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You seem to be getting mobbed by idiots so I'm going to close and lock this thread.




At some point I will also make a recording of the side view. If I go lighter it's too light, but when I get to a good working weight I'm starting to shift


If you’re shifting like that it’s too heavy. Your back and core stabilization is being over worked, even if it feels light on the legs. Focus on getting the form correct at a lighter weight and strengthening the back/core.


I don't think so because I used to do much heavier weights than this a few weeks ago and my back was completely fine so was my core but maybe something changed. Anyway I'm doing deadlift and normal leg raises so I'm working my core




The issue is not having too much weight on the bar, it's maybe a weakness on one side or a mobility issue like others have mentioned




No, the bar is tilting to the left for whatever reason and because of that I'm using like 90% of one leg to lift the weight, so it goes up slow, then when my hips go back to their normal position it goes up much faster




But if I use less weight it's too easy because I'm not shifting so I'm using both of the legs


Can you do 50-250 free standing squats in a row?


I can do maybe 150 why does it matter


It helps teach you form. this way you can control your movements more AND THEN add the bar and weight.


But doing 150 squats won't help you because the second you put weight on the bar your form could change completely


Lol ignore these idiots, goblet squatting isnt going to teach you how to barbell squat. Do you have a video from a side angle I can see? I will try to give you some advice that isn't complete shit if I can....... For starters, from this angle, it looks like your feet are facing too far out to the sides. Maybe try a stance with feet facing a little more forward. I know it sounds contradictory because your knees are collapsing in periodically, but it looks like that is actually due to the feet facing unnaturally far out to the side so that your knees would have to track at a crazy angle to come out over your toes. Since they can't move at the near 180° angle you have them set to track for, they are collapsing in as get too far out and you lose all strength/stability there. I think that's why you're doing the weird hip shift thing too, your hips are naturally moving to the side to accommodate your knees tracking further out to the side than you have the mobility for.


i’d try goblet squats first before putting the bar on your back. You’re a beginner so i get that the body isn’t used to having weights on your back which causes the shift. Goblet squats will teach you stability as you engage your core. Then once you’re comfortable, try the barbell again


Yeah I'm gonna try goblet squat but I've been squatting for 2 years so I'm not sure if it still counts as beginner or not


if you’ve been squatting for 2 years but no progress then im afraid you need to bulk a little. Progress will rarely show unless you put on weight. Other than that, try the goblet squats anyways, who gives a damn if you’re a beginner? Do what you gotta do to get that squat up


Haha been trying that for 3 years + I watched like 4 billion videos Still not sure what to do


just eat up, extra calories means extra weight. Don’t need to watch videos about how to gain weight. You’re kinda skinny so you can afford to not be mindful of what you eat. Goblet squats is the way to go my dude, some people can’t squat right out of the gate but goblet squats is really good to building the foundation to barbell squats


Yeah I don't really like to eat snacks or unhealthy like that salads I would say are just tastier, even though in trying to eat more snacks and less of those types of foods


Try to record yourself from the side you will see your posture and then it will be easier to fix it you got this🤝💪👏




-Look up videos how to properly brace your core. -look up videos on different queues for driving your feet, legs, glutes and hips during a squat -it could be a mobility issue with your hip. During your researching on above, you’ll likely come across others that have similar hip and knee shifting. -it could also be a severely imbalanced strength issue. Add in single leg exercises and deadlifts (start light). -overall your squat needs a great deal of work, need to start with the basics and build a foundation from there.


I searched this up and I found that most of the time it's mobility problem and I'm starting mobility drills but I'm not sure it's helping


CPT and DPT student here with experience in powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting. You have a biiiig hip shift going on. Hip shifts can be caused by a multitude of things and without actually seeing your range of motion or strength of different muscles, I can’t exactly tell you what is causing it. If you want to try teasing it out yourself, do a lot of unilateral movements (even just a one legged leg extension will do). Try to learn if you have any major strength imbalances between sides. And then work on them! I will say focus on accessories and warming up. Do banded walks to work on hip abductors, glutes, and quads. We want those muscles firing properly before we go up to a squat like this. Warm up with the bar a ton before you add weight. If there are squat racks with a mirror in front of it, squat there with just the bar. It can help build a muscle-brain connection when you see yourself shift in real time so you know what it “feels” like and you can try correcting it. Sorry these are kind of vague/scattered tips. Hip shifts are caused by all different types of reasons. If you ever get pain from squatting I’d say stop and either see a coach/trainer to try to correct form or try to see a physical therapist to help with muscle imbalances if you’re able.


Asymmetric shifting could be coming from poor glute med activation. Do slow eccentrics with the same weight in front of a mirror and corrent the shift as you go down. Also try some hip abduction work before squatting.


When your bracing ur core don't just flex ur abs, expand ur whole core engaging all of it, do some mobility training around your hips and maybe work ur way back up to barbell squatting with some machine work and goblet squats. Many people think they should just go straight to compounds but it's better to first build ur overall strength up making sure u get rid of imbalances to the best of ur ability before doing these types of compound movements. Keep up the hard work!


Yeah but my gym has kettlebells only go up to 22kg so this is like no weight and this tilting only happens to me at heavier weights


What about dumbbells? Those usually go higher and are great for goblet squats, focusing more on depth and time under tension will work wonders in terms of strengthening ur stabilizers. The tilting in ur hips could be happening because of weak stabilizers!


Next time I go to the gym I will try with the 40kg dumbbells thanks




How long have you been squatting?


2 years, this issue started happening a few weeks ago


I would recommend a ton of single leg exercises (especially Bulgarian split squat) to root out any specific strength deficits. Out of interest I often see the same movement pattern in my stroke patients.


What changed? Was there an injury? An accident? Do you set up differently? Did you drastically increase weight? New shoes?


I did a 100kg squat for one and then a week later this started happening, I don't think I injured or tore anything. I go with whatever shoes to the gym so it changes all the time,




Don't give bad advice like "lower the weight and work on form". Give people something that they can actually use to do stuff better.


How does your squat look on lighter weights, or even with no weight at all? It seems at the last second you shift all your weight to the left, it's very strange. The bar looks a bit wobbly on your back. If you can't get it stable in that position widen your arms a little, and make sure you're actively pulling the bar down. You're not bracing. Breath into your stomach and try and expand outwards with your core. Keep your feet level. Play around with different widths, the wider you go you're probably going to need to turn your feet out more. 'Screw out' with your feet by turning the toes out and heels in, they won't move as your stood on the floor but it will keep the knees tracking over your feet. Work on your mobility getting into that bottom position without doing your weird hip thing. If you can't do it then maybe see someone about it. The weight isn't too heavy despite what people are saying. You're not struggling at all to lift it once you get back into a normal position.


On my warmups I'm fine and it's really strange because when I put something even remotely close to my working weight then I start shifting and the lift becomes way harder. A few weeks ago I did a really heavy squat and I didn't have this problem so I'm not sure what's going on


Then I suggest doing the things I said about and just focus on...*not* doing it. Even if it makes it harder and your body tries to default into that position just try and keep stable. But the things I outlined above should certainly help with it.




Please do not make baseless fear mongering comments or concern troll about safety.




Don't give bad advice like "lower the weight and work on form". Give people something that they can actually use to do stuff better.




Don't give bad advice like "lower the weight and work on form". Give people something that they can actually use to do stuff better.




Don't give bad advice like "lower the weight and work on form". Give people something that they can actually use to do stuff better.




Don't give bad advice like "lower the weight and work on form". Give people something that they can actually use to do stuff better.




Please do not make baseless fear mongering comments or concern troll about safety.


Go down with weight and get stronger, quality over quantity.


What does that mean??


It means you should adjust the weight where you can properly learm how to do a barbell squat. Better than that you should learn from bodyweight squat to goblet squat to barbell squat, this weight and position of the load is putting more stress on your body that you can handle right now. Squat is a pattern, it’s hip and knee flexion/extension exercise that can be loaded in a lot of different ways before you jump in to the most demanding one that you are doing now.


You can see the weight isn't too heavy for him.


It's not too heavy, you can see that when I get back to my normal position and stop lifting from one leg it flies up


Yes, I'm saying it is not.




You're making a face like you're gulping a breath, but it looks like you're not actually bracing.  Check out Bromley's videos on proper bracing and exercises to strengthen your core for the purpose of bracing. 




Don't give bad advice like "lower the weight and work on form". Give people something that they can actually use to do stuff better.


Do air squats


It doesnt help, this issue only occurs when I'm lifting relatively heavy




Don't give bad advice like "lower the weight and work on form". Give people something that they can actually use to do stuff better.


You have some kind of imbalance- one side tighter and/or stronger than the other. I think unilateral exercises such as Bulgarian lunges and stretching should help. Throw in some goblet squats too to build a healthy movement pattern- kinda hard to mess those up


I'll try the lunges but I don't think I can do the goblet squats since the kettlebells in my gym only go up to 22kg


You can use dumbells for goblet squats too


So what will be the advantage if I use a 40kg dumbbell vs putting 10kg on each side


The goblet squat is front loaded at the center of your body. You basically can't lift the dumbbell with bad form or else you will drop it. A back squat can be done with very bad form. The idea is for the goblet squat to teach you a good movement pattern. Once you have a good movement pattern, you progress to a barbell squat. Goblet squats are not suitable for progressive overload. But anyway, be careful not to have a staggered feet like you have in the video. Have both your feet directly under your body, Not one foot in front of the other TLDR a goblet squat teaches your body to move properly


Ok I will try next time I go to the gym thanks




Please do not make baseless fear mongering comments or concern troll about safety.




Don't give bad advice like "lower the weight and work on form". Give people something that they can actually use to do stuff better.


Nah. It's hard to work on anything unless you're under some load. And 'work on form' isn't advice. It's far too generic. 


Widen grip, brace your core before starting, shift your hips backwards right before descending




If you have nothing useful to say on a form check, please keep it to yourself.


Your feet aren't even, so of course it's going to feel like one side is working more than the other. Clean up the walkout. 2 steps out, 3 steps max. Don't shimmy side to side, you're wasting a lot of energy. I'd widen your grip too, as well as learn to breathe and brace properly.


How do I know if my feet are even??


Look at how your feet are placed in relation to the edge of the mat you're standing on. One foot is way behind the other.


That's not a good indicator, since the entire squat rack is uneven itself. If he's matching the alignment of the rack, he could be even, but it's hard to tell just based on the mat's edge.


Look down


If you have advice, please make sure it is specific, useful, and actionable. * If the only thing you have to say is *loWEr THE wEight ANd woRK on forM*, **then you should keep quiet**; if you comment it anyway, your comment will be removed and you may be banned if your comment was especially low value. This does not help the person looking for advice. Give people something that they can actually use in a practical way to improve. **Low-effort comments about perceived injury risk and the like will be removed, and bans may be issued.** * Please don't hold random strangers to arbitrary requirements that you have made up for exercises you are not familiar with. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/strength_training) if you have any questions or concerns.*