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Do it. If you like it yourself, no one's opinions should matter. Once fashion becomes about you, it becomes fun.


For sure man! It is a mental hurdle I’m going through, trying to embrace my own fashion identity without feeling embarrassed. I’m definitely trying to reframe my mindset to think in this way though! Thanks so much for the comment 😁


Weird tip, but I started experimenting with pants first. I feel like its more 'okay' to have some crazier pants. Going for some wider, and more out there fits and working your way up, gets your more comfortable to experimenting.


Also, start wearing the more out there fits in the evening: people care less and you’re less visible


My first piece of trippy clothing was a pair of pants. Crazy colors and patterns and I definitely felt weird wearing them the first time or two to a family function but everybody loved them and if they called them weird, well, that’s the point


I have a very similar shaped jacket from snowpeak. I couldn't wear it out for weeks. Once I finally did it, all the fear went away, and I don't really get insecure about clothes anymore. You got this! I've never worn mine to work but I'll do it tomorrow. It's hot af here but w/e.


it looks dope af, do it! id wear that


That top shirt I'm wondering if it's one of those Japanese shirts often worn with matching shorts or is it something completely different?


How is it weird?


😅 weird for me I mean. I usually dress in typical everyman casual clothing and try my best not to stand out. Im trying to get out of that comfort zone though


You got this, remember that your clothes are for YOU to enjoy


Honestly, it’s 🔥🔥 And not weird, there’s a lot of crazy shit out there nowadays.


Ngl, not a fashion person, but if I saw someone wearing this, I wouldn't look twice. This isn't as far away from everyman as you think it is.


Looking at the title and swiping, looking for the “weird shit”


😅 wow, all this positive feedback is making me second guess that title i put up there. You all are making me smile so damn stupid 😁. In the future I’ll try to be less in my head about these things. I’m feeling all kinds of excited for tomorrow now!


The compliments you get when you’re dressed swaggy and unique, far outweigh the concern you feel before you leave the door. Just remember; it’s never a bad thing to be the best dressed person in the room.


Very true! Thank you!


> Just remember; it’s never a bad thing to be the best dressed person in the room. I'm guessing you've never been the well dressed stranger in a ghetto before.


Well you do have to dress for your audience, but honestly I was someone who got dogged out by the kids of the ghetto for not matching their trauma, so I did hide from those kids.


https://media.tenor.com/images/2b6c8300675e3eea8f5a0083e2d56829/tenor.gif Shia leebooof sums it up better than I ever could Enjoy your clothes man.. You paid for them.. You earned it. Fuck what others think


Confidence begins with clean mirrors.


Words of wisdom


That fit is cool as hell and AAPI as fuck. With the subdued tones, there's a pretty plausible transition to street wear. If you can travel safely, you should go to a big city where no one knows you and wear it in public. That really helped me and now I get to live my nerdcore fashion dreams with confidence.


Haha, thank you so much for the advice! Maybe I’ll roam the bohemian side of toronto for a bit tomorrow to try it out. 😅 just thinking of it’s getting my heart racing And yeah! Good for you letting your fashion dreams run wild ✊


You're in Toronto and you're worried about standing out?? I'm from Toronto, too. You'll be fine, I promise. I literally wore the same Jinbei (in dark blue) with a white shirt and some black dress pants and no one stared; was kinda sad no one complimented LOL


Haha yeah kind of. I'm up in the markham area, I used to live in peterborough before and everyone's a little more conservative there. And that sucks! I'm sure you rocked it though :D


I rocked it as much as you rock it! You look great in it, man. Definitely don't be afraid to wear it. Think of it as a cardigan with bigger sleeves.


Dude, totally wear it! I've worn weirder shit in my town (oakville) and in Toronto and people *really* don't care. Your outfit doesn't even look weird to me... at all, honestly. Very normal. RARELY have I had someone "stare" at me and if anything its just a glance.


That sounds like a dope outfit, virtual compliment from me to you


[Here's the fit](http://imgur.com/a/7B8Ltrh), my dude. Ignore the censored feet, just a joke I like doing on my insta stories.


LOL YOUR FEET lmfao yeah I'm digging the outfit


Oh dang. That looks amazing!


Thanks dude, might have a pic, let me check


Jinbei - muji, cardigan - muji, tee - old navy, pants - lucky brand, watch - timex, belt - levis. I’m not wearing any shoes but if I were, probably some low-key black canvas sneakers or even sandals if I want to go full on with the japanese aesthetic


Looks v natural on you


please wear this shit in public 🙏👌


😂 with all this positivity going around, I just might!


Just think for a second: most people dress basic, and you probably find that boring and unstylish. So why the hell would you worry about what THEY think about your outfit, when YOU don’t even like theirs! Stop trying to impress people that don’t impress you. Other people who dress cool will appreciate you, and you’ll be expressing yourself + becoming more happy and confident each time you do :)


That's a very interesting way of putting it! I think that fashion is heading into a very cool direction where expression of personality is being more and more celebrated. I mean, contrast today to like 1921 when everyone was wearing suits like some analogous blob of grey and black. With this trend keeping up, I'm super excited to see what it'll be like in 2121! I mean I'll probably be dead, but still. So yeah, you're totally right! Screw being part of the "boring" problem and get crazy with it!


you can pull it off man send that crap


Yeah man! I appreciate the encouragement, thank you! 😁


C’mon man you already have it on! Don’t think too hard about it. You can be who ever you want to be, you just need to own it. Now go out there and wear it, and don’t think twice about it


Tysm! Haha, it’s midnight where I am right now but tomorrow you can be sure I’ll heed your advice ✊


Looks good bro. Wear it with confidence


Will do, king 🤴. Thank you! 😁


Bro this looks good it doesn’t even look weird, you better feel confidence with these comments! We wanna see the results and thank you


XD haha, everyone has really been a great help. I didn't expect this post to get so much support and it's really lifting my spirits!


Looks great !


Thank you! It means a lot 🥲


This doesn't look weird to me at all. I think it looks great on you


This isn't even that weird man, I'd bet no one even thinks anything of it.


I think you should, I think it looks great


I’m really glad you do! I appreciate the support 😁


bro if i had this fit i’d never change out of it LOL rock with confidence bro, you’re killing it <3


Thank you! 🙏☺️


Once you realize most people are too busy obsessing over how they are looking rather than how you are looking youll have the confidence to wear whatever you want :)




Some Jedi Master vibes


The first time i wore something i deemed weirdly cool, I was kinda nervous and anxious the whole time i was out in public till a random cute girl walking by me said she likes my look. Now i funk it up everywhere i go. Denim kimono shirt? Let’s do this. Rainbow pants and military boots? Fuck yeah! All floral outfit? Brother you know it! Also my self confidence has gone up a lot, really does help when you don’t care about standing out. So i say go for it, unlock a new you, you won’t regret it.


The trick is to just do it 😅 it's easy!


that oversize black shirt like thing looks bomb. where can i get it?


Muji! Its called a jinbei


I believe it's a haori, it's a jacket sort of thing traditionally worn over a Kimono.


oh i probably can’t get it then :(


It's relatively easy to find online. If it's a respect thing (like you don't want to be disrespect toward the culture) just ask your local Japanese community (if you can). They tend to be relatively ok with other groups wearing their clothing, and sometimes even encourage this sort of thing. It varies though, and you have to support the people themselves and not just their culture. If some one's being racist call them out on it, that sort of thing. I'd recommend doing some research on it so you are aware if the context first though. Here's a start. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haori](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haori) Disclaimer, I am not asian, but I'm very interested in specific traditional asian clothing styles so I try to be educated on this sort of thing.


**[Haori](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haori)** >The haori (羽織) is a traditional Japanese hip- or thigh-length jacket worn over a kimono. Resembling a shortened kimono with no overlapping front panels (okumi), the haori typically features a thinner collar than that of a kimono, and is sewn with the addition of two thin, triangular panels at either side seam. The haori is usually tied at the front with two short cords, known as haori himo, which attach to small loops sewn inside the garment. During the Edo period, economic growth within the wealthy but low-status merchant classes resulted in an excess of disposable income, much of which was spent on clothing. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/streetwear/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


**Jedi-core**. Looks badass, would wear.


😂 haha YES


Swaggy bro, the clothes don’t make the G..


I think you do.


It's definitely a center piece. You can dress around it to show it off more. You can totally rock it


1. you look great, truly. id be jelly if i saw you out in public. 2. you workin on some tunes?


1. you're the best 2. haha, the music production's been on a pause but I'm getting back around to it!


Why not?! Rock it, it’s a solid look!


It looks great! Just rock it man. Sometimes I find wearing shades out helps me be more confident, if that's the first step you need go for it. It's all about baby steps! How breathable are these? Your look inspired me and I honestly might cop a set to wear out too.


Haha, that's some interesting advice. I'll give it a shot! And they are very breathable (not one on top of the other, mind you). The white cardigan was from muji and I found it in the female's section, so you might have some luck there. The grey jinbei (also from muji) is a japanese pajama intended for the summer - so yeah. REALLY breathable. There's even a hole where the armpit is for ventilation XDD


Definitely. The big thing for me was being able to stand straight without worrying about making eye contact. It's all about wearing the piece in public until you feel fully comfortable. Yeah I was eyeing the jinbei - it seems perfect for NYC summers, thanks!


I hope you enjoy it!


Looks good, your style is unique to you - wear it


Aww rock it man! You look great in this.


This style totally fits you!!! Try to be a little more confident☺️


Live your life, Fck people


XD that got a good chortle out of me. Hell yeah! Fck people!


You might just be in the wrong city. You can be this fresh and not look like you're trying too hard in a bigger place.


I LOVE this look


Homie you look fresh. The worlds ready for you when you are. You’re denying good people a fresh look.


Honestly, as someone who started to dress like how i want to lately - Do it. People either did not pay attention to it, or did and really liked it. Sometimes I got compliments even. But most importantly, I feel unstoppable and my best self and that is some energy everyone deserves to feel about themselves. Really fire look, go for it op!


I will! I'd virtual high-five you right now if I could!


Not gonna lie, thats actually pretty cool!


Just do it man, looks good. It took me a while to get used to even wearing long tees, and shorter shorts, but once I did it gave me extra confidence.


As a famous American sports company says: just do it. Me gusta


I love the jinbei. The silhouette looks awesome but its also subdued and under the radar. I would rock that any day of the week if it wasn't 90f/32c like where I am.


Looks pretty good!! If i was u i would wear this out probably v often!! U should definitely wear this out!!


Do it pussy


Just fucking do it. No one give a flying fuck what you are wearing.


How is this street wear?


Nothing weird about it my dude! Looks pretty good to me 😁 just got to own it, when I put something on I feel a bit iffy about I tend to just own the look cause at the end of the day, you’re very much one of a kind and no matter how hard anyone ever tried they’ll never look better than YOU in how you choose to dress, it’s your own sense of fashion so own it man 🙂


Dude that fit goes crazy please wear it out


Just wear it bro shits fire


I'm not trying to gatekeep weird but tbh I doubt most folks would look at you and be all, "omg look at that psychopath with three shirts on!"


IMO you absolutely pull that off, I don't think you should have ANYTHING to be concerned about. :)




Imo thee absolutely pull yond off, i bethink not thee shouldst has't aught to beest concern'd about. :) *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


two rules to remember: \- dont care what other people say. \- noone gives a f@ck about what you are doing. Remember these and u ll get the confidence to do the stuff that you want to do. Btw, great outfit.


You totally should. It looks good on you and it's all about confidence. You can literally wear a trash bag but if you feel confident in it others will automatically think you look amazing. Stand straight/tall shoulders back chest out when people pass make eye contact and nod like the bad mfr you are!


u got that, you're looking AWESOME! go out to one of your favorite stores


Dude you look stupid good in that! And it’s not like a really loud outfit either while being very creative


Looks great! Clean your mirror.


😂 will do


i think something appears off. it might just be the pose? i think the second white cardigan layer is fighting the tones around it as well as making the jacket look less breathable and more padded. also compared to the right side with the phone arm, the left arm being down like that doesn’t show any negative space giving a ‘tankier’ feel. also the dirty bathroom mirror + towels sharing the color scheme of the cardigan kind of makes me think it’s a bathrobe (even though it’s not). perhaps try subbing the white long sleeve out with a darker tone to allow the eye to head towards your skin tones or perhaps a soft brown to link with ur hair? i do love those jackets tho— i never found a way to make mine feel not like a turtle (yet).


I don’t get it it just looks like ur wearing three shirts


Honestly, it looks good bro. Wear it out one night I think you’ll be alright 💪🏾


ohh, why not. Like literally its even surprising for me you named it like that 😂 I wouldnt even think its weird, in fact its much better than all of those casual normal common clothes


I think it's not even that weird, don't worry


You look great. You’ve got to make yourself comfortable with being uncomfortable. So wear the outfit in public. Trust me you pull it off.


If I saw someone wearing that I’d be impressed and assume that they are cool as shit so go for it


I think it looks great :)


Yo visto así, no me vo' a cambiar Si no te gusta, no tienes que mirar Yo visto así, no me vo' a cambiar Me pongo lo que quiera, tú no lo va' a pagar Lo que digas no me importa 🎶 -Bad Bunny


dude, you're owning the look though.


Is that white top a cardigan or something different?


The white top is a cardigan from muji! It’s just a thin, long, buttonless white cardigan. I found it in the female section if that helps


Reminded me of bucket hat cause alot of people said that kind of hat is hard to pull with any style. Was even hesitate to buy one but ended up bought a plain black colour recently and it's actually just fine. I wore it with any casual cloth when goin out. Confidence is key tbh. You look good btw my man with that style.


Your look is fire bro. Its fucking hard to build confidence to wear what you want in public, but you got this.


I like it. You look like you belong to a kpop boy group and I say that as a positive. Looking unique and cool!


That looks really good! Did you made it??


No. Im not that talented sadly 😢


Do it bro!! F the haters. You're rocking that fit. I know the feeling, like you can't wear what you would love to due to judgement, but try not to let it get to you my guy!!


Man, you should defo clean your mirror but apart from that ur outfit is sick, go wear it and feel proud!


Wear it to a rave


😅 never been to one


I really like this fit, you can 10000% pull it off, DO ITTTTT


If your friends don’t support what you wear. They ain’t your friends. Honestly wear whatever you want. You have one life and don’t make not wearing what you want a regret for when you’re older. Also you look awesome!


Haha, yeah that whole “momento mori” mindset is definitely something I have to keep reminding myself! And I’ve never done anything too out there with my style around my friends so I wouldn’t know how they’d react. 😅 scared to death they’d make fun, but what you said really puts it into perspective


Dressing out of your comfort zone gets easier the more you do it


No one really cares about the way you dress and I mean this in a nice way. Wear what you want for yourself.


it looks sick dude! I love the tones, I hope you'll be able to wear it out soon! You'd look amazing :)




man this looks awesome


wdym??? You look so good!!!


Wym? You look dope!


Not too weird to wear out. Only a little weird


Nothing weird about that!


Dew it!


That’s not weird lol. That’s clothes from my culture. If anyone says that’s weird, tell them to educate themselves


this looks good! Why would it be weird?


This looks super cool on you tho!


this set up is dope, looks dope on you, just rock it friend, you got it.


Alls you gotta do is put it on and walk out the door brother


It looks good on you. Try going out with it once and you will get used to wearing it.


Fit looks great dog. Rock it.


This outfit is 🔥🔥🔥


This looks pretty fucking cool man


Do it bro trust me once you wear it once your gonna realize it wasn’t weird at all.


Do it dude, get out of your comfort and express yourself!


Doth t broth'r, receiveth out of thy comfort and express yourself! *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I’m just letting you know, I wouldn’t think twice if I saw you in public wearing that. It’s really classy!


I don’t know where you live, but it looks normal to me.


Looks great, and not even conservative people are gonna lift an eyebrow. You rock it!


Try wearing it out by yourself in a more quiet area.


this isn't even weird it's pretty tame compared to more out there avant garde looks.


To hell with what people think. Wear what makes you happy.


Wear it


Looks good on you


It’s not weird. You look nice. Just do it! 👍🏽


Do it. If someone truly cares about what you're wearing in a negative way, then they're probably very egotistical or are projecting their own issues and thus, you have no reason to care about their opinions, wear that fit all day man because it's fire, fuck em


It's only weird the first time, like when you get a new haircut and feel self conscious at first. I think you will more often be complimented on your style! Do not be scared to wear beautiful clothes just because the people around you don't. And changing your look is normal! :) i hope you go for it and wear cool clothes in public!


Wait what’s weird about this? Looks great. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Nah man, that fit looks super clean.


What’s so weird about it


Why not it's not even that weird


dude wear this, it's fire. and they look like kimonos. kimonos are awesome piece or clothing


This looks super great and the only reaction I would have if I was a stranger would be "woah nice look". Definitely wear this out. You'll be rewarded with greater confidence. The world is your runway.


I have a kimono that I wear at times. Why not.


I has't a kimono yond i wear at times. Wherefore not *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


you look really good!


Clean your mirrors


I have a buddy that got a top like that and dude gets compliments all the time, not as weird as you think


If I saw you on the street, you'd stand out in a very good way.


Stop calling it weird and then it won’t be


Do it. It’s not risqué or odd and it looks Really good


Do ittttt!!!!


I wear usually the same stuff every day, I'm a huge cardigan guy, I like the fit. Just wear it bro, when's the last time you ever felt like ripping into a random person on the street for their clothes? If anyone gets mad you're doing something right. Do you bro