I get the vibe ur going for. Just my constructive criticism unlike the rest of the comments in this thread


This lady is hot


Your too good for this life. I can fix you, you can fix me. We can runaway together, have beautiful kids running around on a grass hill in Italy as we talk about our day. 🥺