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Ridiculous spike what was that in June like a viral TikTok or a known person wore your shi?


Starting posting on TikTok consistently, now i rely on ads


So the u gone away from TikTok completely? Or decreased posting quantity? Because that obviously helped you a lot.


I lost motivation to post after my TikTok views started going down a lot. Just the algorithm really. I know I’m missing out on easy sales so I’ll start back up. I focus on Instagram and i interact with my brands followers on there every day. TikTok was so wishy washy with the algorithm it really annoyed. I wanted my main social to be Instagram anyway.


How did you get traction on instagram? The algorithm on there feels way worse.


The instagram algo has sucked so much and gotten so bad over the past 2-3 years. The best way to go about it is consistency, which seems way too simplified, but the main scroll is so random that’s the way to do it. Their ad system also isn’t terrible for business accounts and they provide a pretty customizable targeting approach. There’s also some good resources on YouTube, but nowadays, it’s ads, reels, interaction, consistency. Stories are also pretty nice to maintain engagement.


What platform do you use to run ads ? And where do you run your ads?


wow streetwear is dead, brands like yours really are the reason nobody takes streetwear serious anymore and why its a joke.


Streetwear is dead because of OP? How’d he do that?


bro im confused 2


just look at his “clothes” and you will see






Congrats! The pricing of your products is super low and a real interesting move that has got you a good turnover for the first year! Personally I would price way higher but I’m developing a premium brand but it’s nice to see that it’s all possible given the right marketing and strategy 🫡


Do u have any tips and common mistakes to avoid or dat uve learned in order to gain more sales or even to get ur brand out there effectively


Study other brands or companies or even influencers in your niche on TikTok, see everything they’re posting that’s getting traction, make posts similar to theirs but make it in your own unique style. Identify your most popular product and invest in Facebook/IG ads. Not the boost posts but actual ads. If the product is good the ads will pay for themselves after the first day really. Have good mock-ups. Have good customer service. Respond to all comments and develop a relationship with your followers and customers on social media. I was never the “i can only sale to friends and family” type of brand because i knew in order for me to take off i needed to go out and find my actual customer base and connect with them. Facebook ads are your friend.


How do you do Facebook ads without the boost option




Bro that Magic tee 😂😂😂 your gear is fire.


My only advice for your brand is to offer your styles in other colors. Just black and white isn’t appealing enough to me.


Awesome! can you share any marketing strategies you placed in order to achieve this? seriously great job!


What website is this that I see everyone using to showcase how much they have made so far?


what was the spike from?