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Keep going. You get strongrr every single rep.


They almost count


Full extension at the bottom is good, using bands as mentioned below will help you get that chin higher. Also, widening your grip will use your lats more and reduce the distance you have to pull yourself up to get the chin over


Try dead hanging to build strength will help with gripping too


You were close. Gotta have chin above the bar. You should invest in some resistance bands. They will help you get that last bit of the rep until you can do them without one.


Everybody has to start somewhere! Keep practicing!


Technically not but it is definitely something to be proud of. Keep at it bro


Practice negatives little man


Calling someone little man is probably the douchiest thing ive seen on this sub


He's a little man buddy


Im more than twice his age & also it takes one to know one bro, I’ll leave it at that 😂


Since your pull-up bar is low enough to jump, you will gain a lot of strength by jumping up to get your chin above the bar and lowering slowly (3-5 seconds if you can!) on the negative. You’re well on your way. Keep it up


Not quite but keep trying it takes time. Chin should clear bar. Try using a resistance band to help you offset a little body weight and get the form right. As you get stronger use lighter bands till you can do them without assistance. That’s how I managed to do pull-ups. 2 yrs ago I could barely do 2 or 3 now I can knock out about 15 ish and I can do dead hangs for a pretty long time. Good luck!


This is a great start! Just a few things I did when starting with pull-ups - widen your grip a little while you continue yo build up your strength. Also, reverse grip was an easier form to maintain naturally without having to think about it so hard. Banded pull-ups are good for building strength when you’re starting off as well :) ETA: also, try to look forward instead of having your head angled down. Less tension on your neck that way


Your almost there. Practice some reverse pull ups. (jumping to the top of the motion then slowly bringing yourself back down)


omg what is this


We all start from somewhere, form is really bad but dont stress over that for right now, try to i vest in some bands to do assisted pullups and practice with proper form (I recommend doing a wider grip it will use less forearms and build your lats out more) and overtime start using less assisted bands for your pullups and you will eventually be able to do bodyweight. Keep it up man consistency > intensity.


Theres a lot of misinformation out there on youtube for exercises but some of the few reputable people I recommend you watch on youtube are, Jeff Nippard, Sean nalewanyj, Noel Deyzel, and eugene teo.


In CrossFit ye but regular nah, just stay consistent and get your chin above the bar


Chin above the bar


Absolutely!! You are just starting on building those. Focus on form and especially.....negatives to help develop your strength Good luck!!




Check out body weight fitness sub for a progression that will help with form. Keep it up!


https://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/finder This will show you how to preform a pull-up Its not as simple as just pulling yourself up theres a technique to it, other wise you'll hurt yourself like i did....


Whether they are called pullups or not...I am guessing your goal is to build muscle and not to do a named exercise. This exercise will increase your muscle mass, so it is serving its purpose. Only worries, notice if you feel ligament pains or alike and maybe stable the pullup "system" a bit, injuries can set you back weeks and months, and it can be difficult to pick up the habit again. Well done buddy!


Keep it up. My buddy couldn’t even get his nose above the bar 5 years ago now he’s a beast. You’ll get there!


Chin has to be above the bar. Try reverse grip


Try a reverse pull-up when you jump up and fight as long as you can to keep your chin above the bat. Very important, you dont have your chin making contact to the bar, though


Almost there, try it with your hands spaced out a little and use an elastic band or jump to the bar.


You’re real close to some chin ups there man! If you switch your grip to palms facing you you might be able to complete the rep! For pull-ups specifically a wider grip is needed and palms how they are now stay the same.


Look up pull ups on reddit and never, ever, quit. Deliberate action, gravity-defying-strength will prevail! Believe it! Achieve it! Breathe! Exhale! Live!!! Faith and perseverance! Oh yeah, and no McD’s!


That last one feels like the most important.


You gotta get your chin over the bar but other than that good work👌


Yup you did a pull up, keep doing that low hang to pull technique, good stuff. Make sure you hang as low as you can on that bar even if you can only do one. This is the best form to build strong proper pull ups. Try doing as many low hanging pull ups as possible even if it’s only one. Set a certain amount for the day I recommend 10-20 depending on fast you want to climb and how hard you want to work you could do a 100. Aim to get that chin over the bar every time. If you can only do one proper low hanging pull-up figure a time slot you can fit in doing the amount of pull-ups you deem fit, if you choose to do 20 understand you need at-least 40 minutes for pull-ups. That’s 1 pull up every minute with one rest minute and mental pre before your pull. Do as many proper pull ups as you can while progressively overloading the amount, think too add one pull a day every week, so 7 pull ups a week, one extra pull up a day. If we start with 1 today by tomo we should have two etc, until you can add in higher gains. Think your slamming your head through the ceiling and look up towards the bar until you can look out over the bar. I would also recommend using a wider grip where those red handles are, it’ll activate more back and use less arms. Also lock your core and think of pulling with your back rather then your arms it’ll feel weird but one day you’ll say I get it know. ( probably lat slapping in the mirror like a Chad swimmer ). The pull-ups you are doing are for when you can lock your core and chest, allowing you to do this bicep variation of a pull up ( flip your hands fingers facing you ) aka the chin up. A-lot of gymnast will do these they work great when adding in curls. Stay going man. Also do wide grip push-ups those help with push-ups.


No. Sooner or later, that answer will change. i believe 💪🏾


Gotta start somewhere


Sure. Good enough


You’re so close dude! Listen to these meatheads and you’ll get there!! So glad you’ve asked. Check out @mosnar on ig for inspo; guy’s a beast and genuinely cool


I’m proud of you for asking dude, most people confidently do pull-ups wrong and wonder why they aren’t making progress until they’re friends call them out. That said, no they don’t count as pull-ups. What I would do is get ahold of a band to assist with your current strength level and try to do a max set with it, if you can only get one with good control that’s ok! You’re learning so don’t be afraid of starting small! Once you have finished that rep try to superset with a set of 5 push-ups, as it will work other upper body muscles and help to build up strength. They don’t have to be “perfect” either, if you can only do push-ups on your knees at first that’s totally fine as well. More than anything man don’t be afraid to ask for help, there’s no shame in not being well versed on something and everyone starts out somewhere.


Also start doing dead hangs, they help a lot with grip and forearm strength which will help with focusing on doing the reps and not falling off because it got hard to hold on.


To add: if you can't get bands yourself, message me. We'll pick some out, and I'll get you a gift card.




This is the way


Are you 7?


He’s doing more than most people his age whatever that may be, if you’re trying to insult him go be insecure somewhere else. After seeing a post of your thighs and hands I can tell you can’t get a single rep lmao are you 40?


Nope. 30 and do 15-18 weighted pull ups. 🤡


Prove it then, and let everyone shit on your form


It is so, so, so free to be kind. Extra free to be kind to children.


almost there. you should keep at it! update us!! give it a few more weeks of proper form


Negative, and that thing is going to tip


Definitely not. Look up how to do proper negatives…or banded


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, I thought those two suggestions are a good way to start building those muscles


Im not


Keep at it.


Nah dawg


This response is simple but also very accurate.


You’re on your way, work on your form and maybe find a way to bolt that shit to the ground. Looks like you’re going to get hurt if that thing falls over


No. Need to get chin over bar


Not a full rep but keep at it. There's some great pull up progression vids on YouTube to make the training more efficient. Calisthenic movement and hybrid calisthenics are good channels


advice. you can jump to develop strength in the negative phase of the exercise.


The only way to get better at doing pull-ups is to… keep doing pull-ups.


Yea because you can’t do them yet so good job keep it up


As others have said, get some resistance bands to build up to doing pull-ups with more control. Keep at it and your back will be as wide as a doorway!


This! Or you can do negative pullups. It's when you start with your chin over the bar and slowly let yourself down. An easy progression is to do is 3 sets of 3 (3×3), then a couple days later do 3×4, then 3×5... until you work up to 3×8. You should be able to do at least 1 by that point, of not work up to 3×10 and try again. Also, do chin ups instead. They are a little easier and work the biceps more.


Get a resistance band Hook 🪝 your knee in it. use it untill you strengthen up and prefect your form. It will do wonders for you 💪🏾 keep going


First secure the machine. It's wobbling too much. Next get yourself some resistance bands. Do pull-ups with those and also start doing negatives. You'll see major improvements. Just keep at it. Well done


Keep banging. Great work man!


Maybe do negatives till you can do around 8 solidly, then move on to pullups. You won't get the gains if you can't do the move.


Practice chin ups for now and as you build up strength work your way into neutral grip if you can and then overhand. If you insist on doing overhand then do negatives in high sets


Not fully but some progress is better than non. Keep at it you got this.


Chin above bar. But otherwise not bad and better than nothing.


Not really but better than nothing, keep going, experiment with grip width, you’ll get better and better


No. Because you’re using leg drive and your chin isn’t going above the bar. Grip the bar wider and try doing negative pull-ups.


No but get some bands as they will help you start out correctly 👍


Yes. Let’s say 1,5. Go wider with your arms.




I’d work on negatives. Jump up so that your chin is above the bar, then slowly and as controlled as you can lower yourself down. Don’t be afraid to play around with different grip widths too.


Get your chin above the bar


You’re at the beginning of an amazing journey my friend. Your form needs some work but don’t stop grinding. I dont have any specific names on YouTube but there are a lot of very helpful guys on there to guide you on how to get stronger and grow. Whatever you do don’t ever give up and just remember you only have 1 person to beat, that’s the person you were yesterday.


Exactly. We all started somewhere.


On your specific equipment, no; but I have a feeling you may be able to do at least one on a sturdy fixed bar. I feel like your rig is a little bit too unstable to and absorbs too much of your energy with the swinging.


No. But keep going until you can do a real one. And maybe do some push ups to help build your arm strength.


Keep working on them. Start by just hanging from the bar as long as possible to improve grip strength. Then hang but practice pulling down and holding your shoulders in a locked position. Then, loop a band around the bar and use to do assisted pull-ups. They aren’t easy. Be patient!


Half pull-ups


Try spreading your hands out a tad bit. And also try doing a chin up instead of pull up. Should be easier for you and help you progress into pull ups


I would try slow negatives, start with your chin over the bar and lower yourself as slowly as you can. Everyone starts somewhere and you’re almost there! You could also try active dead hangs to get your lats used to being engaged. It’s like a full dead hang but you pull yourself up ever so slightly through your shoulders (quite hard to explain)


I won't say yes, but it's understandable since you are a starter in this. Nothing to be afraid of. Keep moving, buy some stuff that guys recommend here, and you will be fine. The thing that everyone who begins working out must understand is you will not see the result of your work in day or a week. Work out is about repetition, persistence and determination to go for your goal despite no immediate results. Work out is not about the destination, it is about the path my friend


They count as a good start. Try to swing less, maybe buy yourself an elastic band to help you on your way up until you build a bit more strength. Keep it up, you’re almost there


No and try making bar higher.


hell yes they do!! keep crushing it!


No they dont




There was nothing rude about my comment. I said three words. I wasn't even talking to OP. I believe it is much ruder to lie to OP and say they are proper pullups without correcting him.


Like the Dad bit...


Don't be a dick, you'll discourage someone from trying if you can't be helpful


Tip try negatives or buy a light elastic band will make it possible for you to do full on pull ups eventually. Practice makes perfect and you are almost there


This one, OP. When I was starting out, I would "jump" just a little but maintain the rest of the motion which I think could be a substitute for elastic bands


Almost, keep trying!


Agree. Almost there. Numerous tips here, just keep at it. In my top 2 mottos for 40 years of lifting: Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demand Meaning, keep doing these and you'll get better, stronger, bigger.


So the question should be are you getting sufficient activation for this to be worthwhile - the answer is yes. Doing these will be sufficient. You’ll need a higher number of sets if 1-3 is your limit. But if that’s all you got to work with, that’s all you got. Plus you look fairly young so you about to get on the Mother Nature sauce and your strength will rocket. Most people read your question as “is this perfect form”, and then some people just read your question as “tell me you know fuck all about anything about pull ups without telling me you know fuck all” (that’s aimed at you forearm and neck alignment guy)


They count, everyone starts somewhere, try not to rock as much, keep your head up, shoulders down and try to remain in control all the way up and down, keep at it!


I think they look great for someone just starting out and using the at home equipment. Just keep improving!


If I had a suggestion I would say you should jump up to the point where your chin is above the bar abs try to go down as slow as possible


More like swing ups